WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Im Going Home!
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Challenge 6: Too Clingy
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Fight Night/ Elimination 7
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Finals- Part 2

677 32 86
By SinnaMonnBun

VC-Charlotte- Its 7pm right now, we're still on this mountain and im just so thankful the 1st day is over. I cant wait to just eat some dinner and get some shut eye. I am exhausted.

The six of them trekked further up the mountain to their camp set up where they'll be spending the night.

VC-Finn- Finally we see the tents but.......we see 6 stationary bikes waiting there too. Worst of all....we see Hunter there.

VC-Paige- Hunter is like a sickness that just wont give us a break.

AJ groaned when he saw him.

"Hey guys. Its been a long day for you but...it doesnt stop here. Welcome to your first individual stage, stage 4." he greeted them.

"Noooo.." Paige cried and stomped her foot.

VC-Brie- You got to be kidding Hunter.....I just...cant anymore.

" For this stage, you have to pedal 25 miles on this stationary bike before you can go off into the tent, grab a meal and get some sleep. Got it?"

"But Hunterrr..."Paige whined.

"Get going guys."

They all hesitantly mounted the bikes.

VC-AJ- As if getting up that mountain with all these cramps wasnt hard enough, now I got pedal this stupid bike. This is going hurt so freakin much.

They all began peddling as Hunter left them there.

VC-Paige- Here we are, out in the wilderness of a foreign country peddling stationary bikes like idiots! Its freaking cold, its dark, its quiet, im exhausted, I just want this to be over with.

AJ kept grunting and moaning from pain. His peddles were slower than the other two guys. Finn was going at it non stop and so was Roman.

VC-Roman- My legs are killing me but, I just want to finish this as quickly as I can so I can get some sleep.

The girls however, were miserable. Charlotte surprisingly wasnt getting all worked up and motivated. Instead, she just peddled quietly with a look of pain on her face. Paige toughened it out and kept peddling even though she rested her head on the handle bars and silently cried. Brie was moving at her own pace, much slower than everyone else.

20 minutes later

"AGHH I cant!"Paige said as she hopped off of her bike, "Im going to sleep. See you guys later."

"Paige really?" Finn said to her.

"Im not doing it anymore. I dont want too." she said as her voice broke.

"Come on, get back onto the bike." Roman said.

"NO I CANT!" she broke down, "Its too much!"

"Paige." a producer said, "If you cant complete this stage, you'll be disqualified from the competition."

She stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Fuuuuck..." she whined and mounted the bike again.

She placed her head back onto the bars and kept crying.

VC-Paige-Im very emotional when im not fed. If I had a sandwhich id definitely have my head in the game.

Finishing Results-

Finn- 1hr 1min

Roman- 1hr 23mins

AJ- 1hr 35 mins

Charlotte- 1hr 40 mins

Paige- 1hr 50 mins

Brie- 2hrs 20 mins.

The Next Morning

Hunter returned to the camp site bright and early the next morning. He peered his head into the tent and saw everyone laying on their sleeping bags, sleeping like babies.

"Wake up guys!" he shook the tent.

AJ shot up, "What the--oh....its you."

"Get everyone up, tell them get dressed and to meet me outside for stage 5."

AJ laid right back down and shut his eyes.

VC-AJ- Go to hell Hunter. Its 6 in the morning, go away.

Eventually everyone got up and put their gear on.

They had their coffee and redbulls and then went to see Hunter.

"Morning guys....Finn? You awake?" he asked Finn who was standing there with his eyes closed.

He nodded slowly.

"Okay then. Welcome to your 5th stage. As a treat, we have prepared breakfast for you guys. Dont worry, theyre very rich in nutrients. You'll be racing down this mountain trail until you come across the breakfast buffet we set out for you. There are 6 plates of food, one for each of you.Your goal is to eat everything on the plate and then immediately begin stage 6 which is to summit the volcano right there, also known as Villarica."

"You need to get to the top of that mountain and touch the flag at the top. When you do, your time stops and the challenge is completed. So without further ado, get going."

They all raced off.

VC-Paige- Oh boy! Breakfast! I can just smell the pancakes and sausages from here!

VC-Brie- Ugh thank god theyre giving us food. I ate a granola bar a few moments ago but I still have space for waffles.

Finn was the first one to find the buffet. In the middle of the forest, there was the table with the 6 plates. He approached it.

"What the hell are these things?"he said to himself as he observed the food.

VC-Finn- So uh...no...its not what you think. Its not eggs and bacon and toast.

He began reading the label of each plate.

"Pond snails? Horse urine eggs what the hell? Grasshoppers? Silkworms? Fish chum soup? Cow eye balls?"

(Horse Urine Eggs and Pond Snails)



He tried hard not to gag.

VC-Finn-..........This is messed up.

He began hearing the other players approaching and knew he had to choose the dish that would be the easiest to consume.

He grabbed the bowl of fish chum soup, held his nose, and began chugging it down.

VC-Finn- I chose the fish chum soup which is fish guts, bones and blood all grinded up into a soup because its the easiest to get down in my opinion. Just hold my breath and throw it down the back of my throat. Sorry horse urine egg, not today.

Charlotte was the next one to arrive followed by AJ, Roman, Paige then Brie.

They stared in disgust at the food.

"What the hell is this?" Charlotte asked.

"You gotta be kidding me..." Roman said.

"Oh my god...no..I cant do this." Brie said.

VC-Brie- Im a vegan so....this is going to be hard for me. Theres nothing vegan here.


"I knew it was too good to be true." Paige said as she read the names of all the dishes.

Brie went for the grasshoppers. AJ started with the cow eye ball. Paige ran for pond snails and Roman chose the egg. That left Charlotte with the silk worms.

"Anyone wants to trade?" she asked but no one responded.

Finn stopped and puked up his fish chum soup.

"Oh god Finn." Paige said.

VC-Finn- This soup is really chunky. Its not as easy to get down as I thought.

He stood to the side and began to throw up.

Meanwhile AJ was struggling with his cow eyeball.

VC-AJ- This eyeball is so chewy. It takes me a minute to chew every piece.

He furiously chewed his eyeball.

Charlotte stood and stared at the dead worms on her plate.

VC-Charlotte- Im not going to eat this. I cant. Its worms for crying out loud!

She looked at everyone else who was struggling to finish their plate.

She finally took one and placed it in her mouth. It popped right in her mouth and she spat it out.

"Oh god!" she spat and rinsed her mouth with water, "No I cant do it."

"Listen just dont think about it. Pour the whole plate in your mouth and swallow it. If you gotta puke it out after then thats fine." AJ advised, "Just do it."

She was still hesitant.

Meanwhile, with every bite Roman took of his egg he tried hard not to puke.

VC-Roman- This disgusting piss covered egg is the worst thing ive ever tasted. *shudders *

Brie was getting her grasshoppers down easily. She just kept popping them one after the other into her mouth.

VC-Brie- Grasshoppers actually arent that bad *laughs *

Paige began puking up her pond snails.

VC-Paige- These snails are slimy and disgusting and taste weird. The texture of it just keeps making me gag.

Charlotte finally came to her senses and just started putting handful of worms into her mouth and swallowing them, of course puking it back up every 3 minutes.

VC-Paige- Charlotte didnt want to put the worms in her mouth because she doesnt enjoy putting long, cylindrical things in there.....*winks *

Finishing Results:

AJ- 20 minutes

Finn- 26 minutes

Brie- 30 minutes

Paige- 32 minutes

Roman- 33 minutes

Charlotte- 40 minutes

AJ was in the lead since he left the breakfast buffet first. He geared up with the jacket and goggles that was provided and took off in the lead. Finn quickly followed behind along with Paige, Roman, Charlotte and lastly Brie.

They all were off to a great start with the exception of Charlotte who had to stop multiple times to puke.

VC-Paige- If you really must know what I had for breakfast this morning it was pond snails and Redbull. Appetizing huh?

With each crunch their snow boots made in the sand, they all thought of how crazy it was to be here. Here they were completing their last stage of this crazy experience.

VC-Finn- I came in here not knowing what to expect. I was off to a rough start at the beginning of this show. Hell, I only won one challenge. Im just proud to be here. Trying to summit this volcano. Even if I dont win first place,I still win in the end because I can say made it through out the show. I never got eliminated. I completed each task that was given to me plus im going to win money at the end of it.

VC-Brie- All the heartbreaks, all the betrayals, everything was worth it to be here right now climbing this beautiful volcano. The view is just breath taking. Snow everywhere.

AJ was way ahead of everyone else.

VC-AJ- Thank god im not getting cramps today. This is where it matters the most.

VC-Paige- Charlotte and I are literally neck and neck right now. One minute im ahead and then the next minute she's ahead. This can be anybody's game right now.

Roman was at the same pace as Charlotte and Brie was the furthest away.

Hours After-

VC-AJ- I reach the top of the volcano and see the flag. Ive never been happier in my life to see a flag. This feels amazing!

AJ ran towards the flag and touched it, ultimately stopping his time.

Coming in minutes after was Finn. He made his way to the flag, touched it and dropped himself on the ground.

"Way to go buddy!" AJ applauded him.

Paige was the next to arrive.

"YAYYY!" She threw her hands in the air and ran towards the flag to touch it. After, she grabbed onto to AJ and gave him a hug then threw herself on top of Finn.

Charlotte and Roman arrived 10 minutes after and the last to finish was Brie.

Finishing Time:

AJ- 2hrs 4mins

Finn- 2hrs 36 mins

Paige- 2hrs 40 mins

Charlotte- 2hrs 50 mins

Roman- 2hrs 50 mins

Brie- 3hrs

Hunter approached them.

VC-Paige- I see Hunter approaching us and I immediately start getting butterflies in my stomach. Like, I want to vomit because I know he's about to reveal the winner.

"Well done guys. Each and every one of you should be proud of yourselves. You have officially completed The Challenge. You 6 did what the others would not have been able to do." he said.

They all gave themselves a round of applause.

"Brie, im impressed. I didnt know you had it in you. I noticed a lot of the times you kept saying you cant do this but in the end, you did it. You should be really proud. Because of your perseverance, you came in 3rd place winning $15 000."

Bries eyes lit up as the others clapped for her.

"Thanks so much Hunter!" she smiled and Finn gave her a hug.

VC-Brie- Compared to the others, I knew I performed poorly but y'know what, im so proud of myself. Hunter was right, I kept saying that I couldnt but in the end I did. Im just happy that Nikki is going to get to see me emerge victorious. Throughout my life, she always doubted me but now I can say ive completed The Challenge and she cant.

"Third place for the guys is.............Roman."

Roman nodded and everyone clapped.

VC-Roman- At least im getting to bring home some money to my babygirl. But ive learnt from this experience. I realized that I need to push harder the next time if I ever want to bring home first place.

Finn and AJ both breathed a sigh of relief as they heard Roman came in 3rd.

"Now.....the moment you all been waiting for. First place for the guys is........"

Even though it was freezing, AJ began sweating.

Finn took deep, shaky breaths.

VC-AJ- Okay, lets get this over with.

Hunter's eyes kept darting from AJ to Finn.

VC-Paige- Oh my gosh, im so nervous for them.


Finn's eyes lit up and his jaw dropped.

Everyone began clapping.

Paige gave him a tight hug, "You deserve it Finn!" She gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

AJ nodded his head as he tried to accept second place.

VC-Finn-.....Im...im speechless...i dont know what to say.....

VC-AJ- I guess the better man won. Im happy for him. Its been a crazy journey we faced together so, no animosity here.

AJ gave Finn a bro hug.

"Now, for the girls. Coming in 1st place with only a 3 minute time difference is........."

VC-Charlotte- Three minutes....you gotta be kidding.

For the first time, Paige and Charlotte hugged each other waiting to hear the answer.

VC-Paige- As awkward as that hug was....I felt comfortable. We've been at each other's throats through out this whole show beginning from week 1. We've tried desperately to get rid of each other but now, we're both here at the end of finals waiting to find out which one of us is the winner.

"................Paige, congratulations."

"WHAT!"Paige was shocked.

Everyone clapped for her.

"Oh my god!" she covered her mouth as tears of joy began to flow.

Finn lifted her up and swung her around.

"We did it!" he said.

"Oh my god!" she cried on his shoulder.

Charlotte clapped for her as she tried not to cry.

VC-Charlotte- Three minutes.....three minutes cost me first place. I dont know how to feel. Im accepting second place with a grain of salt. Im not the proudest right now.

"Congratulations to every single one of you. No matter what place you came in, you all are winners. Sadly, this is our last goodbye. Its been amazing spending these months with all of you. This first season has definitely been crazy. Its safe to say that all of you came in here as strangers but will be leaving as friends. And I was honored to be here for this journey, putting you guys through hell along the way. Im going to miss you all. But dont worry, we shall meet again. As a little gift from me to you, back at the house ive organized an actual breakfast buffet with actual breakfast food this time. No worms, no horse urine. Now for real this time guys, get outta here."

They all clapped and Paige ran and tackled Hunter with a hug. Everyone followed, giving him a goodbye hug.

"Wait guys...." AJ said as he formed a snowball in his hand. He stared at Hunter and pointed, "How about some payback? Get him!"

They all began forming and throwing snowballs at him as he tried to protect himself.

"This is for making us eat cow testicles!" Brie yelled as she threw one.

VC-Paige- * wipes tears smudging eyeliner* Ughhh im going to miss everyone actually. Spending like what, 4 months with these crazy people has been such a journey and im definitely going to miss them all. Im proud of every single one of them who won with me today. We all deserved it.

VC-Roman- I would say we all grew closer to each other and became more of a family from this experience. Right throughout the show there was drama and all kinds of crap but its good to win and to leave this show without any drama and any tension. Finally, we're all at peace with each other.

As the attack of Hunter concluded, they all wrapped their arms around each other and walked away, heading into the helicopter that was awaiting them.


"WOOOH!" They all responded.

"My mouth still tastes like fish chum....."

Total times-

Finn- 507 mins

AJ- 555 mins

Roman 613 mins

Paige-606 mins

Charlotte- 609 mins

Brie- 654 mins

AN- So.....finally this book has concluded and I feel emotional that's its ending lol. Its definitely been a fun experience writing it.

But....lets talk about season 2 shall we?

So I came up with some themes for the next season. I want to know which one out of all of these you would love to see next.

-Free Agents 2 (competing as individuals)

-Battle of the Exes (competing as pairs)

-Battle of the Couples (competing as pairs)

-Rivals (competing as pairs)

-Bloodlines (brother/sister, brother/brother, sister/sister, cousins competing as teams)

-Raw vs Smackdown (Cast will be placed in a red team and a blue team obviously representing Raw and Smackdown. Competing as a team)

- Pros vs Rookies ( WWE vs another wrestling company like ROH or NJPW. Basically, anybody from the indies. Competing as a team)

- The Challenge vs Are You The One (Competing as a team)

If you have any other themes that you want to suggest, feel free!

Who would you like to see in the next season.

Wait....do you guys even want a next season?

Im curious to know what was your guys fav part of this show. What are some things you didn't expect?  Who were your fan favorites? Give me your honest reviews, reactions and thoughts!


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