Defenders of the Demigods - A...

By naturegirl1225

34.3K 724 297

Three years after the war against Perfection, the demigods find things to be much more calm than it was befor... More

Disclaimers and All That Jazz (again)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Final Author's Note

Chapter 10

1.3K 31 4
By naturegirl1225

Reyna’s house, Lia’s POV

    “Reyna! We’re back!” Nico yelled as he opened the door, unceremoniously dropping the lady on her couch. She crossed her arms as she glared silently at us, as she had been doing for the entire trip back.

    Leave it to two dogs to stop that glare. As I heard Reyna coming down the stairs, two dogs, one that appeared to be made of silver, while the other appeared to be made of gold, trotted up to the lady, nuzzling against her knees. As she began petting them, I realized a frustrated voice was ranting at us - though more specifically, at Nico.

    “You do realize it is long past 10, correct?! I made all this food, expecting you guys would make sure to not leave it cold, and instead you made me stay up worrying while I waited for you guys to come back!”

    “Well more importantly, we have a hostage in our mists, so instead of fretting over us, let’s see what they know.” He motioned to the lady, who looked up from where she was petting the dogs.

    “Uh. Hi.” She awkwardly waved. Reyna let out a big sigh, motioning for us all to sit down on her assorted couches as she took her own seat.

    “Tell us your name and who you are. If you lie, these two,” She motioned to her dogs, who looked at her excitedly “Will be able to tell.”

    “Um… Ok. Well, my name is Lin- At least that’s the name I go by!” She quickly added as the dogs shot a vicious glare at her. She looked around nervously at us as she slowly continued “I… Um… Am a demigod…? And I work with a few other demigods to protect demigods…?”

    Reyna glanced over at Nico, the two trading looks before she turned back to the lady “And where are these ‘other demigods’?”

    Lin sucked in a breath before quickly blurting out “I don’t know and that’s why I let you capture me because you guys are the only ones that can help so please help me.” She looked around as everyone looked at her incredulously before sighing “I was sleeping and when I woke up they were all gone… I know you guys are on a quest and we all agreed before they went missing that we are likely to be a part of it somehow… But now they’ve gone missing and I don’t know what to do…” She put her head in her hands. I looked to the two that had a better clue about everything going on than I did, Reyna seeming to be in thought while Nico got up, crossing his arms.

    “Let me see those wings you made disappear earlier.” He told her. She looked up at him before sighing, two wings suddenly appearing. Reyna looked at them before her eyes widened, going over and examining the wings.

    “These feathers… You’re one of the Defenders?” She asked.

    Lin crossed her arms, rolling her eyes “Yeah, it’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it sound though. Or maybe it kinda is.” She quickly added when the dogs glared at her “But I’m not that special or anything.”

    “You guys have been bringing demigods in from everywhere safely, that kind of makes each of you special to us.” Reyna responded, sitting down and letting out a yawn “Who even are you guys? And where did you come from?”

    “Well I came from a woman. Or more of a jerk, but anyways.” She smiled some as I started laughing at that, though I quickly shut up when Nico sent a glare at me “A high level deity rose us from the dead and offered us a job as protectors.” I couldn’t stop another burst of laughter this time, Fawn joining soon after. Even Nico managed to crack a smile at that, though Reyna watched her dogs to see their response. Surprisingly, they didn’t growl this time.

    Lin yawned, making her wings disappear and leaning back against the couch as her face got serious again. “But back to focusing on this quest stuff, the other three don’t just disappear without a word. Something weird is going on, and it isn’t the good weird.”

    A moment of silence ensued, so I decided to ask something. “Do you know about some guy named Perfection?”

    “Yeah, he’s dead though. Very dead.”


    “No, you’re wrong. Someone did explain that he’s dead to her right?”

    “I saw a person talking to themselves in a dream as if they were Perfection. I’m pretty sure I’m right.”

    “That’s impossible. I-” She bit her lip before leaning back. “I saw when he was killed.”

    “Well,” Nico cut in “Should we consider you the enemy then? Because I didn’t know any girl that looked like you back when the fight was going on, so only a rebel could have seen that.”

    “What?! Of course I wasn’t on Perfection’s side! You do remember the Warriors of Chaos, right?” She yelled at him in defense.

    “So you’re one of them?”

    “Was. As I said, I died.” I glanced at the dogs, but they didn’t seem to be annoyed by this.

    “Great, so you’re just as mysterious as before, if not even more mysterious. How about you say it clearly that you are on our side, and then we can continue.” Nico stated.

    “I am on your side, and I am definitely not on Perfection’s side.” She said clearly.

    Seeing the dogs not move to attack her, Nico let out a sigh, saying something that I couldn’t quite understand. Lin scoffed, replying and making me realize they weren’t speaking English. Whatever they both said started a shouting match between the two, though it seemed like their gestures were even louder than their words somehow. After a minute, they finally slouched back down in their chairs, crossing their arms as they glared at each other.

    Fawn yawned, getting up. “I’m tired, so I’m going to bed. Update me in the morning.”

    “So, what’s our plan? Or more of, your plan. Cause it’s your quest. I’ll be hanging out in the back for backup.” Reyna stated once Fawn left the room. This seemed to cut the tension in the room, and we began planning.

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