By MayMayuu_

61K 1.8K 48

He always walk in front of me. The scent of his body make me happy. His smile and his voice are my favorite... More

The way we met ❤
You give me a warm hug ❤
Graduated ❤
Jealousy ❤
Heartbroken ❤
Be mine ❤
The past ❤
i love you ❤
Dont leave❤
Let me go ❤
Trouble ❤
bad at love ❤
come back ❤
come back (2) ❤
the truth ❤
Its fine ❤
A goodbye ❤
Author's notes ❤
A goodbye (2)
mine ❤
Thank you ♥
the cast ;

Give me a chances ❤

2.5K 83 2
By MayMayuu_

"Hello ? Yes sara ?" Me
"Bila balik Sabah syg" sara.
Ni org kan nda habis2 tnya bila sy balik Sabah. Brpa Kali suda sy ckp sma dia 😒

"Aduh sara syg brpa Kali suda sy said to you oh ? Next week kan ? I got a lot of work to do here leh." Me
"Aiyah miss u so much bah. Suda 3years u di sana NY. How long u wanna hide ?" Sara.
Sy diam. And tarik nafas dalam2
"Sara. I'm not going to hide anymore bah. Sy trbng jauh pn untk move on ba syg. Sy hmm dulu you know jg kan?" Me.

Sara keep silents.

"Okay. See u next week bby girl muahhh" sara.

Call ended.

Suda 3 tahun sy di new york sbb mau move on sma perasaan sy yg kuat sma c darrel. Lps diploma terus sy trbng p NY, sy ikut mom sy. My dad company ? Sara yg atur hahaha

I work at a big company at NY. So mmg 3tahun ni bnyk jg ba yg kjr2 sy eseh eksen sikijap 😳

Tp sy mau balik sabah mau buka kedai butik sy sndiri. Jgn kmu inda tau pula di alam remaja mmg mau jd nurse tp bila suda pilih lain mmg lain la ba pekerjaan yg mau d cari.

Darrel ? Idk. And i dnt wanna know. Tp setakat yg sy tahu he already got a child from tht bitxh.

But nvm i still wnt to take my revenge 😌

Sy kemas meja kerja sy n walk to the lif.

Sy masuk sj tu lif n ada llki ikut masuk jg. Satu Kali ja sy pndng dia hmm look nerdy but look nice la. Tiba2 kmi te-eye contact, cpat² sy kasi lari mata sy.

"Hi" he said.
Sy pandang dia n saya snyum sja. Eww please la nerd oh mcm nda teratur tu baju. Necktie pun ya ampun mcm sy mau tlong pula kasi bagus.

"Going home?" He said.
Sy langsung x mau tngu dia.
"Ya" I said.
Tebuka ja tu lif tus sy kluar n pigi d kereta sy n cauu pulang rumh.


Calling ..

"Hello ?" Sara, dngn suara baru bngun.

"Oik kau blg want to take me here . baru bngun ka nih ? Babi jg gaya kau ni 😒" me.

"Heheh siou ba. Hmm bkn sy yg p ambi kau." Sara.
"Jadi siapa?" Me.
"Abg Sam" sara.

Sy blank kijap. Hmm okayla.

"Okayy I'll wait here" me.
"Ba tunggu ja sna" sara

15minutes ..


Sy pndang , wtf ?! Is he kejar sy p Sabah ka apa nih ? Thts him. The nerdy, he wearing a glasses pula.

"Eh youu hm hehe" me. Acuh x acuh sj sy balas.

"Waiting for ?" Him. Aduhh tulung la gaya bju pun aduhh selekeh betul. Bju panjang lengan dia pkai.

Sy pandang dia n senyum sja. Jahat ka sy 😭 aduh.

"Btw my name is jordan. Im goin to visit my grandpa n grandma here. So how about you ?" Jordan.
Sy tda tnya pula huhu. Bgus sy balas ja malay . bukn dia paham jg.

"Hm sy balik nih sbb sy Mau buka kedai sndiri sini sabah" me

Blank2 muka dia nahh kotoh ambi kau.

"Ohh hm me too. I'm gonna take over my dad company here." Jordan.

Tebesar mata sy . is he understand what I'm saying ?!

"Kau nihh org apa ni ?" Me.
"Ouh u ask about my race right ?" Jordan.
"Kinda" me.
" ouh my mom is dusun mix Spanish and my dad is Canadian. I d k how to say about my race." Jordan.

Ohhhh patutla hmm boleh tahan.
"Hm pandai speak Malay?" Me
"Bolelah sikit" jordan.
Behambur sy ketawa lain2 ba cara dia bcakap aduhhh lawak 😂

"Don't laugh la. Even I can't speak Malay well still I can understand ba" jordan.

So dlm 20minutes tuh kami cerita2 well siok jg ba kwn dgn dia kdg pndai buduh sikit hahah.
Kmi exchanged number. And sy kena call abg Sam yg dia tunggu d dpn suda. So jordan offer his self to hantar me smpai tmpat abg Sam.

Bila abg Sam nmpk sy terus dia buang tu rokok dia di tepi kereta. He getting handsome 💕

Sy peluk abg Sam n suddenly abg sam kiss my cheek. Its awkward. Sy tngok jordan dia tunduk2 bawah. Aik mcm nda biasa pula nmpk org kena kiss 😂

"Bby you getting pretty oh" abg sam.
"Ofcourse la. Oh ya sam this is jordan, jordan this is my abg Sam" me.

Dorang shake hand.

"Okayyla jasmine. Gtg. See u soon" jordan.

"Okay bye" me.

Lpas jordan jln tiba2 abg sam kiss2 lg pipi sy.

"Stop it bro. Kalau vivien nmpk mati sy" me.
Tiba2 dia diam2 ja. Salah ckp ka ?

"Oh hm lets go we go eat first." Bro sam.
"Ndapala. Knyg jg nih. Terus blik rumah la. Sy pnt" me.
"Okayy bby."

Abg sam hntr sy smpai dpn rumah.

"Okay bby. We are here." Bro Sam.
"Thank you bro Sam" me. I hug him n suddenly he kiss me again on the neck. Its tickle.
"Stop it bro eww" Me. Sy tolak badan dia.
"Once again u call me bro i will bite you. Remember this kay. Hehe" bro sam.
"Hmm ? Okay okay." Me.

Sy ambil brg2 sy n jln masuk rumah. Nasib sy ada kunci pendua rumah. Bila sy msuk ja baru bro sam blik. Hairan sa.

Sy kmas² dulu brg2 sa terus mndi and mengampaii la jawapan dia. Rindu sa sma bilik sa huhu 😳

Tringg tringgg ..

"Hello?" Sy jwab dgn mata betutup.
"Ui buka pintu buduh. Sy d luar nih. Hujan" sara.
Sy snyum n Cuba bangun, kasi regang badan ..
"Ya kijap. Turun suda nih" me.
Lepas sy buka ja pintu. Uishh makin seksi gila si sara. Tu baju mcm bitch suda 😂
"Ba msuk la." Me.
Sara terus hug me tight. Miss her too.
"Eee jasmine makin smart ba badan kau. Tu pau kau pn gila la bikin beliur nmpk sial" sara. Smbil dia pusing2 tngu sy gila betul ni org oh.

"Bagus sikit tu mata ah. Ada yg sy tikam nih malam." Me . and kmi laughing togther.

"Bah p mandi. Pkai bju yg hot ah. Sy blnja ni malam sna club xxxx ." sara.
"Betul ?aisehh okayy2 wait ah" me.

So lps mandi n pkai bju paling hot sy suda nih  😂

Sy turun ja dri bilik. Sna suda c sara tepuk2 tangan. Buduh.

So sara yg drive p club tuh.
"Just the two of us ka ?" Ask me.
"No la. With my boyfriend" sara.
"Gilak. Kacau daun la sy nih nnti" me.
"Ish mnada oh. Bwala ba abg sam ka c anu ka darrel." Sara.
Mulut tiada insurance btul oh 😒
"Ada yg sy garatak ni" me.
Ketawa pula dia nih. Gilakk.

So sara dluan msuk dlm. sy ? Hm cari kwn la pa lg. Siapa lg klau bkn si Jordan. Hantam.

Tut tut ..

"Hello?" Jordan
"Where r u?" Me
"Home. Why?" Jordan.
"Hmm can u drink ?" Me.
"Of course la I can. Drink water kan" jordan.

Astegaa biarr betul ni ank nda prnh sntuh alcohol.

"No. I means alcohol nerdy." Me.
"Ohhhhhh" jordan
Pnjang ohh dia di sna ah 😂
"I can but just a liitle hehe" jordan.
"Okayy come to club xxxx. Im waiting u here. Its okay my treat." Me.

"Ouh okay give me 20minutes kay." Jordan.

"Oky cantik" me.

Call ended..

Suddenly ..

Bro Sam called me..

"Hello ?" Me
"Where are u guys" bro sam.
"Hmm club xxxx" me
"Will be there soon." Bro sam
"Eh hmm okayy then bro sam"me
"Nahh u call me bro again. Wait there okay bby ?" Bro sam

Aduhh matila. Baru sy ingat gila 😂

Call ended ..

Selepas beberpa minutes dtg la c nerdyy . hmm bolela nmpk cool sj bju dia. Okay laa ..

"Am i late?" Jordan.
"Ya sangat." Me.
"Sorry jasmine"jordan.
"Hahahah nah its okayy"me.

We masuk Sna mmg kepala jantung pun teikut tu rentak dups dups ah. Sy tngu c jordan mcm nda brpa ngam dgn ni tmpat. So i hold his hand n find a place. I look for sara but i cant find her. Damn sara.

So we dpt suda tmpat dduk n ordering la ba.

"Nerdyy u okay ba kan ?" Me
"Uhm not really" jordan.
"Why ? Never goin tmpt like ths ka ?" Ask me
"Hmm pernah but i dont like it. Full of smokes and i dont like this club." Jordan. Knp la dia x kasi tau awal2 right ? Kalau nda manala sy bawa dia masuk.

"You nih. We go tmpat lain la. Jom" me.
"Eh ur water ?" Jordan
"Nah sokayy. Let's go" me.

Kmi kluar balik. And i look at jordan. He look at me with a blanks face.
"You borrow ur car right ?" Me
"Ya. Why ?" Jordan
Aik dia buduh ka apanih ?

"Idont have a car bah." Me
"Oh ya ya. So where are u goin to?" Jordan.
"Some chilling place tht dont have a full of smokes" i smirks.
"Im sorry if its annoy you" jordan. He looking at his watch.
"Nah sokayy." Me.

So sy ikut ja mna jordan bawa sy. Guess wht ? We goin to the beach.

"Come out. I got a surprise" jordan. He take something di buntut kereta dia.

I slowly out from his car n look at the moon. Its so beautiful. Its not really dark. I still can see the sea. 

Suddenly he pop out with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Here u go. Take it" he said. So I smiles and take it. He already open it for me.

"Thnks nerdy" me.
He just smiles n sit beside me. Kmi dduk d dpn kereta dia.

"So u like this kind of place to drink?" Me
He looking at me and smiles. I found something really good here. He actually are cute.

"Ya. I like this kind of place" jordan.
"What a good place you go" me.

We keep silents and drink more and more. Until im finish about two bottle ? Hahah

"You drunk" jordan.
I'm smiling and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Where do u got this" I ask while sy kasi tunjuk tu botol d muka dia.

"I buy it yesterday. For me" jordan.
"So u decide to buy it and drink it alone here la nih kan" me.
"Ya" he smiles n looking at me.
He pat my head n touching my back. Its awkward.
"So ... Lets play truth or dare" me.

We staring each other.
"Truth or dare" ask me
"Truth" he said.
"Are u a stalker?" Me
"Yes" him. Wht ? I smell something fishy here.
And he ask me the same question.

"Dare" i said.

"Kiss me" jordan.

I smirks. Its easy. Its just a kiss.

I touch his face. He look so nervous. Is he ever kissing with someone before ?

"Are u nervous ? Calm down" me.

He looking at my eyes.

"Its my firstime. Its normal to be nervous." He said. Sy tahan ketawa tp telepas jg. "Hahahhahaha. So im ur first kiss la nih" me.
He looking down n drink his wine.
"Poor you. Well i give u a permission . kiss me. Give me wht u got. I will teach u then" me.
Dia pndang sy dngn muka shocked.
"Urmm okayy" he said.
Dia bediri d dpn sy n cup my face. I just smiling and waiting for him to kiss me.

He touch my lips gently. I don't know why my heart beating so fast. Oh my god. This is not normal at all.
He's eye look so beautiful with the glasses on. His lips is so soft.
Sy rsa mcm prnh nmpk muka dia but where ?

He kissing me gently. And it's really soft. He kiss me more with his hand on my back. He keep rubbing it. Goshh it got me turn on. I can't control my breath. Its become heavy.

"Open ur mouth" he said. Oh my god ! He's hot ! I dont know why ? He just so hot. Its like it's not his firstime.

I open my mouth and his tongue is exploring mine. Oh gosh.

Our breath become fast. I know both of us can't control our feelings.

He touch my neck and started to suck it. He making a lovebite. Damnn it ! not there.

"Please give me a chances" he said.

I dont want he leave me with this feelings. And I don't know wht is he talking about ?

Can I give him a chances ? ❤ but we just know each other.

: sorry kamurang kalau bnyk salah grammar di sana. Well im a beginner writer bah. Btw thanks for reading my story 💕 once again kalau bnyk silap siou ah. Main paham2 ja la kay.

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