Dumb and Dumber


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Mavis and her partner Nixon aren't the best of friends. At all. Now, they didn't sign up for this job. They a... More

Chapter 1: Last day of school

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{Nixon's POV}

No. No more school. I hate school. I hate everything about it. I hate the people. I hate the teachers. I hate the lockers. I hate walking from class to class by myself. I hate the loud noise of everyone talking around me. I hate the learning. But most of all, I hate waiting in line to use the washroom.

I hate this new alarm clock I got for my birthday yesterday. I can't find the off switch unless I look at it. I don't want to look at it. I wrap my fingers around it and lift it off my dresser. Swiftly pulling back my hand and launching it across my room. Finally, peace and quiet.

"NIXON! WAKE UP! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL" God dang it. My mom ruined my peace once again. But, I know it's for the better.

Some say I have a bad personality. That's not true. Yeah, I don't like life, but that negativity just makes me want to live out my life the best way I can. I wanna do something with my life. What I don't want to do is sit inside at a desk for the next 10 years of my life and learn. And, the best part about me, my sense of style. I sit up, my bed stiff as a rock. I need a new mattress.

My legs swing over the side of my bed and my feet feel the ground. The scratchy carpet feels good on my stiff and sore feet. I feel like I just got hit with a ton of bricks. I forgot to do my Math Homework. Crap.

I mentally slap myself as I slowly stride over to my closet. My outfit is right at the front, a white short-sleeved shirt with a gray hoodie but the sleeves are cut off, so it's more like a vest but whatever. As my hand grabs the two hangers with the shirt and vest my phone sings. I place them on my bed and walk over to it. There's a text from Navy, a friend of mine.

SUP, good morning Nix. Happy last day of school am I right? Listen, I need a favor. Can you ask your sister for Mavis's number. I need to text her for a chemistry project.

I smile at the text. Nice try Navy. I pick up the phone and quickly respond.

Nice try Navy. It's the last day of school, you don't have a chemistry project. But yeah, I'll get her number for you.

He sends back a laughing face and a casual K. Little does he know, I already have her number so I don't need to get it. Thank God. After slipping into my shirt and vest I slide on some dark wash jeans and black Jordan's, making my way out the door.

The smell hits me and it reeks. Mom cooked breakfast again: I'll pass, I don't eat anyway. I still don't have to be at school for another half hour but I'm bored and everyone's already there. My foot hits the first step and all I hear is the creak of the step and the muffled laugh of my sister. Twin sister. Yep. I'm a twin.

Braelyn, the most popular girl in school. She's also my obnoxious twin sister. Of course I'm the only one who thinks that. Everyone else thinks she's little miss perfect with that perfect smile and those cute little dresses. Even my mother likes her better. But I know better, I've seen that vape in her drawer.

Speak of the devil, as I make my way downstairs I realize my mom is still cooking. I try to seal past her but of course she spots me. "Um, where are you going mister?" She questions, spatula in hand. "School" I respond faster then you can say, My sister is dumb.

She raises her eyebrows and looks at her watch. "You still have a half hour." I roll my eyes. "Is there something wrong with going to school early so I can talk to friends. Or make friends?" My mom sighs. "I guess not. Go. See yah later homie." I cringe. "Mom, stop trying to be cool."

She laughs. I leave. It's that simple. Now, lets hope this day turns out ok!


HELLO! I'm the Author!
I honestly understand I hate Authors notes and I know you will skip over this just like I would but hear me out.

I'm sorry this chapter was so short. It's currently 10:50 and a school night. I need to get to bed. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if I made any errors with Grammer, spelling or something please let me know 🔥.

Peace out 😘😍♥♥♥♥♥♥

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