D | C | F | 2

By LightningPalm

18.1K 337 14


Chapter 201: Assassinating the Strategist
Chapter 202: A Battle of Wits and Courage
Chapter 203: The Omnipresent Female Lead
Chapter 204: A Pitiful Child
Chapter 205: A Dandy, Extremely Good-For-Nothing
Chapter 206: My Present To You Before I Die
Chapter 207: Husband And Wife Finally Meet
Chapter 208: Training Soldiers, Husband And Wife Are One
Chapter 209: Older Sister! Let's Sleep Together!
Chapter 210: The Strategist Who Smashes Wine Cups
Chapter 211: The Great Battle, Defeating The Chained Horses Formation
Chapter 212: The Female Lead Bites the Hand that Feeds Her
Chapter 213: Terrible Luck, Locked In the Dungeons
Chapter 214: Punishment from Staves, Husband and Wife Suffering Together
Chapter 215: Sharing The Punishment
Chapter 216: Setting The Bed On Fire
Chapter 217: Miss Lin's Husband
Chapter 118: Divorce Papers
Chapter 219: Manufacturing Gun Powder
Chapter 220: Gunpowder Bombs
Chapter 221: Black Devil's Snare
Chapter 222: Defected To The Enemy, Chen Tao's Family
Chapter 223: Duel Between Two Transmigrators
Chapter 224: Sinister, Schemes Within Schemes
Chapter 225: Chen Tao's Death
Chapter 226: Princess Syndrome Is Also An Illness
Chapter 227: Lieutenant, The Enemy's Female General
Chapter 228: Surprise! An Arrogant Female Transmigrator
Chapter 229: White Lotus VS Princess Syndrome
Chapter 230: Yu Kuang Slowly Warming Up
Chapter 231: An Unexpected Enormous Bungle
Chapter 232: Disfigurement, Gone Missing
Chapter 233: Fifteen Gold Tokens In Exchange For A Life
Chapter 234: Entering The Capital In Disguise
Chapter 235: Changes in the Female Lead
Chapter 236: The Complicated Imperial Harem
Chapter 237: Famous Doctors From All Places Enter the Palace
Chapter 238: The Black Devil's Snare Appears Again
Chapter 239: Saving Someone and a Misstep
Chapter 240: Return Home With Head Held High
Chapter 241 Guilty, Returning To The Capital Without Approval
Chapter 242: Marriage Matters, A Hundred Beatings with Military Rods
Chapter 243: Level Up - Princess Consort Li
Chapter 244: Being Carried Through the Day
Chapter 245: The Playful Newly Appointed Princess Consort
Chapter 246: The Lady Fights the Evil Concubine
Chapter 247: A Trap, Any Which Way is Fine
Chapter 248: Beaten Up Good, Putting On A Front
Chapter 249: Too Many Plot Holes In The Story
Chapter 250: Let Us Reminisce About the Past
Chapter 251: Oh Dear Ol' Female Lead
Chapter 252: The Problem of Dealing With The Female Lead
Chapter 253: Nobody Is A Better Schemer Than The Old Madame
Chapter 254: You Won't Die If You Don't Go Looking For It
Chapter 255: The Lin Family Redeeming A Slave
Chapter 256: Bidding War Of The Brothels
Chapter 257: Compensated, Ji Zhangshu Leaves The Capital
Chapter 258: Target? Sir Song Jiaoyue
Chapter 259: The Mysterious Sister
Chapter 260: Appointing Another Concubine
Chapter 261: The Cousin's Retaliation
Chapter 262: Black Devil's Snare Protecting Its Mistress
Chapter 263: Your Majesty, Are You Out of Your Mind?
Chapter 264: The Mastermind Behind All This
Chapter 265: Noble Consort Su
Chapter 266: A Familiar Stranger
Chapter 267: Confirmation, Noble Consort Su
Chapter 268: The Unlucky Eunuch
Chapter 269: Long Heng's Rebellion
Chapter 270: The Disappearing Miracle Doctors
Chapter 271: Bringer Of Chaos, Noble Consort Su
Chapter 272: You All Don't Understand the Poison That Women Can Be
Chapter 274: Havoc in the Streets of the Capital
Chapter 275: Noble Consort Su Falls Out Of Favor

Chapter 273: A Secret Gleaned Through Eavesdropping

187 5 0
By LightningPalm

If one followed a typical novel, there would still be some characters who fall for the female transmigrator and love her to death regardless how ruthless, violent, and crafty she may be. Su Yun was currently heading in that direction. But those were still human lives! At the end of the day, Bai Xiangxiu believed that those who didn't value life were truly the ones to be feared. Although Long Heng appeared to be very cruel, he was very respectful of life. If the enemy surrendered, he would never rashly slaughter them, especially for personal reasons.

Bai Xiangxiu received news from Su Yun right at that moment. She had just finished potting the cactus, and so Huo'er was able to hear and share the conversation around it.

"Clearly, they have someone purposely backing them up. Or else, they wouldn't have dared go against you for those doctors, your Majesty. That's what Noble Consort Su said."

"They are merely peasants. What can they accomplish? That's what the emperor said."

"But now, rumors have started to spread. Rumors that cast us in a bad light. We need to think of a way to stop them. That's what Noble Consort Su said."

"Agreed. So what do you suggest, my beloved concubine?"

"They won't be able to find their doctors again, but we can fabricate a jianghu pervert who captured their miracle doctors. As long as doctors continue to go missing or are killed, they wouldn't think that the palace is responsible. How would the jianghu people find the solution or levy a punishment? That's what Noble Consort Su said."

"Good idea. My beloved concubine's mind is always filled with brilliant strategies. The emperor said that." Bai Xiangxiu couldn't help but knit her brows. Deep down, she knew that she wasn't the kindest person, but this solution would result in the loss of a few more innocent lives. She decided to discuss this development with Yu Kuang and the others. Nonetheless, she needed to find an excuse as to how she obtained this information. So, Long Heng played along and said one of his subordinates had overheard this tidbit. They had to use this as an excuse to cover the fact that the cactus had eavesdropped on the conversation. To be honest, her husband was probably the only one who would believe her if she said she could communicate with plants. Anyone else would likely treat it as a joke.

When Yu Kuang and Luo Yunzheng found out that Su Yun wanted to kill more people, they were stupefied. This was when Bai Xiangxiu received confirmation that her morality meter was still rather normal.

"This is the first time that I've realized women can be so cruel." Even though Luo Yunzheng had been burned by a woman before, his woman had been foolish and liked to put on the airs of the holy mother; she wasn't malicious. Sometimes, he wished she would have treated him more cruelly. Take Bai Xiangxiu for instance. Since she was aware that Yu Kuang fancied her, she always kept her distance from him. Even if they were to meet, it wouldn't be one on one.

Perhaps Bai Xiangxiu was afraid that Long Heng would grow jealous. On the other hand, she probably didn't want to give Yu Kuang any hope. It may seem cruel, but it wasn't necessarily a bad way to handle it. As a result, although Yu Kuang was interested, they got along as friends and he never reacted overly emotionally or forced her to do anything because he was aware from the start that getting together was not an option. But Yu Kuang couldn't bear parting with the woman he liked, or perhaps matters kept cropping up that brought the two together again. And what of that? Nothing would happen as long as the two of them toed the line.

In the past, Luo Yunzheng had never thought that being affectionate towards someone else was wrong. But now, he didn't hold emotional ties with anyone. Emotions were exceedingly painful. Whereas, when he was heartless, he knew exactly what he was doing. Of course, being heartless didn't mean that he was ruthless towards life. There was a bottom line when it came to killing in the jianghu. Or else, the world would be a mess.

Bai Xiangxiu was troubled. She didn't know how to prevent Su Yun from killing others.

"Right now, all we can do is spread the word and warn the doctors to take precautions. In addition, we'll notify them that this is merely a plan to cover up their act. If we reveal the truth early, the enemy will have no other ways to stop us." Long Heng spoke as he came in. What a joke. His little wife was in the same room as two adult males. One of them longed for her, and the other was a playboy. It would be absurd of him to leave them alone with her. So, he spoke up and made his suggestion when he overheard their troubled conversation.

Bai Xiangxiu knew that this was their only option. She frowned, "We must spread the news in the shortest time possible, Or else many innocent lives will be lost.

Yu Kuang stood up, ready to go. He was a man of action to the core.

Luo Yunzheng stated, "At least have a meal here before you go."

But Yu Kuang refused since there was already a time crunch. He had his faction to look after. Although they felt that they were already acting quite swiftly, two more doctors went missing by the time they could spread the news. Shortly after, someone discovered the corpse of the first one. Eventually, the second one was found dying. Their hands had been hacked off. According to sources, it was because they were unable to cure a jianghu person's injuries. There were many speculations, and no one didn't know who to believe.

However, some of the doctors came up with their own methods to save themselves, so at least the trio's actions had still been somewhat useful. There was also a response from the palace. People were naturally discussing the noble consort's background and appearance. So the palace decided to hold a carnival to allow everyone to see how virtuous the noble consort was.

Su Yun was also quite bold. During the event, she actually came to the rescue of a child who had been shoved. Indeed, once this news spread throughout the city, everyone would start praising the noble consort for her magnanimous and gentle nature.

Bai Xiangxiu sat in the teahouse as she watched all of this unravel before her eyes. It had obviously been staged. In novels, every female lead had to save someone from a lower status class once or twice to demonstrate their kindness. Su Yun had likely planned it all from the start. It was obvious that the child had been shoved beneath a horse carriage by a soldier. But if the horse carriage had lost control, the child would've died for sure. Bai Xiangxiu squeezed the cup in her hand. Now that the old madame and Xiao Lin had left the city, she wasn't afraid to go against Su Yun anymore. If Su Yun wanted to act, then Bai Xiangxiu would play along to the bitter end.

Bai Xiangxiu whispered into Xiaoshi's ear, sending the maid downstairs to find the person who was already waiting for her. They were ready. Out of nowhere, a girl cried out loudly, "Noble Consort, please help me gain justice!"

Su Yun was caught off guard. This wasn't part of her plan!? However, since she had just demonstrated her magnanimousness, she naturally couldn't react negatively. She gestured to the soldiers to let the girl in. The girl dropped to her knees after seeing the noble consort and begged revenge for her husband. Her husband was a famous doctor and had sent her a letter via carrier pigeon before his death. He had proof that it wasn't some jianghu pervert who'd killed him, but a woman with an injured face.

Su Yun's expression immediately turned nasty. "What proof do you have?"

"I do have proof. He gave me a picture of the woman and left a mark on her. As long as that woman uses the special medicine that has been passed down in our family for generations to wash her face, a word will show up."

"What word?"


".....is that so? Then it will be quite easy to locate the person."

"Noble Consort, since there are rumours out there saying that you're the woman with the injured face, could you brush your face with the special medicine in front of everyone to prove your innocence?"

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