The New Girl

By GleeForever213

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This is the first book in the 'New Girl' series! I'm not good at summaries so here is the disclaimer. Disclai... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Break Part 1
Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sequel Info!

Chapter 3

11.2K 206 64
By GleeForever213

Sam dragged me a room filled with people. Most of them were the ones I met today.

"Hey, everyone!" Sam called. Everyone sat down and got quiet.

"Who is this?" A man in his late 30's asked.

"Mr. Schue, this is Brenda Jackson. It's her first day here and she doesn't know what a Glee club is." I blushed.

"Welcome to McKinley, Brenda."


"Your welcome," Mr. Schue said. I smiled at him.

"Well, since you've met most of us, that's Joe, Rory, Lauren, and Sugar."Sam said. I waved slightly. I sat down beside the girl named Sugar.

"Well, since she doesn't know what Glee is, lets show her." Mr. Schue said. He waved Joe, Finn and Puck to come toward him.

"What song do you want us to do?" Finn asked.

"Uh, do you know 'On Top Of The World'?" I asked. They nodded and the music began.


If you love somebody

Better tell them while they're still here


They may just run away


You'll never know quite when,well

Then again it just depends on

How long of time is left for you


I've had the highest mountains

I've had the deepest rivers

You can have it all but life keeps moving


I take it in but don't look down

'Cause I'm on top of the world,ay

I'm waiting on top of the worl,ay

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile,ay

Been holding it in for a while,ay

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world.

"That was great guys!" Mr. Schue said.

"Yeah, that was good." I said. The boys sat down.

"So, are you thinking about joining?" Sam asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Uh, I'll think about it." I said. They nodded.

"Well, you can come here everyday if you want." I nodded.


I was in 7th period and there were only about five minutes left until it was time to go home. I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned and saw a boy. He was kinda cute but he wasn't my type. He looked like he was a bad boy.

"Hi, I'm Tyler Ford. You're new, right?"

"I'm Brenda Jackson. And yeah, it's my first day."

"I know we just met, but would you like to go out with me?" He asked.

"Um, I'm sorry but I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now. I just broke up with my boyfriend before I moved here." I said.

"Oh, it's fine sweetheart. Just in case you change your mind, here's my number." He handed me a slip of paper. I smiled and the bell rang. He was the first out of the room. I packed up my things and walked out of the class room. When I was outside, I went to a trash can and started ripping the piece of paper. I felt someone walk up beside me. It was Kurt.

"What'cha ripping up?" He asked. I smiled.

"Some dudes number. I told him I wasn't looking for a boyfriend right now, even though I was lying. I have my eye on someone else." I answered and threw the pieces in the trash can.

"Oh, who is the boy that gave you his number?"

"A dude named Tyler Ford."

"Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't mess with him. He's as bad as Puck. He has a different girl every week."

"Oh, I wasn't planning on it." I laughed.

"Good," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Now, tell me who you have your eye on." I laughed.

"Sorry, but that's a secret."

"Well, I tried!" He laughed. He pulled me toward his group of friends.

"Did you have a good first day?" Blaine asked me.

"As good as the first day of school can get."

"I know how you feel. Be happy you didn't get slushied on the first day." Sam said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Well, we have to go. See you tomorrow." We exchanged numbers and everyone left except me, Sam and Finn.

"Sam, how are you getting home? Isn't your car in the shop?"

"Yeah, I'm walking home." Sam said.

"Oh, okay. Let me know if you need a ride later." Finn walked to his car.

"It was nice meeting you, Brenda."

"You too." I smiled.

"I better get going, it's a 10 mile walk to my place." He said and started walking.

"Wait, do you want a ride?" I asked. He turned around.

"No, no it's fine."

"Oh, come on. I don't mind. Hop in." I said. He walked toward my car. I got in and moved all of my stuff to the back. He got in.

"Thanks, Brenda. Nice car you got."

"Thanks,"I pulled my hair up into a high pony and started the car. The road we had to turn on was straight for about 5 miles. I turned on the radio. Kelly Clarkson's 'Mr.Know It All' was on. I started singing along to it as I drove.

"Mr. Know it All, well ya, think ya know it all, but'cha don't know a thing at all." I sang.

"You have a great voice." Sam said when the song was over.


"You should join Glee club. You'll have lots of fun in there." He said.

"I might, I'll think about it." I said and smiled. I was definitely joining, mostly because Sam was in it. And because it looked like Joe, Finn and Puck had fun.

"Okay, well this is my stop. Thanks for bringing me."He said and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"Your welcome. See you at school tomorrow." I said, "Bye!"

"Bye!" He said and waved. I waved back and drove off. In all honesty, I was freaking out. I couldn't believe he kissed my cheek! I got home about 20 minutes later. I got my keys out and walked in. My mom was sitting on the couch, the only piece of furniture we had. The rest was on it's way down here. We have the kitchen table and chairs, couch and three beds. And some of our clothes. She smiled at me when walked in. I sat beside her.

"Did you have a good day?" She asked.

"As good as the first day of school is." I answered.

"Did you see Chris?"

"Yeah, but all he said to me was, 'Oh Brenda's here now.' "

"I'm sorry about that. Did you make any friends?"

"Um, yeah. A lot actually. But they are kinda weird. There names are Finn, Rachel, Quinn, Unique, Santana, Brittany, Blaine, Kurt, Ryder, Jake, Marley, Kitty, Artie who is in a wheel chair, Puck, Joe, Mercedes, Rory, Sugar and a boy named Sam." I said, and smiled at Sam's name.

"Uh oh, you like Sam don't you?"

"No?" It came out more like a question. She looked at me like, 'I know you like him, so spit it out.' "Okay, fine. I like him. He is the most...handsome boy I have ever met and he is nice and really sweet." I said and I couldn't stop smiling.

"What does he look like?"

"Well, he's really tall. He has blonde hair and the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen. And mama, he has the biggest lips I have ever seen on a white boy. But they're cute."

"Wow, you really like him don't you?"

"Yes ma'am. Even more than Jordan's sorry a-butt."

"What are you not telling me?"

"Well, before we left, he said that I was pretty. And he kissed my cheek!"

"Awe, well I have to meet him soon. He sounds like a nice boy. And are those other boys you met strong?"

"Yeah, most of them are on the football team."

"Well, you should ask them if they want to make some money by helping us move all of our stuff in and help us paint after school this week. Same with the girls."

"I'll text them and ask them." I said and got my phone out. I texted Finn first.

Hey, do you want to make some money by helping my mom, grandpa and I move all our stuff into our house after school? And we need help painting.~Brenda Jackson. I waited a few seconds and I felt my phone buzz.

Sure, how much tho? And I can't on Thursday, we have football practice.~ Finn Hudson.

"Finn said he can, but not on Thursday because of football practice. How much are you going to pay?"

"A hundred dollars each." She answered.

A hundred dollars and thanks! Can you text the boys and ask them? I'll text Sam tho. And the girls.~ Brenda Jackson. I waited a few seconds and felt my phone buzz again.

Awesome and I'll text the guys. Why do u want to text Sam yourself?????~ Finn Hudson

No comment, I just want to lol. Thanks tho~ Brenda Jackson

Okay, lol and yw. I gtg, i'll text the guys. Bye!~Finn Hudson

Bye! And tell them how much it is.~ Brenda Jackson

K, I will~ Finn Hudson.

"Finn said that he would ask the guys for me." I told mama

"Okay, thanks baby. I'ma go take a shower now." I nodded and looked Mercedes number up.

Hey, Mercedes. Can I ask you a favor?~Brenda Jackson

Sure girl! What is it?~ Mercedes Jones

Do you think that you could come over everyday after school this week and help my mom, grandpa and I paint and move all of our stuff into our house? You get paid $30.~ Brenda Jackson

Oh, yeah. I have nothing to do for the rest of the week. I'd love to help you.~ Mercedes Jones

Thanks alot. And can you text the girls and ask them if they can help? I already asked Finn. He can and he is asking the boys.~Brenda Jackson

Sure, and your welcome girl. I'll ask them and text you back as soon as I know!~Mercedes Jones.

Thanks! I'll talk to you then.~Brenda Jackson

Then I looked up Sam's number. I found it and clicked on it.

Hey, can I ask you something?~Brenda Jackson

Sam's POV

I was sitting in my living room with my little brother and little sister, while my mom and dad were at work. I was thinking about the new girl, Brenda Jackson. She was so beautiful. With her long brown hair and brown eyes. I loved the dimples she got when she smiled. As soon as I gather up enough courage to ask her out, I'm going to. I sat there thinking about her when I heard my text alert. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that Brenda texted me. I opened it.

Hey, can I ask you something?~Brenda Jackson

Sure, what is it?~Sam Evans

I already asked Finn and Mercedes. Do you think you can come to my house everyday after school? We are getting the rest of our stuff delivered tomorrow and we need some tall and strong boys to help us lift the furniture and paint the walls. Finn and Mercedes can and they are asking the others if they can. My mom is going to pay y'all $100 each.~ Brenda Jackson

Um, I might be able too. I have to take care of my little brother and sister after school. I can ask my mom and see if I can?~Sam Evans

If u want u can. It's fine if you can't tho.~Brenda Jackson

I dialed my moms cell number and waited.


"Hey, mama. One of my friends are moving into a house and she needs help moving her stuff in and with painting. She asked me if I can come help with some of our other friends. Can I?"

"I don't know, Sam. Who is it?"

"It's the new girl, Brenda Jackson. She's Coach's little sister. Her mom is going to pay us a hundred dollars. Can I please help her?"

"I guess so, but what about your brother and sister?"

"I'll see if I can take them with me. I'll text you if I can."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too, bye"

"Bye." I hung up the phone and texted Brenda back.

My mom said that I can help, but only if I take my brother and sister with me.~Sam Evans

That's fine! You can bring them! I want to see if they are as cute as you!~Brenda Jackson.

She thinks I'm cute? Awesome!

Well, according to my mom, they are the cutest kids she has ever seen. ~Sam Evans

I bet, especially if they are related to you. ;)~Brenda Jackson

:D You know, you're not so bad yourself ;)~Sam Evans

Awe! Thanks!~ Brenda Jackson.

So, what's up?~Sam Evans

Nothing much. Talking to you. Which is awesome! What are u doin?~Brenda Jackson

Talking to a beautiful girl and taking care of my brother and sister.~Sam Evans

Awe!~Brenda Jackson

It's the truth! So how big is your house?~Sam Evans

It's huge! It's a two story house and it has 10 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a basement, a huge kitchen, there's a pool in the back, and there's a three car garage. I love it!~Brenda Jackson

Woah, thats huge!~Sam Evans

I know. It's awesome. Well, I have to go. But I'll talk to you later. I have to go get us something to eat tonight and I don't text and drive. Bye!~Brenda Jackson

Okay, text me when yo get home so I know your safe, bye!~Same Evans

Okay!~Brenda Jackson

I texted my mom and told her I could take the twins.

"Stevie, Stacy! Come here for a second!"I called. They were in their room.

"What is it Sammy? I was teaching Stacy how to play a game!"Stevie said. I laughed and picked the two of them up and put them on my lap.

"Well, be ready after school tomorrow. A friend of mine is bringing me home and then all of us are going to her house! Were going to help move stuff and paint!" They smiled. They love to paint.

"Yay! We'll be ready!"Then they got up and ran back to their room. I laughed and laid on the couch. I soon fell asleep.

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