WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Im Going Home!
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Challenge 6: Too Clingy
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Fight Night/ Elimination 7
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 1
Finals- Part 2
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Reunion Special: Part 1

840 31 184
By SinnaMonnBun

*Takes place 3 months after The Challenge ended*

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the most must see talk show on television, welcome to....Miz Tv!"

The television host said as he opened the show.

The audience applauded as well as the guests.

"I am your host tonight, Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin here with some very special guests from The Challenge. Im sure they dont need an introduction but just for the sake of it lets introduce everyone anyway. Everyone please welcome, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella,  Carmella Van Dale, Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, AJ Styles, Renee Young, Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Bayley Martinez, Enzo Amore and our champions Finn Balor and Paige Bevis."

Everyone applauded.

The Miz turned to the camera and began talking, "About 5 months ago, 30 strangers were put into a house with the intention of winning money. The world all watched and witnessed every single move they made, relationship they had and fight they had. The world saw everything. We got to see these 30 strangers tear themselves apart just to become The Challenge Champion."

Charlotte silently nodded.

" We went through a rollercoaster of emotions with these guys and we were just sitting at home watching them. Imagine actually being in that house with them as all that drama went down. So many unexpected things happened on this first season but we'll get to that later. Roman, how are you tonight man?"

"Im good. Ive been good." he replied.

"Tell me your personal thoughts on being in that house. How was your experience?"

"Well uh...it was definitely out of my comfort zone. Im more of a reserved type of guy but going into that house and coming out of it changed me. I had a lot of great experiences and great memories also not so great ones. I definitely learned a lot about the type of people there are in society today."

"As we all saw, you,Dean and Seth were one of the first alliances to blossom in the house. Do you still keep in contact with the guys from the house? Did you leave the house with any good friends?"

"Well..uh yea. Of course. I wasnt the most outgoing guy in the house but there are people that I would consider as my friends. Of course theres Dean. My day one. He my brother y'know. Being in that house for so long we definitely established a bond, a brotherhood. All three of us actually. Thats until some one had to ruin it."

The cameras panned to Seth who just nodded slowly.

"So he was your closest friend?" Miz asked.

"Yea. Out of all the guys that hung around in our circle, Dean was my realest."

"Such a cute bromance." Paige gushed.

"Off lately though," Miz began saying, "You and Brie seemed to have been enjoying each other's company. Tell us about that. Is that still going on? What happened?"

Brie smiled.

"Yea well we began hanging out with each other coming towards the end of the show. It was really nothing more than a friendship and we made it very clear to keep it like that."

"But you guys seemed like a match made in heaven. Brie,why didnt you guys get together?"

Brie began speaking, " Well at that point in the show, I had just broken up with John. I wasnt completely over him however so jumping straight into another relationship didnt seem like the best idea. It just wasnt in my character. We did enjoy each other's company a lot though."

"Man, I wonder what that means." Miz smirked, "So whats the status with you two right now?"

"Just friends." Brie responded and Roman nodded.

"But Roman, I feel like I need to address this. Brie was not the only woman in that house that was into you. At the very beginning of the show, Sasha was falling head over heels for you. She even admitted that she had feelings for you but you just....brushed it off. You said something along the lines of how you werent looking for a relationship at that moment. Why didnt you try to hit it off with Sasha the same way you did with Brie?"

"Well as I said in the show as well, I looked at Sasha as a little sister. We were also really good friends back at the house but I just got this little sister vibe from her. Dont get me wrong, she is very beautiful but my feelings towards Brie was different than towards Sasha."

"Way to make a girl feel like shit Roman." Paige added.

"No its fine." Sasha butted in, " I understood where he was coming from. You cant force people to like you anyway. But im totally over that and im glad to see Roman and Brie having a connection. Im happy for him."

"Speaking of other connections, Sasha, Roman wasnt the only guy you had your eyes on as well. When you left the show, you and Randy seemed to have become closer. Give us the update on that."

"Well I think I gravitated towards Randy because he showed that he cared. He was there to comfort me when I needed comforting and I mean..how can you not start catching feelings from that."

" We even saw that he called you when you were gone. I mean, im sure the audience agrees that he seemed like a changed man for that time in the show."

"Yea well that was the only phone call I got. But when he was off the show, we met up. I went to his place and we spent time together. I started getting really comfortable with him and actually wanted to be with him y'know. When I went back home to Boston, he just never called me or texted me or anything again. Tonight is literally the second time ive seen him since I left the show."

The audience gasped.

"Really Randy? You seemed so into her?"Miz asked.

"Yea I really was but I realised that it was only because we were all enclosed in a house together. It was the house playing tricks on my mind. When I got back home, I realized that I wasnt ready to commit. I wanted my freedom."

"But you could have at least told me that instead of having me worrying every night about what I did wrong." Sasha argued.

"I know I know."

"So why didnt you do it then? How hard was it for you to send a text or even call to tell me how you felt about us." Sasha asked.

"Honestly Sasha, I dont know. Im a jerk. I know im an asshole. And im sorry if I kept you wondering."

Sasha just shook her head and folded her arms.

"After Sasha left, did you hook up with anyone else?" Miz asked him.

"Duhhh.." Seth said.

"So obvious." Paige added.

"I feel like having sex with the girls was the only way Randy knew how to pass time." Dean said, "Hey, there wasnt no tv or radio so what else was he supposed to do?"

Everyone laughed.

"Randy, can you name all the girls you hooked up with in the house?" Miz asked.

"Of course! Lets see there was Eva, Alicia, Rosa, Sasha, Carmella-"

"Carmella?" Miz asked, "Woah woah woah. The same Carmella that was talking non stop about her boyfriend, Colin? When did this happen?"

"I cant even remember. It was some night after we went to a club. It was just oral though."

"Ladies and gentlemen I would just like to point out that we have Carmella's boyfriend in the audience here tonight."

The camera panned to Colin who sat in the audience pissed off.

"Colin!" Miz called out to him, "How do you feel hearing this about your girlfriend?"

Colin shook his head, "Im shocked. I just thought she hooked up with one guy in the house now im hearing that she was giving blowjobs too."

"How did it feel seeing your girlfriend hook up with Enzo on national tv?"

"It felt disgusting. I hated it. We broke up when I saw that."

"But I explained to him why I had to do it." Carmella chimed in.

"So you're okay with it now Colin?"

"Im not 100% okay about it yet but at least she had a good reason for why she did it."

The audience began booing.

"I just want to let that troll Enzo know that if I ever get my hands on him, Im going to break his neck for coming around my girl."

"What the hell!" Enzo said in shock, "It wasnt my fault bro! Your girl came onto me okay. And looking at you, I could definitely see why she wanted to ride the Zo train."

Colin just shot him a mean, intense death glare with eyes that was set to kill.

"Okay this is turning out to be a great reunion." The Miz said.

"Wait Miz," Paige butted in, "I think Randy forgot to mention someone when he was listing the names of people he slept with."

The audience ooed.

"Oh realllly.....Who is it?"

Paige turned and looked at Renee, "Boy, I wonder?"

Renee looked at her and blinked.

"Woah woah woah...Randy slept with Renee too?" The Miz asked.

The audience was in shock as well as the guests. Dean's facial expression changed.

Paige nodded.

"How do you know that?"The Miz asked.

"Lets date back to that certain episode where we were at the club. Dean's last night in the house. Remember at the club when Dean was drinking his life away, Renee and Randy were hanging out together. Well it didnt stop there. After Dean had got taken away from the house when he was finished beating Seth to a pulp, Randy and Renee ended up having sex. I was freaking hearing them!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Thats what they didnt show you on TV." Paige said.

"I am mind blown!" Miz said, "All along I was thinking Renee was the cute innocent one out of all of you guys."

"Well she has all of you fooled. No one knew about that except me. I didnt even tell Alexa. I wanted to break the news myself."

"Randy, is that true?"

Randy smirked and nodded.

"Wait Miz! It doesnt stop there!" Paige added, "She hooked up with Seth too!"

"Oh my godddd!" Enzo covered his mouth.

The audience was ballistic.

The Miz was speechless.

"What!? How do you even know that Paige?" He asked.

"Seth freaking told Sami and Sami told me."Paige crossed her legs.

Renee glared at Seth.

"Remember they got eliminated together. They went back to a hotel to stay for the night and they ended  up sharing a room. Figure the rest out yourself. Dean, im sorry you have to be hearing all of this about her but you need to know the type of person she is."

"What is your problem Paige?" Renee asked, "You have no right to be airing out my business like that."

"No no no blondie you're fake as fuck and the people need to know."

"How am I fake? You've been saying that right through and I dont understand how im fake?"

"I dont need to answer to you. You are a fake ass bitch that pretends to be innocent and cute but you are just a bad person. Im done with you."

"You clearly need to grow up." Renee rolled her eyes.

"And you clearly need to keep your legs closed."

"Oh my godddd these girls are killing me!" Enzo covered his mouth again.

"Paige," The Miz intervened, "Lets talk about this. Late in the game you seemed to be having some problems with Renee. What provoked you to think this way about her?"

"Okay im the type of person that is real with you. If I feel a certain way towards you, I let you know. Im as real as it gets so I know a fake person when I see one. I started noticing Renee was fake when she would say all these bad things about Dean and then all of a sudden we would see her cuddling him-you guys know what im talking about right. She tells people what they want to hear."

"That doesnt mean im fake im just being nice."

"No bitch! Ya fake! If you didnt like Dean, then why did you lead him on?"

"I did like him. I got to like later on in the game."

"So when he was kicked off the show and you fucked Randy right after, what was that sympathy sex? You didnt give a shit! Plus you had sex with his ex friend slash guy who backstabbed him slash the cause of him to get kicked off the show!"

The cameras panned to Dean who was feeling torn at the moment.

"That guy would have freaking done anything for you! But apparently you dont know a good man when you see one."

"Well if you like him so much Paige why don't you be with him." Seth sassed.

"Just shut up Seth."

"So, Renee, what is the status between you and Dean right now?"The Miz asked.

"Well as of now im not sure how its going to be but after the show ended we kept in contact."

"Through text." Dean said.

Paige shook her head.

"I was going to fly out to Canada to meet her. I had already booked a plane ticket and literally hours before I was about to board the plane she calls and tells me not to come anymore because she had a family emergency."

"So what did you do?"

"Went back home! What else could I have done? I tried to arrange many times to meet up with her again but its always some excuse."

"Dean, after hearing all these things about Renee-with Seth and Randy, how do you feel about her?"

"Man, I dont know. As I said, apparently theres something wrong with me. Theres something she wants that I dont have. Im always going to have feelings for her and i'll always be willing to try but she needs to make up her mind."

"You're an idiot Dean. You need to find a real woman." Paige said.

"Paige can you shut the hell up this is none of your business!" Renee said.

Paige stood up from her seat,"ITS THE FREAKING TRUTH YOU HOE!"

"Ooookayy," The Miz intervened, "I think its time for a commercial break. Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen for more shocking secrets and relationship updates when The Challenge Reunion Special returns."

Coming Up Next:

-"So Nikki, spill the beans. Who was this mystery hook up?"

-"How was I demanding, AJ?" Alexa asked.

-"Oh my gosh Alexa it was a mistake!" Paige chimed in.

"No it wasnt bitch. Ive watched the show and clearly you had feelings for him."

-"Is that why you started texting me?" Seth asked.

The audience was in shock


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