The Force, The Girl, The Boy...

By bizarreylo

463 24 23

Rey still had compassion for Ben, but after he asked her to join him, she realized he was just manipulating h... More

Chapter One
Author's Note

Chapter Two

130 8 10
By bizarreylo

Rey boarded back onto the Resistance's cruiser, walking down a long, dark twisting hallway. It was quieter than usual, and everyone seemed to be off the ship.

Rey found herself in a large empty room. A dark shadow loomed in the corner of the room. She knew immediately who it was. "Ben?" Rey asked quietly. Ben whipped around quickly, staring up at Rey with big, glossed eyes.

She knew this was all just a dream, but she felt his sorrow. Rey slowly and cautiously walked over to him, then sat down next to him. "Ben, what's wrong?" She asked. In one swift motion, Ben suddenly scooped Rey up and sobbed into her shoulder. "Ben?" Rey asked again, completely taken back.

Suddenly, a red glow luminated the room, and Rey felt a searing pain ping through her stomach. Her eyes went wide and she let out one last, sharp breath. "I'm so sorry," Ben whispered, the saber snapping closed. Rey's vision went dark as she fell to the ground.

Rey jolted up with a sharp gasp. She felt her stomach. Nothing. She looked around the room she was in. Rey was in her room on General Leia's cruiser.

It was odd. The dream seemed and felt all so real. Was it real? No, that's impossible. Rey slowly stood up and turned the light on in her room. Everything was in its place. As she walked over to her desk, Rey felt the same pain she did in her dream. She stooped over and held her stomach, looking up in the vanity.

She slowly took her hand away from her stomach. Nothing. No blood or signs of injury. It was bizarre. Rey breathed in slowly to calm herself down and stood up, straightening her posture.

Why is this happening?

Her thoughts were cut off as her door slid open. Rey looked in the vanity and saw Finn, then turned to face him. "General Leia asked to see you," he said. "Oh. Okay," Rey replied, her emotions swarming, though she didn't show it. Rey and Finn walked down the hallways in silence, their footsteps echoing. "Are you okay? You've been acting- different, recently," Finn said, his voice traced with concern.

He noticed. Rey looked over at Finn. "I'm fine," she said, looking down at the floor. "You've been quiet. Too quiet," he said. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Finn, I promise you, I'm fine," Rey said, trying to convince him that she was alright.

Really, she wasn't. Her parents still haunted her thoughts, and so did Ben. Their stupid Force Bond kept Rey up at night, expecting him at any moment. And, when she did sleep, her dreams always had Ben in them. It was like he was following her.

The two entered General Leia's headquarters and approached her. Leia looked up at Rey and Finn with a soft smile. "Rey," she said calmly. "When I pass away, I want Poe to be the general, and you to be the commander." "General Leia, I-" Rey didn't know what to say. Did she want to accept this offer?

"You don't have to accept this if you don't want it. Remember that," General Leia said, her smile still on her lips. Then and there, Rey made up her mind. "I will accept your offer, General Leia." "Oh, that wasn't an offer. That was a command," General Leia joked, with a small wink.

Rey couldn't help but smile. She waited for Finn to leave the room, and when he did, she sat down next to General Leia. Rey let out a nervous sigh. "Whatever is the matter?" General Leia asked, cupping Rey's hands. "Well, you see," Rey paused for a moment, not sure what to say.

"Your son and I... We've been having, uh. These odd- bonds? When we have them, we can only see eachother. Not our surroundings," Rey started to say. "And, recently, I've been having these dreams with him in them. But in every dream he kills me." Rey let out a quiet sigh. Why was that so hard to say? General Leia nodded, closing her eyes for a moment to think.

"The Force is connecting you two. It's destiny," she said, opening her eyes and giving Rey a smile. "Destiny?" Rey asked. "Yes. You two are connected. Light and dark, good and bad. Balanced, unbalanced. It's a connection," General Leia continued. "Can this connection be broken?" Rey questioned, just out of curiosity. "Yes. But it mustn't be broken," Leia said. Rey took that in. But it mustn't be broken.

"Thank you for your time, General Leia," Rey said. General Leia gave Rey a small nod, watching her exit towards the door. "And, Rey?" General Leia called after her. Rey turned. "Today is my son's birthday."


Kylo sat in his chair, letting out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes. Light. Dark. Rey. Ben. He suddenly opened them, his brows furrowing. All of that was dead to him. The light, the dark, the girl, and Ben Solo.

He was Kylo Ren and only Kylo Ren. None of those things that just streamed through his head mattered to him. That's what he convinced him self. At least, it's what he tried to convince himself.

Kylo sighed frustratingly and got up, going to sit down on his bed. He felt a disturbance in the atmosphere, and immediately turned in the direction of it. There laid the scavanger right next to him, curled up in a ball with strands of hair over her face. Kylo froze in his spot, expecting any sort of sudden movement from Rey. He held every muscle in his body still, for what seemed to be ages, until he suddenly realized that she wasn't going to do anything.

Rey was really asleep. She looked so peaceful in the moment, her lips slightly open, letting quiet breaths out, and her eyes shut lightly. Kylo felt a sudden, unknown desire for her, but he quickly shoved it all away. Rey slowly sat up and streched, not noticing her surroundings, or the fact that he was sitting next to her. Kylo froze and held his breath, waiting for Rey's reaction.

Rey looked over at Kylo, and her eyes suddenly went wide. "Wh-What am I doing here?!" She stammered out, looking down at her own body first, then Kylo's, his eyes following hers. Her gaze turned back to his. "The Force brought you here, not me. Don't worry, little Padwan," Kylo simply said, his voice hinting at a bit of mischeif.

"I swear, Solo, if you did anything to me..!" Rey threatened, her finger angrily shaking at him. Kylo rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner, hinting at the fact that he was getting annoyed with her useless yelling. Rey shut her eyes tightly as if she was trying to dream herself into another world, however she stayed in her spot. "This has to be a dream, this has to be a dream," she told herself frantically, her eyes still closed.

Kylo sighed and rolled his eyes, tapping Rey's shoulder, making her jump. "You're not dreaming. It's the force. You know we can't help it," he said, his eyes still focused on her. Rey let out a long breath, as if trying to control herself. "You're right. But we can gain at least some control over it. Send me back," she replied, looking up at Kylo. "I can't," he replied. "At least try?" Rey suggested, her eyes pleading.

"Fine," Kylo replied. Why was he taking her orders? He never took anyone's orders, much less the scavanger's. Kylo closed his eyes, trying to focus on his mother's ship. In the back of his mind, he pictured Rey. Smiling, happy and peaceful. His eyes were closed for what seemed like hours, until the two suddenly fell to the ground.

"Well," Rey said, sitting up. "Looks like you did it." Kylo opened his eyes. He sat up and looked around. He still couldn't see anything except for Rey. "Did I bring you back?" Kylo asked. "I think so," Rey replied. She stood up and looked around. "Do you know what this means?" Kylo stayed silent. "We can send eachother places," Rey said, her voice sounding excited, though she tried to mask it.

"Neither of our Force powers are strong enough to do that, though," Kylo said. "But yours are," Rey replied, a smile breaking through. Kylo realized that she was slowly starting to fade away. But he didn't want to bid his farewells for the moment, yet. Please, stay a little longer, a voice in the back of his mind begged.

"Happy birthday, Ben," Rey suddenly said, just before her being dissolved into the atmosphere.

I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded at all last week! I know I said two weeks ago I would upload this chapter, but for somereason I didn't have the motivation to get this finished. This chapter kind of just ended randomly, and I apologize for that, but I wasn't sure about how else to end it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you could, I would appreciate it if you could comment some feedback to help me progress with this story! Thanks for reading xx

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