Set It Afloat (Short Story)

By sportslovas14

119 1 1

Aaron is sent off to fend for himself and learn his heavy past. He gets help from an unexpected source. Those... More

Chapter 1 - Need To Know
Chapter 2 - New Knowledge

Set It Afloat

79 1 1
By sportslovas14

Aight. So this is my punishment... gotta write this book...



Only you can decide your future, a wise woman once said, but that same woman chose her son's. You see, this woman has 'blessed' her son with a curse...


"A beautiful baby boy!" The doctor announced to the village. "His name?" He asked the mother.

"Aaron." She said in an exasperated voice. "Aaron Lawrence."

"Aaron the Assassin." His father said. "Perfect!"

His mother looked at her husband like he was crazy. "Assassin!? He will not be an assassin!"

"Teresa! Yes he will! Like all our other sons!"

"No, William, he won't! Do you want him dead like our other sons too?"

"What are you talking about?" Aaron's father asked.

Teresa, the mother, released a bloodcurdling scream. "What am I talking about? Peter, Michael, Simon, Louis, Johnathan, all dead! Every single one of them has lost their lives because of you!"

"It's not my fault!" William yelled.

The whole village looked at these two fighting in front of their newborn son. No one dare to speak a word to atop the argument.

An action however, stopped them.


William had slapped Teresa.

Everyone stopped.

This was prohibited.

Aaron's father fled the scene.

Aaron's mother ran. Not to her husband, but to the river.

She tied her son into a basket and kissed him on his forehead.

"I'm sorry son. This is not a world for you. I love you."

And with that, Aaron was sent on a jouney to hell.

'Set that shit afloat... but it only drifted slower and further out to sea... Moving slow, what'd you do to me?'






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