The Dance Teacher || Namseok


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"They don't call me Dance monster for nothing." More

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5.1K 380 481

It was seven am in the morning and all living life has sprung awake to enjoy the beautiful day. Birds sang there melodious chirping and car engines buzzed as they drove by Namjoons window. The risen sun emitted a faint shine through the curtains of Namjoons window, landing directly on his closed eyelids, causing them to gently twitch.

A small yawn escaped his chapped lips as he began to slowly wake up from his well deserved sleep and soon his eyes were open and adjusting to the bright light. Namjoon lifted himself up on his elbows and gradually took his time to look around his surroundings in confusion, he didn't remember even coming home last night at all - until it hit him.

As in, literally, something hit him.

A warm hand had slapped Namjoon on the cheek and caused him to drop back down on his bed with a startled groan. He brought his hand to his victimized cheek and held it in shock, confused as to where the hand came from. Namjoons eyes gazed over to his left side, where a pale hand was sticking out of a blob of white sheets next to him.

Namjoon was mentally freaking out, did he accidently take a guy home last night? He does remember drinking more than normal but he doubts alcohol would give him the power to actually pick up a guy or even possibly hook up. The more he tried to remember what occured the following night, his hangover became more harsh and caused a migraine to build up instead.

After blowing out a small nervous breath and gathering up his courage, Namjoon slowly extended his hand towards the white blanket and gripped it softly between his thumb and forefinger, then even more steadily, he began to push the sheet down to the point that a head of hair could be seen. As he began to push the sheets even lower, the anonymous male let out a tired groan and forcefully pulled the sheets back up to cover his face from the freezing morning air.

Namjoon bit his lip, still unaware as to who the stranger could be or how he could actually figure out who it was. He let out a sigh and began to bring down the fabric once again, this time in a faster pace so the stranger wouldn't have time to pull it back up. Soon, the messy hair was back in Namjoons vision, and then a pale ear, an eyebrow and before Namjoon had time to look at the face, the male suddenly jumped up and screamed.

Namjoon jumped from the startled shout and fell off his side of the bed and onto the cold tiled flooring. He groaned upon the hard impact and gently removed himself from the ground. Namjoon stood back up and rubbed at his pounding head, shaking it a bit in order to bring back his state of mind.

As his head regained focus, Namjoons eyes suddenly widened as he stared at the male, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!"

Hoseok looked back with the same startled expression, "THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW EGGHEAD! WHY THE HELL AM I SHIRTLESS TOO?"

"LIKE I WOULD KNOW!" Namjoon shouted back, his mind racing in pure confusion. Hoseok let out an angry growl and looked around the room furiously, searching for the shirt he had worn the day before to avoid Namjoons lingering eyes on his bare chest. Once he spotted his shirt, he went over to the corner to pick it up and hastily put it back on and turn back to send a agitated glare at Namjoon.


Namjoon looked over, "well what?"

"don't you want to talk about what happened last night?" Hoseok asked, wanting to know how he got into Namjoons room since he was way too drunk to even take note of the past events himself.

"i don't remember anything," Namjoon huffed groggily as he walked towards the door, "and in all honestly, i doubt we did anything considering we both hate each other so much that even if were were really drunk, we couldn't have possibly done anything. i think we probably just came to my place after getting tired since its closer."

"i guess you're right..," Hoseok nodded, agreeing that he would never do anything with Namjoon because that would be his pure nightmare, "anyways, are you gonna make me coffee or am i going to have to stay here like a fucking animal. my migraine is literally attacking my brain the moment we speak so hurry the heck up."

Namjoon opened the door and scowled under his breath, "hm what brain? bitch can't even think for himself" he mumbled.

"what did you say you fucking crippled radish."

"nothing bitch, nothing at all."

Hoseok followed Namjoon into the small kitchen and avoided commenting on his poor dilapidated apartment since even he knew Namjoon wasn't in the best financial state, and instead sat himself on a stool next to the counter silently. Namjoon opened one of the top cabinets and took out a jar of coffee, noting that it was almost empty and sadly could only fill up one cup. But, he decided to but it in the brewer anyway and instead just go without caffeine for today, or maybe the whole week since he couldn't afford to waste any more money on unnecessary food.

Namjoon was still jobless after all, and he needed to save up as much money as he could in order to survive. He already knew that his phone was probably cancelled after not paying the week before, and he also took in the fact that his electricity would also shut off later in the day since he didn't pay the bill yesterday. But it's not like Namjoon could do anything, he just simply didn't have the money.

Hoseok began scrolling through his phone as he waited for his cup of coffee, his finger swiping through the many messages sent from his parents, since they were the only people who texted him. He frowned as he skimmed through each one and instead of replying, he simply threw them into the trash without hesitation. Hoseok didn't feel like communicating with his parents yet and doesn't believe he ever will be.

The high pitched sound of steam broke him from his thoughts and led him to look up at Namjoon who yelped in pain after the hot air blew into his face. Hoseok chuckled and slipped his phone in his pocket which was now on vibrate mode to avoid remembering anymore sorrowful memories.

Namjoon grabbed a cup from his dishwasher after rubbing his sore cheek that not only had been slapped but also burned, and slowly poured the hot liquid into it. He carefully set down the pot and brought the cup over to Hoseok who grabbed it without thought and gulped down its scorching containments without a thank you. Namjoon looked down for a second since he didn't even get a simple phrase of gratitude considering it was his last batch, but avoided saying anything.

His migraine probably wasn't as bad as Hoseok's so he guesses it's okay that Hoseok got the last cup, "so.. when do you plan on leavi-"

Before Namjoon could finish his sentence, a sudden loud bass noise rocketed into his apartment and sent all of his utensils and furniture into a shaking mess. He had to grip himself on the counter to avoid falling from the ear-deafening sound but he certainly felt his head almost get a concussion from the unexpected blow, but apart from that, he was okay. Unlike Hoseok who got so startled that he poured the coffee all over himself and was sent flying off the stool.

"FUCK THE COFFEE IS BURNING MY BALLS!" Hoseok screamed painfully, trying his best to wipe off the remaining hot liquid on his crotch but failing due to it sinking into the denim fabric. Namjoon looked at him unamused and decided to let him suffer on the floor meanwhile he himself tried to regain consciousness.

The instrument sounded like a electric guitar due to the heavy sound it was emitting, but namjoon didn't remember his 50 year old neighbor being a rock musician? In fact, all of his neighbors were around that age since it was more of a retirement home that recently opened up to younger ages for more profit, so it didn't add up as to how this old man could have the ability to play such a strong instrument.

Hoseok stood up from his sprawled position and glared at Namjoon, "what the hell was that?"

Namjoon shrugged, "thats what im trying to figure out too."

"aren't you going to tell them to turn off their fucking music? because of them now my penis is all burnt and shit" he growled angrily, his hand lowering to cover his stained crotch from Namjoons amused gaze, "because if you don't complain, i'll do it myself and i won't hold back my tongue."

Namjoon stifled a laugh, "calm your tits hoeseok, i'll do it considering you'll probably get me kicked out of this complex, just wait here."

"and continue to let my dick burn? hell no. i'm going to go take a shower and ice this thing." Hoseok huffed, turning away from Namjoon's entertained expression and wobbling into the bathroom to avoid his penis hurting any longer.

Namjoon shook his head in laughter and walked towards his door, opening it and stepping out into the hallway. The music was much louder on the outside and he didn't know why any of the other neighbors didn't bother to complain but then again, they were all old and could barely hear anything without a hearing aid. Namjoons ears almost blew out as he stepping closer to his neighbors door but he regained focus and knocked on the door twice.

There was no answer, so instead he thought it would be a smarter idea to knock harder while yelling at the male to open up. Surprisingly, the door opened even if it was impossible for an old man to hear his screams if the music was even louder in the inside so Namjoon was surely shook.

"can i help you?"

Namjoons mouth dropped. Everything added up as he stared awestruck at the male standing before him because in fact, it wasn't an old man but instead a very handsome young man with beautiful black hair and numerous piercings that made him so much sexier.

"i ugh.. i thought mr. fartsire lived here?"

The attractive male let out the most gorgeous chuckle and Namjoons could've sworn his knees almost gave out, "oh you mean mr. hartsire?"

Namjoon blushed and mentally kicked himself, "yeah sorry" he mumbled.

"no worries, he moved out a few days ago to a retirement home so i took up the apartment and barely moved in yesterday," the male said, extending his hand out to Namjoon, "so i'm guessing you're my new neighbor, mind if i get a name?"

Namjoon accepted his hand and shook it happily, "its kim namjoon and yours?"

"its kim s-"

Then suddenly, an "AH SHIT!" unexpectedly echoed out of Namjoons door and the two males looked over in shock and confusion. The stranger furrowed his eyebrows, "what was that?"

"probably hoseok." Namjoon sighed, imagining of the many possibilities that Hoseok could've encountered in order to let out that horrifying yell.

"oh is that your boyfriend?"

Namjoon shook his head, "no, he's my dance teacher. he just stayed over since we went drinking last night."

"ah i see anyways, my name is kim seo-"

And once again, a voice interrupted him from saying his name once again, a voice which belonged to none other than to Jung Hoseok.

"I FUCKING SLIPPED ON A BANANA PEEL!" Hoseok growled angrily as he stomped up to Namjoon while sporting a small towel wrapped around his slim waist. Namjoon lifted an eyebrow, "and what's the problem?"


"i get hungry."


The stranger observed the two bickering men and coughed rather loudly in order to bring back their attention. Hoseok looked at him with a pissed off expression, "who the fuck is this emo?"

Namjoons eyes widened and instantly slapped Hoseok's shoulder, "dont talk to people like that dumbass, he's my new neighbor but i still haven't gotten his name since you keep interrupting like a goddamn corrupted pigeon"


Both Hoseok and Namjoon looked over at the male who spoke softly while staring at Namjoon with a sudden interest, "i think i know you from somewhere..."

Namjoon cocked his head to the side, confused since he himself had never see the male standing in front of him before. Especially since almost everyone he's ever known didn't have jet black hair, piercings or a well designed tattoo around his exposed shoulder. 

He only knew of a man with a similar tattoo but it couldn't possibly be the guy he was thinking about because that would be impossible, would it? Since the guy he could remember with the similar tattoo and now that he thinks about it, with the same plump lips, was his taxi driver from the past ... which meant..


"ah fuck." Namjoon cursed.

- - - - - 


some of you guys commented that namjoon's new neighbor was the taxi driver and i was so fucking SHOOk like i didnt give any indications yet some people figured it out

you guys are hella smart because you literally figured out everything and then here i am trying to eat a clock, but then again, thats too time consuming...

namjoons neighbor is actually zason ;) - fite me

theres not much to say other then sorry that its short and a day late but im so tired these days like damn

anyways, plez vote and comment and idk go eat a radish

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