My Journey with the Demon Kin...

By PennieWagner

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***Please note this is a 1st Draft*** Ana's life changes when a terrible monster strolls into her village. On... More

1 - Meeting Zane
2 - Beginning a Journey
3 - Meeting the Demon King
4 - The First Village
5 - Just Friends
6 - Knight and Villan
7 - Pain
8 - Word
9 - Ut In Nuptias Sit Plenum
10 - Mage College
11 - Anima-Feles
12 - Captured?
13 - King
14 - Something to Call Home
15 - The First Dream
16 - Practicing Magic
17 - Learning Control
19 - The Second Dream
20 - Confusion
21 - Past and Present
22 - Magic
23 - Ether
24 - Change/Epilogue

18 - Shiro

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By PennieWagner


I don't usually do this because I feel it breaks up the story flow, but that's just me. First off, let me say THANK YOU! Thank you for reading my story and leaving a review. It means so much to me. It helps me write so much faster.  But on to why I have this here, please be warned, this is a little long.

This chapter has a lot of terminology and I wanted to put this here to be at least a little less confusing. Unfortunately, with the way the Japanese language works, I had some trouble finding the correct terms for 'witch' and 'wizard' that meant how I wanted them to. I wanted the good, 'white-witch' type aspect, but that is very hard to accomplish with the Japanese language when you know none of it. So, instead I went with miko (Priestess) and shinshoku (Priest). This helps show the aspect of a good magic user of each gender, so to speak. I know it's not technically correct, but I felt it was better than what I was originally going to go with. Tsukimono-suji (Hereditary-witches') were usually fox-employers in ancient Japan. They, along with snake-employers, where the most common type of 'witch' in ancient Japan. As well, for those of you who do not know:

Kami is, essentially, the spirit or essence of all things. From landscapes, to forces of nature, to beings, to even the very qualities of people or other beings were all considered kami and are worshiped in the Shinto religion, which is very big in Japan. Yokai is the name for a class of monster in Japan. These can be spirits, demons, and just about everything else in Japan. Usually, if you could think it, something that had any sort of supernatural abilities had at least two sides to itself. A good, kami-based aspect and the bad yokai-based aspect.

As such, the kitsune (fox), had two aspects to itself. The good aspect were messengers of the Shinto god Inari. The bad were tricksters, from small pranks to very harmful or life-threatening ones. Inugmai (literally 'dog god') were the same. They could be seen as servants of Onmyoji (think of them like a Japanese exorcist) and kami. But just as easily they could be revenge-driven, black-magic wielding yokai. Tengu ('literally heavenly dog'), despite their name, were most often depicted as a crow, often mixed with a human body. They were Shinto kami, protectors and guardians of forests and mountains. Their yokai aspect was most often seen as demons and harbingers of war. Okay, that's it! No more Japanese lesson. Back to the story! Sorry, again, but I felt this was important to understand.

I didn't even have any time to respond before something else happened that left me stunned. The fox glowed briefly, a brilliant white. As I watched, squinting my eyes against the bright light, it grew and stretched out. When it finally dimmed, what was left behind was a...young boy? All of this happened in the space of three seconds.

The boy looked about four years old. Zane's hand had been forced to lower with the appearance of the boy and now his hand was holding the back of the boy's neck. Besides a very thin looking loincloth, the boy was naked. His ribs reflected how he had appeared as a fox, a few seconds before. I could count every single one of his ribs with how thin and malnourished he was. His skin was pale ivory, with a very light covering of white...fur? Poking out from his lower back was a short fox tail, which was almost completely white, except for a black tip.

My eyes moved from his pale skin to his bright, contrasting hair. It was white and cut close to his head, with one streak of red-brown along the left side of his hair and one black along the right. His eyes were dark blue, the color of a midnight sky, just as they were as a fox. Even though his irises were quite the human color, the rest of his eyes were not, the pupils still had the shape of a fox. The fox-boy's eyes were burning in rage and...panic?

"I am not a pet!" he growled out. His voice was slightly high-pitch, just what you would expect from a four-year-old. But his pronunciation and vocabulary was much older and more mature than a four-year-old. " dare a human say I am a pet!" He turned his burning blue eyes on me. His gaze took me in. He blinked, before shaking his head and turning it back to Zane. "I refuse to uphold the agreement," he muttered, crossing his arms. "Release me."

Zane's voice had an edge to it as he chuckled lightly. "Now, see here, little kitsune, that's not how it works and you know it. Your kind is very big about always upholding their agreements. I told you my condition and gave you the choice. You agreed to it and ate the chicken I offered, at a price. Now you must pay that price."

The boy growled, his mouth opening to reveal a suddenly sharp mouthful of teeth. "A leg of chicken is not worth a life-debt!"

"Actually, it was two legs. And you were nearly dead. A life for a life. I saved your life, so I now own it."

I blinked once more, finally finding my voice. "Z-Zane...I don't think you need to...take it to such an extreme..."

Zane didn't even glance at me, keeping his attention on the boy. "Look, if you don't uphold your end of the agreement, you'll be shunned in the kitsune society, what little is left of it. I'm not saying that I expect you to be my slave. If anything, as I said, I am giving you to my wife. If it helps...think of it like the old tsukimono-suji your kind were known for."

The boy blinked rapidly, his mouth opening a little in shock. After half a second, he closed his mouth and his brow furrowed in thought. He glanced back up at me, before looking at Zane again. "It will uphold the bounds of the old tsukimono-suji, correct?"

"Yes. I will promise that this household, the household of König, will forever provide for you and keep you under our care. In return, you shall forever be under our employ, most specifically my wife's, granting us your powers and protection." Zane's voice dropped its serious, formal tone. "Is that good enough for you?"

Slowly, very slowly, the boy nodded. "I will agree to this. I now belong to the König family-line and they to I."

In the air around the two, I could feel vibrations and the sound of a lock clicking into place. I jumped as I felt something forming on my skin. Glancing down, I let out a soft cry as I watched a white tattoo slowly etch itself into my skin, on my right wrist. It wasn't painful, just...almost ticklish? I bit my lip to stay my soft giggles at the sensation.

The tattoo took on the shape of a white fox, with a black nose, red-brown tip on his left ear and black on his right ear. It's one eye that I could see was dark blue. That was all along the top part of my wrist. On the underside, the fox was wrapped around, with its one tail curled against its body. In one of its paws, it was holding a small white-blue stone. I blinked again, gently running my fingertips over the bracelet.

A low yip made me freeze, glancing up. The boy was watching me, his eyes wide and alert. His tail was standing straight up, the fur bristled. "P-please, try not to do that," he mumbled. "It's kind of...uncomfortable..."

Instantly I pulled my fingers away. "I'm sorry, Shiro," I apologized quickly. But as soon as I said the words, I lifted a finger to my lips. How did I know his name?

"It's all a part of what just happened. So, love, how does it feel to officially be a fox-witch?"

I lowered my hand, turning my attention back to Zane. "A 'fox-witch'?" I repeated uncertainly.

Zane sighed. "Well, technically its more like 'hereditary-witch', but they were known for being fox-employers. So 'fox-witch' seems pretty accurate to me."

The term 'witch' made some of Past Zane's memories pull forth. I had a quick image of a young girl, with long, curly, ginger hair in black robes, wielding a wand and shouting out a word I couldn't quite catch. Shaking my head, I forced the memories to focus. "Witch...A woman who is known to use magic and usually has some sort of animal companion with her?"

Zane nodded shortly. "Correct." He glanced down at my right wrist. "I didn't expect it to do that." He slowly released his hold on the fox-boy.

Shiro cleared his throat, shifting nervously on his feet. "It is there so that each generation knows which of the female family members will be the miko, and if there is multiple females with power, then it shows which of them will be the next Head of the family miko. Males can technically be shinshoku, but it is rare for a male to be born into a tsukimono-suji family that has the power."

I turned my gaze to Shiro. "So, you mean, I am the 'Head' of the family then? That doesn't make sense...Zane is much more powerful than I."

Shiro glanced up at Zane. "Yes, but the master has given me to you, Mistress, and even specified in the agreement that you were more pertinent then he. As such, he is second to you as far as my protection and blessings are concerned. With my blessings, it is you who gains kitsune no maku, or mark of the fox."

I shook my head. "I think this is a little bit more than I can take in for right now," I confessed. Lifting my head, I took in Shiro's appearance. "You must be cold," I murmured softly. Turning on my heel, I began moving about the cottage, looking for something to dress him in. I finally came across one of Zane's older tunics. Grabbing it, I walked back to Shiro. I didn't even pause as I quickly pulled his head and arms through the tunic.

Shiro's voice, when he spoke, was a mixture of embarrassment, shock, and something else I couldn't quite identify. "I did not need...Thank you, Mistress," he quickly changed his words as he stared up at me.

I smiled. "Please, just call me Ana. And Zane doesn't like to be referred by something like 'Master', so just call him by his name as well. I'm sorry, if you didn't need the tunic. I just thought you might be cold. Besides, Zane promised we would take care of you and we will. If nothing else, I can make sure you are well-fed, warm, and stay in good health." Turning, I went back to where I had left the chicken. Humming to myself, I started where I had left off, working on the meal Zane had requested.

Silence fell in the cottage, but a few minutes later, I felt a small, warm body against the back of my neck. Pausing in cutting up the chicken, I turned my head to the left. Shiro was back in the form of a fox, only his appearance had changed to reflect the tattoo on my arm.

I made myself appear as a normal fox, he explained without me asking. That way it would appear as if I was not a kitsune. I wasn't expecting there to be a human in this tent who even knew what a kitsune was. I knew someone of great power was in here, because of how powerful the wards were. I knew I shouldn't break in...but I was desperate. I needed food and I could smell the chicken.

I laughed lightly, focusing on my task. "I have to admit, I'm impressed that you were able to make it inside. I imagine Zane's has in place many strong barriers."

It was very difficult, Shiro admitted reluctantly. I almost gave up several times.

"Is that why you were so quiet this morning?" I asked Zane from over my shoulder. "You could feel something was trying to break through your wards?"

I began to feel a little claustrophobic as I sensed his presence nearby. When he moved directly behind me, leaning over me, I felt very pinned in. His voice over my shoulder was annoyed. "Go away," he muttered to Shiro. "You're in my way."

Instantly, I felt Shiro's presence disappear. My right wrist grew warm for half a second and the eye of the fox glowed. Then it became still once more. Zane's fingertips brushed aside my hair, exposing the nape of my neck. His hot breath and lips ran along the sensitive skin. I sucked in a quick breath, trying to fight down my body's response to his touch. "Z-Zane," I stuttered faintly. "I'm...I'm trying to cook right now."

His arms came around my waist, pressing me against his chest. "Yeah, and?" he asked, his voice holding a teasing edge. "What's wrong with me kissing you while you're cooking? It couldn't I a distraction?"

I gulped, shaking my head slightly. "O-of course not." I closed my eyes, forcing myself to fight back the bubbling heat that was trying to course through my veins. Without another word, I went back to my work, keeping my hands from shaking.

After two minutes had gone by, Zane sighed. "Ana, you're no fun. Why do you have to be such a party pooper?"

I sighed as well. "Aren't you hungry today?"

A low groan. "Yes, very," came the reluctant reply.

I decided I didn't need to say anything, since he had answered his own question. He settled down and decided to just stay behind me, holding me close as I cooked. Forty-five minutes later, it was done and we had our fill. I glanced down at my wrist. Shiro had kept himself hidden since Zane had told him to. Despite requesting me to cook today, Zane had barely eaten anything, but this was normal for him. He rarely ate, and when he did, it was very little. I had had my fill as well, but there was still some food left. I knew Zane wouldn't get hungry for the next few days.

Lifting my wrist, I cleared my throat. I wasn't exactly sure how I was suppose to go about this. Were there some sort of magic words I had to say? Did I have to move my wrist in some strange way? Did I call his name?

While I tried to figure out what to do, Zane let out a sigh. "Shiro, you can come out now. We have some food left over for you. I'm sure you're hungry."

My wrist once again became warm briefly. The white light from before formed a small ball that come from the eye of the fox. It moved a few feet away from us, hovering in the air. It grew larger and took on the shape of Shiro in his fox form before fading. What it left behind was Shiro, his single tail very nearly wagging in excitement. His personality and mental abilities seemed to be older than his human appearance suggested, but even so, he still seemed very young.

Now that I could see him fully, instead of from the corner of my eye, I was able to see he was wearing something. Around his neck was a necklace, of sorts. In the middle, against his chest, was that same small white-blue stone I had seen before. Next to it was two red stones, carved into little teardrop shapes with swirls inside them.

Zane held out the food and Shiro quickly started on it. Zane turned his attention to me. "Shiro is still very young," he confirmed my thoughts from a few seconds before. "He's only a baby kitsune, honestly. I guess you could say he's about...ten-years-old, as far as they are concerned?" Zane's purple eyes closed for a few seconds in concentration. "I'm pretty sure he's about ten years from his second tail though."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "A second tail?" I repeated in confusion.

He nodded, opening his eyes once more. "Yes. It is one of the biggest things kitsune were known for, Before. It was believed that if a fox could manage to live to a hundred years, they would gain another tail, transforming into a kitsune. For each tail, it would show not only how powerful they were, but also how much wisdom they had. Once a kitsune had gained it's ninth tail, it would gain many insanely powerful abilities and ascend into the heavens. Or, at least those were the legends that humans believed and told. Now though, with how badly human society was hit, they are much less numerous than they use to be. With so few humans to...believe in them, I suppose you could say, they have begun to fade from existence."

Slowly, Shiro lifted his head, his ears drooping. He nodded, licking his chops. I am not quite sure how you know so much, human, but what you say is true. My kind is just barely a hundred strong. Millennium ago, from the stories that have been passed down, we numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Now though, with very little belief and so few of us to spread any, we are scarce indeed. Japan has changed quite a lot, from what it once was, when the kami and yokai where more numerous. We are only now just starting to regain even a small portion of the power we had before.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Zane murmured sincerely. "I always liked the kitsune. I'm assuming even the tengu and inugami are having issues as well then?"

Shiro snarled, his tail bristling in anger. Those dogs? Don't talk to me about the inugami! When Zane simply raised an eyebrow at his behavior, Shiro settled down a little. Yes, the tengu are in a similar situation as we are. But the inugami...they are 'man's best friend' so to speak, and dogs are much more easily accepted by them. The inugami are quite prosperous, and since the inugami and kitsune are enemies, they are often trying to undermine what little power we can get.

"So," Zane murmured, steering the conversation away from those depressing thoughts. "One of the things I will be expecting from you, Shiro, is to help your miko in learning to do all that you can do."

Shiro's tail twitched. His head shook a little, as if he was trying to make sure he had heard Zane right. Then he turned his blue eyes to me. Help Mist...I mean, Ana learn to use kitsune abilities?

Zane nodded firmly. "Yep. You know, illusions, shape-shifting, fox-fire manipulation and summoning, teleportation, flight, ward-creations...Hmm, did I leave anything out? Let's you have space and time manipulation? I know a few of the folktales made mention of it on occasion. You should also have dream manipulation and invisibility as well."

I gulped. "That's certainly a long list," I whispered. My respect for Shiro grew. If he really was able to do all those things...

Shiro's tail curved around his body as he slowly nodded his head. In keeping with the agreements of the tsukimono-suji that were made I will do my best, Ma...Zane.

Zane nodded shortly. "Thank you. I know she's isn't the violent sort, but she still needs to have some way to protect herself. And, if nothing else, being able to create incredibly powerful illusions, shape-shift, and turn invisible should help her in possibly avoiding confrontation. But, if she must, having fox-fire at her disposal will help her defend herself, as will being able to create protective wards, with the blessing of a kitsune. Your kind is tied to the kami Inari, are you not? Since you are white, you are even more so tied to Inari. You are a messenger of Inari, if the past folktales and myths are to be believed. As such, your blessings of protection from Inari should be passed on to your miko. When she learns to make protective wards, they should be just as powerful as yours, eventually."

Shiro moved restlessly about, floating in the air, for several seconds. When he finally stopped, his eyes were filled with an intense blue light. You are a cunning human! To think you're plan to 'trap' me had so many levels! His voice was filled with a mixture of fear, anger, astonishment, and grudging respect. Still though, a life-debt is a life-debt. An agreement is an agreement. As long as I am treated well and with the respect that is due to me, I will uphold the agreement with this tsukimono-suji.

"I'm glad that you can view the situation with wisdom," Zane nodded again.

Shiro's voice sounded a little weary. How else can I view it? To become angry and violent would serve me no purpose. To try and intact some form of revenge would break the agreement, as you have yet to treat me in any way that is harmful or insulting. He stared directly into Zane's inhuman eyes. You are who I think you are, are you not? You are the human who brought about all that death and destruction so long ago. My father told stories of you, who was told stories by his father, and so on and so on throughout the many millenniums it has been since.

Slowly, Zane smiled, dipping into a little bow from where he was sitting in his chair. "It's wonderful to meet you."

Shiro's head dipped a little in defeat. To think I have bound myself to the family-line of the Destroyer. Suddenly his head lifted up and he turned to me. You are quite the brave human, quite the bizarre human. I am not sure if I should be impressed or disgusted.

"He's not as bad as all the legends and stories of him seem to say," I replied. "Sure, he has his moments, but really, he isn't like how the world thinks he is. You'll see, Shiro."

The fox's tail twitched a few times before curling around his body again. I guess I shall. Considering he has lived as long as he has, it appears I will be stuck with him. His black-tipped ear suddenly flicked forward. He glanced side-long at me. When, exactly, should I expect the next generation, Ana?

I blinked, not quite understanding what he meant. Well, more like I wasn't sure if I should understand what he meant. "Excuse me?" I asked softly.

He turned to face me fully. The next generation. When should I expect it? Tsukimono-suji families are not shunned as they use to be, in ancient Japan, so you should have no problems marrying them off. Once the next generation comes and you have passed, I will be bound to the next miko. He paused, thoughtful. Well, considering who the father would be, possibly even a shinshoku. He shook his head. Are you expecting already? I know it is quite easy for humans to breed.

I was speechless. My face was beet-red, my mouth agape in shock. I couldn't think of words to say in response...or anything at all, honestly. All I could do was stare at the fox.

Zane's angry voice broke through the numb haze of my brain as he shot to his feet. "Hey! Who said anything about kids?! No, no, no, no!"

I blinked, shaking my head. "I don't know, Shiro. That isn't anything I have ever even thought about, honestly." I turned my eyes to Zane, seeing the sheer panic, rage, and fear that was on his face. Despite myself, I felt a little hurt at his reaction. But I still had the memories of his past, and from them I knew how he thought about the whole 'having children' part of a relationship. Taking in a deep breath, I pushed aside the hurt and forced myself to focus on everything else. "It is not in any of our plans, at all. So, despite how strange it may seem to you, I will be the only miko you will ever have."

The fox's eyes were wide as he took in both Zane and my reactions. I...I see, he finally responded. Well then. This was definitely not what I was expecting. He was quiet for several minutes. When he finally spoke again, his voice was very polite, and almost a little apologetic. It is night already. I shall leave you to your rest. Good night. Without another word, he formed into a ball of light and returned to my wrist.

Unconsciously, my hand moved to rub at the spot. I stopped myself just before I did, remembering his words and reaction from before. Inhaling deeply, I turned my eyes back up to Zane. He seemed to have calmed down some, but his eyes still held a light of anger and fear.

I closed my eyes, exhaling slowly. "Shiro's right. We should go ahead and head to bed, love." At the sound of my voice, he blinked. His eyes shifted as they stared down at me. By now though, I was at least mostly use to his mood-swings. "Zane, let's go to bed," I repeated. Slowly, he nodded.

Rising to my feet, I began the process of getting ready for bed. The two of us were silent. He seemed much too wrapped up in his thoughts to speak, which was a rarity with the man. Most of the time, he almost seemed to love the sound of his own voice. But now, with something as serious as Shiro had brought up, he had closed himself off.

Feeling my heart twist in pain, I took in another deep breath. I had no idea what I was suppose to say. I knew his reasons, as I had been inside his head and memories. I knew them. But, being raised in a completely different world, and with such a different mindset than his own, I couldn't quite understand them. Partly, yes. But not completely.

Shaking my head, I decided that this would be one of the things I would have to bury. I would bury it so deep it would never again be able to see the light of day. Nodding my head, I closed my eyes. I threw it all down into a dark, bottomless pit, deep in my soul. Then I imagined covering the opening of the pit with a thick steel door. Then I placed numerous steel bars, doors, locks, and spikes all around it. I would bury it so deep that I would never again be able to reach it, never again let it escape.

When I was done, I felt a little better. Partly, at least.

Undressing, I turned to the bed. Zane was already lying down. When I climbed into the bed, he said nothing. His arms opened and I moved to his side, hugging him tight. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and let the exhaustion I was feeling overcome me.

As I slept, I dreamed.

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