The Young Birds

By AJKimbaa

1.1K 574 364

A girl has been murdered but who murdered her is a mystery. "I was seventeen years of age when my mom reminde... More

Friendly Salutations Young Birds!
1. If I Was A Side Order, I'd Be A Dip!
2. Stig Of The Sleepaway Camp
3. An Eyebrow Is Raised, A Boy Is Seen
5. Get Under The Fucking Bed!
6. So He Suffocated Her?
7. The Quick Commencement Of Maggie Stone
8. Tomcat And The Magic Mushroom
9. The Two T's In Action!
10. He Is Such An Ignoramus
11. The Burning Man
12. Teenagers Are The Worst
13. Life Can Be A Shit Show
14. Like Stepping Inside The Queen Of Englands Asshole
15. He Gives Great Aesthetic Pleasure
16. Pale PotHead Jack
17. What A Pleasent Surprise!
18. Battle Of The Gigs, Part One
19. Battle Of The Gigs, Part Two

4. I Think I Killed Someone

93 51 31
By AJKimbaa

Canine Protection Spray.

I find a bottle with that particular title stuffed inside my bag with a letter beside it. It was from my mom.

"What in the fuck-" I say openly as I pick it out. I was in the middle of scrounging through my clothes to find something to wear for the salutations bonfire, even though I know fully well I will be wearing the exact same clothes I have on now.

"You never know. Your uncle Dennis was bit by a wolf once. This stuff is supposed to threaten them away" the short letter read.

I grunt as I throw it back into my bag.

I hear a sudden yelp. Both Hale and I rush to our window. It was a kid who had almost caught flames while trying to burn up some wood for the bonfire.

"I guess that's the signal that there starting up the salutation bonfire" Hale says.

"Well, It's better then that damn Trumpet!" I reply.

Ashes of burning wood took up the air while the sun was beginning to set. You could smell it from inside our cabin. It was pretty big. Boulders, stumps and wooden chairs were located around it for people to sit down. Some guy was handing out Candy Apples.

I commend the invention of Candy Apples. You see? The guilt of doing detrimental harm to your health by chomping down on the harden Toffee is immediately out weighed by the nutritious apple that is concealed beneath. Although let's face it, no-one eats the entire damn apple but it's still a thought.

We make our way over. One of the camp rangers, Richie Rich, I hit myself for even saying his name like that, greets us.

"Now ladies, don't get too close to the fire!" he says.

"I'll do my best not too"

"Tomorrow is the first real day of camp. We are going to be doing some activities to help us get to know one another more, but don't worry, you are all coming with me on a scavenger trail hunt in a few days. So don't bug out! Because it's gonna be groovy, little Hipsters!" Rich then says.

Groovy? Is that still a thing people say?

Time went on, Hale and I were sat on a two seated stump head bobbing to Culture Club as there music played on some stereo nearby. It was the only album these fuckwits seemed to have.
The fire warmed our faces and grew higher and higher into the night sky.
I grabbed the nearest stick and started to draw a penis in the dirt. That's how you know I am bored.

"Nice dick" Hale says.

"Thanks, I grew it myself"

I glance ahead of me and see that Alison's mom Sandra still looked like an emotional wreck, I couldn't blame her. I would be too if I had to sit and listen to the repetitive words of Boy George's karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon not long after my daughters memorial service. A death of which may have been a murder.

"Lucas! You toothless asshole!" I hear a girl shriek across from the fire to some boy. "Why would you snap my shag band!" the girl then says.

"You gotta shag me now!" the boy spoke back.

Hale sniggers amongst herself. I look at her confused. "That's Lucas, people call him Toothless Lucas because an adult tooth was knocked out of his mouth. He makes a story up every time about how he lost it but we all know he was punched. He has a fake tooth because of it" Hale says.
This guy was quite lanky, slim and had long, tangled, shabby hair. Quite like mine to be precise.

"I wasn't too bewildered on who the guy was, It's more of the fact that she just said the words shag and band in the same sentence" I question.

"You never heard of shag bands?"

I shook my head. I look over to the young girl who wore the bands. They were all multi-coloured. Ranging from luminous yellow to an electric blue.

"Basically each band represents a sexual activity. For example, Pink means you have to kiss someone with tongues. Purple means you give someone a hand-job, Yellow means you have to shag them, so on and so on" Hale explains as I watch Lucas skip around with a snapped yellow band.

"What the hell does shag mean?"

"Sex" Hale explains.

"A little incautious for her to have that in the first place, don't you think?" I say.

"Not really. No one really obliges to it. Just for shits and giggles"

Interesting, shits and giggles.

I watch as the sun turns purple and reflects above the lake. The night had been called for and the bonfire was dying down. "I thought a bonfire was supposed to be for the night, why are they wearing it out?"

"Not sure" Hale says. "Early night for tomorrow I guess"

I didn't quite want the night to end so quickly. I was bored enough. Boredom and insomnia do not make very good blind dates.
As everyone began to leave, I snuck around behind our cabin. Hale had left for bed and I was craving a cigarette.

The entire camp grew dark and silent. At first the sound of my footsteps crunching on the fallen golden leaves was all I could hear, until, another crunch of footsteps distracted me from the silence and echoed in the distance.
It was a slow kind of stumble, almost like someone was dragging there feet. My aunt Mara's eavesdropping senses kick in as I slip my head around the corner of the cabin to see who else was befriending the moon.

A tall boy, a little brawny. Baggy white t-shirt - before I couldn't quite make out what was scribbled across it, now with a better view, I can see that it was a picture of a small cartooned Lemon with writing above it. The Stone Roses, it had said.
His hair still darker then anything the sky had ever painted. It was the same guy I watched from a far, leaning against the distanced tree, during the previous memorial service.

His body looked heavy, like it was weighing him down or like he was in some kind of pain. He was almost reduced to a hobble. I flick away my cigarette and suddenly feel myself doing the typical cartoon tip toe. I keep quiet and hidden as I eventually get a closer look.

He then launched the same hip flask I had seen him drinking out of earlier. It was such a throw, that it had landed in the lake. His swing was so strong that he almost caused himself to topple over. At that point, I could see that he was intoxicated.

He then continued to walk but it was towards the lake. I was getting slightly anxious. With the state he was in, I knew he would trip into the water. He then staggered onto the docks, the closer he got to the far edge, the more I was eager to call out to him.

Fuck it!

"Hey you!" I cried as I dashed towards the docks.

He didn't flinch at my calling. He just steadily turned around and gazed at me. I could see a moment of suffering hidden in his eyes but everything soon softened. His hair folded a little over his forehead as his eyes became oval. His full lips gave a corner smile, but it didn't seem like a friendly one.
Then, with a gravelly tone, he spoke five words.

"I think I killed someone"

With that sentence, he then holds his arms out almost like a bird opening it's wings for the first time and forces himself backwards into the water. His body crashes into the soft currents, causing a ripple that begins to extend out into the open.

"Holy shit cunt!" the only words that I could grasp - I am immediately taken back by what I had just heard.
I then, without thinking of course, ran towards the edge and leaped in after. Despite my hatred of water, I stretch out my body and battle my way underneath. The cold water hits my chest.
I try to widen my eyes to see my way through, but it stung like hell and it was way too dark for me to see.

I don't understand how they manage to do this kind of thing in movies - I can't keep my eyes open on a regular basis, never-mind under water.

I notice a bronze hand drifting across, I grab hold and reel his body close to mine. He was a sturdy guy, making it harder for me to pull him to the surface, but luckily, I am a bulky girl. I drag myself up, until the cold air hits my finger tips.
I see the docks close by and I frantically swim over - I am almost hauled back under. This guy is heavy to carry. I grab hold under the roof of the docks and stride along until I am finally able to stand on two legs. I yank his body up on a small part of land nearby.
I then collapse my body next to his. I had never done such a workout before, my legs are frail.

"I swear to God, I better get into heaven for this" I whimper out of breath. My drenched clothes stick to body as my hair tangles around my ears.

I turn to look at him. My eyes gaped at his looks - I then realise, oh shit! what if he's dead?
I lay my head across his chest and I listen patiently.

Thumb, thumb, thumb - I hear a heart beat. I fall back in relief. I guess he just fell unconscious with the amount of alcohol pumping through his body.

I gaze at him a little longer - he looks older then myself, I would have guessed around eighteen or so - seen as that was the age limit for this camp. I watch as drops of water streams from the damp strands of his ink like hair, down his forehead and onto his broad eyebrows.

He then coughs causing me to jump in fright - I look around to see if anyone had noticed us. It was still empty and still quiet.
The exact moment I look back at him, his eyes were pierced onto me - they were light and sharp like that of an eagles hunting for prey. My stomach begins to turn.

"I'll go get some help" I was finally able to stutter out.

Before I could even stand up, I felt his intense grip on my forearm. He then drags me close to him.

"Don't get anyone, they're onto me" he eventually mumbles out, he was still drowsy.

I look around in panic. Who's onto him? Did I just save a potential murderer? What do I do?

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! If possible, please leave a vote & maybe a comment to show your support!
Things are beginning to turn upside down and Tempy has fallen in the pit of it all.

Who is this boy and why does he think he has murdered someone?

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