Binding love(Aaron x reader m...

By KC2308

13.1K 250 91

NEW DESCRIPTION!!! Y/n is moving to Mystreet with her old roommate let's see how this goes. I WRITE THIS STU... More

Ch.0 Mr. Hearst
Ch.1 Moving into Mystreet
Ch.2 Ikea nightmare
Ch.3 Late night thoughts?
Ch.5 Incoming Call
Ch. 6 Completely casual
Ch.7 Neighborhood barbecue
Ch.8 Brunch in the mall
Ch.9 Aarons dinner plans
Ch.10 Y/n and Laurance chat
Ch.11 Lycan Reunion
Ch.12 Y/n learns about the Lycans
Emerald Secret
So here's the thing + sequel news

Ch.4 Full Neighborhood

992 18 13
By KC2308

     Y/n's POV

There are many things you can enjoy on a weekend and let me just say for the record. Waking up from constant cars driving is not one of them! 

 'Are you kidding me ?! All morning people have been driving?! Through THIS neighborhood?!! Are you-' 

"No way~ Your pissed." Kacie started giggling at my door. "When did you get there?!" I threw my sheets off sitting up more angry. "Not long, just enough to get enjoyment." She admired her nails smirking at them. My eyebrows furrowed in thought.' You little- your toying me. I can do the same too.' I relaxed my face. "Well umm.... you look terrible and and.." She looked over at me her smirk turning into a knowing grin. 'I'm so bad at this.' "That was a pathetic come back and I'm the best damn thing your eyes will look at in this world." She finally shuffled her way into my room making a B line to fiddle at my desk. "Oh by the way Aaron's been waiting here for you for like....Oh about twenty minutes." 

 "Ahh! Why is he here?! Why is it for me?!" I fumbled out of my bed. "Hell if I know just came over and started blabbing about seeing you about something?" She looked bored, most likely what she looked like when he came over. "You are unbelievable today!" I practically screamed. 

 "Hey man he was being boring and dragging on and on about stuff and I was busy." She drawled. "What was possibly more important?!" I struggled pulling on my shirt. "Uhhhhh.." She spun around. "Aghhh your lucky I'm letting you breathe right now!" I tried fixing my face and hair. "Thanks for the empty threat, now lets go he's been waiting for awhile!" 'She has the audacity to act all cheery at the end?!'

 I raced down the stair to see a very awkward Aaron standing in the foyer. "Uh sorry about that..Ashula! Was being a pain." I fiddled explaining why Kacie made me take so long. "Ah It's no problem Y/n I wasn't waiting long , and I didn't know your last name was Ashula." He gave a pointed look towards Kacie? "I thought you said he was here for twenty minutes at least?" She completely ignored his look and talked to me. "Eh wanted to freak you out, also I swore I told you my name way back when." She threw her own challenging look at Aaron. I could practically smell the tension radiating from them, each of them begging the other to make a move.

 "That doesn't matter right now, Kacie said you came over for me or something?" He backed down from his and Kacie's staring contest to me. "Oh yeah! Well um it sounds really far fetched but apparently majority of our high school friends are moving into this neighborhood. Anyways they are all asking for help moving in and I said I would come ask you guys if your free to help?" He questioned himself at the end for asking. "Of course we are! But who's all moving in?" I was really curious. It wouldn't be too much right? 

 "Oh you know only Garroth and Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan, Laurance, Travis and Dante, along with the shadow knight people and some of the where wolf kids." He listed off. "Oh yeah Blaze did mention how he liked the neighborhood, I'll go help them!" Kacie threw on her shoes. "Hey! when your done stop by my place I gotta talk to you about something at your job." Aaron said. Kaice pressed her lips into a thin line before finally speaking. "Fine. See you at your place later."

 "Hey can we go help Aphmau and Garroth! I haven't seen them since their wedding!" I got really excited thinking about it. "Alright, Alright come on they live right across from you!" He chuckled at my childish acting. 

 I was so excited I was sprinting over with Aaron tailing behind me. "Aphmau! Garroth! Where are you guys me and Aaron are here to help!" I yelled looking around the space that opened into the living room with the stairs. "Y/n!" Aphmau ran behind me hugging me. "I haven't seen you in forever! Which house do you live in!? Garroth said Aaron told him you lived here with Kacie and I was really excited!" She sounded like she was running out of breath saying that all really fast.

 "I know! Me and Kacie just live right across the street from you." Aaron and Garroth where discussing something behind Aphmau and I. "Oh are you here to help move in? Here the boys can take care of the big stuff while we unpack the boxes." Before I could even answer she was pulling me into her kitchen.

 "So how's life been with Garroth?" I asked unpacking tons of new tuberwear. "It's been fun, you know we had the honeymoon and now we are rolling along trying to get settled down but still have adventures I guess." She said placing some dishes away. "What do you mean adventures?" I questioned opening another box. "Well ever since our honeymoon we agreed we would like to travel as often as we can for as long as we can, saying that we can afforded it that is." She glanced off probably thinking about those expenses. "That does sound cool I would love to do that with someone." 

 She walked over to where I was and leaned on the counter. "Hey it is and one day you'll find someone to have adventures with like Garroth and I do or do your own little special things with." I stopped and thought. "Yeah it would be nice but I'm not even seeing anyone right now, so it's probably gonna be awhile until that happens." I haven now realized how pathetic my love life is. "Oh! I thought you and Aaron where a thing. Well that's what it sounded like when I talked to him earlier!" She explained to me.  "He did?!" 

"Well yeah! He talked about how you guys always hang out and all that you've two done since you moved in!" She continued on apparently not realizing I was becoming a blushing mess. 'Wait does this mean there is a really high potential of him being interested in me?! I mean if she's saying he talks that highly of me there has to be something their! Right?!'

"Hey?! You good there? Do you need to sit down?" Aphmau interrogated me. "Oh no I'm fine, besides we need to finish up in here!" I rambled out. "Where actually done in here. Come on lets go sort through some stuff to put in the attic while you sit down." She lead me up her stairs and eventually her attic. Apparently the boys had already moved all the boxes up there.

"Are you feeling better?" Aphmau questioned while putting old books in a specific area of the room. "Yeah my mind just got really jumpy I guess back there.." I mumbled out. "Why? You can talk to me you know." She directed her attention at me over her shoulder. I contemplated for a moment before finally giving in.

"I think I have a really bad crush on Aaron and I'm terrible at handling it. I become a complete mess when ever I think about him or someone mentions him! But when it's just me and him alone I'm way more calm?! That doesn't even make since!" I raged out. "Y/n you gotta calm down there sweetie, you can tell your living with Kacie." She giggled walking over to me and opening a box. 

"It's okay to get flustered it just means you really like him! And from what it sounds like you really trust him to if your calm around him which is a good thing! That's a big thing you need in a relationship." I looked down at my hands about to think again. "Hey!" She put her hand on my knee, I admired her ring for a moment. "I say you go out with him, like a date just try to get in a really deep conversation with him and just see if you guys go anywhere from it! Sorry I'm not the best at explaining stuff." She rubbed the back of her neck.

"I appreciate your advice. Thank you Aphmau." I sincerely thanked her. "Not a problem! That's what friends are for right!" She exclaimed pulling out a baby onesie. "Oh my Irene that is so cute! Who's is that!?" I awed.

"Hey! I hate to break up whatever is going on here but we got a problem from across the street." Aaron peaked his head from the stair opening. "Kacie?" I questioned while Aphmau pulled me to my feet. "Uh no.. It's the boys house.." Aaron sweat dropped. "Well standing here isn't helping anything let's go check it out!" Aphmau excitedly made her way towards the exit.

You know the situation is weird, but I honestly expected worse. "Please someone get me out this guy rarely showers! He smells so bad!" Laurance complained from inside the small closet. "How did this even happen?" Aphmau asked. "They where bickering like the old married couple they are and fell into the closet , and it's a weird old heavy door and I can't get the lock undone." Dante explained half panicking. 

 "I mean we could have Garroth punch it in." Aaron suggested. "No way! My face is right by the door! All the ladies with get upset if it gets ruined." Travis protested. "I actually agree with Travis, not about his face but, Garroth has started getting his door breaking habit under control, so no." Aphmau also disagreed. 

"Can you guys just figure something out quick I can't take it in here any more! There is no room!" Travis is being a very big cry baby today. "Have you tried breaking the hinges?" Aaron proposed another idea.  "Yeah...Um they are like supper tough, so it's like impossible." Dante explained extremely flustered. "That's a load of crap! Dante is just weak and cried after he kicked it because, 'I think I broke my foot!'" Laurence sassed. 

"If your so tough why haven't you broken out yet huh?!" Dante argued through the door. "I would of a long time ago if I wasn't twisted up with Travis!" Laurence screamed back. "Dante please stop arguing! He's yelling in my ear!" Travis bawled.

Apparently Aaron had enough of their arguing, he was kicking of the bottom hinge and ramming his shoulder into the middle one. Which lead to Travis and Laurence literally falling out of the closet and onto the floor with each other. "There." Aaron huffed out. "Now all three of you can stop yelling." He said irritated. "Oh thank you some much Aaron! I will never forget this day! I will pay you back anything! You just tell me what you want buddy!" Travis cried happy tears onto Aaron's pant leg. "Yeah..We'll discuss that later. Can you please let go of my pants now?!" He shook his leg to get Travis off.

"Anyways... Now that that's done with. Wanna see our house!" Travis regained his composer. Aphmau looked at Garroth silently asking him. "Yeah! We pretty much got everything set up. We just have small stuff we can deal with later or tomorrow." He gave the okay. "Y/n and I where helping the, so I guess we can too." Aaron agreed with. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! Down this hall you will find the most handsome mans room!" Travis lead us away from the broken door.

 Aaron's POV Later

'You know today wasn't so bad. I got to spend more time wit Y/n and my thoughts calmed down a lot.' I stepped up the porch to my house turning around to see Y/n go into her shared home.

I jingled with my keys to get my door open to see Kacie standing in the open. "You can calm down you know. I'm not gonna do anything." My entire mood changed remembering this morning. "Never not to safe. Besides your blowing this a little out of proportion. " She made her way into the living room, still not sitting down. 'Always on the defensive side when the situations out of your control' I remembered her habit. "I'm pretty sure a person can have a grudge." I stated leaning back in my chair crossing my arms. 

 "A grudge over a name, not anything to important." She defended her self. "Stop shitting with me. This is over a lie, which happens to be your last name!" I slightly raised my voice. "You know I really thought we talked and made up on this subject. Or did I dream that up?" She spat back getting more aggressive. "We made up with everything on the table at that moment, now we just live with the memories, but now we have something new." I pointed out.

"You know, I never took you to be stupid enough to think I would keep the name." Her first offensive poke at me. "Just tell me why, and don't even try to be difficult about it. Just explain what needs to be said." I snuggled further into my couch.

She finally walked over to a chair sitting down giving in to the conversation. "I met this old woman in the begging of high school-" I cut her off. "After-" She gave me back the same treatment. "If you interrupt me again I will walk out and you can dig up the answer in your damn back yard." I shut up.

"Like I was saying. This old woman took me in. Her last name was Ashula, I only stayed with her until the end of my freshman year. I didn't wanna be a burden to her, so when I was barley financially stable I thanked her for her hospitality and got out of there to live on my own." I narrowed my eyes at her, asking if there was more. She scoffed. "You know the rest I'm not holding anything back." She looked off to the side, still ridged as in the beginning of the night.

"I hated you for a long time." I said burring hole into the side of her head. She leaned back into the couch and muttered an "I know." But I was pissed to care about what she was feeling right now. "After all that, things became ten times worse for me, and you weren't even like me!" I hissed out. The only thing she could offer was silence. "You where nothing like me, yet I suffered repercussions of your actions because you where selfish." I spoke out letting every word sink into her head again like they did the first time we sat down to talk about this. "I know I wanted you to come with me. I regretted it everyday. "She stopped herself from saying anything else.

"The only way this works is if we both say everything we want to say and felt." I reminded. "I haven't done anything for anyone else since. I put so many people before myself even when i shouldn't." She whispered, I let her talk. "I know I wasn't like you, yet he still controlled me as bad as you. It never made since to me, and every day I'm reminded how he's right." She huffed out keeping her tears in check.

"That temper will ruin you, Even without the curse you could endanger our family, Your a ticking bomb waiting to go off." She recited the many sentences said to her over and over again. "So I'm sorry I was selfish and left with out you. I'm sorry you suffered more problems because of me." She got chocked up at the end. I stood up and walked over to her and embraced her. 

"I'm sorry for being selfish too." I admitted. "What?" She opened her eyes that where closed. "For years I've been selfish with this grudge against you. I completely pushed away the fact that you where young, we both where. Saying that, we defiantly didn't know better. What's done is done, and I'm being selfish about the past mistakes when I should be looking at how well you grew up. I should also stop ignoring the fact that and person with a brain knows what you did was a hard task." I directed her full attention at me. "So it's time that I tell you sorry, sincerely. I also need to tell you that I forgive you."

She came undone, and I have to admit I did too. "I know it's a really bad time, but do you think I should ask out Y/n?" She laughed? She was laughing at me?! "Finally you got your act together." She pulled away. "Yes you idiot. My stupid roommate is head over heals for you no matter if she admits it or not." She whipped away a tear. 

"So like how do I ask her to a date?" I begged an answer from her. "What is with you people asking the least experienced person about this stuff." She wondered aloud. "Just give me an answer please. Any would do." I pushed. She sighed out. "Just be yourself and all that mushy speech crap you prick." 

"There's no way either of us are gonna get special people is there?" I questioned after sitting in silence for a good couple minutes. "Defiantly no chance for either of us." She agreed. Guess the Lycan's are doomed unless Melissa finds someone.


HAHAH I did it after much procrastination I did it. (I just really want bakugou fanfic's right now Ima be honest with ya'll. Hope this rewrite was better. Might get on the next chapter rewrite. Who know.

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