A Forest's Memory

By screamysailor

618 35 38

If one day you find out that your life has been an illusion, what would you do? Meet Forestkit, a loyal she-k... More

ThunderClan allegiances
Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
WindClan alligiances
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
The Sun Sets To Rise Again

Chapter Six

32 5 0
By screamysailor

Me: *Looking at at my books*

Me: I should probably update.

Me: Naw.


Me: Should I update now?

Me: You're having writer's block! No way!



Me: I will now update and hope whoever liked this book a month ago will come back and read it.


Lillyblaze was at Forestkit's side in an instant. "No, she isn't ready for outside the camp. Bring this ThunderClan cat here."

Dustpaw began scuffling her paws in the dust. "But Swiftfoot said-"

"Go swiftly Dustpaw. If it is so important, you better hurry," Lillyblaze didn't seem so fragile and weak as she stared down the apprentice. Forestkit caught a glimpse of what kind of warrior she had been before her illness.

Dustpaw nodded, and sped out of camp without another protest. Lillyblaze turned to Forestkit and licked her head.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to go out soon enough. The hawks are still hunting," Lillyblaze padded over to where a dusty-brown-grey she-cat with similar golden eyes was talking to Thorncloud.

"What did she mean by 'The hawks are still hunting?'" Forestkit asked Dawnkit.

Dawnkit was playing with the moss clump. "Oh, she just meant we can't go out of camp until Sunhigh, when the hawks are in their nests."

"We can go out of camp?" Forestkit's eyes grew wide.

"As long as there's two warriors with us," Dawnkit nodded. "C'mon, let's play moss ball!"

They batted the moss back and forth between them. Dawnkit was surprisingly good for her first time. A pretty smokey grey she-cat slinked out of her nest by a clump of grass and padded over to the two kits, her amber eyes wide with curiosity.

"What are you doing Dawnkit?" she asked, her mew soft and musical.

" We are playing moss ball, Fogpaw." was Dawnkit's curt reply as she dived for the moss when Forestkit threw it low.

"Is it a ThunderClan game?" Fogpaw's voice held no malice, only curiosity.

"I guess," Forestkit mewed as she stretched to catch it going over her head. "I thought all kits played it, though."

"How do you play?" Fogpaw sat, watching the moss fly back and forth, her tail swishing over the ground.

Forestkit's claws just missed the moss and it flew behind her. "Hey, you're good," Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "For a WindClan kit."

Dawnkit swiped playfully at Forestkit, who ducked and went after the moss. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dawnkit say something to Fogpaw, who stood and padded over to a reddish brown she-cat who was sharing fresh-kill with Buzzardwing.

"Why'd she go?" Forestkit dropped the moss by Dawnkit. "She seemed nice."

Dawnkit rolled her eyes. "Sure, but she's a moss-brained she-cat that has all the toms padding after her already," she snorted.

"Really?" Forestkit shook her head. It was startling how smart this little she-kit was. "Yeah, I see why you say that."

"That's her mentor Kiteclaws," Dawnkit's eyes shone with something quite like jealousy. "I wish she were my mentor. She's one of the best warriors in the clan!"

"Really?" Forestkit looked at the lithe frame of the she-cat.

"Yeah," Dawnkit was bobbing her head empathetically. "They say she's almost as good as Lillyblaze was."

"Lillyblaze?" Forestkit was curious now. She decided to try something. She concentrated hard on Dawnkit's voice, and her thoughts popped into her mind.

Oh yeah, because she's practically ThunderClan, she wouldn't know that Lillyblaze was the fastest, fiercest warrior in WindClan. Only Braveheart could match her in skill, and he was the warrior that went from apprentice to having an apprentice to deputy in two seasons!

"She was amazing, at least from what I heard Thorncloud say before they found me and made me go to the nursery again." Dawnkit began washing her paws.

Forestkit heard pawsteps coming through the bushes that surround the camp. She turned to see Swiftfoot walk into camp to where Bravestar was speaking with Smokefur, a golden tabby she-cat, and a dark grey tabby tom. Dustpaw came into camp about three heartbeats after he did, followed by Raintail and a silvery-grey spotted tabby she-cat. They were grouped around a small shape that padded along quietly. Forestkit tasted the air and gasped.

"Birchkit?" She scrambled forward and darted over to the patrol, Dawnkit following her.

Lillyblaze moved over beside Forestkit, Bravestar close behind. "Forestkit, do you know who this is?"

Birchkit turned to look at Forestkit, and at the same time they both squealed.

"Forestkit! I came to see you!" Birchkit flicked her tail happily, purring.

Forestkit licked her sister's ear. "Yeah, but now you're on WindClan territory. Does Clearpool know where you've gone?"

Birchkit shuffled her paws. "I told Oakkit."

"And is he actually going to tell Clearpool?" Forestkit purred as Birchkit dropped her gaze. "This is my sister, Birchkit."

"Hello Birchkit. You're a long way from home, aren't you?" Bravestar meowed. Birchkit started twitching a little bit, and bobbed her head.

"We found her almost halfway to the camp on the way back from Dawn patrol," the she-cat meowed.

"Thank you Heronwing. I will handle this now," Heronwing nodded and walked away to the fresh-kill pile, closely followed by Rainfur and Dustpaw.

"I just wanted to see Forestkit," Birchkit mumbled. "I wanted to know she's okay."

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Forestkit saw Birchkit duck her head, obviously embarrassed.

"Well, I suppose we should get you back to your clan now," Bravestar mewed. "Smokefur, take Rabbitfoot, Sharpstorm, and Bloomtail to take this kit back. Don't wait at the border, just go. We need her back as soon as possible." Smokefur nodded and gathered some cats that were sitting a few fox-lengths away.

"You may be worried about Forestkit, but that is no excuse to trespass. Understand?" Birchkit nodded, and Bravestar motioned them away.

Forestkit licked Birchkit, purring. Birchkit returned the lick, looking small. Forestkit could smell the scent of the trees on Birchkit, a scent that made her heart ache for Clearpool, Oakkit, and Blazeheart.

"You don't smell exactly like ThunderClan anymore." Birchkit seemed sad.

I wish you were still ThunderClan. I know Pouncekit wasn't right when he said that all WindClan cats were lying prey stealers. Or that you'll be one too. I wish we were actually sisters.

Birchkit's thoughts slipped into Forestkit's mind. Forestkit felt the ache in her heart deepen with every word. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, unable to turn the thoughts off. She licked her sister one last time and disappeared into the soothing dark of the nursery.

Forestkit curled into her nest, missing the wriggling shapes of her siblings. Heart sore from what she head heard in Birchkit's mind, she shut her eyes, longing for the relief of sleep.

"Dear, why are you sad?" A silver tabby she-cat with a sweet scent was licking Forestkit, her eyes kind, the strokes soft and gentle.

"Are you StarClan?" Forestkit asked the she-cat. At her nod, Forestkit continued. "I don't want my gift. It's horrible!"

The she-cat stopped and looked closely at Forestkit. "Very well. Follow me."

They weaved through trees and brush that snatched at Forestkit's pelt like claws. They went over a rise and saw the one that had given Forestkit the gift.

"Hello Forestkit. Why have you come back?" Half Moon padded up to Forestkit, her eyes showing no emotion.

"Please, take back my gift," Forestkit pleaded. She hurried to continue when she saw Half Moon's startled look. "I don't want to know what other cats are thinking. It hurts my feelings."

Half Moon tilted her head and exchanged a glance with the she-cat that had brought Forestkit to her. "Well, this was unexpected."

"Did you really think giving this kit a power akin to Jayfeather's would work?" The silver tabby asked Half Moon. "Jayfeather's personality was quite unique. Only he could bear one such as this."

Half Moon's eyes flashed. "I know how unique Jay's Wing is. You do not need to tell me."

"Then why did you give a kit four moons old a gift that has overwhelmed her in less than day?" The silver tabby's fur began to spike up. "Where is your wise judgement, Stoneteller?"

"Watch where you tread Streamsong." Half Moon meowed, her voice thick with warning.

"Then use your ancient wisdom to avoid making mistakes like this," Streamsong countered. "In case you haven't noticed, she is a kit."

Half Moon's claws flexed, almost unconsciously. The air was tense, and even the trees seemed to be holding their breath. Forestkit could feel how close they were to outright attacking each other.

"Please don't fight!" Forestkit pushed between the two she-cats. "Not over me."

Half Moon and Streamsong looked down at Forestkit, their fur flattening. Streamsong stepped back and sat, wrapping her tail around her paws. Forestkit could see the fierce fire still burning in each of their eyes, though.

"Very well," Half Moon nodded. "I will try to take your gift."

"Try?" Forestkit asked, confused.

"Because the gift was given by all the Ancient Ones, she may not be able to take it away." Streamsong's tone was curt, on the very brink of being scornful.

Forestkit noticed that Half Moon still hadn't sheathed her claws. Half Moon sent Streamsong a withering look and padded to right in front of Forestkit.

"Are you sure you do not want your gift?" Half Moon's eyes were gentle. At Forestkit's nod, she continued. "You will never be able to have your gift back."

As Half Moon reached down to touch noses with her, Forestkit stretched up in her excitement. When they made contact, Forestkit felt a fiery sensation spread around her, burning away the heavy feeling at the back of her mind that Forestkit hadn't noticed was there until it was gone.

"Thank you." Forestkit whispered. Forestkit's eyes closed and she fell asleep. The last thing she saw was Half Moon and Streamsong looking at her with kind, loving eyes.

/*^\|/*^\|Time Skip|/^*\|/^*\

"Forestkit, wake up little kit," Lillyblaze's gentle voice matched the soft touch of her paw nudging Forestkit awake. "It's almost sunhigh. You wouldn't want to miss your big day now, would you?"

"No Lillyblaze." Forestkit mumbled sleepily.

It had been two moons since she had left ThunderClan, and she was now six moons old, ready to be apprenticed. She had actually been made to wait a bit longer than normal, because she hadn't been in WindClan for very long. But the long-anticipated day had finally arrived.

"Then up and out you go." Forestkit was pushed out of the nest by Lillyblaze and she scrambled to her paws, slightly indignant.

"Okay, okay." Forestkit slid out of the nursery and sat in the sun for a moment, grooming her pelt until it was all straightened out, and it gleamed dully in the sun.

Forestkit thought about Stormkit and Pouncekit- probably Stormpaw and Pouncepaw by now. She remembered how much sleeker their pelts had been than hers when she had left.

Well, whose pelt has the least kit-fluff now? Forestkit thought with satisfaction.

"Hey Sleepykit! Do you wanna play moss ball?" Falconkit called from across the camp.

He, Runkit and Dawnkit were tossing around a clump of moss. After Forestkit had introduced the game, Dawnkit had introduced it to her brothers, and then it quickly became popular among the apprentices too. Bravestar had once said that the game was good for young cats learning to hunt and leap for birds.

"I dunno who Sleepykit is, but I would like to." Forestkit called back, padding over.

Falconkit looked taken aback for a moment, until Dawnkit and Runkit began to purr at him. Forestkit stole the ball from them, whiskers twitching, and they began the game. Lillyblaze came out of the nursery and settled by the fresh-kill pile, talking to Thorncloud and a dusty brown she-cat with similar golden eyes, Lillyblaze's sister, Grasslight.

Forestkit was hit in the ear by the clump of moss. She whirled to look at a guilty-looking Dawnkit.

"Sorry!" the wide-eyed golden tabby squeaked.

Forestkit jumped on Dawnkit. Falconkit and Runkit joined in and soon they were all a writhing mass of fur, wrestling each other and trying to be on the top.

Thorncloud pulled them away from each other with one paw, her whiskers twitching in amusement.

"What do you think you're doing?" she purred, swiping her tongue over Dawnkit's head.

"Nothing." They all chimed together, eyes stretched wide.

Forestkit felt a pang for the days she spent running around with Birchkit, Oakkit, Stormkit and Pouncekit at the familiar scene. She still occasionally felt bits of what she refused to call homesickness. WindClan was her home now. She would be a warrior here.

And speaking of warriors...

She looked in slight horror at her mussed and dirty pelt, wondering how it had been so sleek and shiny only moments before. She drew her tongue over her fur, wondering if there was enough time to clean it again before the ceremony.

She heard a purr of amusement and turned to see Lake gazing down at her, whiskers twitching.

"You look as if you've lost a fight with a dust pile."

Lake sat down and drew Forestkit closer to her with her tail, helping her groom herself. Forestkit blinked up at her in gratitude before trying to smooth down the fur on her chest that always stubbornly refused to lie flat. It didn't work.

Fairly soon her pelt looked presentable. Not as sleek as it was before, but Forestkit didn't care. She shuffled to her feet and swiped her tongue over the kindly elder's ear.

"Thanks Lake!" she purred, tail high in the air.

Forestkit ran off to find Dawnkit and Dustpaw, eager to groom them for details about WindClan apprenticeship. She spotted Dustpaw talking to Raintail by the fresh-kill pile and swapped directions to race up to her.

"What's up Forestkit?" Dustpaw acknowledged her as soon as she ran up.

"I'm probably going to have my apprentice ceremony today," Forestkit told her, buzzing with excitement. "What's it like?"

"You're going to be apprenticed today?" Raintail looked suddenly interested.

Dustpaw rolled her eyes and flicked his ear. "Yes, mouse-brain. Maybe if you payed more attention to the younger cats in the clan, you'd realize that."

Forestkit tilted her head, realizing that Dustpaw and Raintail were closer than just friends. She shot Dustpaw a knowing look.

"I'm gonna go find Dawnkit." Forestkit left Dustpaw alone with Raintail, Dustpaw looking suddenly embarrassed and Raintail slightly confused.

"What's up with her?" Forestkit heard Raintail ask Dustpaw.

"Where's Dawnkit?" she asked as she padded up to her mother.

"The kits went out with Swiftfoot to see the moor top," Thorncloud told her. The pale golden queen pointed to the camp entrance with her tail. "Go see if Dustpaw and her tom will take you out to meet them, they've only been gone for a few moments."

"Just make sure that you listen to what they say!" Lillyblaze called after her as she ran across the clearing again.

"Hey Dustpaw, will you and your to- I mean, Raintail take me out to catch up to Swiftfoot and Dawnkit?" Forestkit blinked hopefully up at Dustpaw.

"Sure," Raintail stood, his tail waving. "Come along then."

Raintail led them through the gorse tunnel, Dustpaw bringing up the rear and Forestkit in the middle. They followed a well-worn trail that led to near RiverClan's border.

"Hey, that's my tail!" Forestkit heard them before she saw them.

Dawnkit was snatching at Falconkit's tail, and Runkit was running literally in circles around them. Swiftfoot was watching them with an amused expression on his face, tail slithering back and forth on the ground behind him.

"Hello!" Forestkit called cheerfully.

She ran forward, and was crashed into by Runkit. Dawnkit and Falconkit both yowled and ran to jump on her as well. They were quickly a tumbling ball of kit-fluff and tiny thorn-sharp claws.

"Not again!" Forestkit complained as she realized her pelt was mussed again.

Then she shrugged and gave up, realizing that because of her plain-brown pelt that they couldn't tell if it was dirty or not. Dawnkit and Falconkit, with their lighter pelts, weren't as lucky.

Runkit just twitched his whiskers at her. "C'mon Treekit, or are your paws rooted to the ground?" He took off racing across the moor top.

Forestkit shrieked and ran after him, Dawnkit by her side and Falconkit on her heels. The wind against them, they couldn't run for very long, but Forestkit leaned into the wind, enjoying the sensation of nearly flying.

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