Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (...

By purplesmurf86

204 18 3

Imagine transferring to a new school your last year and finding it's filled with paranormal beings that only... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

13 2 0
By purplesmurf86

        I unpacked all my boxes of clothes. My parents say this place was a steal and they had money to blow. Not to mention all the money they got for selling all our old furniture! They decided to be the best parents ever and give me a cut of the profits. Two hundred dollars now sit in my top right draw for safe keeping.

        I'll probably spend it all on cute sweaters and tights and boots and things for my new school in the fall. As of right now the weather is actually pretty warm for Alaska. I thought it would be really, really cold like in all the pictures, but it isn't really. Of course the wind almost constantly has a chill to it, but the sun is out a lot more than I thought it would be.

        After trotting around barefoot on the stone tiles downstairs I realized the floor isn't as cold as I expected it to be. It's actually really warm. I walked up to my Dad, who was fussing around with the fireplace in the living room and asked him, "Why aren't any of the windows and tiles cold?"

        "The heating system keeps the house warm. There is a furnace that's a part of the house's foundation. It has these clear pipes that hold some type of chemical in it that heats up easily. The pipes are laced into the glass also," he said in one big heap of information.

        "Did you just dumb that down for me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

        "No, I just forgot all the technical words for those things," he said getting up and plopping down on the sofa.

        "Mom!" I yelled walking into my parents' room. "Can we go shopping?"


        "I think you'll really like it here," she said putting down a dress I shook my head "no" to.

        "It's just that this place is in the middle of no where. It took us about a half hour to get to this mall, and I'm about to enter a new school in a new place. What if I don't do as well as everyone expects me to?" I whined.

        "Honey, you'll be okay. Your dad and I have been looking at this place for a long time and we really like it. You only have to be here a year and the school will really take you places. This place has sent scholars and athletes into this world that have been made a part of history now. I don't know how they do it, but every student to graduate from Granite Hills are guaranteed a spot in any college they choose. We really want that for you because you deserve nothing less," she replied.

        Well, that shut me up. I bought 15 sweaters and 3 pairs of boots. I also bought a shit load of tights. They were like 5 bucks a piece!

        I spotted a Barnes and Noble and mom handed me a list of books I'll need in the fall. They'll have me taking college courses, so I guess I'll need college books. Mom says they want us to own them so that we could do what we want with them, like highlight things or dog ear pages, or write in them. They also guarantee that we'll still need them in college. She just gushed on and on about all the things they will teach me about life and college, and about how a smaller school will make my experiences here better. I just couldn't stop her, she seemed too excited. My stomach had to remind her that we needed to eat. 

        As I crossed the doorway into the promised land there was a ding. "Welcome to Barnes and Noble," said an old lady at the counter. I smiled and continued to the academic section of the shelves.

        I took a whiff of the fresh printed scent that seems to be in every book store ever. I love books and reading. It's just something about feeling like I'm in someone else's shoes that makes me feel refreshed when I return to my reality, ready to face whatever lies there because, it can't be worst than death threats or cheating boyfriends with serial killer mothers. I've never read anything with that exact story plot, but wouldn't it be awesome?

        I passed the Teen Fiction section on my way and got side tracked. Before I knew it I was on the opposite side of the store. This place is actually pretty big for a Barnes and Noble mall store. I looked around and tried to find my way back when someone behind me asked, "Do you need help finding something?"

        I turned to see a guy with black hair and greenish brown eyes. He bites his lip and I see some sharp canines, and he's just really attractive. My heart did jumping jacks and I cracked a small smile. I shiver from the cold air, or maybe from his gorgeousness. I've always been super turned on by guys with sharp canines. I'm weird.

        I wish I could describe him better like the girls in the novels I read, but I can't find the right words. I don't stare at him full on, but I gawk for a little while longer than necessary. We do that awkward laugh thing and I ask, "Um, kind of. Can you help me find these?" I, then, hand him my list.

        "Sure," he says being very professional, "I had to buy these for school. Follow me."

        And I do. I make sure to follow him step by step. I admired him from the back. The green apron does nothing for him. From the back I can see a tattoo peeking out from under his collar, a broad, muscular back, because he couldn't be this perfect without one. I can see some pretty beefy arms covered in a white, long sleeved t-shirt too.

        "Here is AP Cal, Anatomy, and Civics," he said presenting me with the books and a smile.

        "Thanks," I said with a smile of my own.

        "I could carry them to the counter, if you want."

        "Oh, um, no thanks I got it. I'm just gonna keep shopping."

        "Okay," he said simply walking to the front of the store, placing his apron on the counter, nodding to the old lady,  and heading out the store. I guess he's going to lunch or something. I'm gonna stop being a stalker now, but damn he was sexy. Sexy guys never talk to me, but I guess he had to, he works here.

        I pondered buying a couple more books, but decided not to. I have a lot to carry as it is. I paid for them and found Mom in the food court eating pizza.

        I huff and sit down across from her and in front of my own piece of spinach, mushroom, and tomato pizza. Taking a bite I glanced around the relatively small court. I spotted the book store cutie sitting at a table full of guys. They're all joking around and having fun. He stands up and does some crazy gestures as his friends howl with laughter.

        The food court is no quite place, but they seem to be the loudest. He then smirks and sniffs the air. Before it gets really weird that he's sniffing the air like a dog, he turns his head and spots me. He smiles and waves and I do the same. Was that a flirt he sent my way? Mom looks up and follows my wave and smile combo.

        "Oh, you met a boy. Already Kris? Wow, I know you're beautiful, but now I know other people think so too," she says.


        "Oh, he's a cutie," she says. I look over to see if he's watching, but instead see him smiling distractedly at his friends. I let out a sigh and feel my cheeks burn. Thanks for boosting my confidence mom.

        "Are you finished being a creepy old lady staring at a guy and his friends?" I ask flippantly. "Are you done?" I ask picking up her plate of pizza crust. "Yeah, thanks," she says gathering the bags, undeterred by my scolding. She moves toward the door to the parking lot while I turn around in a circle to find the trash can. I spot it over by the far wall in the very back.

        I struggle through the chairs with my arms full of bags. I dropped a few pieces of crust from one of the plates, but pretended not to notice as I continued on trying not to be obvious.

        "You know it's pretty rude to the cleaning staff to just drop food on the floor and not pick it up," said a familiar voice behind me.

        I turn to see Cam in a Starbucks apron and grey sweater. His eyes sparkle as he laughs, "Hey Kris."

        "Cam!" I scream reaching into his outstretched arms. He squeezes me tight. We separate and I see the guy from the book store walk up. I think he'll speak, but all he does is tosses his cup into the trash bin and gives us a friendly nod. Cam nods back and I offer a polite smile. My heart beats erratically as I turn back to Cam.

        "So, they moved you here too?" He asked in surprise.

        "Yeah," I say kind of sadly, "but it doesn't seem too bad so far."

        "That's how I was, but wait until the school year starts. This place is pretty weird. How about I show you around? I can take you to all the 'cool kid' spots and fill you in while you fill me in on what happened the rest of the school year."

        I smiled the brightest I probably have ever before. "Okay, great!"

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