Venom's Queen [Draft]

By HarryStylesBaby02

145K 4.1K 1.1K

He dangerous, crazy, inhumane. He didn't care for anyone or anything. He only cared about family. He didn't t... More

Short Intro. 🙈🙉🙊✔
Chapter 1: Tell The Story Papá ?✔
Chapter 2: Venom's Queen ♛ ✔
Sorry But you Should Know 😭
Chapter 3: Venom's Queen ♛ ✔
Please Stop ✋and Happy Birthday 🎉
Chapter 4: Venom's Queen ♛✔️
Chapter 5: Venom's Queen ♛✔️
Chapter 6: Venom's Queen ♛✔️
Chapter 7: Venom's Queen ♛✔️
Chapter 8: Venom's Queen ♛ ✔️
Chapter 9: Venom's Queen ♛ ✔️
Chapter 10: Venom's Queen ♛ ✔️
Chapter 12: Venom's Queen♕✔
Chapter 13: Venom's Queen♕✔
Chapter 14: Venom's Queen ♕✔
Chapter 15: Venom's Queen ♕✔

Chapter 11: Venom's Queen♕✔

3.6K 119 28
By HarryStylesBaby02

Welcome to the 11th chapter of VQ! I am so happy that exams and finals are over! I can finally focus on mental health as well as physical health. I am glad that I went from 160 pounds to 140 within a month and few weeks. I'm showing progress on my physical health, but not so well on my mental. Don't worry though, I am working on it. I'm working on it just like I'm working on this story. I only update when my goals are met. I don't have a schedule for when I update, I just update when my goals are met and I have a chapter ready. I won't lie and say I will have a chapter for each goal that is met, but I will update within a week or two when its met.

Also, a special shout-out to my amazing follower Sweet_Talker15 . This follower is very caring and isn't like most followers that harass me to update. I thank you for that. You are at the very top of my list to thank. I was on the verge of deleting everything and just disappearing, but I stopped myself when this follower asked me about updating and if I was doing well. I was also very moved when I inspired a follower to start writing. I posted their book on my page so I would like you to check out "Yes Sir" by jacksepticeyeisababe. It would mean a lot to me.

I'm sorry to rant, please move on to chapter 11 and leave a comment. Make sure to vote as well. Also, this is a short chapter, sorry. Also sorry  Sweet Talker for not getting this up sooner, I was going to have it up at 4 pm my time, but life happened. So it's going on 10 for this update, but I still get it up. 

Groaning I wiped my fist free of blood with the towel around my neck. Flicking my drenched in sweat hair out from my face and went straight to my room in just a pair of black socks and black joggers that hung low on my hips. I made sure my doors were secure and jogged up the stairs past the first door, and to my room. I pushed the door open and only let my eyes glance at her unconscious, almost lifeless body. Went straight to my bathroom and started the hot water then went back to gather clothes.

What the hell am I supposed to do with her body? I can't just walk out my door with her body. I mean, I could since I run shit and this is my house, but I wouldn't want Layla to catch me. I don't need Bob to catch me either, even though he won't say a word to anyone. Not thinking too much about I went into my bathroom and stripped of the sweaty clothes. Jumping into the steaming water I scrubbed my body down and washed my body.


"Hey, Luc. Hai bisogno di qualcosa? {Need Something}", Butch strolled into my office. He placed himself on one of the chairs in front of my desk and threw his feet up. Groaning in annoyance I pushed his feet off and stared at him seriously. "Cos'è? {What is it?}", leaning on my elbows I motioned him closer. You never know who's listening. I told him exactly what I wanted him to do and when I want it done. "Consideralo fatto {Consider it done}", he jumped to his feet and straightened out his shirt then walked out, closing the doors behind him.

Finishing signing papers I went to the kitchen and found Layla climbing on the counter to get to the box of cookies. Isn't only six a.m.? Not saying a word I walked over to her and picked her off the counter by her hips. I set her on the floor and looked down at her. "Go back to bed and tell Knight to be in training today", she nodded and started to walk out. "Also, tell Silvia to stop pulling you to places at night without guards or permission", she turned and looked shocked. "Did you really think they would let you in and not inform me? They made the call as soon as you were safely inside", I chuckled as she hurried out.

Closing the cabinets I turned to see Ace walking in. "So, they did go out last night? I figured, she never listens", he groaned.

"After everything do you really think she'd listen to you, even after all this time? Just get her in check some way. I don't need my son crying and getting all depressed over his future wife because Silvia dragged her off to someplace and got her killed."

"Of course Lucus. I will get her to listen to me one way or another. What about Kaylee? Don't you care about what happens to her? I'm sure Silvia will drag her places now that they all are buddy-buddy with each other."

"Don't worry about that. I haven't really had the time to think about the girl, but she did pay me a visit last night. I didn't think she was the one until she was able to disarm my security and enter my room with no high tech equipment or someone to kill off the security completely. I can see that she doesn't know who she really is, but I can change that."

"Sounds like you have your hands full boss. Good luck with her. She seems to be too innocent, she doesn't even look like she's handled a gun before. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to train her, mold her so she can be by my side. I give myself five months. If I can't get her to see who she really is, I will find someone who can do it."

He looked taken back but nonetheless nodded. I exited the kitchen and headed towards the elevator. "Bob!", his head snapped to mine and in an instant, the worry in his eyes disappeared. "She's in my room. Don't worry", I winked at him and casually walked to the elevator. My hand moved from my pocket to the top floor button and then back to tucked in my front pocket.

It was a dick move, I know. He should've known to keep his distance, yet I had smelled him all over her. He knew exactly who she was, yet he slept with her. If he wasn't a top guard and fighter, I would've cut him up and feed him to my hounds already. He must be worried about her, oh well. He doesn't have to worry anymore, as of last nights events.

"Boss, sono pronti per voi {Boss, they are ready for you}", Layla handed me a vanilla folder with a slight smile. Nodding I took the folder and slid two thousand dollars in her hand, "I need you to find Blade, Isaiah, and Samuel. Tell them I have a job for them, a special one. When they agree, bring them to my office. You have three days Layla. Take Silvia if you need to", I whispered. Her eyes shot to mine, her eyes turning a vibrant pink and her pink design forming around her eyes. Her fairy eyes. A swirl of blue flew through them before they turned completely black. Her demon eyes. Her face turned to a cold stone, robot expression. An expression called 'Lucus Norm', meaning my normal R.B.F.

"Consideralo fatto boss {Italian: Consider it done boss}", her voice was smooth and robot-like. Her eyes turned back to there normal color. Layla walked towards the elevator in business mode. She was currently under my control. I don't usually control her, but when it came down to punishment and getting things done, I would. Right now, I needed to get things done. The body in my room was not a concern for right now, but it will be later. I will not have a body stinking up my bed.

"This is Mr.Osama, boss. Mr.Osama meet my boss Mr.Venom", I shook hands with the Arabic man and give him a cruel smile. "It's very nice to meet you Mr.Osama", I nodded my head and sat at the head of the table. "All respects to you Mr.Venom, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so many things about you", he sat a the bottom of the table.

"Then you know I don't fuck around. Let's get down to business, shall we?", I rolled my head, loving the crack that sounded throughout the room. "Let's talk numbers", folding my hands and resting my chin on them.


"Oh, Lukey looks what I've found out about the little mouse that has found her way into your bed", Butch walked in with a hop in his every step. Why haven't I ended him yet? I could just do it now, but then again I'll have to find a new underboss. Finding a loyal and skillful underboss sounds like to much work and paperwork. Ugh, I'll wait awhile before killing him off.

"Don't call me that fucker. What did you find out?"

"Oh, how you wound me what your words. You act like you haven't fucked everyone on the female teams. Why not try the boy side?"

"What did you find out?"

"If only you would show me that type of affection. I just need a little loving."

"What did you find out?"

"I would love for you to bend me over your desk and screw my brains out. Oh, oh how I would moan loud for you."

Pulling out my gun I set it on my desk. "What did you find out?", did he always have to piss around when I wanted my information? I'm considering throwing him into a pig den with cow shit and horse blood. I'll leave him there for a whole week too. I won't mind throwing in some lizards just to scare him. "I want to know what you found out, now."

"If you're hinting at what's in my pants then I'll tell you 8 inches", he winked. I sighed as he hopped on the chair and slammed a thick vanilla folder on my desk. "The little mouse isn't who she says she is, and I don't think she's aware of it. Plus you should thank your father", I rose my eyebrow at that. That sperm donor of mine won't get shit from me, except a bullet in his ass. "Little mouse belongs to you because of him", he nodded down the folder. "I made a few copies just in case you need them", the mutt hoped out the chair and strutted to the doors. "I have my own personal business to take care of, link me if you need me", walking out and shutting the doors.

"Well isn't this interesting", I read a contract between my father and a second and third party. The contract made a devilish grin appear on my face. Well wasn't this going to be fun? First thing on the list: go visit an old friend of mine. I shut down my computer and neatly slid the contact in the briefcase. Shut it and walked out with it, hearing the lock. I went to the garage and went through my mental contact list. I found little Peyton and mind linked her. "I'll be back, please take care of my room for me. You'll see a body in my room, ignore it and clean please", my voice wasn't harsh, nor was it soft.

"Yes, sir."

"Don't call me sir, Peyton. You know you can use Luc. When you're done with my room double lock it behind you and you have the rest of the day off. Tell Seth to take you to the zoo then shopping. Have fun", she replied with a squeal and 'okay Luc' then I shut off the link. Peyton was an eight-year-old witch, born from the descendants of the very first witches to be born. Her father was a warlock and her mother was a royal witch. They both were killed by my hand. They were terrible parents. I'm not the cruel and evil person that everyone made me seem. I could've killed her with her parents, but I took her in, clothed her, fed her, and trained her. I teach her two days out of the week, special witchcraft powers and potions. During the weekdays she goes to school like a normal kid then comes home and has an hour to herself. After that hour she goes to her witch and warlock teachers that teach her magic, spells, and how to make potions along with using her mind to make things happen.

Peyton was a powerful witch that loved me as a father figure, maybe an older brother. She's never once disrespected me or annoyed me. The little girl always pushes herself to please me. She is an honorary witch, meaning they respected and tried to impress the ones that save them. Because she's so young and was very sick when I found her, it's difficult for her to talk. It was even hard for her to adapt to my house because of how many guards and people lived here, but she manages to talk to my inner circle people. She never lets people call her by her actual first name, Sin. I was the only one who called her that, but it would be by accident. She didn't mind it. Said I was the only one she'd let call her that. When I registered her in school I sighed her name as 'Peyton Venom', as far as the school, system, and hospital knows she's my kid.

Her doll-like features, pink hair, and button nose always had people saying that she had to look exactly like her mother. In actual fact, she looked like her great grandma. It's too bad that her great grandma was killed by Peyton's parents, then again the old hag talked to damn much. Always running her mouth, most of the time about someone's business that wasn't her's. I'm not surprised Peyton's parents killed her off. I would've done it my damn self if possible.

"Luc V", my brother Cruel greeted me as I parked at his gate. "I've been waiting for you to come visit your big brother. What? Am I getting too old for you now? I can still snap a neck with my thumb and pointer finger you know", I chuckled at that. "Come on in brother", his gates opened. I drove straight in and parked in the parking space he has just for me. Cruel wasn't my blood brother, but he was my brother when it came to my unbeating heart. He's been through the worst with me. He's helped me collect myself and what little sanity I had left.

"It's been too long", I grinned at him and patted his back as he patted mine. "I'm always honored to have the great and almighty King of Dark Creatures and the Night at my humble home. Scotch? Of course not, hardcore vod", he led me inside. We went to his man cave and I went over to the pool table. "Olivia please make the usual and bring it over", Cruel winked at the Hawaiian brunet. I'm pretty sure he's screwing that one. Cruel came over and unbutton his suit jacket, pulling it off and grabbing a pool stick.

"I've been busy Cruel, especially with her coming in. It's been hectic even more when that awful warlock keeps trying to gain custody over little Peyton", I sighed. It was true, Peyton's uncle kept trying to gain custody of her, knowing how powerful she is. How powerful her blood is, and all the things it could be used for. I've been hunting for him for a while now. "Not to mention my underboss keeps going off to see his human mate. Then we have my consigliere on lockdown, been out of control. I would use the command, but I'm too lazy", I laughed as I heard him mutter 'nothing new".

"Here you are sir", Olivia came over to me with a small glass. I nodded and took it from her. She didn't look at me at all and turned to give Cruel his drink. "Here you are master", she sat the glass in his hand. He grinned and winked at her. I rolled my eyes. Hoe.

"Thank you my doll. You have the next six hours off", she bowed and walked away sexually. I gave him the 'you nasty' look. "What? She's been riding- I mean working hard", he laughed. Cruel always was a freaking one, screwed one of my father's maids in my father's car. It wasn't as bad as me though. I screwed his assistant in his office in his main building, on a Monday. Busy day. "So brother, what will you do about her", a growl ripped through my chest before I could stop it.

His eyebrows shot up and his hands went up in surrender. "Okay so let's move on to a different subject", I grumbled to myself and shot at a blue ball. "What did you come by for Luc V?", without a work I placed the briefcase in front of him and unlocked it. "A contract?", he arched a brow while I took my turn at a yellow ball.

"Do you know who the second and third party is?", my sperm donor sighed a contact with two other men. This contract is special. Written in golden ink, rare golden ink. Meaning it couldn't be broken. "Those two men sighed over all rights over her over to me. She was supposed to be mine since she hit 18, she's 22 now", Cruel looked over the contract a few times and sighed.

"I know the third party pretty well. I can't believe you don't remember him. You used to be best buds with his boys. You guys took over kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade together. The man that name is sighed here is Melovino Muerte. He's the Spanish Don, he now resides in Mexico right now. He's been in hiding with his wife for several years. I don't know why he signed this if the second party is the father of her. If you want I can look into it", Cruel passed me the papers and shot the white ball into the hole.

"Once again, you have lost to the king of punishment", I bowed and gathered the papers and set them back into the briefcase. "I will take you up on the offer to look into it although. I expect to see a full report on Saturday", I winked at him. He shook his head and patted my back. "Walk me out, big bro?", he walked with me, all the way to my car. "Visit me sometime, I missed you bro", we patted each other's back as I opened my car door and slid in.

"I will, but first", he licked his lips. "I'm a little hungry", I scrunched my nose and shook my head. "You know she'll be coming along", I nodded, expecting as much. This guy couldn't go four hours without screwing. He's a total hornball. I can go at least twenty-six hours without screwing some idiot chick to hop in my bed. "Be safe Luc V", once his gates opened I yelled 'Hoe' and sped off.

'Luc, we have a problem'

'I'm on my way back now'

Damn. I can never catch a break.


I am so sorry that it's been almost five months since I've updated, but like I said I only update when the goal of the chapter is met. I'm terribly sorry if you've been waiting a long time for this update. I might even go back and add in some things. I don't know yet. I'm sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes. It's been a little while for writing. I'm starting to get writer's block, but I'm fighting off. Don't worry about anything but making sure you voted on every single chapter. Please leave a comment and maybe answer the questions below.  Goal: 104 votes and 60 comments.

Do you think Kaylee is dead?

What do you think of Peyton?

What do you think of Peyton's past?

What do you think of Cruel?

Do you think Bob will bury her body?

Do you think that Alex has escaped yet?

Goodbye for now.

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