Its Just The Way Life Is (In...

By mysterychick04

218 11 0

Maribel Carmen Vega is a funny, sarcastic, over achiever that is crushing on her best friend and is having p... More

Its Just The Way Life Is
Let's Begin
This day
Ray's POV
It just keeps getting better and better don't it?


17 2 0
By mysterychick04

Good morrow humans lol…so I was very hyper since I drank 2 cups of coffee and a 2 litter soda and I decided to write because I randomly ended up on top of my fridge… (don’t ask Idk what happened myself it was like one second I was jumping around my room and bed playing my guitar and the next I was sitting on top of the fridge -.- weird right) so I hope you enjoy this next chapter please comment, fan, vote, whatevers clever




Rays point of view


Ugh stupid alarm clock why disturb the best sleep night I’ve ever had… (yes I know I slept with Marie in my arm a bunch of times but never as close as last night and not with her being my girlfriend so yea)… I turned off the alarm and she didn’t even get disturbed from the noise… (My gosh she’s so adorable while she’s sleeping)…I kissed her cheek then started getting ready for school it was really early that was my extra alarm clock cause I usually don’t wake up until an hour after it originally rings, but today I’m just full of joy and I’m surprised I even slept at all with this energy. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the bathroom to get ready… I took a shower got out, dried myself, then put on my clothes (I hate this stupid uniform policy it’s so annoying the only time I can wear something different is before a football game which only allows me to wear the jersey, and the basketball games which only allows me to dress up in a suit and tie)… I jelled up my hair since I always keep it curly, then I brushed my teeth…I walked back into my room and Marie was still sleeping…I hate to wake her but she needs to get ready for school before she gets into trouble and argues with her mom again I don’t want that to happen

“Wakey, wakey bae” I whispered into her ear…then kissed her cheek “We have to go to school”

 “(She sighs) Okay fine I’ll try to wake up.”

I chuckle at that she’s such a lazy morning person “Don’t even think about it we have to go, school starts in an hour and I’m already ready so come on or I’ll pick you up and dump you in the pool”

Her eyes flew open…yea she hates getting thrown into places…”You wouldn’t”

“Oh I think we both know I would” (its true I’ve done it before)

“Bully” she says while sticking out her tongue at me

“But you still love me even with my defaults bae”

“Definitely” then she pecked my lips and went to go get ready for the day...we each keep half our stuff in each other’s homes because we sleep over a lot… so she got out some things and left to get ready. Before she left I excused myself to the kitchen so that I can make her some chocolate chip pancakes…I also don’t disrespect her by following her to the bathroom or anything private rooms like the bathroom are meant to be private until given permission to enter, that’s my motto (YOLO…lol) I mean don’t get me wrong seeing Mari like that would be amazing but we just became boyfriend and girlfriend a few hours ago and I don’t want her to think that its only because I wanna sleep with her like I did with all the other girls…I really love her and I’m willing to wait till it’s our wedding night or after…whenever I don’t care when I just want to hold her and live forever with her, with our children running around…ahhh what a life that would be. I didn’t notice that I was day dreaming for at least 20 minutes after I made her breakfast until I heard Mari descending the staircase so I plated everything and set it on the table…that’s when she walked in beautiful as ever with her hair curly and uniform on…just looking at her makes me want her. She stopped and looked at the mouth watering chocolate-chip pancakes waiting for her at the table…she looked like she was in shock oo great I blame this on her family they never did things for her so she goes through shock anytime I do something for her… as soon as she snaps out of it she gives me the biggest hug ever and a long passionate kiss as her thanks…I should do this more often for the rewards

“OMG thank you so much you’re the best” she says

“Anything for the greatest girl in the world” I said while touching her cheek, she blushed and smiled to my touch (she looks so sexy when she blushes)

“Thanks” I say before she pecked my cheek and devouring the 2 pancakes in the plate“That was the best thing ever…why didn’t you pick culinary?”

“Because I prefer my shop…dah” I liked my shop but I regret picking it because culinary students are hard to hang out with during shop days especially the hard workers and my shop is always out on production…that’s what carpenters do

“Wow what a reply” we laugh then she went to finish up and we left for school…my car is still getting fixed so we take hers

While she’s walking to the car I go to her side and open the door for her… (Which is a first on my part) “My lady” I say while I’m smiling

“Why thank you you’re such a gentlemen.”

“Only with you”

“O really” she says when I enter the car

“Yes really…you don’t believe me?” why would she think other wise

“I do but I thought you did this for all your ex-girlfriend when ya went out” (ooo figures)

“Nope, never” (and that’s the truth those females didn’t deserve my nice, charming, gentlemen self)

“So I’m the first…o yea” we laugh and I entwine our fingers almost as if its natural as we drive to school

“I love you”

“I love you too Ray-bear” we were stopped at a red light so she kissed me until a car beeped its horn impatiently she sighed while pulling away and i said “Don’t worry I know a place where we can finish later.

“Hmm I might not be so reluctant to leave class so okay”

“And why is that you finally changing into a bad girl…I’m such a good influence”

She laughed “Maybe, but I’ll be with you so I know I’ll be okay and complete”

“Awe you’re so sweet” (that just made my day)

“When I want to be”

“No all the time”

“How about this ima good girl with bad girl tendencies” (that one was right on point with her character)

“That seems about right, know let’s get to class before we skip”

“I-I captain”

I shake my head (such a goof ball) then we leave to class…

“Ugh we need our schedules” she says

“I already got them”


“When you were busy doing stuff yesterday”

“OOO okay so what classes do I have?”

“All of mine”

“Are you serious how did you manage that”

“I told the new secretary that you were helping me with my classes since I’m not doing so good” (which isn’t true we were always the brainiacs of the school)

“Wow that’s a classic I thought that at least the principle would tell the new secretary to never give us our classes together…they’ve been keeping us apart for 3 years, I guess our middle school called saying that we were smart good students until we got together.”

“O they did trust me on that but its senior year we should at least be together in school not just out of it”

“You’re the best”

“I know” then we kissed until the bell rang

“I’m so happy were skipping I can’t stand anything else stopping me from kissing you.

I chuckled (she has me laughing a lot…but she’s so adorable and sexy when she says things like that)…I lead her to our first period class…astronomy…she got so excited I don’t even know why

“Bae we can’t skip this class”


“Do you not know who teaches this class”

“Never crossed my mind” (its true I was just worried about having classes with her I didn’t even look at our teachers)

“Ugh you’re so there…Tom teaches that class…he’s the only one who teaches astronomy”

“O so then I agree we won’t skip this class I actually like his teaching skills”

Tom was our biology teacher last year and until that time we used to get B’s in our science classes, but he taught us in a way that we understood everything and it brought our grades up to A+’s…we call him by his first name because he doesn’t like that wall that separates us from one another he said and I quote “I’m human just like you the only thing is that I have 1 or 2 more responsibilities than you so don’t consider me an adult got it.” That’s my hero or the person I look up to

“What’s up Tom my boy” she said

“What’s poppin Tom” I say

“First the sky is up-”…

“Not really it’s the ceiling” she said

“- second the popcorns poppin in the microwave right know (we laughed)”

“It smells good too”

“I know…so what brings you two here I believe you two have been banned from going to classes together for a few years know”

“It’s a conspiracy I tell you” (we chuckle) but then she says clearly

“I’m just kidding…Ray did it”

“Really how”

“Well first we have a new secretary that hasn’t been informed yet so cha-ching and second you can’t separate us since were dating know so we would’ve found a loop-whole sooner or later.”

“True” she said

“Well I’m glad ya are finally together that means I win the bet and it’s going to an interesting year especially when the man finds out.”

We laugh “Yea I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out” I say

“Poor new secretary she might get fired”

“It happens”

“Okay both of you can go get a set know”

“Sure let’s see know hmmm too front up, very center, that’s way off to the side-“

“Come on Marie get a move on now”

“Okay…Ray where do you want to sit”

“All the way in the back away from attention and we get more privacy”

“Agreed let’s go” she tows me along and we sit side by side on the big science table in the class…ooo it’s gonna be a good year…The period just started when we sat down and the class started getting full.

“Alright class shut up for 4 minutes and 13 seconds while I talk about boring stuff.”

“Well that was very accurate what you do practice before starting?” she said while laughing

“Well as a matter of fact I did smarty pants thanks for noticing and knowing someone would interfere it’s a part of that time so thanks for talking”

“No problem”

“So like I was saying this year will be fun as always, entertaining since a miracle happened out the blue with some students together, and you will become smarter as I planned…Anyways so this is the fire drill plan that you all know and as soon as we leave the school and you magically floated away just look for the blue tub that will be chillen in the air telling you were I’m at…so that being said welcome to astronomy senior year.”

The class cheered and he bowed then he pulled down the screen and put on a movie

Tom: “Dude it’s the first day of school so this week is just to chill, hang out, and get to know each other and make any seating arrangements so relax and yea watch if you want or don’t I don’t care it’s not a grade.”

Me: “So what you wanna do after this class?” I said while entwining our fingers, some girl starts looking at us

Mari: “I don’t know maybe go to the beach it’s only 7:45 we can still get a good spot”


“So how are we breaking out?” she glances around I guess at the girls staring

“Easy we walk out like we know what we’re doing and plus guess which security guards are back”(I did my homework on security, cameras, and everything in this school so I know every corridor and staff member position

“No way Primo and Titi”

“Yup Juan and Gisel are back the best guala security guards ever”

“Finally they are so funny and don’t care what we do they actually have our back”

“I know perfect timing too”

“It’s gonna be a good day”

“You already know” then I pecked her on the lips, and her eyes meet someone else’s…???I’m lost

Girl: “Are you cheating on me?” we ignore her until she says my name

Me: “Do I know you?”

“How can you forget your girlfriend, does she have you brain washed or something?” thank God she wasn’t shouting or making a scene.

“I would never do that because she’s sitting next to me I don’t on the other hand know who you are” but she does look familiar

“Bae it’s me Julia from camp”(camp, camp, did I even go to camp?)

“Who?... I don’t remember ever going to camp”

“Yea-huh you went 3 years ago to camp wood stock for like a week during school how could you forget you promised me you wouldn’t forget ever even when we couldn’t stay in touch during that time, you said I would always be your you forever mines and that when we meet again we would be together and know we’ve meet again so come to me.”(OOOOOO Sh*T, I do know her, F**K what is she doing here…does she know it was my twin brother she had a thing with…I think not and Mari knows nothing of him at all, DANG IT why me, why know)Mari’s face goes to pain but I can’t let anyone know that I have a twin brother let alone one that’s in jail(long story short my twin brother is not my twin…weird yet, well when my mom had finished doing things with my dad she went to some other dude and it turns out both sperms fertilized the same egg and split it into identical twins with different DNA…yeah we have the same features(like our outside) apparently from our mom side but different genes(or insides) from our fathers…well as you can guess they told us and he turned out to be the other guys son so he started ruining his life and told me to keep him in the dark but we still stay in touch) … F**K me ima have to lie for him

“O that chick”… (What else could I say…but it was killing me to lie to Mari)

“Yea that chick so you do remember and you remember what we did during that time and you said I will always be yours.”

“I might have said that but the thing is I say that to every girl I sleep with then we go our separate ways but apparently it didn’t work with you.”(He would’ve said that)

“It didn’t work because you love me and I love you and-“

“I might have loved you before but not anymore I’ve been through a bunch of girls after you and that’s not changing.”(Ugh this is disgusting to do especially in front of Mari)

“Bae I know you still want me come on know I was amazing that night.”

“Maybe so but-“(ewwww)

“So you admit that I was amazing?”


Mari starts to get up, F**K, “Were you going?”

She just turns and stars at me then leaves…… (Owe my heart) I can’t do this anymore I need to go after Mari…know


So tell me what you think…comment,fan,vote



p.s. i posted a song for last chapter and the next 3 so please check it out...renegade by paramore(official band)

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