Attempted Detailed OC's

By Archaic_Arcana

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Daedalus Mortel
Camp Baldr

Blood Bound

52 1 8
By Archaic_Arcana






Prevu Malic Gatb


Instructor/ 30






Prevu is the light magyk instructor though her line of true specialty is somewhat unique, she focuses on bending light into divine weapons as well as looking beyond the physical realm.


Pervu has a strange appearance due to her having many noticeable features about her body that not many others have such as the glowing veins that start at her neck and shine throughout her body, these veins are white and glow the brightest when she is happy and will fade to nothing when she is sad, she gained this mutation through her first kill. Another feature of her body is that she never seems to be dirty, sweaty or tired, even when she trains brutally hard she won't sweat even a little. Her hair is brown and fuzzy and is often kept short due to Pervu believing that it will allow her to keep an eye and anything in front of her. Her eyes are also an interesting feature of her body as she was born with a strange disease that colored her eyes different colors in the same eye much like a kaleidoscope.

Her form is very broad, she is skinny and she has some defined muscles around her abdomen, her arms as well as her calfs. Along with her forearms, you may begin to notice that there many runes carved into her flesh as if they are to give her some sort of ability which they do. Her skin is otherwise flawless, no dirt, no scratches, no scars, flawless. Her skin also radiates a very light glow that can only be noticed in the darkest of places though much like her veins, this will glow with happiness and fade with sadness. When it comes to height, she is relatively tall as she is at the height of your average male bloodborne. For an instructor who teaches magyk that isn't the most combat orientated, it's surprising to many students that she has a firm grip on swords and other such weapons. Though she is extremely feminine when it comes to prowess and she brings an atmosphere of kindness and often brings joy to those who are basked in her presence.


Pervu is often known as the bloodborne who wasn't supposed to be born into this life, the one who should have grown up with a loving family though she was born into that life and now everyone knows that she was certainly born for it. This hasn't only caused her to be an inspiration to many of the hunters that she teaches, but she's also an inspiration to herself as she knows that anyone can find the light in a world filled with bloodshed and violence, she knows that anyone can get back to the right path. Speaking of the correct path, she is very heavily spiritual as she believes that everyone has a higher self and that with enough time spent on the correct path that they shall become their higher self and teach others how to become their higher self though she is also frightened of her own beliefs as she is afraid that she will eventually come across someone who is so corrupted, so far from the correct path that there is no way to return them to the correct path. This scares her, gives her nightmares when she sleeps, she is truly scared of this event that she has foreseen.

Towards others, she often acts cautious and concerned as she doesn't want to find out who has strayed from the light path and who has remained. She does care for all her students, she doesn't really have the potential to hate someone, her heart is just filled with enough good energy that she cannot physically hate someone. It's an odd thing for someone of her species to be born with that potential but she was and she doesn't hate it, she loves it. She feels blessed. Pervu has a strange view on the world, it's filled with bloodshed and violence yet she will always see the good that the world has to offer and believes that no one should ever feel negative emotion, ever.

Pervu is an extremely anti-bullying or harming person and will not tolerate any sort of harm, bullying or teasing if she is around. Her aura that she gives off acts as an immunity as most people have reported just feeling an extreme high of peace and joy and don't seem to have any resentment towards anyone (She got this from her second kill). Pervu, whilst she can be a strict instructor, is a very care-free person to be around and will try and make her classes as practical as possibly meaning that she might sometimes light magic or sometimes she might show the class a light creature.


Pervu's parents were good people, they had a keen eye for science. They loved science, it was such an interesting topic and they would often spend nights just speaking about science and how amazing it was. You see, Pervu's parents worked for Exxus, they both worked on the experiments that Exxus had executed. Though, this has a dark turn on them as the experiments that bore witness to had stuffed with their minds. Compassion, Joy, and happiness were all memories of the past. The experiments they had seen had made them emotionless drones doing as Exxus did. In fact, they only reproduced because they had to or else their bloodlines would die as they were both only children. Anyway, so they had done the reproduction dance and then Pervu was conceived. Nine months later, Pervu was born. Sweet little Pervu. The thing that never experienced motherly or fatherly love. Pervu's parents didn't love Pervu, they actually thought her as many bad things though the main two things were 'A Failure' and 'An Experiment which should have failed.' This affected Pervu badly, extremely badly though it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Pervu's childhood wasn't as tragic as some of the other Bloodborne though it was still awful. Towards Pervu, Exxus had a strange view on her 'Every experiment that had gone wrong was able to be turned around if you change a few key elements.' was something they would always say to her when she would enter the laboratory, she doesn't remember what they did to her. She never inquired about it as she was too afraid to know. What they actually did to her was mark her as an experiment known as 'Experiment P.A.K' which stood for Peace And Kindness. They weren't going to allow her to succumb to the dark savageness that other blood bound and bloodborne have, they certainly weren't. They were gonna have a bloodborne who was actually a kind and caring, one who could feel good emotions. One who could feel love and not destroy anyone around her. They managed to perform the ritual on her without killing her and she then became a dimidus. This is when she began to have gaps in her memory as this is when Exxus decided to play with the chemicals in her brain as well as the magyk that was in her. She was the first and only completed experiment as the project was discontinued due to unknown circumstances. These circumstances being her parents had stopped working for Exxus as they were executed for again unknown reasons which Pervu never inquired about. They were executed due to them threatening to leak information about Exxus and being the dodgy company they are, they couldn't have that so the easiest option was to eliminate them.

Pervu's childhood got better/worse after her parent's execution. Exxus were now her guardians so she knew that she was safe. She felt happy and safe and from what she had heard from the scientists, that wasn't an exactly normal thing for someone of her.... kind. She didn't really care though she wondered what they meant by her not being normal compared to other people. Much later than most kids, she began her training so she was incredibly behind in her training yet she managed to flourish in three classes only two of which were linked. Field training and Endurance training. The third class was light magyk, she was noted as a natural for having an affinity with the light. Multiple times, she was held back by class and punished by her instructor for being too close to the light path. In one class, she found out each student is usually somewhere in between the light and dark path and that if there was a student who was too close to one meant that they had done something illegal. Though, she was also taught that she had a natural affinity for light magyk and was recommended that Pervu should have three light creature kills as that would be where she shines and that it would have the greatest effect on her. Pervu took this information like a blood-oath and vowed that her first three creatures would only ever be light creatures and never be dark creatures. As for her other two classes, she excelled in field training like a pro, she even out-bested her peers and whenever there was a practical training most would try and stay away from her as they didn't want to be seriously hurt and if there was a team activity, many would swarm to her side and beg for her to be on their team due to her being one of the best. Though when it came to endurance training, she struggled. She struggled for a long long time until one day, the instructor broke her. She began to endure things beyond pain and it was a terrible feeling as it actually caused some of her joy and happiness to fade for a while. Exxus got extremely worried about this and it got the instructor in trouble but they let it go when the signs came back again.

It was many years later, after her first three kills and many other kills. She eventually took up the position of light magyk instructor. Though, it wasn't that easy at first. She didn't have a clue how to teach others and took notes from the dark magyk instructor as they constantly had combined classes. She eventually got better at teaching, she understood that the students appreciated practices so that's what she gave them. She's predicted them. Given them riddles to help work out a path to their future and she's redone her old teacher's structure. She doesn't believe that there are only two paths. But three. A light path, a grey path, and a dark path. She also refuses to punish students physically with a few exceptions. She only believes that the true punishment is too make the one someone is bullying, better than the bully. Humility. 


Her first three kills went in this order.

1. An angel that had yet to full from grace yet wasn't located in heaven. This Angel was a target of Pervu's first hunting squad though little did any of them know that this angel wasn't just an Angel, this Angel was an Oracle. This Angel had the ability to predict the future, to see who had sinned and who was on their way to glorious heaven. Pervu, of course, managed to kill it with the help of her hunting squad. This unlocked her the ability to sense those who are corrupted and those who are innocent though this ability doesn't give her a straight view of where they are, it gives her a riddle sort of vision. One that she has to decipher before she can truly tell what they are. The Angel also gave her the divine ability to bend light to craft divine weapons.

2. A Fae, whilst this ability may seem very little and somewhat useless Pervu still sees it as a useful ability. The Fae had given her the ability to release a permanent aura which will affect anyone in her radius, they will instantly get a sudden high as if they had just taken a drug. As soon as they get out of the aura range, the high will disappear.

3. A Seer, this creature had given her mainly psychic abilities. The Seer blood had given her the ability to perceive the future in an odd way, it's the opposite of what will happen. E.g if she sees a branch falling in the future, it will stay up. If she sees a couple getting married, they will break up. Those things. She also has access to a vault, as she calls it, which allows her to read riddles which are usually extremely difficult or sometimes easy and these will inform her about the thoughts of others.


She has one motivation and three core strengths;

Motivation: She wishes for everyone to reach their higher self and walk the light path and never stray, she wishes to teach everyone that there is a higher self to everyone and that there is no corruption that will stop you from achieving that higher self.

Core No.1:

She believes her ability to cause joy and happiness just with her presence is a major strength and she will always try and use this to her advantage.

Core No.2:

Her ability to see those who are on the right path is a major strength as she doesn't really like fighting so as long as she can help in a peaceful more spiritual way than she will consider it a strength.

Core No.3:

Her secret knowledge of weaponry and fighting is a major strength and often catches people off guard.


She has 2 fears and major weaknesses;

Fear No.1:

She has prophesied that she will meet someone who is truly corrupted and is unable to reach the light path again and will never achieve their higher self.

Fear No.2:

She has also prophesied her own death, she will fall to the hands of one of her most loyal friends or one of her worst enemies. She doesn't know specifically which one yet.

Weakness No.1:

Her fear of the corruption is a major weakness because she will often jump at the words 'I am the corrupted', she hates the word corruption.

Weakness No.2:

Her love for everyone is a flaw as she hates to kill people and if she is going to fight would rather incapacitate them rather than kill them.

Weakness No.3:

Her visions are a weakness as well as she will get extremely paranoid when she is swarmed with visions.


(I don't mind who is her Dimidus be them boy or girl, don't really care.)



They are her employers, she likes them as they allow her to teach everyone about the right path and it's properties. Though, she is a bit worried about the secrets they keep.


Sorry for the bad weaknesses.

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