By WriterWaynejoy

223 61 18

After his car accident, author Wyatt Wylde now sits home alone mostly while his wife Joan works long hours as... More



21 6 2
By WriterWaynejoy

"Tell me, Wyatt, old buddy. Did you ever try to find out who was killed in your 'accident'? No? I didn't think so. Too wrapped up in your own pathetic life! Well, you should have! Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be what I am now... I never wanted to let him free again, you know?"
What is he talking about? Let "him" free? Him who... himself?
"I can tell by your face, as bruised and bloody it is, that your confused. See the him I'm referring to is the monster inside me. I've killed before. Many times. In fact, your little nurse made victim 14! You, and Joan will up it to 16...then, who knows? Maybe he'll be sated, at least for awhile. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
That laugh...he's truly insane! My best friend for a decade is a serial killer!
"Daniel, listen, it's not too late to stop him. I can get you some help..."
"Help? You think I want help? Think again! I enjoy killing! Now I admit, my first two victims weren't a neat kill, no it was bloody. Their house looked as if someone took buckets blood and splashed it all over the house! And the skinning, well my adoptive 'dad' took me hunting, never let me have a gun or nothing, but he did teach me one useful thing, how to skin a deer! And isn't it ironic, how deer's just keep popping up in my life? Anyway, I still have their 'hides'...in a deep freezer. Anyway, let me clean you up a bit... uh-oh, that left eye is nearly swollen shut. Let me pop it, drain some of the blood, like boxer's have done."
He slices it, the sting makes me twitch, and his grip on my chin becomes iron like.
"There. Can you see better? Yeah, it's moving good. Now, another dear old daddy taught me was how to use a belt buckle for added impact on a punch."
He wraps his belt around his fist tightly, the large brass buckle over the knuckles. He leans the chair back against the desk, propping me up and proceeded to punch me repeatedly in the stomach! He stops when I cough up blood, sitting the chair back on all four legs.
"You know, seeing as how you were in the Marines, I would have thought you to be tougher. Guess even jarhead's can be wussies, eh old chum?"
His face is right in front, and I rear my head back and [BOOM!], I bust his nose!
"I'm not so sure you're correct on that analogy, bud!"
At the hospital, Detective Owens is pushing the wheelchair for Joan, and Twytch walks beside. In the archway, Twytch gets in to drive, and says "Next stop, home sweet home, huh Joan?" She smiles.
Back in Wyatt's office. Daniel sits on the ledge of the bay window, and then grins at Wyatt.
"I better see how Joan's feeling. Wouldn't want her to think anything is wrong at home.
"Yes, is this Joan Wylde's room? What!? She's checked out? Uh, thanks. Well, well. Looks like it's about to be party time! You know, I've always wanted to hump your wife! And now, I'm going to do it, while you watch! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"You son of a...! If you rape her I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you!!"
"Wyatt, Wyatt. How dear boy? Face it, I've already thought of everything! By the way, I hope my size won't be too painful!"
"Damn you! If I ever get free..."
He walks away and down the stairs. Yeah, you've thought of everything, huh, 'buddy'? He has me where I'm facing my door, so I get to work on the duct tape. My wrists are raw, bleeding, making the tape slippery. There! One hand free! Crap, he's coming back up here.
"Everything is set downstairs. When she comes in, she'll trip and I'll tie her up and haul her butt up here, for our first date! What you think about that?"
I say nothing. Just biding my time. There's three car doors shutting. Three? Please let Twytch and Owens be with her! Damn he's going down!
"C'mon, boss lady. Easy does..whoa!"
"Uh-huh, detective! Stay on the floor! Fat man, toss your piece over at my feet! You too, sweet cheeks! Welcome home, Mrs. Wylde, we've been expecting you!"
Soon I hear someone bounding up the stairs, Daniel.
"C'mon buddy boy! The parties downstairs!"
He grabs the back of the chair and yanks me down the stairs. Now in the kitchen are Detective's Twytch and Owens tied up in chairs and Joan!
"Let the fun begin! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

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