Little Runt

By wickedsmile77

15.1K 396 18

Being raised in a rogue pack is horrible. When you no longer remember your name and are renamed "Little Runt"... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two: The Shift
Chapter three: Love
Chapter four: The Truth
Chapter Five: The First Fight
Chapter Six: Parents
Chapter Seven: Light Court Kingdom
Chapter Nine: Tapes
Chapter Ten: It hurts
Chapter Eleven: The Fallen King
Chapter Tweleve: The Real Goddess
Chapter Thirteen: My Eyes Are On You
Author update

Chapter Eight: Jason's Back

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By wickedsmile77

I stood there as fear courses through me. He was back for me. He dared to step foot on another's land just to see me. Was he truly that powerful now? Was he really going to be able to take me back? Tears welled up in my eyes daring to fall. A hand was on my should and I jumped from surprise. I turned to see it was Dayton. "Baby you have nothing to fear. We will protect you at all costs." Dayton smiled. For some reason it was reassuring. I just felt like Jason had more on his side than what we expected. Only time would tell to see who would be victorious in the end. Hopefully it will be us.

Dayton picked me up and brought me to our room and sat me on the bed. He unzipped my dress and it fell off. I sat on the edge of the bed shellshocked. "Baby I have to go finish this meeting. I have people guarding the door, don't let anyone in unless it's me. I love you so much. I will see you soon." Dayton kissed my cheek and wiped away a tear that I didn't realize had fallen.

Dayton left and I saw Halsey by the door but Dayton stopped her. My tiger picked up their words. "Listen Halsey she needs space right now. He is her attacker and it brings back memories she's fought to keep at bay. I know it seems hard to stay away but that's what she needs. She needs distance from us for a little. She will be okay I'll have her room guarded at all times. No one will get to her unless it's me. I'm leaving to the meeting. Please respect my wishes and keep a distance from her." Dayton spoke softly and walked away. I heard Halsey's footsteps walk away as well but in the other direction.

I've been in here for two days and Dayton still has the court meeting and fill me in on everything. They are looking for Jason and are pretty close I guess. They all came to a conclusion to kill on sight. It was far past the question if they should take him alive. According to the court meetings he's been murdering to gain more people but if they refuse they die.

There was a knock on my door and I stood up. Went to the closet and grabbed a knife and put on a robe. I was close to the door when I asked who was there. There was no response so I went back to my bed. I sat there bored out of my mind. The door was being pounded on and it scared me.

'Dayton someone is at the door!'

I ran to the closet and my did a quick magic spell to hide my sent and slow my heart rate down really low. I heard the door smash open and smelled blood. "Here kitty kitty." A sickening voice cooed. The footsteps got closer and I closed my eyes tight. I heard footsteps running to my room and heard a woman's cry and she began to attack the man. I wasn't sure who it was but maybe they needed my help. I burst from the closet to see Halsey pinned to the ground with a man hovering over her. He had a knife pressed against her neck. I brought my blade up and smashed it down with all my force into his back where his heart should be.

A cry sounded from his lips. He fell dead. Halsey was quick to stand. "We need to leave now!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. I saw ahead of us the three girls, Britney, Elma and a limp Julia. I cursed under my breath at the sight. "Is she dead?!" I asked uneasy. "No but she is hurt." Elma cried. I brought my hands up to her bloody stomach and felt magic seep out of my hands and heal her.

"The council room is up ahead. We should go there." Halsey spoke. We all ran to the room and saw a couple rogues along the way I had shifted and sank my teeth into their necks. Halsey opened the council room and I roared at what I saw. Dayton looked weak and had a blade pressed into his throat by none other than Jason. "For being a Vampire King he sure is weak wouldn't you think? Oh the others aren't dead yet but will be if you don't do as I say." Jason smiled evilly.

"Don't listen to him." Dayton whimpered. I took a step forward and Jason growled. "Listen here Little Runt. You and the other girls come with me and I'll spare everyone's life in this room. Oh I'll even let you say goodbye to your beloved vampire." Jason was evil and there was nothing that showed any good in him. Jason pushed Dayton forward and he fell hard. I rushed over to him and shifted. I pulled him close to me. He look like he was dying. I bit my wrist and gave him blood but it wasn't helping him. All of the courts were in here suffering because of me. "I'll go, but only me. The other need to stay. They have no value to you." I cried.

Dayton coughed and pulled me close. "I'll find you no matter what, Baby. I love you so much." His eyes seemed to close for too long but he opened them and they were the burgundy color I've grown custom to. "You all come or everyone here dies." I looked at the four girls and they nodded their heads. "I love you so much Dayton. Please come find me quick." I sobbed. Dayton began taking his shirt off with the small amount of energy he had left. He gave it to me and smiled weakly.

"Stay strong, Jericho. I will find you." Dayton smiled. I placed my lips on his and felt my jaw quiver. I felt Jason grab my hair and yank me away from Dayton. A whimper passed my lips. "You said you'd heal them. Do it now." I growled. "Very well." He smirked. The witch from the council walked in and I growled so loud the walls shook. "Selina please heal the others. We will take off as soon as you are done."

Selina said some witchy words and everyone seemed healed and fine. Except they all seemed stuck. My bones began to break and shift into my tiger form. I charged for her head. My jaws lapped around her thin neck. I bit down and her head fell off her body. I felt a prick in my neck and my world began to grow hazy. My eyes closed and my body grew numb. "I love you Dayton." I whispered.

I woke up in a cold dark cell with the girls. "Oh good you're awake. I thought you'd never wake up!" Elma cried. Halsey was by my side and smiled softly. "Where are we?" I asked and rubbed my head. It was killing me. "We don't know. It's been three days though. I'm glad you're awake." Halsey slightly chuckled. Three days have passed. Three days ago Jason took us. My heart began to ache.

"I see." I mumbled. I heard footsteps come our way and the cell door was opened. Jason stepped in. He had a collar in his hands. "This isn't for you Little Runt. It's for her." He pointed to Julia. She looked weak still. Her small body was slouched in the corner and was being protected by Britney surprisingly. "You're not taking her." I growled. I lunged at Jason and bit through his shirt. Tearing skin and his shirt fabric. My canines extended into his already torn flesh and I bit harder. Jason was hitting me but I wasn't letting go anytime soon. I felt his bone under my teeth.

My jaw clenched tighter and I broke the bone in his arm. He howled in pain and hit me one last time before I let go. Blood pooled from his arm and ran down my jaw. Jason backed away with a look of hate in his eyes. "You've changed Little Runt. No worries I can always bring out that submissive side of yours again." He dropped the collar and closed the cells. I felt weak and drained.

"We're leaving here tonight. Understood. Be ready when I wake you girls up." I growled. The four of them nodded. I was a queen and I needed to protect them even if they weren't in my Kingdom. I would save their lives if it meant giving up my own.

The four of them were asleep and it was late. There was no moving going on anywhere. Thanks to my enhanced hearing I knew we needed to leave now. I nudged the girls awake and pressed my finger to my lips hushing them.  I though of the hot flames in my veins and melted the cell lock. The door opened and we stepped out. It was cold but maybe because my body was bare. We ran through the stone halls and found some stairs. We climbed them and were faced with two sleeping guards. I shifted and bit their throats. I quickly shifted back and motioned for the girls to follow. I grabbed the guards gun and knife. I held the knife in my teeth and held the gun in my hands.

I saw a door and opened it. The moon shone brightly. I pushed the girls outside and we ran. We ran for what seemed like hours. This seemed too easy. The girls passed the no mans lands boarder and were in a territory. The Elf Kingdom wasn't far from here that's crazy.

'Dayton we need your help find us. We aren't too far from where the Elf Kingdom is. Where just south of it.'

I pushed the girls into the area and sighed. I whistled really loud and chimeras came into view. I called them to protect the girls. Halsey yelled at me. "I need you guys to run they will follow you and protect you. I can hear the men coming. Just do as I say that is an order from your Queen Halsey. Tell Dayton where I am and don't look back!" I yelled. Halsey began to cry. I shook my head. The girls ran and some chimaeras stayed with me. I saw the rogue army come into view and began killing them. I shot until my gun was out I slaughter until my knife broke.

I shifted and attacked them until I was finally outnumbered. My chimeras were dead and I wept for them. Jason stood in front of me with a pissed off face. "You know I wish I would have marked you sooner but I guess I will just have to mark your right now!" He growled and got up and tried to cover my naked body. The army Jason had had left. I growled knowing he couldn't touch me because of my ring. Jason growled when he couldn't bite down on my neck. "What is this madness?" He cursed. He tried to assault me but was flung off me. I got up and ran. I was tackled by Jason and cursed.

I awoke in a cell. My wrists held above my head in silver chains. They burned their way into my skin. My body was covered in my victims blood as of my own. "Well you're finally awake shall we start questioning you?" A man smiled. He had black eyes and grey hair. He was a vampire. He walked over to me with a knife in hand and smirked. "Where are the others?" "Long gone by now." I laughed. He drug the knife along my stomach and I didn't make a noise. I wouldn't let them think they were winning.

"Where are the others?! It's only going to get worse." The man hissed. "You can continue to do this to me all you want but I will never tell you. You will not get the answer out of me. I am a queen and will protect my people at all cost even if it means death!" I growled out. "You sure are a stupid tiger. I will never understand why Jason is set on you. Why a man with so much power would want you as a bride." He shook his head and I grit my teeth at his comment. "I'm married but thanks." I laughed. "We can always cut the finger off and sew it back with new rings." The man laughed.

By now blood was pooling at my feet and I grew lightheaded but never spoke of where the girls went. I hope they made it home and sent help. I would take this torture as long as they were safe. I've grown tired and my tiger cannot help me. She is being restrained by the metal. I huffed at the situation I was in. I hope everything would get better because this looked pretty bad for me.

Jason walked into the cell I was in and sighed. "Jeez I would have expected and answer by now. Suppose I will just entertain your beloved vampire with something. A light switched on and it blinded me. Jason walked up to me with what appeared to be a camera in his hand. "Smile for your King." Jason chuckled. He set the camera down and came back to my side and punched me in the gut. I didn't make a sound or move. Jason began to beat me profusely and I didn't make a sound I just closed my eyes.

My thoughts drifted to Dayton. I wonder what he's doing right now. I hope he's okay and safe along with the girls. "You know for a Little Runt you sure are strong. Let's see how long that'll last when I break your bones." Jason laughed. He snapped my arm and I squeezed my eyes tighter and made no noise. "Well this is no fun. How about some silver. How does that sound, Dayton?"  Jason smirked and looked into the camera. He now had a silver blade and pressed it into my stomach. It burned so bad and I felt so weak. I looked at the camera and tried to smile to reassure Dayton if he sees this. I will put up with this until he finds me like he said he would.

"This is growing tiresome Little Runt. Why don't you scream for your King to save you? Does he not love you? If so it doesn't really matter because you are mine." He said slapping my cheek lightly. He began to unbutton his pants and came closer to me. "You can't touch me you pig!" I growled. "You want to bet? I may not be able to screw you but I sure as hell can touch you." He sneered. His fingers caressed my breast but he felt the heat go through my body and shock him. He smacked me so hard I tasted blood. I smiled at Jason and spat on him.

He began hitting me over and over and I did nothing. All I could do was wait.

'If you can hear me Dayton please say something.'

'Baby! I'm trying so hard but I can't do anything. There's a barrier around the place you're located.'

I sighed in defeat.

'Are the girls safe with you?'

'They're all here. They said you saved them. I love you baby. I'll get there as soon as I can.'

I smiled softly and closed my eyes. I hadn't realized but Jason was gone along with the camera. I guess I would sleep. That's all I really could do for now.

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