A Royal Story

By Cephxx

45.7K 1K 102

Ella Diana Porter, 21 years old young woman who's born in England but her parents moved to France, is soon go... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
You guys decide :)
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
The Wedding Dress
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 7

1.2K 30 1
By Cephxx

The day of the Grand Opening. (Part 1)

"WAKEY! WAKEY! LAZY BUTTTT!" screamed Amal in my ear, waking me up.

"I'm up I'm up! what is the matter with you? really do that one more time and I swear to God-"

"Ella Diana Porter! You do not swear to God!" said my mom cutting me off and popping her head through the door.

"Sorry." I said pouting and giving a death glare to Amal which caused her to laugh.

I putted my slippers on a went to the living room of the hotel suite just to see a plate with a tower of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and more, I sat down and started to eat everything when mom interrupted.

"Do you think you'll still fit in your dress if you eat like that young lady? Or should I remind you that the Grand Opening is tonight?" she looked at me smirking.

"Right, I slightly forgot about that but no worries I'll go for a run and I'll be back in shape." I said, as if one run could make me loose all I ate right now, but hey it's worth a shot no?

"Good girl," she then kissed my forehead before continuing, "girls don't forget that the hairstylist and the makeup artists are coming at 3 p.m. do not be late because we still have tones of things to prepare and go over the protocol to when you will meet their Royal Highnesses. Okay?" Amal and I nodded in agreement.

After eating I went to my room, took a shower, I putted on my Victoria's Secret running leggings, a sport's bra and a sweatshirt took my headphones and headed to the door.

"I'm going for a run I'll be back in 1hour tops, Amal you lazy ass you coming?" I asked,

"Yeah yeah no I'm not, see you later." she said laying down in the couch, pfff lazy ass.

"Be careful hun, love you." my dad said and my mom gave me a kiss.

As I stepped out of the hotel, I looked up at the sky and thought 'Well if it's not going to rain I'm lucky', I turned my music on, "God is a Woman" by Ariana Grande and started running. I was running in the streets of London when I remembered one of my favorite places as a kid, the Kensington Park, my favorite park ever, why? because there's the beautiful statue of Peter Pan and since it's my favorite Disney movie I can only love this place, so I started running there using my phone's GPS as a guide since I couldn't really remember where it was.

I arrived in the park and quickly I remembered my way to the statue, as soon as I stood in front of it goosebumps took over my body, I was happy and to be back here brought many memories out, good ones, I don't have bad memories from my childhood, I mean as far as I can remember.

I took off my headphones, and started to appreciate being alone for once in this park, I closed my eyes while inhaling the pure air of this park surrounded by beautiful trees, everything here looked so simple, so pretty, so calm, I fell in love again with my favorite childhood memory. I sat down at the bottom of the statue, just to feel a rain drop on my forehead.

"Great! Rain, it could've waited till I was home, but of course not..." I said out loud to myself.

"I know right, pretty horrible when that happens." said a voice out of nowhere, that startled me a little.

"God?" I asked rather joking looking all around me just to see a rather sculpted figure appear in front of me.

"No, no haha, not God," he laughed, "just someone who appreciates this statue and the unusual quietness of this park." he smiled then sat down next to me. He had sunglasses on, a cap, a sweatshirt and an umbrella in his hand, he looked quiet familiar tho I didn't know from where.

"Well, at least you came prepared for a weather change I see, not like me." I said as I got up and zipped up my sweatshirt and putted my hood on as it started to rain more.

"Well I've been born and raised here so I'm used to this weather, tho you have the British accent it doesn't seem that you're from here." he said in a question way.

"Actually I was born here, but I moved and now I'm finally back. This conversation is a bit odd no?  I mean talking private life with a total stranger my mom would be shocked!" I said laughing a bit.

" Well I couldn't say my grandma or my family would be pleased by me doing the same." he laughed and stood up.

"Well it's starting to rain some more and it's already late for me I have to go I'm sorry but it was nice meeting you and see that there are still normal people on this world, and by normal people I mean people without phones in their hands." I smiled as he took out his umbrella, opened it and putted it above our heads protecting me from the rain.

"Right! Do you have a car to get you there?" he asked quiet concerned.

"No, but it's okay I'm going to run to the hotel, I"ll be fine." I smiled, as I started to walk away.

"Wait, would it be okay if I walked you home?" he asked, even though I couldn't see much of his face, I could tell he was cute and his smile was charming.

"That's kind of a stranger danger eh." I laughed and he did too looking at his feet.

"I get it it's okay." he said a bit of sadness in his voice, as he turned and walked away.

"Wait!" I called out, "I haven't given my answer, I'd be happy if you could walk me to my hotel I mean I'm already soaking wet but an umbrella and company could help still." I smiled as he came closer to me and we started walking.

We were exiting the park when we saw bodyguards and policemen, with cars and all that at the entrance.

"How are we supposed to go out and why are they here?" I asked.

"Euhm, I don't know, take the umbrella I'll go talk to them so they can let us out." he said I couldn't even say quidditch that he was already walking towards the guards. He came running back to me and said.

"It's fine they'll let us out, apparently there's somebody important or I don't know, in here that's why there's nobody in the park and that's why there are so many guards and policemen, but come on let's get you home." he said taking back the umbrella and making our way to the hotel.

15min later we arrived at the hotel, we entered the lobby but he still had his cap and sunglasses on.

'ODD.....ANYWAYYYYYY' I though to myself.

"Thank you for walking me to my hotel under this rain." I laughed.

"No problem, now I can go with a clear mind, I know now that you are safe." he said laughing.

"Why thank you that is really kind, do you want to come upstairs or something I mean take a cup of tea or so?" I asked politely.

"No thank you it's really kind of you but I have to decline I have something tonight I have to attend to." he said


"Oh no worries it's fine I mean I do have something tonight too, I forgot, then thank you and I hope one day we can meet again." I said smiling.

"For sure." he said smiling too.

"By the way I'm Ella." I said.

He looked like he was hesitating then said, "I'm Charles."

"Well it was nice to meet you Charles." I smiled.

"It was nice meeting you Ella." he said.

I then pushed the elevator button, looking one last time to this mysterious Charles walking away, as I wondered if one day I'll meet him or even see him again.

To Be Continued....

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