Don't touch me

By CupidsFallenArrow

85.4K 3.4K 1K

haphephobia[haf′ē-fō′bē-ă] Definition: The rare fear of being touched. Wesley has haphephobia, a fear of tou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

3.7K 180 33
By CupidsFallenArrow

A/N: Soo... I'm on a roll guyss, what can I say. Two chapters in two dayss! Thank you all for your comments, they are the ones that keep me writing!

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us." 

-Joseph Campbell


I parked my car where I usually do at school and got out. As usual some people whispered about me, thinking I can't hear them. Well, that or they really don't care if I do. People are really full of gossip. I have heard so many things about me, hell it even makes me doubt whether they are truth or not. Some say I probably belong in a gang, I once heard a story about how I escaped from jail and that's why I am used to being cold and not talking to anyone, mostly they just talk about what a freak I am and my fear of "people".

It had rained yesterday night making a few puddles here and there. While walking from the parking lot I noticed a figure. It was Violet, she was finally in school, that's good. She had some light yellow boot like shoes and jeans, she had a Beatles shirt, it looked good on her. I paid close attention and noticed she was jumping on the puddles instead of away from them. I shook my head at that, and saw how messy the bottom of her jeans were. As I got closer to the entrance of the school, so did she. I heard something coming from her, was she talking or..? No way, she was singing under her breath.

I wanted to laugh until I felt some cold water splashing into the back of my pants. I turned around slowly and sure enough Violet was in a puddle not far away with a guilty expression on her face. I rolled my eyes at her annoyed at how careless she had been.

"Oops, I am sorry West." There she goes with the nickname again.

"What were you even doing Violet." I said with an irritated tone while keeping my face neutral.

"Umm, it's not what it looks like?" She answered unsure, not knowing how to explain why or what she was doing.

"You sure? Cause it looked like you were just jumping on puddles while singing The Lion King.." I told her in an amused voice.

She blushed a little before replying. "Okay, so it is exactly what it looks like. But I'm sorry I didn't mean to splash you. Honest." She told me while crossing her fingers over her heart when she said honest. It was an entertaining way to start the day and if I'm honest, it really didn't bother me that she splashed me. I kind of missed her weird self the past week.

So I shrugged in an okay and headed back inside while she met up with her two friends. They were waiting for her by the lockers. She greeted them with hugs and as if on cue the curly haired one, I think his name was Dextrose or something, turned around to look at me. He gave me an awkward smile and I just kept my glare. He quickly turned around avoiding my eyes nervously.

Classes were pretty boring and I did a very good job at avoiding being close to anyone. Teachers now kind of understood I needed some space so they would let me move my desk closer to the corners of the room so I wouldn't be seated right next to anyone. Which helped me concentrate better in class and avoid any attacks.

Walking to the cafeteria was always stressful, there's just so many people in there. It always makes me feel too crowded. I sighed in relief when I saw my usual table at the very corner of the room. It was empty, like always, and perfect for me. I took out a book from my backpack so I could ignore better everyone around me. Plus it helped people to see that I didn't want to be disturbed.

"Hey little South, what's up?" I heard a cheery voice say in front of me. Figures, the book wouldn't stop Violet from being her annoying self. I looked up from the book and into her hazel eyes, then motioned to the book. Maybe she would get the point across and leave.

"What was that? That you want me to seat here so you have an excuse to stop reading your book? No problem West, anything for ya." She said in a teasing voice, ending her sentence with a wink and a little laugh. She plopped down in the seat in front of me and dropped her lunch tray on the table.

I rolled my eyes and decided that maybe if I ignore her she'll go away to where her friends are.

"Soph, Dexter! Over here!" She kind of shouted out and waved her hands over her head motioning them to come over. They came close and Violet moved over so they were all sitting in front of me. I didn't want them here, sure, but I appreciated the fact that Violet still wanted me to keep some space by my sides. The minute they both seated in front of me I let out a huff of irritation so they would know they weren't welcome here.

"Lottie, I don't think he wants us to be here." Dexter said in a hushed whisper to Violet. Trying to subtly motion for them to leave without me noticing. Key word: trying. I sighed in irritation again while reading my book so he would know I agree with him. Violet just laughed a little.

Then she responded in a normal loud voice. "Nah, that sigh basically means 'welcome' in Wesley language. Trust me." At that I raised my head over the book and shot her a glare. She shot me an amused smile back and tried to hold back a laugh.

"Well, in that case...Hello!" Sophia said to me. I guess she didn't get that it was sarcasm. I just nodded at her in a greeting. She seemed really sweet and very pacific.

We turned our heads to the side when we heard Dexter gasp aloud. He looked at Violet who was stuffing herself with some fries and he then pointed at his now empty plate.

"I had saved those for last!" He said while pretending to be hurt. "Like, literally saving them..." He kind of whispered to himself, and then shook his head pointing at Violet.

"Oh well, they were delicious." Violet said with her mouth full. Which caused her to let out a cough, and then another, and another. She started to kind of choke on her fries and just spit them all out on her plate. Sophia, not so softly, patted her on the back and handed her a bottle of water. Violet finished coughing and held her chest. Sophia was now rubbing her back and I was looking at her intently, trying to see if she was fine. That was when Dexter barked out a laugh, and started clapping his hands in laughter.

"Karma's a bitch." I muttered softly while nodding my head. I thought they hadn't heard me, but Dexter answered while thoughtfully nodding.

"Hey what a coincidence, so is Sophia!" He continued on.

I definitely wasn't expecting what happened next. Sophia swung her arm back and with force I didn't know she had struck him hard in the head. A loud thud was heard and I couldn't help but wince a little. I guess I was wrong about the calm and sweet thing. She had an angry glare and Dexter looked really scared. She was about to open her mouth to yell at him, when Violet interrupted her, thankfully. I didn't want to hear whatever was coming out of her loud angry mouth.

Violet tried to change the topic and Dexter also followed her in whatever she was saying. The minute Violet turned around though, I saw Sophia clearly mouth to Dexter a 'Wait till we are alone, you are dead'. She made motions of wringing his neck and Dexter couldn't help but to hunch his shoulders and sink in his spot.

Luckily the bell rang before Sophia could terrorize him some more. Damn, that girl can go from calm to angry very quick.

It wasn't long before the day was finally over. I waited until most people walked out of school so the halls wouldn't be too crowded. Finally I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out. The hallway was practically empty. There were only about two people still lingering there. On my way out I stepped on something and immediately tried to step back. I look down to find it was a phone. In the rush of leaving school someone probably dropped it. I picked it up and after examining that -thankfully- I hadn't cracked it, I decided to take it to the office. The owner would probably realize they lost it and go there.

On the way out was the girl I basically bumped into a few days ago, Emily. She was clutching her backpack strap and looking down. Seeing my feet approaching the office she looked up at me and smiled. I nodded at her and muttered a 'Hey!', seeing how her face flushed a red color and she quickly walked away. Weird, I thought. The office was, no surprise, empty. Not even the secretary was there. So not in the mood to wait and stay in school for longer than necessary I took a post it, wrote what it was, and pasted it on the phone. I left the phone in the front desk and walked out.

I was almost out of school when I heard Violet call out to me.

"South! Wait up for me!" I could hear how fast she was walking, her short legs trying to catch up with my long strides.

"Hey little West, don't walk so fast." She said once she finally reached me and started walking with me.

"Not my fault you are so short, little Violet."

"Hey! I am not short. I am just, uh, very down to Earth, ya know?... Besides you say that because you are like, freakishly tall." She said while pouting up at me. "Freaking giraffe" she whispered purposely loud so I could hear it. Then looked at me and grinned. I rolled my eyes at that and kept just kept walking till I reached my car. She waved a goodbye then went on her way. I entered the car and then a thought hit me. She was probably going to have to walk home. So I turned the car on and steadily moved to where she was. She was walking while I kept next to her on a slow pace. I rolled down my window and called out to her.

"Hey!" I said to her. Apparently she didn't hear because she kept walking.

"Violet" I tried again to no avail. Then I noticed something. Her lips were pulled up a little. She was purposely pretending not to hear me.

"Hey Hazel!" I finally said.

"What?" She finally turned around a little confused by the name.

"You know? Cause you are Violet." She caught up to the nickname. I changed her name just like she changed mine.

"I get you North." She said, and the she grinned. "I am rubbing off on youu." She sang while doing a little dance as if teasing me.

"Come on get in the car, I'll take you home."

"And why would you do that West?" She asked me in a mock voice.

I rolled my eyes and answered a 'fine!'. Then revved the car and started to drive away when I heard her call.

"Hey West, I was kidding!" She screamed at me. I chuckled to myself and stopped the car so she could catch up. She threw open the car door and sat with a huff. She told me that she had to go to Chloe's so I decided to take her. I already knew how to get there so I didn't need any directions.

"You know West, I was waiting for you to tell me to get in the car because that is what friends do." She said putting emphasis on the friends part while I sneaked a glance to see her wiggling her eyebrows.

We got to Chloe's and she waved a goodbye. In the process of her getting out of the car, her shirt lifted up a little, and I was able to see a large yellow faded bruise.

"Little Hazel." I called out to her teasingly.

She got totally out and stuck her head through the now rolled down window.

She smiled at what I called her and waited for me to say what I was going to say.

"What's that bruise you have on your stomach?" I said seriously, having some flashbacks to the time I was at the party.

Immediately the smile she had was wiped off her face, and I could see the light that previously danced in her eyes dim. I could see that the question caught her off guard.

I had some flashbacks of the time at the party. The famous party I didn't want to go to, yet forced myself to experience for her. And thank God I did, because I don't know what would have happened if I had not been there.

She laughed at the question, although it seemed kind of forced.

"I was helping my grandpa move some of his old stuff into the attic. Fun fact: old TV's are a real pain. Literally, one fell on me and bruised me.

I wasn't convinced but nodded anyways. Afterall, it really wasn't my business to pry.

"Uh, sure." I responded in a plain voice.

She plastered on the biggest smile she had given me today, one which didn't reach her eyes, and left.

I drove back home quickly. Wanting to rest from today. I looked at the passenger seat then and realized something. Something huge. I hadn't felt claustrophobic with Violet next to me. I never even thought about my haphephobia, I forgot and let her seat next to me. Hell, I invited her to seat next to me. Sure, it wasn't like she touched me or anything. Far from it, and I doubt she could touch me without me having an attack, but it was huge. It was progress, and it made me realize that maybe, just maybe, I could one day be able to live a normal, happy, and full life. 


Yesss! More Violet and Wesley time!

Question: What do you think of Emily?

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