Izaya x Shizuo (Lemon)

By animeboyfriend

44.6K 821 1K

Do Izaya and Shizuo really hate each other? Or is it all an act? ((WARNING: sexual content)) ((DISCLAIMER: I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

11.2K 217 272
By animeboyfriend

A few weeks have gone by since shizuo and Izaya's little encounter. It was hard for the boys to keep in touch when they both worked full time jobs. Shizuo was busy helping Tom and Izaya was busy handing out helpful information to anyone who would pay. But, as soon as Izaya finally got a break, he decided to head out of his office and walk to his little monsters apartment.

Izaya's POV

I was only a few feet away from Shizuo-Chan's apartment. Oh I couldn't wait to see the look on his face~

*knock knock*
I waited patiently at the tall blondes apartment door. I heard a groan and some shuffling. Maybe Shizuo wasn't prepared for guests.

The door nob twisted and was pulled open by the grumpy man on the other side. He only opened the door half way and peaked his head out.

"What do you want?" Shizuo groaned as he rubbed his eyes. Aw he must of been sleeping. How cute~

As soon as Shizuo regained his sight from his nap, he jumped back a little, "Oh..." he said while his cheeks turned a tint of red I've never seen.

"Good morning Shizuo-chan~" I grinned and waved a flirtatious hand, "You know shizuo-chan, it's 4:00 in the afternoon."

"I know, flea." He scoffed. His voice was gravely.

"So... are we just gonna stand here, or..." I looked around the outside of Shizuo's apartment. It was nothing too fancy but it definitely fit Shizuo's taste.

"Oh.. uh.. come in." Shizuo opened the door completely, revealing that he was just wearing his pants.

I stepped in to the apartment. The smell of cigarette smoke filled the air around me as shizuo shut the door.

"Do you smoke indoors?" I asked as I took off my coat.

"Why the hell do you care?" He shifted his gaze to me as I hung up my coat on the rack.

"Oh just wanted to know if I had to deal with second hand smoke.. that's all~" I laughed but apparently Shizuo didn't think my joke was funny. He was always so grumpy when he woke up.

"How the fuck do you know where I live?" Shizuo turned around and headed inward to his apartment.

"Shizuo-chan, I'm an info broker, I know everything~" I laughed as I followed behind him.

"Pfft... I beg to differ." He mocked as he began to clean up some dishes he left out. I stopped and began to observe Shizuo's apartment. It wasn't too small or too big, just right. I could also tell he was a man of simplicity just by his choice in furniture. He really went for a minimalistic look. Everything was either grey, black, or white. It reminded me of his stupid bartender suit he would wear all the time. It was so damn hard to get off.

"Want some coffee?" Shizuo said as he poured a cup for himself.

"No thank you Shizuo-chan." I smiled as I saw a picture on the wall. It was a picture of him and his kid brother when they were young. Shizuo had his arm wrapped around his brother and had a big dorky smile. On the other hand, his brother had a straight stern face.

"What happened to happy Shizuo?" I pointed to the picture hanging on the wall.

"Haha, funny." He fake laughed and then took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm serious, I wish I would've met happy Shizuo. Don't get me wrong, I love grumpy Shizuo-chan, but happy Shizuo would be fun to mess with too." I said as I sat on his sofa.

"Sorry to break it to ya, but that Shizuo is long gone." Shizuo walked over to the sofa and sat next to me, "What about, non-evil Izaya?"

I looked over at the blonde brute as he sipped away at his black coffee, "It's like you said, he's long gone." I grinned devilishly.

"What a shame. Maybe I would've fallen for non-evil Izaya sooner." The bastard slurped his coffee.

"Hey." I scooted over and hit his side causing Shizuo to gasp and spill his coffee. Oh shit...

"Izaya..." the dark shadow looming over his eyes proved he was angry. "I just washed these." He referred to his pants.

"Oops.. I'm sorry Shizuo-chan..." I glanced down at his coffee stained leg garments. "Maybe we will just have to take those off~" I smiled and grabbed his pants belt loops.

"Iz-aya.." Shizuo looked down at me and frowned nervously.

"C'mon Shizuo-chan, you'll feel better." I said as I began to unbutton his pants. Shizuo grunted in defeat. I knew he wouldn't object.

As soon as I got his pants unbuttoned, I slowly pulled them off. Shizuo was wearing pink boxers.

"Huh.. how strange for a simple man." I chuckled.

"A mans gotta have a little bit of color." It was quite ironic that he said that with rosy cheeks.

"Mhm~" I continued to pull his pants down his legs.

They hit the floor. I picked them up and folded them nicely, "Where should I put these?"

"Bathroom on the left has a hamper." He pointed to the Hall. He was avoiding eye contact. Perhaps the beast was anxious about something.

I went to the bathroom and placed his coffee drenched pants into the basket of dirty clothes. When I came back out, I noticed that Shizuo hadn't moved a muscle.

"Shizuo-chan..." I snuck up behind the sitting Shizuo and wrapped my arms around his neck laying my hands on his chest. "What's the matter?" I pressed my cheek against his ear.

"Nothing." He blushed and shifted his gaze to the floor.

"Why are you acting so strange?" I nibbled on his ear. "You aren't getting sick are you?"

He was silent. "Oh I see. You're gonna give me that treatment are you?" I ran my hand up his chest and too his shoulder. "Two can play that game."


"Oh the beast speaks."

"You dumbass." He grinned.

"What?" I wrinkled my nose and frowned.

Shizuo then moved his face to face mine and placed his hand on the back of my neck. He gently pulled my head closer to his and locked his lips with mine. Oh how I missed his sweet taste~

I then took this opportunity to jump over the sofa and pin him to the couch. He was mine now.

I was surprised, he didn't put up a fight to regain dominance. I then placed both his hands above his head and held them down with my right hand. My legs had his pinned. I took my left hand and ran it through Shizuo's hair and down his face. He was calm.

I decided that the best thing to do was tease the beast. He couldn't get me that easily. I leaned in and kissed his cheek and made my way over to his mouth. But before I reached it, I moved down his chin and neck. I made my way back up again, purposely missing his soft lips. I could feel his muscles tense in anger when I didn't kiss him on the mouth. I grinned.

Shizuo's eyebrows narrowed, "C'mon you tease."

"Make me." I growled back. But shizuo just glared and tightened his jaw. I wonder why he wasn't fighting back, how amusing.

I reached into my back pocket with my free hand and pulled out my switch blade. Shizuo's eyes widened when I flipped it open. However, he didn't say a word. 

I took the dull side and ran it down the side of his face, jaw, collar bones, chest, and abs. He winced when it first pressed against his skin. It was cold.

"Shizuo-chan~" I whispered his name as I brought the knife back up to his neck. "Do you trust me?" I was mere inches away from his mouth when I began to press the knife into his neck just barley.

"Izaya, you've always craved dominance..." shizuo grinned, "but, I am afraid your 30 seconds of fame is up."

Shizuo broke free from my grip and grabbed the knife out of my hand. He then grabbed ahold of me and turned both of us over. He took the knife and held it to my throat.

"Oh wow Shizuo-chan~ stealing the spotlight once again?" I ginned while looking at his messy dyed blonde locks of hair.

"When do I not have the spotlight?" He pressed the knife into my lower chin and nicked it. "Off with the shirt."

"But Shizuo-chan~" I pouted.

"Now." He pressed harder with the knife.

"Alrighty." I crossed my arms over my torso and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. I struggled to get it off while Shizuo was on top of me but eventually got it.

Shizuo observed me from on top and slid the sharp side of the knife down to my collar bones. He then immediately thrusted his head forward and locked his lips once more with mine. This time it was passionate and hard. He filled my mouth with his tongue as he began to slightly cut into my left collar bone. I winced in pain.

Shizuo pulled back panting, "I remembered that you said you were a masochist." He said in between breathes.

"Oh~" I grinned big. "What a good memory for a beast."

When I said that he cut me again but on my chest. This time he drew a little blood.

I winced once more, "If you keep this up, I'm not going to last long Shizuo-chan." I winked.

"Like you could anyways." He flipped the knife back and set it down on the ground.

"Hey, that's not very nice." I grinned as shizuo sat on my lap. 

Shizuo pulled me up off of the sofa and into his arms. He truly had incredible strength. He pulled me in real close so our bodies were leaning into each other. He began to bite my lip gently as he held the side of my face. "C'mon." He began to pull me out of the living room and into the hall. We headed for the right door. I assumed this was Shizuo's room.

Shizuo opened the door and before I could observe his room, he threw me onto his bed. He began to undo my pants as my focus was only on him. He was hungry.

Shizuo then ripped off my pants and flung them across the room, hitting his window shades. Now, we both were just in our undergarments.

"Shizuo-chan, you naughty boy~" I laughed as a wrapped my arms around his neck. He was still on top of me.

"Shut up." He leaned in and began to kiss my lips. He then left my lips and left a tail of kisses all the way down to my lower abdomen. I moaned with pleasure when he gently grazed my member. My boxers sure began to feel tight.

Shizuo then came back up and pulled me up more on the bed while kissing me hard. I ran my hands down his back causing Shizuo to get goosebumps. I lightly grazed my hands back up to the back of Shizuo's head and began to tug at his hair. Our lips were still synced, moving as one. Shizuo leaned his whole body against mine, pressing me to the bed. Both our shafts rubbed against each other.

I let out an uncontrollable moan in between the kisses. He was so warm.

My boxers began to become constricting as shizuo continued to rub his hard member against mine. The pleasure was overwhelming.

Shizuo let out a moan. I used this opportunity while he was off guard to flip him over so he was on bottom. Shizuo looked up at me with a little sense of shock in his eyes. His face was red and flustered. I smiled and evil grin and began to move down is chest, and abdomen. Once I was in position, I grazed Shizuo's manhood with my left hand. Shizuo winced with anticipation. He was so impatient.

I lowered my tongue to Shizuo's member and kissed it through his undergarments. I then slipped my hands in his boxers and began to slip them off his waist. As I did, it revealed his true size. He was a big monster.

I looked up at shizuo and saw his eyes glisten with lust. Our gazes met as I lightly gripped his shaft with my right hand. I then moved my hand down and back up his member. He let out a moan as I began to pump.

"I-Izaya..." Shizuo managed to get out in between breaths. He was panting like a dog already and I haven't even got to my fullest potential.

I leaned in closer and kissed the head of his member. It began to twitch, longing for my mouth. I then carefully slid the head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. Shizuo instinctively thrusted his hips forward, causing more of his member to enter my mouth. Shizuo then put his hands on my head and entangled his finger in my hair. As I started to bob my head, he grabbed onto my hair and applied a bit of pressure. When I looked up at shizuo, his head was completely against the head board and his neck was all the way back. His mouth was wide open. He really was enjoying this.

I then began to bob my head faster while sucking on his shaft. When I was ready to completely take him, I bobbed my head all the way down to the bottom of his shaft, resulting in me deep throating all of his manhood. Shizuo let out an even louder moan than before and arched his back. Shizuo then pulled me up closer to him and began kissing me like a mad man. He was so eager.

Shizuo then pushed me down on the bed and pinned me there with his incredible strength. All the while still kissing me. Our tongues danced in each others mouths and shizuo ran his hands down my sides. His hands reached my boxers and he slowly started to yank them off. As he pulled them down, his lips slowly trailed away from mine. They trailed down my body, leaving kisses where ever they touched. Shizuo finally pulled off my boxers completely and threw those god knows where.

Shizuo placed my member in his hand and began to play with it. I let out a moan when his lips grazed my shaft. He then, without hesitation, completely took me all in his mouth and throat. I squealed with pleasure as he began to bob up and down on my member. His tongue swirled around causing even more pleasure for me. I tilted my head back and bit my lip trying to contain my sounds, but failed when shizuo began to go faster. I grabbed Shizuo's bed sheets and began to pull on them.

Shizuo then came up for air and grinned at me. He had a bit of drool on his chin, "Let me get something." He said as he wiped the drool from his chin and mouth. Shizuo stood up and went to his bed side table. He opened the drawer and pulled out a tube of lube. My eyes widened at the sight.

"S-Shizuo-chan~" I knew what was about to happen.

"Shhh Izaya." Shizuo said as he squeezed out some lube from the tube and onto his hand., "Don't worry, I'll warm you up before I actually do it."

I clutched my fists from being a little nervous. I was mostly nervous about Shizuo's strength. What would that do to me?

Shizuo then spread my legs and got to a level he could easily access me. He took his lubed finger and slowly slid it inside of me. I winced but immediately realized that it felt really good. He then began to thrust it in and out, this caused me to pant like crazy. Shizuo then took out his finger and placed 2 instead of 1 inside me. Now this was a bit more painful, but not too bad. As shizuo pumped his fingers in and out of me, my member twitched with eager anticipation. I was ready to take all of shizuo.

"Shizuo-Chan~, I'm r-ready." I nervously looked up at him. Shizuo just grinned and and pulled my hips closer to his. He then took his member and carefully slid his head inside of me.

I gritted my teeth in pain but didn't say anything because I knew I wouldn't regret this. Shizuo then slowly began to push more of his member inside of me. Oh god... he was so big.

"W-Wow Izaya, you're so tight." Shizuo grunted as he began to pump in and out. I was thankful he wasn't moving too fast yet.
Shizuo then repositioned to try and find my sweet spot.

When he finally hit it, I yelped with pleasure, "R-Right there Shizuo-C-Chan~!"

Shizuo grinned and began to thrust faster. He held onto my hips, digging his fingernails into my skin. I latched my arms onto his back and held onto him as he thrusted in and out of me. He was hitting just the spot!

"Oh god Shizuo-Chan d-don't stop~!" Right when I said that he began to go even faster and harder. I began to not be able to think straight as I lost control over my body. He felt so good.

I felt myself begin to come close as shizuo thrusted deep within me. I was practically screaming with pleasure. I felt my legs begin the give out as my body came close. I was right on the edge.

Finally I felt myself cum around Shizuo's member. And right as I did, I heard shizuo moan as he released inside of me. I felt his warm liquid fill me up. We were both panting like crazy.

Shizuo's legs must have given out because he fell right on top of me. He was exhausted and so was I.

"I-Izaya?" Shizuo managed to get out in between breaths.

"What, monster?" I winked and held him close.

"If you dare tell anyone about this, I will bash your skull in." Shizuo laughed but I could tell he wasn't kidding.

"Wow, that is truly the first time I have heard that after sex." I laughed but gave up because I was too tired to even laugh.

Shizuo grunted and burrowed his face in my neck.

And of course, we fell asleep like that.

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