Meeting him (AntixJackxDarkxM...

By AntiMonica02

2.8K 71 73

He's fighting himself, not knowing who or what "he" is. He's panicked, worried, afraid. Its voice shakes him... More

The beginning of "him"
Authors Note
Meeting them all
Fight for freedom
Terrible planning
Finally Seeing Jack
"Im always near"
"This world is mine!"
"Why don't you just do it?!"
Cry me a river
Love struck

Ethan's Place

130 4 0
By AntiMonica02

Marks POV
"Good choice Mark." Ethan laughed as he pressed the button next to the doors. They slid open showing an empty elevator playing quirky elevator music. We both rolled our eyes with a laugh. "Typical elevator music" We laughed. The doors slid open again with a ping and we walked out. I followed behind Ethan by his side. Woah he lives on the top floor! Suddenly Ethan stopped after rounding in front of a blue door.

"Sorry. It's probably not luxury like you're used to... But hey, its the nicest apartment of this whole place" Ethan opened the door. I took my shoes off, placing them with the shoe collection by the door. The apartment was spacious with the doorway entering the living room. The carpet was soft and adsorbed my footsteps. Branching off the living room was the kitchen and a hallway; obviously having the bedrooms and bathroom. It was definitely nicer than I could of asked for.
"Take a seat, make yourself at home" Ethan smiled. Indicating at the couch. I smiled and took a seat on his couch as he shut the door and walked into the kitchen with a stretch and yawn.

"This place is nice" I smiled, leaning back into the black leather couch in front of a large hanging tv with a xbox and playstation 4 displayed on a glass display table. Either side of the tv had black wooden shelves displaying video games and the odd action figures, trophies and photo frames.

"Yeah, I like it here. Oh I almost forgot! I should show you to your room." Ethan laughed.
"Wow what a host I am" he picked up one of my bags and walked down the hallway. Ceiling lights lit up the white wallpapered hallway with more photos on display.
He turned into the second door to our left and flicked a light switch. Flashing me with a smile before he walked in.
I followed into the room he was indicating, my eyes widened. It was bright blue with white trimmings around the top and bottom of the walls. A single window opened out to the garden view bellow. There was a smaller tv with speakers at the end of a large king bed that had white sheets with the duvet on top being black and white stripes.
I heard Ethan laugh as he placed my bag on the bed. "Is it too much? I can give you a different room if thats the case..."

"No its perfect. Thank you Ethan" I smiled and gave him a hug. He hugged me back after stuttering at what to do, making me laugh. I let go and placed my other bag on the bed then turned back to him.

"You're welcome and sorry... I don't get affection often so I was confused on what to do. I live alone and can't exactly find anyone to date" Ethan admitted sheepishly. Scratching the back of his neck.

"Its okay. You will find someone Ethan, you have a great personality and look handsome" I laughed as his face lit up in a blush. I turned and looked at the alarm clock on the side table seeing it was already 9pm.
"Visiting hours would be up by now... So I will see Jack first thing tomorrow." I sighed. "I really wanted to see him today incase he didn't make it till tomorrow. Death is never planned or known when to strike a person down."

"Sadly yes that's true. I didn't expect traffic to be so bad. But I will take you first thing in the morning. For now, you should get some rest. You look exhausted... Plus jet lag from flights doesn't help" Ethan smiled as he walked to the door. "If you need anything, just give me a yell" At that, Ethan left and I was alone... Thinking of poor, ill Jack who's also alone.

The next day I woke with dread lingering in my head already. A sigh left my mouth as I cupped my hands over my eyes. Dragging my hands from my eyes, down my face to cup my mouth, thinking. All I knew of Jacks medical condition right now, was that he was in and out of consciousness, unresponsive to reality and in a bad way.
Anti had really taken it from him.
I pulled the sheets off, realizing I'd fallen asleep in my clothes from yesterday. Come to think of it... I don't remember falling asleep with sheets on. All I remember was having dinner, going to my room and pulling my computer out to post on Instagram, then laying down and crying into my pillow. I groaned with the stinging in my eyes.
Note to self, bad idea to cry yourself to sleep.
Ethan must've checked on me before he went to bed, he would've put the sheet on me. Ethan's a really nice kid.
I sat up, swinging my legs over the bed trying to wake myself up enough to walk to the bathroom. I turned to the alarm clock. It's 5am. I decide to get up, despite the time and to the bathroom.
Once relieved, I went into the bathroom and washed my hands with a nicely scented soap. I dried my hands then stared into the mirror. I could see what Ethan meant by "you look exhausted". I splashed my face with cold water and dried my face before walking out into the kitchen to make a coffee.

"Mark? Its 5am, what are you doing up so early?" Ethan yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"I just couldn't get my mind off of Jack." I admitted. Ethan walked into the kitchen and began making a coffee too. "Sorry if I woke you"

"I understand and no, you didn't wake me. I get up at this time to start getting ready for work as a taxi driver... Business people need to get to work way too early." He laughed, putting the kettle on.

~~~Time skip~~~

Ethan's POV
"So, you excited to see Jack today?" I asked. Trying to lift the depressing atmosphere.

"Yes and no" Mark replied as we got into my cab. At least it wasn't raining today. I turned the engine on, checking everything worked without a noise or rattle.

"Well, I gotta drop you off early. I have a few clients I need to take to places this morning. I can drop you off by the shops near the hospital so you have something to do while waiting for visiting hours to start?" I smiled; being a taxi driver, we always had to smile... But to me it was just a habit more than forced rules.

"That would be great. Thank you Ethan"

"No problem. I can swing by the hospital after the last drop off and visit with you if you would like?"

"I mean... If you want you can" Mark shrugged. I pouted. 'Difficult to understand how to cheer him up.' I thought with a sigh. Mark leaned his head on the window in the passengers front seat with me. I felt bad for him don't get me wrong... But being depressed isn't the best way to deal with things. There's always a positive somewhere.

Jacks POV
I woke hearing doctors mumbling beside me. The all too familiar beeping that always welcomed me waking up. My eyes didn't want to stay open again as usual... I couldn't stay awake long enough for doctors to explain whats wrong with me. I always just dozed off into deep sleep again.
My body throbbed and ached with every movement and I could feel tubes against my skin.
I hated being here, I hated not being able to stay awake. I fought to wake up everyday just so I could see if Mark had come to visit... But he hadn't to my disappointment.
I feel like he wants nothing to do with me... I haven't seen him since the call with the Anti incident. I wake every hour... Hoping to see him... Only to fall asleep in disappointment of not seeing him yet again.

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