D | C | F | 2

By LightningPalm

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Chapter 201: Assassinating the Strategist
Chapter 202: A Battle of Wits and Courage
Chapter 203: The Omnipresent Female Lead
Chapter 204: A Pitiful Child
Chapter 205: A Dandy, Extremely Good-For-Nothing
Chapter 206: My Present To You Before I Die
Chapter 207: Husband And Wife Finally Meet
Chapter 208: Training Soldiers, Husband And Wife Are One
Chapter 209: Older Sister! Let's Sleep Together!
Chapter 210: The Strategist Who Smashes Wine Cups
Chapter 211: The Great Battle, Defeating The Chained Horses Formation
Chapter 212: The Female Lead Bites the Hand that Feeds Her
Chapter 213: Terrible Luck, Locked In the Dungeons
Chapter 214: Punishment from Staves, Husband and Wife Suffering Together
Chapter 215: Sharing The Punishment
Chapter 216: Setting The Bed On Fire
Chapter 217: Miss Lin's Husband
Chapter 118: Divorce Papers
Chapter 219: Manufacturing Gun Powder
Chapter 220: Gunpowder Bombs
Chapter 221: Black Devil's Snare
Chapter 222: Defected To The Enemy, Chen Tao's Family
Chapter 223: Duel Between Two Transmigrators
Chapter 224: Sinister, Schemes Within Schemes
Chapter 225: Chen Tao's Death
Chapter 226: Princess Syndrome Is Also An Illness
Chapter 227: Lieutenant, The Enemy's Female General
Chapter 228: Surprise! An Arrogant Female Transmigrator
Chapter 229: White Lotus VS Princess Syndrome
Chapter 230: Yu Kuang Slowly Warming Up
Chapter 231: An Unexpected Enormous Bungle
Chapter 232: Disfigurement, Gone Missing
Chapter 233: Fifteen Gold Tokens In Exchange For A Life
Chapter 234: Entering The Capital In Disguise
Chapter 235: Changes in the Female Lead
Chapter 236: The Complicated Imperial Harem
Chapter 237: Famous Doctors From All Places Enter the Palace
Chapter 238: The Black Devil's Snare Appears Again
Chapter 239: Saving Someone and a Misstep
Chapter 240: Return Home With Head Held High
Chapter 241 Guilty, Returning To The Capital Without Approval
Chapter 242: Marriage Matters, A Hundred Beatings with Military Rods
Chapter 243: Level Up - Princess Consort Li
Chapter 244: Being Carried Through the Day
Chapter 245: The Playful Newly Appointed Princess Consort
Chapter 246: The Lady Fights the Evil Concubine
Chapter 247: A Trap, Any Which Way is Fine
Chapter 248: Beaten Up Good, Putting On A Front
Chapter 249: Too Many Plot Holes In The Story
Chapter 250: Let Us Reminisce About the Past
Chapter 251: Oh Dear Ol' Female Lead
Chapter 252: The Problem of Dealing With The Female Lead
Chapter 253: Nobody Is A Better Schemer Than The Old Madame
Chapter 254: You Won't Die If You Don't Go Looking For It
Chapter 255: The Lin Family Redeeming A Slave
Chapter 256: Bidding War Of The Brothels
Chapter 257: Compensated, Ji Zhangshu Leaves The Capital
Chapter 258: Target? Sir Song Jiaoyue
Chapter 259: The Mysterious Sister
Chapter 260: Appointing Another Concubine
Chapter 261: The Cousin's Retaliation
Chapter 262: Black Devil's Snare Protecting Its Mistress
Chapter 263: Your Majesty, Are You Out of Your Mind?
Chapter 264: The Mastermind Behind All This
Chapter 265: Noble Consort Su
Chapter 266: A Familiar Stranger
Chapter 267: Confirmation, Noble Consort Su
Chapter 268: The Unlucky Eunuch
Chapter 269: Long Heng's Rebellion
Chapter 270: The Disappearing Miracle Doctors
Chapter 271: Bringer Of Chaos, Noble Consort Su
Chapter 273: A Secret Gleaned Through Eavesdropping
Chapter 274: Havoc in the Streets of the Capital
Chapter 275: Noble Consort Su Falls Out Of Favor

Chapter 272: You All Don't Understand the Poison That Women Can Be

146 1 0
By LightningPalm

Noble Consort Su was a very suspicious person, and Bai Xiangxiu didn't even think a moment further before saying, "This matter definitely has something to do with her. To be able to turn her face into that... I'm fairly certain those doctors are all dead."

"Face?" Yu Kuang asked out of curiosity. Bai Xiangxiu went over the particulars of Noble Consort Su being Su Yun and how her appearance had completely changed.

"So you mean to say that she killed all the doctors after becoming beautiful in order to cover up the truth?" Luo Yunzheng could barely believe his ears. It just seemed too ludicrous. Bai Xiangxiu however, knew that Su Yun was absolutely capable of something like this.

"So you mean that we don't need to look for the doctors because they're most likely all dead?" This was Long Heng.

"Yes," Bai Xiangxiu responded.

"Hmm, if they're dead, I want to see their corpses. If they're alive somewhere, I need to find them." Yu Kuang rebutted.

"Hah! I may not know much else, but you'd never be able to imagine the various methods that the imperial court has for disposing of bodies," Luo Yunzheng snorted. Those of the jianghu also had various grudges with the imperial court, so Yu Kuang nodded in agreement as well.

"It's impossible for them to do so without leaving some kind of trace behind, but there's no need for us to look into it. Since she did it, then we'll have her slip up herself," Long Heng mused.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Xiangxiu seemed to understand what her husband was getting at and looked at the two from the wulin, "If you want justice for the doctors, then I'll leave this in your hands."

"Aren't you afraid of trouble in the imperial court?" Luo Yunzheng smirked.

"Come what may, they've already gone to this length, what else would I be afraid of them for?"

"Good, I've been quiet for too long. I've been longing for some exercise."

"Then just leave this matter to me and Luo Yunzheng," Yu Kuang declared. The group brainstormed some more and realized exactly how ruthless a character this Noble Consort Su seemed to be. She was as careful as she was ruthless, so they couldn't uncover any evidence that night. However, they also weren't building a case for prosecution. It was enough to know that she'd done it.

When the men left, Long Heng remained sitting at the table, his fingers tapping on it with a cold smile.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering how to switch out the master of this imperial court."

"Eh... can I ask who this new master will be?"

"Guess." Long Heng lightly tilted up Bai Xiangxiu's chin and smiled faintly, drawing close to murmur by her ear, "What do you think about being empress?"

"Well, I don't mind if you really want to."

"Haha, I knew you'd say that. Mother and Xiao Lin are just about ready to return to the countryside, I'll arrange for them to travel to Tranquil City after that."

"You want to go back? But the emperor will never allow you to return to your stronghold."

"Hah, what if I become more of a threat in the capital?"

"That will only force the tiger up the wall."

"What if they don't even have the chance to go up the wall?"

"What do you have in mind?" Bai Xiangxiu asked, perplexed. For some reason, she felt that Long Heng already had a plan in mind.

"Kick up a fuss with them first, the bigger the better. Keep all of their attention on you and not on me, the prince with nothing to do."

"Oh I see, you want us to be bait and switch up the target. We should make a big deal of whatever we can get our hands on, right?" This was great! She loved doing stuff like this. No wonder Long Heng had kept a particularly low profile lately, acting like he didn't have a care in the world. However, she didn't have a complete handle on things. Did he want to be the emperor, or have someone else be the emperor? But who else had the ability to be emperor?

The crown prince was only ten, could it be... Prince Rong?

He was the only royal relative, but he'd always been an honest man and thought nothing of power and glory. He didn't have any real authority in the imperial court, but of one thing she was certain. He was certainly not a fool. A fool would not have lived as long as he had. She'd had the feeling when she was in Tranquil City that Prince Rong wasn't just another small fish in the pond. He'd never shied away from responsibility when it was his turn to do so, he'd just kept a low profile and sometimes gave all the credit to Long Heng. She'd wondered why he'd done so back then, but now that she thought about it, he was likely afraid of attracting attention from the miserly emperor and being suspected of treason!

It wasn't legitimate for a subject to revolt, but things were a different matter when it came to him. She wasn't familiar with these kind of intrigues in the olden times, but they somehow felt very real to her. Relatives were few in modern families, so they were usually quite close. There were rarely cases of folks fighting each other in struggles for power.

Since Long Heng wanted her to kick up a fuss, then she would do so to the best of her abilities. Yu Kuang and Luo Yunzheng called together a group of jianghu folks and started spreading rumors that Bai Xiangxiu crafted. One set said that there was a noble consort in court that used to be very ugly, but had invited wondrous doctors to look at her face in order to win the emperor's favor. When she grew beautiful, her life grew brighter as well and so she became the noble consort.

The second set told of the emperor carrying off a concubine from one of the enemy princes, but her face had been disfigured. The emperor had invited many doctors to fix her face, but alas her heart wasn't as beautiful as her face. She killed all the doctors to prevent her previous ugly face from being talked about.

More than one doctor had gone missing, so there was already some attention being paid to it. More attention was drawn to it once the rumors spread. Those searching for their kin found their way to the capital and started lodging official protests. The doctors were powerful existences to begin with, particularly their families. They had no shortage of connections or wealth, and were willing to bring it all to bear to find their missing family!

Things had been relatively quiet before the rumors, but once they started spreading, clues started flying in from all directions. The matter grew larger and larger, but there was no response from the palace, nor did any official pay any attention to them. This had the opposite effect as those affected decide to lodge an imperial petition!

Of course, Luo Yunzheng and Yu Kuang were the ones behind connecting all these families together. They usually wouldn't oppose the imperial court so blatantly, but the two doctors who'd vanished from the jianghu were all well respected and beloved. Many of them had been helped by the two doctors, so there were plenty willing to raise a racket on their behalf. Luo Yunzheng was here precisely because of those circumstances, and the wulin alliance head was naturally here to uphold the peace of the wulin. Bai Xiangxiu had learned of all this when she'd thanked them with some embarrassment. She'd originally felt quite ashamed, as if she was using them. That was when she found out that they had their own responsibilities, and she was just a catalyst.

It was through them that she learned roughly twelve doctors had disappeared from various places, not including the ones covertly captured from enemy nations. How could twelve people just disappear like this? Bai Xiangxiu really couldn't wrap her mind around it. Su Yun has gone absolutely crazy! Or has she lost her sense of reality after reading so many novels?

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Just read my story I hope you'll like it its my second fanfic!!!