Our Cute Destroyer

By Glassplant

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The Annons and Creators had lived in the Antivoid for a long time, coming and going as they pleased, interact... More

...How did this happen?...
...Can we change the future?...
...Stop fighting with us Codes...
...This was suppose to be a coffee brake...
... a BITty of trouble...
...We can't catch a brake...
...The Worlds Beyond our Fight... Part 1
...The Worlds Beyond out Fight... Part 2
... From the High Seas to Todler Roundup...
...Everything goes wrong for us...
...the Darkness Draws closer...
...Something Isn't Right...
...There is Always a Light in the Darkness...
War Of Gods
Not a Chapter,but an opretunity.

gag chapter

149 12 5
By Glassplant

The group was know to always be in motion. But what do we do when the sight is down for almost 12 hours and we can't get to the next chapter, well we decided to have some fun and watch something funny. I chose this. Look up on YouTube sorted food shock. It should be the first video. Though you guys don't have to since i am putting it in the chapter. Enjoy the hilarity.

Also, if your wondering why this is written weird it's because i am writing it in the format i do when first editing the stuff written before Aries started helping me.

So have fun with the gag chapter.


Glassplant: *making coffee before the video.*

Bug_WolfCaster: Oh dear god

Glassplant:Yep, this is what I chose. I love these guys and their cooking videos are always fun.

Icey_Kid: I don't get it..

AriesChong9: Is it Fridge cam?

Glassplant:Yep. Well it is by the same people.

AriesChong9: Painful xD

Bug_WolfCaster: Beautiful

Glassplant: Look up sortedfood shocked. Sorted food is the name of their channel and fridge can is their series on cooking. (i was trying to get Icey to the video. As well as explaining what i meant about the fridgcam bit.)

Bug_WolfCaster: I'm building a cult around them

Glassplant: Yep they are funny. And this isn't even one of the battles.

Icey_Kid: Can i join Bug?

Glassplant: ... Did anyone notice that Berry was the only one who actually fell over when he was shocked.

AriesChong9: Low pain tolerance, Maybe.

Glassplant: How many times did he fall over. *laughing*

AriesChong9: XDDD

Glassplant: 1, 2, 3, 4, Egg clean up, 5, 6, Bickering... Not left handed sizors, "I don't know what a dome is." 7, zaper on privets joke.


Glassplant: ... Does almost getting pulled down by another count? ... I'm going to count it. 8 ... BERRY FELL DOWN 8 TIMES! 9! 9 times, I missed one! ... Do you guys want to know why Jammy said "I'm not" in the normal part?

AriesChong9: Yes

Glassplant: He is color blind unlike the others on the team. So technically he isn't "normal".

Icey_Kid: Will Ceri be affected?

Glassplant:... What? What you you mean Icey?

Icey_Kid: In the story the persons with error's code will be affected right?

Glassplant: Yeah...

AriesChong9: Pff poor Berry

Icey_Kid: Ceri is an ice x error ship child

Glassplant: ... Who is ice?

Icey_Kid: Ice sans. My profile if your confused.. he's one of the forgotten AUs ._.

Glassplant: Oh... Ok.

Icey_Kid:You oki glass?

Glassplant:Sorry a bit distracted in my head. I keep running this Error scenario though my head and it makes me... Somber I guess...

Icey_Kid:*hugs* a warm hug is always best :3

Glassplant:Thanks. *hugs Icey back* I have no clue why those scenarios keep going though my head... They aren't even... Nice I think is the right word.

Icey_Kid: Stop thinking for a moment and relax glass maybe cuddle with a pillow and fall asleep!! You'll be rested and fine don't worry too much!!

Glassplant: ... Resting makes it more prominate usually... I think the problem is my mind can't do nothing so to desires to imagine scenarios of stuff...

Icey_Kid: Why not watch TV?

Glassplant: Listening to YouTube, still happened.

Icey_Kid:Imma just hug you 'till your better :3

Glassplant: *yawns*... I need to go to bed... It's 1 am... I'm tired...

Icey_Kid: Kk!! Good night!

Glassplant: Night... *yawning*

Icey_Kid: *carries glass to her bed*

Glassplant: ... Icey I'm fine... Pluse I need to. Change... And go blush my teath I was drinking coffee and I don't need it staining my teath.

Icey_Kid: Alright just sit up!! I'll get your toothbrush and toothpaste!! And other stuff you need!!

Glassplant: I'm fine icey! I just need to focused for a few minutes on what I am going.

Icey_Kid: No you rest

Glassplant: I have to feed my mice! *yawns*

AriesChong9: S L E E P NOW


Glassplant: I need to feed my mice!

Icey_Kid: G L A S S...

AriesChong9: Right after mouse feeding it is. And washing up

Glassplant: Just fed them and washed up while arguing with Icey. Now I need to turn of the lights get my socks on and get in bed.
I love my micies.

Icey_Kid: Night!!

Glassplant: *grabs her home made sock sans* night... *goes to bed only to look over at the mice tank to see Luna playing with the wheel causing it to bang on the talk and produce a sound*

Icey_Kid: *guards glass while she is sleeping*

Glassplant: ... Their mice icey... In a tank... They just wanted the sunflower seeds I put in... *watching the tank* Spesificly Celestial...

Icey_Kid: Nope im still guarding you

Glassplant: *watches Luna come out, grab a seed and go back to hiding as Celestia moves about the tank* they are so cute. I rarely get to see them out. * watches the two sisters stare at each other.*

Icey_Kid: Hmm..

Glassplant: I love my mice even if I work about them fringing themselves of the wheel... They've done it... Luna used it to get on top of the water bottle in the middle of the night waking me up...

Icey_Kid: Sleep glass

Glassplant: Right... Night... *pulls up her covers cuddling her sans stuffy she made and goes to sleep*

Icey_Kid: *guards*

Bug_WolfCaster: Awww, Glass you're precious

Icey_Kid: Shush ma'm is sleeping

AriesChong9: Hello my child! Do you want some cookies while you guard? :3 Freshly baked out of the oven!

Icey_Kid: Oki mama , Thwank u

AriesChong9: Also, morning to you Bug!

Bug_WolfCaster: Hi

AriesChong9: *hands Icey a cookie* want one bug?

Bug_WolfCaster: Just casually stalking my beardie here

Bug_WolfCaster: YAS PLEASE

Icey_Kid: *noms on le cookie* thank you mama


AriesChong9: *hands Bug a cookie* There you go! No problem my child!~

Bug_WolfCaster: TANKKU *Eats cookie quickly, gives Aries a thumbs up*

Icey_Kid: Wuv chu mama

AriesChong9: Hehe! Does Mallory want a cookie? Jasper? Paperjam? :3

Stefan: I want one!!!

AriesChong9: *hands Stefan a cookie*

Bug_WolfCaster: *Hugs Aries, cookie in mouth*

AriesChong9: I luv you too my precious child! *glomps Icey*

Icey_Kid: Shushh! Miss glass is alseep!

Jasper: Please!!

Icey_Kid: Jaspeww ! Miss glass is asleep

AriesChong9: *hands Jasper a cookie* There you go~ Hmm. I'll leave some for Glass then! *realises what Icey said* Whoops! *whispers* sorry

Bug_WolfCaster: Shoot, Ima go check on mah son real quick.

Icey_Kid: Its oki mama

AriesChong9: Alright! *hands Paperjam a cookie*

Pj: thanks...*munches quietly*

AriesChong9: Anyone else? It's still hot and crispy!

Bug_WolfCaster: Archie's good, he's finally starting to move over to the warmer side of the tank, and the temp is coming up, finally!! (Archie is her pet lizard)

AriesChong9: *breaks a cookie into smaller pieces and hands them off to the bitties*

Icey_Kid 6: Can i have it mama? It su yummy!

Bug_WolfCaster: Another pwease,*Sits at Aries' feet, giving her puppy dog eyes*

Adrian: Thank you... *Slowly eats the cookie*

Icey_Kid: Mamaaa cookiee

AriesChong9: Oh alright! I have some more to spare I suppose *soft smile and gives Icey and Bug another cookie before she slowly begins to walk around and give other cookies*

Azul: I love Choco chips~ *noms*

Icey_Kid: *noms* where is Mallory btw?

Bug_WolfCaster: YAY!! *Quickly takes cookie* Tankyo- *Eats cookie in two bites.*

Adrian: He's sleeping, *Points to bed with Mallory and Glass*

Icey_Kid: Im guarding! And im not sleeping until they both wake up

Adrian: Okay. *Looks at his mom, wondering were he went wrong*

AriesChong9: *Fallacy stares at the cookie in his hands and I roll my eyes and stuff it in his mouth. His eyes widen but slowly chews*

Bug_WolfCaster: I. . . Is it good for wolves to eat chocolate. . . ?

AriesChong9: *hands Daycare Error, Geno and Ink cookies*

Icey_Kid: Mama can a have a knife as a weapon? *asks innocently*

Perseus: Thanks.

Com: *Signing in ASL* Thank you!

AriesChong9: *blinks at Icey* but don't you have a sword?

Icey_Kid: No it got bloody

AriesChong9: "Oh! Wolves can't eat chocolate like dogs. But don't worry! This ain't your normal chocolate. I made sure the chocolate chip cookies are edible for other beings to eat!" *she then sigh and says to icey* "you can have mine. But don't lose it" *Hands Icey a butterfly knife after swing it around with a few tricks* "be careful to not hurt yourself"

Bug_WolfCaster: Okay....good

Icey_Kid: Thank chu mama!

Bug_WolfCaster: *Stares at her ten gallon tank with a baby fancy bearded dragon inside.* His temp needs to be up a bit more, but it's better. Hey Stefan? Do ya like lizards?

AriesChong9: Yassss

Bug_WolfCaster: *Is squealing silently, tail wagging,* "Look at his little head!~

Icey_Kid: What head? Where's the body? *thinking it was a body without a head*

Bug_WolfCaster: My lizard Archie!! He's a cute little beardie!!

Icey_Kid: Ohhh i thought someone died *looks at archie and she immediately has a staring contest*

Stefan: *stares at it and emotionlessly pets it 'I'm petting a reptile. I'm petting a reptile.' He sweats inwardly*

Bug_WolfCaster: *Bug giggles softly, smelling the fear from Stefan as he's petting a four inch baby bearded dragon.* He won't bite you Stefan. Beardie are one of the tamest reptiles.

Bug_WolfCaster: *Archie looks at Stefan, licking his hand once, before looking back to Bug.* So cute!!

AriesChong9 :*Stefan freezes before he drops like a frozen popsicle on his side. I face palm at his dumb fear of reptiles*

Bug_WolfCaster : DONT HIT THE TANK!

Bug_WolfCaster: *Pulls up a screen for code, changing her form from a wolf to a human, her grayish blue eyes remaining. Her blonde hair was in braids and she had a Eevee beanie on. Scoops up Archie with one hand, letting him rest in my palm. I turn to Stefan, smirking slightly.* "Your scared of a baby lizard who won't even bite?"

Glassplant: *Waking up* hu?... (i literaly just woke up at this point.)

AriesChong9: "Good morning Glass! Cookie?" *Aries hands her a cookie*


Bug_WolfCaster: *Bug sits on the groupd, crossing her legs as she cuddles Archie, grinning mischievously at Stefan.*

AriesChong9: Stefan stares into space before sitting up. "What just...happened?"

Glassplant: *blinks in confusion* wha?

AriesChong9: "Wakey wakey! Eggs and bacon!!" Azul calls with a giggle

Bug_WolfCaster: "Hi Glass!"

Glassplant: *stares at them all in confusion* ... What time is it... *pulls out her phone to chock the time* it's 9 am, why are you guys so active...


AriesChong9: "I baked them! Lookie! Even the King of Vampires is eating it! Haha!" Aries grins as she points at said person who looks away with a blush of embarrassment.

"ADMIT IT! ITS GOOD!" Aries called

Bug_WolfCaster: *Bug's cheeks are rosy as she continues grinning at Stefan, being the creep she is.*

Stefan: *turns to look at Bug which caused him to blush badly:

Bug_WolfCaster: *Bug laughs gently rubbing her thumb along Archie's back, cooing over him again. The Creator glanced up every once in awhile, grinning at Stefan, thinking of all the ways she could traumatize him. Bug then turns back to Glass,* "Welcome back friend!! Come say hi to Archie!!"

Glassplant: *looks at the lizard as Mallory wakes up and starts cooing at the sight of it*

Bug_WolfCaster: "I'm in love right now" *Bug gently cuddles the lizard.*

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