These Walls Are My Prison

Por KatelynHillary

6.8K 71 17

This is a collection of different and unique gallavich stories. Some may be inappropriate and heavily sexual... Más

P. 1 of These Walls Are My Prison
P. 2 of These Walls Are My Prision
P. 3
P. 4
P. 6
P. 7
P. 8
P. 9
P. 10
P. 1 of Broken
P. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 7
Pt. 8

Pt. 6

176 2 2
Por KatelynHillary

Ian PoV

I lied. I did have a house but not one i would call home. Ever since Lip graduated early (because he was too bright for his age) and left for college, it had all gone south. He was the glue that held us together, first that left was Carl, he kept to the streets and never came home only for the brief visits for the rest of his belongings. Second was Sammy, though we never really cared for her as one of our own and she was a total bitch it still had a huge impact on us. Debbie, Liam and Fiona stayed, they kept the family going until Carl got caught for possesion and was serving 6 months in Juvy, Fiona fell apart knowing that everyone was just leaving, including Frank. Frank has never been a father to Fiona or any of us but she still cared imenslely. Well, it didn't take long for Fiona's life to go completely to hell. It was bound to happen eventually: good things never last long in this family.Monica had returned after that, she looked to take Liam away which broke her even more. I left knowing that I might not return but I told her diffently. I didnt feel at home in my owm home, maybe because they didnt know about me they didnt know I was gay. 

Mickey looked at me with sympathy, I didnt want his pity. What I need, What I want is to leave this place, leave America and go Europe or Asian. I want to see the world in all its colours I had left for a while a month or so, I travilled to Las Vegas, I done what I got paid to do even if it meant a quickie or two,  I had returned to the house mainly to pick up more clothes but I made it seem to everyone I came to see them. They didnt ask where I was maybe because they didnt like or want to hear the answer.  I had finally returned to my old habits, a few nights with Kash, but then I started  working in a strip club, They money came slow at first but after a while people finally realise that they liked ginger twinks.  I partied too much and its obvious that I was in denial about what happened in the military. 

The arkward silence grew until Mickey took a seat beside me on his unmade bed. He clasped his hands together and let out a sign. I bent down and continued to tie my shoes. He let his had fall and his head bow. He let out one last deep sigh before standing and walked to the closet, pulling out a duffle bag and some clothesand two pairs of shoes. He brought the bag with him out of the room. I heard bags russling and cupboards opening and closing. He came back into the room as I stood up to leave, he stopped me. "If your going to leave might as well leave prepaired, there are a couple sets of clothes, two pairs of shoes underwear, socks and stuff, toothbrush toothpaste, few cans, some food, some cash, deoderant, aftershave and a few bottles of water, It should do you for a while, you could always come back and get more stuff if ye need", I didnt expect this, I dont think he did either, I smiled, "Thank you Mickey, thanks alot", He smiled back as he closed the duffle bag and handed it to me, it had a bit of wieght to it but nothing I couldnt handle, I made my way to the front door to the apartment. As I went to turn the handle he caught my arm and turned me to face him. We didnt meet eyes well we didnt get to as he hugged, it was a quick one no that I could return as he let me go. "Oh i almost forgot", he reach to his pocket and pulled out a phone. "Its a burner, but it should do you , I already put mine and Mandys number in it for you". He put the phone into the duffle bags front pocket I gave me one last hug one that I could return this time. He released me and opened the front before I strolled down the corridor, I turned back to give him once last glance but the door had already shut. 

A/N Hey guys sorry this took so long but I was working on a story I was wondering if I put it on here, would you guys be interested( its about a zombie apcolypse) Love you guys x x Byyyyee 


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