
By heyisthatdesiree

944 21 16

This fanfiction takes place after the events of S4 EP20 "Patriot Games", after Brian pushed Stewie in front o... More


944 21 16
By heyisthatdesiree

Written by the friend I talk about on my bio, whom we'll call Peek.
The following is all from him, I (the owner of the account) am merery publishing his work, with his approval. Enjoy!



This fanfiction takes place after the events of S4 EP20 "Patriot Games", after Brian pushed Stewie in front of a moving bus. I imagined Stewie being hospitalized after suffering from various injuries such as a broken arm and leg, therefore he has to stay in bed and let the family take care of him.

Please take note that English isn't my first language so don't be too harsh if I made some mistakes; in case there are any though, you are more than welcome to let me know.


The mother patiently lifted his tiny arm, carefully making sure her grasp didn't cause any harm, and removed the patch afterwards.

"Aw! That one big bruise is almost gone! Just let me go downstairs and grab a few more of these..."

Lois let go of his harm and it was only then that he drew his hand in a fist.

"You filthy whore! How DARE you even look at my good hand while there's a broken one right HERE!" he thought as he clenched his teeth.

He felt a lot of jaw pain because of a dislocation.

He heard the footsteps getting further and further. Oh, finally he was all by himself. In his own bed. In his own, comfy room.

She hated her when she acted like she was the best nurse in the world: all she did consisted of meddling between him and Brian since that incident happened, getting shook by seeing all the scratches and the bruises on his baby body and, of course, all that smooch smooch stuff she oh so loved. She said those were meant to make him feel better.

She even forgot to bring him Rupert the day he had been hospitalized, what a bitch.

Lois took the patches box from her cabinet and went out of the bathroom. She passed through the living room and couldn't help but notice how detached and untalkative the dog was being. He was just chilling, writing down on a piece of paper wearing headphones.
"Brian! Why are you being so cool about the whole damn thing? Stewie is in great pain and the fault is yours!" she lamented.

The dog turned his music off but didn't make a single move.

"That's...his fault, Lois" he murmured.

"And after all, he let me do that by his own request"

The woman didn't even think of a proper answer: she just started to cuss a lot and complain about her role in the family. He didn't even pay attention to her. He had better things to do.

But deep down, he knew something just felt wrong: he had acted ill, and of course he took revenge on Stewie but that was...just not his manner of settling things down.

"You should go upstairs and apologize to him!" the woman shouted angrily.

But just why did Stewie act like a jerk in the first place? He thought they were friends but then he just savagely beat him until he got those damn 15 dollars.

Brian got up from the couch and took a quick glance at the woman.

"You know what? I'm gonna do it" he said detachedly.

"Do it right now?" Lois responded, seemingly calming down after all that buzz.

"Yeah, I am gonna go check up on him to see if everything's alright and say sorry" he muttered as he slowly headed towards the stairs.

Lois followed him with the patches.

As soon as his canine companion walked into his room, Stewie's eyes widened with joy. Until that so called mother came in there as well.

"Brian has a really important thing to say to you" she spoke.

"UUUGH! I want only the dog in here! Go away!" he railed against her, shaking his little fist.

That didn't prevent her from placing a band-aid on his elbow.

The animal watched the scene happen in silence. He was amused.

"There we go! That should do it!" Lois stated, embracing her son in caresses and giving him a kiss on the forehead.

The kid went "AAAAAH!" in his head, but that didn't work. Not at all.

He laid there, covering his face with his good arm, waiting for that fiend to go away.

"Okay, I guess I'm leaving you two to your own business!" the woman chuckled.

As she stepped on the door threshold, she gave the dog a quick stare.

"Don't even dare to hurt him again!" she sentenced.

The door closed.

Brian gazed at Stewie's almost motionless body: his right leg was held up by a band tied to the side of the crib and his casted right arm was immobilized near his tiny chest. The left part of his body was in much better conditions and his oval-shaped head laid still on the pillow.

Rupert was faithfully by his side, watching over him,

"So, uhm, how are you doing?" the dog embarassingly broke his long silence.

The newborn glared at him, "are you dumb? How could I be doing?" he replied angrily,

"Yeah, I guess you're not doing so fine..." his friend observed, waving his tail back and forth.

"Is this what you wanted Brian?" the baby asked with an aggressive tone. He gazed on him for a few seconds.

Brian muttered an answer that seemed a sort of "No", but he immediately ate those words: it hurt to admit that he had exaggerated, too.

"You could say that, I guess" he discouragely admitted.

"AHAHAHA! I knew it!" Stewie laughed, making a big voice.

"What are you doing? Apologizing now? I didn't say sorry, you know?" he added.

The dog brought his left paw to his chest.

"I clearly was mad at you for what you did but...I made you pay twice the price I did"

He then bowed his head, closing his eyes.

"And I just wanted to make it clear that I am sorry that I did this...I was a fool" he stated.

Stewie felt a rush of adrenaline inside of him, but stayed composed.

That's when the dog turned to him again, "It's not like you didn't do any wrong though! What you did to me was horrible!" he shouted angrily, tugging the bed towards him.

"Why didn't you say sorry during the plane trip?"

The bed shook a little bit, causing Stewie to feel a bit of pain.

But seriously, he would have never really apologized to that dog. He feared they could split up with the excuse of Brian seeing him as violent and creepy. And besides, he needed him in his life: that's why he let him take his revenge after all. He simply knew he loved it when Brian consistently thought of him, therefore he let him plan his revenge everyday, knowing that, sometime, the awaited blow would have arrived. Brian's presence felt fundamental to him, not to mention when he took care of him. That felt just so amazing.

But this was all in his head, he would have never told the dog about anything.

"Well I apologized in the way I wanted, that's none of your business anyway!" the toddler grunted.

"Then why am I apologizing to YOU? It doesn't make any sense!" the dog replied, still moving his tail back and forth.

"That's because you are a moron!" Stewie pointed his finger at the dog's muzzle "you always feel guilt only after you treat people like shit! Do you just consider yourself a superior being or what?!" he complained, shaking his head.

"Funny, because you are the one who started all this! Speak for yourself, you fool!" Brian shouted back. He felt agitated though, because he feared that buzz might have been heard downstairs.

"Brian I don't CARE! None of your guilt bullshit MATTERS to me!" the baby screamed.

He then coughed twice afterwards, showing his breathing difficulties.

"My chest hurts..." he cried.

His canine friend rushed towards him, "Stewie, are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Hey, I suggest we stay quiet over here, because if we don't do so we both know Lois will get mad and..." the dog whispered near his head.

Stewie put a finger on his tiny mouth and then proceeded to caress his own cheek. It kinda hurt.

"I shouldn't get so mad when my jaw hurts this much..." he admitted, still busy caressing his head in order to ease the pain.

"Where does it hurt the most?" Brian asked politely, getting his muzzle closer to the baby's.

"Uhm, my chest hurts a lot when I cough...but not my neck and shoulders, those are fine, I guess" the newborn replied, looking at Rupert for a second.

The dog stared at his broken leg for a while, noticing how much plaster was in there.

"My God! I did this to him, didn't I?" he thought, as he moved his view on the broken arm, still and stiff near the toddler's chest.

He felt pity.

"Won't you come to this side of the bed, please?" Stewie asked, giving gentle taps to the mattress.

The animal agreed and moved.

"Could you please hold my hand?" the kid requested, giving him a gentle smile.

"Sure" Brian answered.

The toddler then proceeded to move his good arm: he had trouble because of the scars and bruises it had, but he eventually managed to reach the dog's paw.

He held it intensely, as Brian prevented his tiny arm from falling back down.

"It must be really painful, you shouldn't tense it so much" the dog couldn't help but notice his pain.

"NO!" Stewie shouted incautiously, coughing immediately after.

"Ahem, what I really meant to say" he corrected himself.

He had wished that cough to cease all the time Lois was with him since it was only a pretest for her devilish hands to get on his tiny little baby body. However, the same cough had allowed Brian and him to stop screaming at each other.

Not telling the truth about why he had not apologized didn't appear so wrong to him anymore: being hurt was truly painful, but Brian's presence made it all much more bearable.

He liked when the dog was with him, and he was totally filling with joy in that very moment.

His heart was pounding: he didn't know whether to stay in silence and feel the emotion of the animal's companionship or just chat about random things.

"Hey, don't worry kid, I don't really want to get mad anymore..." the dog reassured him as he kept his baby hand between his two big paws.

"Neither do I" the kid replied, closing his eyes for a little while.

His head was sweaty due to the hours spent in bed and he felt it pretty darn heavy.

It was only then when Brian placed his paw on Stewie's forehead and gently started to caress it.

The baby reacted with a spontaneous smile, taking a deep breath afterwards.

"My God, Brian, this is feeling pretty darn good! I love it when you're here with me!" he exclaimed, letting his head fall down on the pillow.

"Same goes for me, Stewie!" the dog muttered as his paw proceeded to touch his head more gently, "same goes for you.."

His tail wagged slowly.

Heaven, absolute heaven.

Stewie could have stayed like this forever. Brian's warm and furry fingers reached his hair, his ears and his closed eyelids, making him forget about the scars and the bruises that same paw had caused him to have.

His jaw still ached though, and he wanted the dog to take care of that as well.

Yet the dog suddenly stopped and got up, making him feel a bit worried.

"Are you sure you feel better, Stewie?" the canine friend asked, standing near the end of the bed.

The baby opened his eyes and slowly raised his head up in order to stare directly into his eyes.

"Of course I do Brian! Keep going!" he giggled, placing himself in the same stance as before.

"Okay..." the dog replied, showing a bit of hesitation.

"Oh?" the baby answered.

"'s just that..." the animal got further from the bed and then proceeded to walk through the kid's bedroom, "the more I look at you the worse I feel for what I did" he confessed as he stared at the boy's time machine.

"You know what? I would have preferred time travelling with you right now instead of this..." he added.

"I feared I have let you down, Stewie..." he finished talking.

"Awww" the baby laughed controllably "well we can travel back before all this bad stuff happened between us if you want!" he said with a delighted tone.

"Wait, what?" Brian replied surprisingly.

"Yes! Before I beat you!" the toddler affirmed with a ray of hope in his voice "But why? Didn't you say none of my guilt bullshit matters to you?"

He felt his heart throbbing inside of him. The calm and the beatitude of those caresses left room to fear.

He asked himself what did he really want from Brian. He liked his companionship, of course, but did he really like beating him and then feeling oh so cool about it? Was that his true face? He felt as if he had something important to tell him about.

He was a moody type of person and it was not the first time that Brian had paid the consequences.

He felt himself shivering, but at the same time he felt affection for that dog, a feeling he never had before.

"Brian...I...I am sorry that I hurt you!" he screamed, bringing his hand closer to his tiny baby chest.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like this!" he added, trying his best to keep his eyes steady on the dog.

He found himself with nothing left to say afterwards, and he felt pretty bad about it. He was not used to situations like those.

He then covered his face as he realized his jaw pain was still as intense as before.

Brian rushed towards him, placing his right paw on his hurting chest.

Stewie coughed again. Meanwhile the dog listened to his heartbeat. He gently caressed his cheek with his other paw.

The Griffin newborn found himself crying in silence as he noticed his friend's paw on his skin.

"Hush now, relax, close your eyes and try to stay as calm as you can" the dog said, proceeding to place Rupert by the side of the baby's cheek.

"Now there's two of us that care about you right here, my friend..."

The animal kept going while Stewie took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Bri..." he whispered.

He had wanted to sleep, but couldn't manage to. Brian's cuddles kept him awake and active.

He felt two paws massaging his head and his upper-body parts. He felt light: the pain was there but the heat of his friend's attention was more important.

His head tilted in the same direction the dog's caresses brought it to.

Actually, he knew that Brian had noticed he was still awake, but the fact that he was still taking care of him warmed his heart.

He thought of all the times he made his dog friend feel bad and viceversa. Those memories flew back and forth without leaving a big mark.

The thought of his complex relationship with Brian popped into his head: wasn't it just a process slowly coming to a conclusion?

Their mutual behaviour was in constant changing and he wondered what would happen next.

One way or another, it should have turned into something brand new.

Somehow, they were learning a lot about each other.

In that moment though, he wished he could stay like that forever.

While the dog was tickling and rubbing his chin, Stewie opened his eyes.

"Brian" he said enthusiastically, "would you please put the VapoRub on me?"

The dog agreed and went downstairs.

"YEEEES!" the kid celebrated without using his voice too much.

The dog had slowly and hardly taken his shirt off, leaving him bare-chested.

Stewie watched him prepare himself silently, aching because of the broken arm that Brian had carefully lifted to uncover him.

As soon as the kid heard the jar opening a strong smell came to his nostrils.

"I am not putting too much" the animal muttered, placing two fingers inside, "if it isn't enough somebody else is going to put more of it"

He gently spread the cream all around Stewie's chest, who smiled in enjoyment.

The dog, however, felt uneasy. He wasn't an expert of cream-rubbing and besides he was afraid he might have hurt the baby.

He felt out of place.

He reminded himself that Stewie explicitly asked him of doing it and he was grateful for that.

He caught a glimpse of how fragile the kid's tiny body was.

He finished rubbing the cream and closed the jar after staring at his friend's resting face.

It was only then that he discovered that Stewie was sleeping, supine, chest out.

"Cover yourself!! I don't want you to get sick any further! If so then all this would be useless!" he stated.

He then covered him with the bed sheets and then got away.

"Oh, who would have told that a guy like that could beat the crap out of me!" he briefly thought.

He stared at him for a little while, then he left the room.

"So, everything's fine, right?" Lois asked while in the kitchen.

"Of course, it's all under control" Brian replied sitting.

"Meg told me earlier that she saw you get in the bathroom to grab something" she said placing the chicken in the oven.

"Yes..." he admitted, feeling a bit of embarrassment. He looked around until he got the idea.

"I grabbed myself some bandaids! My arm still hurts a little bit after what happened with Stewie" he laughed nervously.

"That's strange since that happened more than two weeks ago!" Lois commented.

The dog tried to come up with an explanation.

"Well you know what it is like...when you write a lot, your arm is always gonna hurt a little bit!"

He laughed again, managing to make Mrs. Griffin join him as well.

"What's for dinner anyway?"

In the room's silence, Stewie opened his eyes again. The first thing he immediately noticed was that smell: the cream's smell.

"Ugh, what the hell is this?" he asked with rage.

"BRIAN YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" he shouted loudly.

"COME BACK RIGHT HERE!" he ordered waving his fist.

"Brian, you heard that too?" Lois asked him.

"Ugh, he must have woken up..." the dog snorted, getting up from his chair.

The kid spent two more minutes calling him, regardless of his aching jaw.

Nothing happened.

What if the dog didn't forgive him? And what if he realized maybe he had been too good to him?

Was it pity of true affection the one Brian felt for him?

He felt broken and alone.

Or in better terms, Rupert was by his side, but he never really caressed him.

He meditated upon what had happened earlier and he felt that lightness again, but the fear of not having his dog friend anymore made him feel worried.

Yes, he told himself he would have changed.

"For him" he said to Rupert.

The door suddenly opened, scaring the kid to the point of throwing Rupert at the end of the bed.

"Hello is everything okay?" Brian checked on him.

Stewie remained mute for a few seconds, then he turned at him.


The kid waved his tiny hand at him.

"Oh well look who no longer has a cough now..." the dog replied smirking.

The child didn't expect that twist, therefore he pretended to cough again.


The effort he was putting into trying to cough actually made him do that for real.

"Ah...what a baby you are..." the dog replied, closing the door softly.

"I guess I'll have to do that again, don't I?"

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