WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Im Going Home!
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Challenge 6: Too Clingy
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Fight Night/ Elimination 7
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 2
Reunion Special: Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Finals- Part 1

572 28 38
By SinnaMonnBun

VC-Brie- So today is the finals.....I am beyond nervous right now.

VC-AJ- This is where I wanted to be the whole time, at the finals. It was hell getin' here so now that I am here im going to give it my all and more. Nothing is acceptable except 1st place.

Brie, Paige, Charlotte, AJ, Finn and Roman made their way to their final challenge destination where Hunter was awaiting them.

He stood in a forested area where there was a running river.

They nervously approached him.

"Well, you can just feel the intensity in the air today. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your final challenge. Let me tell you how this is going to go down. This challenge will be done in 6 stages. For the first 3 stages you all will be working together in pairs of male and female. For each stage we have assigned the teams. At the last 3 stages, you guys will be competing for yourself. At the end of every stage, the length of time you took to complete it will be recorded. To determine the winner, all of your times will be added up and the guy and girl who took the least amount of time to complete the final challenge will be declared Challenge champion. Got it?"

They nodded, "Yea!"

"Awsome, well let me welcome you to your first stage. I sure do hope you guys know how to kayak because you will be kayaking down this river behind me until you get to your second stage. But be careful....there is a waterfall somewhere near. Now, let me pair you guys up. Finn, you're paired with Paige, Charlotte you got Roman, that leaves Brie and AJ."

Each person moved and stood by their partner.

"Go ahead and get geared up guys. See you at the end." Hunter said and walked away.

They geared up with the helmets and life jackets that were provided and then entered the kayak.

"Oh my god....this is crazy." Brie said as she struggled to get in.

VC-Brie- This boat is rocking back and forth. It can literally tip over any second.

"You know how to do this right, Brie?" AJ turned to her and asked.



The 3 teams began taking off with Finn and Paige in the lead. Roman and Charlotte were mere inches away from them and Brie and AJ were behind.

VC-Finn- Paige and I are off! We're in the lead right now and its great! If we can keep this up, itll be very beneficial to us.

So far, everything was going great.....for two out of the three teams.

VC-AJ- So im there paddling my heart out and I realize, we're barely moving! Suddenly, I lose sight of the 2 other teams and im like....what the hell is going on? I know how to do this. Then I turn around only to see Brie holding the paddle the wrong way. She's holding it upright when its supposed to be held sideways. * Facepalms * I swear im going to throw her out of this kayak.



"You're holding the goddamn paddle wrong!"

"Oh.....sorry." she said as she fixed the paddle.


Finally, their kayak began to take off.

Twenty minutes in and the 3 teams had lost sight of each other.

VC-Roman- Everything was going great until suddenly the current started getting high. The waterfall must be somewhere around here.

"Roman....the kayak is turning." Charlotte pointed out as she held onto the sides.

"I know."

VC-Charlotte- Suddenly, our kayak begins to spin the opposite way so now its pointing to the direction we came from.

The pair tried their best to paddle back to their original position but the current got the best of them.

"ITS NOT WORKING!" a frustrated Charlotte screamed.

They kayak kept spinning in circles until it ended up going off to the side and getting caught in the mangrove trees.

"I dont even know which is the correct way now." said Roman.

"Great....this is just freaking great..." she said.

VC-Roman- Now im confused as to which side we came from and which side we gotta go * chuckles * This is going to be a longggg kayak trip.

Meanwhile in 1st place, Paige and Finn was sailing smoothly.

VC-Paige- Here we are, in 1st place, kayaking in a river in Chile. Its such a beautiful experience. Everywhere is so serene and quiet,you're not hearing anything but the splash of the water from our paddle and the birds singing. But honestly, im just waiting for the Loch Ness monster to just rise up out of nowhere and swallow us whole. It genuinely feels like the calm before the storm like in those horror movies.

"Are you hearing that?" Finn asked.


"It sounds like water roaring."

"The waterfall must be close by."

"Then the water is going to get rough. Hold tight." Finn said as they paddled further.

Suddenly, the current started picking up, pulling them in further.

"Holy shit!" Paige said.

"I....cant...control it!" he said as he tried to steer the kayak.

VC-Paige- I am holding on for dear life right now. The way this water is man handling us, it can tip us over any moment.

The waves kept rushing and pushing the kayak in all directions. If they werent holding on, they would  have sure fallen out. They were drenched by this time.

"KEEP HOLD OF YOUR PADDLE!" Finn shouted to her over the roaring of the water.

Suddenly, the kayak came to an edge and dropped four feet down.

Paige screamed as they were being dropped. She gripped onto her paddle and closed her eyes.

SPLASH! They landed as water splashed into the kayak and on top of them.

The current didnt stop there. As soon as they landed, the water kept pulling them down stream further and further. Only this time, there were huge rocks in the water.

Paige finally opened her eyes but was shocked when she did. Her heart stopped.

VC-Paige- So uh.....Finn isnt in the boat....and....im trying not to FUCKING PANIC!

"FINN! FINN!" She called out to him as she tried to slow the kayak with her paddle.

She heard a gurgling sound behind her and when she looked, she saw him bobbing his head in the water. The current was so strong is kept pulling him down.

"FINN!" She screeched.

VC-Paige- Oh my god. Am I about to see my friend die?

"Paige.....Help!...."He managed to say as he was struggling.

She steered the boat so it hit a rock and came to a stop.

"IM COMING!" She said as she attempted to get out of the kayak.

The water kept pushing him until he hit a rock. He managed to climb onto it. He propped up on his elbows and laid on his stomach. His skin was paler than ever and his lips were blue from the icy waters.

He gasped for breath as he coughed up water.

He was still too far apart from her. If any of them tried to walk across they would get carried away.

Luckily, production came to their rescue and told Paige not to get out of the kayak.

A rescue boat was sent out to collect a soaked Finn.

"Finn we're going to need to evaluate you." The producer said to him as he entered the rescue kayak.

"No."he shook his head.

"We need to make sure you're able to compete."

"I can compete. Its fine." he panted.

"Finn I cant let you-"

"IM FINE!" he flung away the towel they gave him.

"Finn you're coughing up water still."

" I can fooking do it! Just get me back to Paige." he demanded.

They got him back to his kayak and Paige immediately grabbed onto him and hugged him.

"Im unbelievably happy you're here!" she tried not to let her voice break as she wiped a tear.

"Dont worry about me. Lets finish this thing."

VC-Paige- I have never been in a situation where one of my friends almost died so this shook me to the core. It was horrific. I am going to remember this forever.

VC-Finn- As soon as we landed from that drop, I capsized out the kayak. The impact plus rushing water caused me fall out. Im just thankful to be alive. I honestly thought that was it. Im going to die on television.


1st place- Finn and Paige- 50 minutes.

2nd place- Roman and Charlotte- 1hr, 5mins

3rd place- AJ and Brie- 1hr, 15mins.

"Wooh! That kayaking sure was crazy huh!" AJ said as he dried himself with a towel, "You wont believe what we had to go through. Cuh-razy! I cant believe we made it! Those waves were rough! Our kayak was rocking back and forth! It was insane!"

A still soaked and exhausted Finn who almost died was sitting on the ground glaring at him.

"We almost lost a paddle! Im tellin' you, it was crazy."

VC-Finn- I almost drowned but...we still arrived first so it was worth it.

"So guys," Hunter approached, "Onto your second stage. For this stage you will be racing in a 10k run through a mountain trail. At the end of the trail, there is a little surprise I will greet you with. AJ, you're with Paige, Brie you're with Roman and Charlotte you got Finn. Get going guys."

VC-Paige- Oh no, Hunter and his surprises. Im hoping the surprise is going to be massages and a 5 star meal with expensive wine.

They all paired up and began trekking.

VC-Finn- I am so exhausted right now but im telling myself to just push through it. I can do this.

Paige and AJ were currently in the lead but Charlotte and Finn were right behind them.

"Hey so uh,"Paige said, "About what happened that night. Im really sorry. I know we didnt get to talk about it because ive been avoiding you but im really sorry. It was the alcohol. I didnt mean to come between you and Alexa."

"Dont beat yourself up about it. It was a drunken mistake."

"But Alexa is going to hate me."

"She probably might but you know what, it was a mistake and you just apologized for it. She has to forgive you. Im not innocent either. I kissed you back. The way im seeing it is, we were drunk and having fun. Its not like we banged after y'know."


"We'll worry about Alexa after we finish the finals. Lets focus on the task at hand." he said to her.

"Come on Finn! Keep up!" Charlotte said to him.

She was way ahead than he was.

"Im going as fast as I can Charlotte. Im losing breath. This air is so thin."

"SUCK IT UP! Lets move!"She clapped, "Onward and upward!"

"Just shut the hell up." Finn murmured.

Thirty minutes into the walk, Brie began to complain.

"Roman," she gasped for breath, "I cant go any further."

"What do you mean? Come on we just started!"

"My legs are killing me! My feet feels like theyre on fire."

"Can you push through it? We're almost there."

"I just need to stop for a second." she sat down on the ground and took a sip of water.

VC-Brie- My heart is racing so fast right now. My legs feel like jello. I dont think I can complete this walk.

Five minutes passed by and Brie was still sitting with a angered Roman beside her.

"We're losing time Brie lets go!"

"Dont yell at me Roman."

"Oh for gods sake.." he walked off.

"UGH! Can you at least be supportive and help me get through this!"

"You're sounding like you're giving birth! How can I be supportive if we're dead ass last right now! Ive been moving at your pace all this time and we need to get going at my pace now if you want to win 1st place."

"Its not easy for me Roman. Im not used to this."

"Then maybe you shouldnt be here!"

Her jaw dropped. She was taken aback.

VC-Brie- Im tired of people telling me that I shouldnt be here. Screw them! Im here for a reason. Lets just get this over with and prove those bitches wrong.

"Look, im sorry." he said.

"Just...have nothing to say to me for the time being okay." she said as she walked off.

He just shook his head in frustration and followed after her.

VC-Brie- Im pissed at what he said but its the motivation I needed.

Finally, the 3 teams came to the end of the trail where Hunter was waiting with his surprise. The first team to arrive was AJ and Paige followed by Finn and Charlotte then Brie and Roman within minutes apart from each other.

They saw three podiums awaiting them and Hunter standing with que cards in his hands.

VC-Charlotte- I smell trivia.

"Welcome to the extra part of the second stage guys, the trivia round."

"Fuck it." Paige threw her hands up.

"Im going to ask each team a series of questions. The first team to get five correct answers will advance. You cannot leave unless you have answered five questions correctly. Now these questions should be familiar to you because they are the same questions from the trivia round we had a few weeks back. You guys ready? Lets begin."

Team 1- Finn and Charlotte

Team 2- Paige and AJ

Team 3- Brie and Roman

VC-Finn- Thank god I got paired with Charlotte for this round. She literally knows everything.

"Team 1, in our solar system, which 2 planets are known as ice giants?"

"Uranus and Neptune." Charlotte answered.

"Correct. Team 2, what symbol represents the zodiac sign Cancer?"

"Crab!" Paige blurted.

"Correct, Team 3, what kind of trees do acorns grow on?"

"Oak." Brie said.

"Correct, Team 1, what food is hummus made from?"

"Ch-" Finn began saying.

"Chickpeas." Charlotte said. Finn rolled his eyes.

"Correct. Team 2, what is the name of the trailer truck in the movie Transformers?"

"Optimus Prime." AJ said.

"Correct. Team 3, what planet has the most moons?"

Brie and Roman looked at each other.

"Uh....Saturn?" Brie said.

"Incorrect. The answer is Jupiter. Team 1, which married couple separated in September 2016?"


"Brad and Angelina." Charlotte interrupted Finn again.

"Correct. Team 2, Atlantic City is a popular entertainment destination located in what US state?"

VC-Paige- I remember being asked this and getting it wrong.

"New Jersey." AJ answered.

"Correct. Team 3, how old must a person be to run for President?"

"Thirty five?" Roman answered.


Hunter kept asking questions until there was a team to get five correct answers which was Charlotte and Finn obviously. They raced off to find stage 3. Coming in second, 8 minutes after Finn and Charlotte was AJ and Paige.

The last team still at the podium with only 4/5 questions correct was Brie and Roman.

"Okay guys, which is the only country to have played in every world cup?"

"Canada?" Brie said.

"Wrong...again. Who is the oldest of the Kardashian sisters?"

"Kim?" Roman said.

"Wrong. Who was known as the Maid of Orleans?"

Brie and Roman looked at each other and shrugged.

"Rosa Parks?" Brie answered.

"What? No. Wrong." Hunter was getting pretty frustrated at this point, "What was Mohammed Ali's birth name?"

" Oh I know this." Roman said, "Cassius Clay."

"Thank you." Hunter looked up to the sky and said, "Hurry up and get out of here guys."

Stage 2 total time-

Finn and Charlotte- 1hr 15 minutes

AJ and Paige- 1hr 22 minutes

Roman and Brie- 1hr 30 minutes

All teams arrived at stage 3 where they met up with Hunter again.

"Welcome to your last team stage. For this stage, you will have to climb up that steep, rocky mountain side. Also, beware of all the creatures you may come across. The teams this time are AJ and Charlotte, Brie and Finn and Paige and Roman. Get geared up and be on your way."

VC-AJ- Im so happy im paired with Charlotte because this girl knows how to move. We're going to kill this thing.

They geared up and took off. AJ and Charlotte was in 1st place followed by Finn and Brie and then Roman and Paige.

Thirty minutes in.

VC-AJ- So, im climbing up that mountain and all of a sudden I start getting cramps and spasms. My muscles started locking up on me. Im trying to shake it off and continue but it just hurts so bad.

"AHHH!" AJ clutched his arm and dropped himself.

"Whats wrong?" Charlotte asked.

"Im getting a cramp!"

"Oh god.." Charlotte rolled her eyes, "We gotta keep moving AJ!"

"I cant im seized up right now!"

"We're in the lead! Lets move!"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!" he said as he groaned with pain.

Charlotte just shook her head and looked at him.

VC-Charlotte- These men we got here....arent men at all.

AJ got back to his feet and proceeded to keep going.

VC-AJ- Every step I take it hurts like hell. I aint never one to complain about pain but this is a whole other level. All my muscles feel like theyve seized up.

"Can you move faster?" she said.

"Listen im moving as fast as I can."

"AJ you can push through this I know it. Just keep going!"

"Just stay quiet for the time being please." he said as he limped.

"AHHHH!" Brie screamed out.

"What?' Finn turned and asked.

"Theres a spider! Oh my god!" she froze and pointed to a huge, hairy tarantula that was crawling about, minding its business.

"Just ignore it. Come on."

"Nooo! Oh my god its crawling this way!"

"So are you going to freakin stand there and let it eat you or are you going to get away from it!"

She ran up, straight towards where Finn was and hid behind him.

VC-Finn- If spiders are making her move this fast, then im praying to God theres tarantulas right throughout this trail.

VC-Paige- I can definitely tell Roman is tired and I am too so at this point, we're just moving at our own pace. We still got 3 more rounds where we could make up some time but right now, im just done.

Finn and Brie surprisingly bypassed Charlotte who was pissed off because AJ needed to rest his muscles because they were cramping again.

VC-Charlotte- I cant tell you how EMBARRASSED I was when I saw BRIE pass us on that trail. * buries face in hands* I thought AJ and I were going to be a power team but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Finishing Time:

Finn and Brie- 2hrs, 19 mins

AJ and Charlotte- 2hrs 39 mins

Roman and Paige- 2hrs 52 mins

Coming Up Next: Finals part 2

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