Lithe (S.R) Book 1

By fangedlovers

189K 4.4K 1.5K

Rebecca Stark had a legacy to her before she even knew how to walk. All thanks to her last name. Now it's her... More

Looking At You
Tiny Dancer
All at Once
White Walls
Just Keep Breathing
Heart of Gold
I Wanna Be There
Hold Back The River
Night's On Fire

Losing My Religion

18.2K 329 133
By fangedlovers

Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel; only Rebecca and the world surrounding her.

Losing My Religion - Dia Frampton

Welcome to Lithe from the To Build A Home Series!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and subscribed to this story so far!

We are now really getting into it and I'm excited for you to explore this world more.


Losing My Religion

I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream

February 2008  

Standing in the air conditioned airport lobby it felt like every eye was on her. She had the hood of her jacket up over her head and kept her eyes focused on the luggage carousel. If she learned anything from a young age it was to not make eye contact with anyone if you didn't want to start a conversation immediately. That's what happens when your last name is one that holds authority around the world. Paparazzi, media, and anyone who wanted more in depth focus on her family turned up at always the least opportune time. And with your last name Stark, it was more or less always wanting info about the new scandal her father was involved in.

Rebecca had dealt with it for her whole life. It really became a problem when she turned 16 and was able to start driving herself around Malibu and surrounding areas. The media was constantly on her, trying to see what the young Stark was up. Was she going to parties? Trying to be the new teenage sweetheart of her time? The answer was simple. No. They slowly started getting the gist that they weren't going to get any big headlines from her and simply went back to throwing themselves at her father. And why would they? When Rebecca did go out it was because she had a dance lesson or was simply running errands.

So here she was, back in town for spring break and was already on edge. Her father, Tony, constantly told her to just use the private jet to get back and forth from California and New York, but she declined every time. The whole point of going to school in New York was to get out of the constant SoCal limelight. That and the fact that she was given the opportunity to continue her path in dance at Juilliard. It was truly an honor of being accepted, and she made absolute positive that she would be getting in on her skills, not her name recognition.

The phone vibrating obnoxiously in her hand brought herself back to reality. She smiled at the text from Pepper Potts, letting her know she was waiting right outside for her. At finally seeing her dark purple suitcase, Rebecca pulled it off the conveyor belt and started the long streak out of the airport. She quickly pulled her sunglasses over her eyes at seeing the bright sunshine through the glass doors. What a completely different atmosphere from New York at the moment where it was freezing and snowing at any moment.

Breaking the threshold, it was immediate that she found Pepper standing off to the right side. She picked up her pace and grinned from ear to ear at the sight of the older women.

"Hey, sweetie!" The redhead squealed softly, bringing the younger girl into a tight hug. "It's so good to have you home."

"It's so good to be home." Letting herself fall into the hug. "I love New York, but the cold was killing my muscles."

"Well you've got a week of warmth." Pepper squeezed her shoulders before letting her go.

The two girls watched the driver put her suitcase in the trunk before opening the door so they could slide in the backseat. Rebecca finally pulled off her hood and took her sunglasses off when she was out of sight. She looked outside through the blacked windows seeing no paparazzi in sight.

"Wow. No cameras in my face." The young girl mumbled, peeling off her jacket to get comfortable. "I'm kinda surprised."

"Well, your father's being rewarded tonight in Vegas. So that's the big story of the day." Pepper mumbled, looking at something on her phone. No doubt it having to do with Stark Industries.

"That's right. The Apogee Award? Right?" She pulled out her own phone, seeing no new notifications.

"That's the one. You didn't want to go?"

"It's not a lot of fun to be in Vegas when you're only 20 and can't do much of anything." Rebecca sighed softly. "And knowing dad he's going to spend most of his time on the casino floor."

Pepper gave the girl a sympathetic smile. "You know, he's already planning your 21st birthday this summer right? It's very rare for him to start planning something so far in advance."

"Yeah, that's because it's a party. And Tony Stark loves to party." Rebecca let her head rest against the cold window, staring out at the palm trees and city streets passing her by.

Pepper watched as her eyes glazed over, officially rolling back into herself. She has been able to watch this young girl grow before her eyes the best of 10 years. When she was given the job as Tony's assistant she would have never realized that she would also become this sort of mother figure to the youngest Stark as well. But she took it in stride. Rebecca never needed much guidance, she was always a step ahead of her time just as her father was at that age. But the difference was Rebecca didn't want that recognition, so Pepper had tried her best to let her just be an average teenage girl.

By the time the car had made it to the mansion in Malibu, Rebecca was ready to spend some time alone and hopefully get some sleep that she desperately needed after her crazy first half of the semester. They pulled in from the gate, looked up at the original designed mansion.

"You don't have to come in. I'm sure you're busy." Rebecca told Pepper, as she grabbed her items.

"Are you sure? I have a little bit of time."

"No it's fine. Go spend it doing something you actually like to do. It's very rare to not play tag along to my dad." She smiled before giving the woman anther hug. "Thanks for picking me up, Pepper."

"Anytime, Becca. Let me know if you need anything." Pepper gave the girl another smile.

"I will. Happy early birthday by the way." Rebecca gave her a large smile and pulled herself out of the car. She gave the driver a big 'thank you' as he pulled her luggage out of the trunk. The dancer rolled her suitcase up the cement steps before pausing to put her code into the front door. The glass door automatically popped open for her and she stepped through the entrance. The open living room was exactly how she left it after winter break and the same way it's been for most of her life.

"Hey, Jarvis." She spoke to the house.

"Good to have you home, Ms. Stark." The computer responded back to her.

She sighed, just standing in the empty room. She was alone. Again.


Rebecca woke up early the next morning despite how much she wanted to sleep in. But given the fact that she was still on east coast time, it was probably better to keep up with it to not hurt herself when her short break was over. She knew her father returned sometime the night before or early that morning as she heard Jarvis' greeting, but other than that she was deaf to the world. Sleep was one of her best friends, since it gave her time to rest her constantly working muscles.

Standing in the kitchen, watching the sun slowly rise, Becca for the moment was at peace. That peace though quickly ended at the sound of shoes clambering against the marble floor.

"I thought I smelled fresh coffee." Tony mumbled, seeing his daughter standing at the counter.

"Just made it." She gave her father a soft smile as she worked on her breakfast of cereal and fresh fruit.

"This is why I like when you're home." He poured himself a mug.

"Good to know I'm needed just for my coffee making skills." Rebecca's sarcasm was thick on her tongue.

Tony rolled his eyes at his daughter's statement. He walked over to drop a kiss against the top of her head. "Of course it's more than that, smartass. It's just that no one can make coffee like you." He pulled away, sipping his coffee. "Come downstairs with me before I have to leave."

"Where are you going?" She asked around a mouthful of granola, following him through the house.

"Have to head to Afghanistan. Showing off the new equipment." He explained, punching his code in so they could enter the work shop. "You should come with me."

Rebecca laughed lightly. "Yeah, no I'm good."

"Why not? You're on Spring Break. You're in your twenty's. This is supposed to be the time you let go and enjoy yourself a little bit." Tony set himself up in front of the old school car he had been working on for a while.

Rebecca hopped up on the table opposite him. It wasn't that her father was inattentive of her life, it was just the fact that the two Starks had vastly different priorities. She oh-so-desperately was trying to make her own mark on the world without her family name slapped across her forehead. "I can't. I have lots of practice to do, not to mention a mountain of homework."

Tony turned to Becca with an 'are you serious' look upon his face. "I'm sure if you take a few days off no one will notice the difference."

The young brunette spooned more of her breakfast into her mouth. "I have my big recital coming up at the end of April. Remember, my spring recital?"

"Yes, yes. I remember." He started pulling apart the engine. "It's on the calendar. Right, Jarvis?"

"Correct, sir." The computer spoke to him.

"See. Trust your old man, would ya?" Rebecca rolled her eyes at the comment and continued eating her breakfast. "You know sometimes I wish you spent your time like other college kids."

"And the other times?" She raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"Well, the other times I'm glad you skipped the phase so I had less boyfriend asses to kick." Tony smiled back at his daughter before getting back to the car. "Jarvis, hit me with some music."

"Is this a classic rock morning, sir?"

"Isn't it always?" The mechanic nodded his head as the opening licks of AC/DC rumbled through the room.

It became quiet between the small family then. Tony working diligently while Rebecca finished her breakfast. She watched her father in awe. I guess you could say she was the oddball in the family. She never had any real care about mechanics or scientific discoveries. She knew how to do a few things from watching him over the years, but she was much more into the arts than science.

Tony had always joked that she had gotten that from her grandmother's side of the family. She understood what he meant, since the moments she really remembers as a small child was her grandmother, Maria, singing and playing the piano as the young girl would twirl around the living room. She might have been young at the time, but remembered and now missed her grandparents. She was only 4 when they were killed in a horrible car accident, but she still could recall the way her father's eyes became lifeless for a period of time.

"I'm going to go practice for a little bit." Rebecca pulled herself onto her feet, stretching her already anxious muscles.

"Um, yeah, alright." Tony thought over her actions, seemingly unwilling to let his daughter go.

"Is that okay?" She asked apprehensively.

"Yeah, of course. I'll let you know before I leave."

The twenty-year-old nodded her head and left the workshop to head back upstairs to dispose of her dirty dishes. As she finished loading the dishwasher, she rose an eyebrow at the sound of her father's name being called out. She stepped out towards the living room, seeing the source of the voice. A blonde, who was probably only a few years older than her, dressed in only her father's burgundy dress shirt.

Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle darkly. This was why Tony had been so reluctant in letting her come upstairs and made it a point to bring her downstairs. He was hoping his late night booty call would get out before she would see her.

The laugh turned the blonde's attention to her. "Oh, hi. I didn't know anyone else would be here."

"Clearly or you wouldn't be nearly naked in my living room." She gave a fake smile, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The Rebecca Stark." The other woman sauntered over to Becca, looking her up and down like she could get a rise out of her. "I have to say it's quite an honor to meet the next prodigy of the Stark family. You know I would love to get an article about you in Vanity Fair if you had the chance."

"Well, too bad for you but I don't have the time. You know, being a supposed prodigy and all." To anyone else in the world Becca always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, but the second the magazine came spilling out of this reporter's mouth she closed back in on herself. How dare this woman stand in her living room and use her work on her.

"Becca? You good?" The two looked over to find Pepper had walked through the front door, dry cleaning in hand.

"Great." The young Stark nodded her head in annoyance. "I'm going to go practice. Let me know when you take the trash out."


The muscles in her legs held strong as she balanced up on her toes. She moved her arms about her body in a fluid motion. Becca continued dancing around the studio, letting her body start to take over and her mind falling back into place. She had only 2 months to make sure this routine was just that, a regular routine. That seemed like a lot of time to anyone on the outside, but for a dancer it was too little of time. She knew as soon as she returned back to school she would be living in the dance studio 24 hours a day.

She constantly felt like she was having to prove herself. Sure, she had made some good friends during her first two years at Juilliard, but there were still that whole other section that she knew judged her by who she was and not by her skills. Becca wasn't a cynical person, despite what life had thrown at her. She would give anyone the benefit of the doubt until proven differently. But on the opposite side of things, she had little to no trust in anyone.

"Ms. Stark, Happy is here for you." Jarvis spoke, breaking her concentration.

Becca let out of giant breath before sinking to the wooden floor. "Thanks, Jarvis." She slowly began to unpeel the ribbon from around her legs as she could hear Happy's footsteps inching closer.


"In here, Hap." She called out, pulling the pointe shoes off her feet. She looked up at him with a soft smile as he stopped in the doorway of her studio. She wasn't expecting to see the older man until her dad was back from his trip at least since this gave the assistant a day off to do as he pleases. "What's up, Happy?"

"I need you to come with me, Becca." His voice was soft, sullen even.

Her eyes this time really looked him over at the odd tone in his voice. His body was in a rigid stance, almost not knowing how to hold himself, while his face told her a different story. Something was wrong. This wasn't the normal happy go lucky man that she had known most of her life. "What's wrong?"

"I...I just need to get you to Stark Industries...immediately."

"Why?! What's going on?" Her voice full of need and worry.

Happy looked down, shaking his head softly. He no longer could look into the young girl's unknowing face. "I can't tell you. You'll find out when we get there."

"Fine." Becca stood up, throwing her shoes to the corner of the room. "Let's go."

"Do you want to change first?"

"Nope." She slipped her off-the-shoulder shirt back over her tank-top. That with her soft cotton shorts would do just fine. Slipping into a pair of flip-flops, she followed Happy out of the house and into the company car. The ride to the office was silent. He didn't even turn the radio on which was odd, since that was always the first thing he would fiddle with when he got into the car.

Her eyes were still covered by her rose colored sunglasses as she walked through Stark Industries. She followed Happy through the pristine white building, feeling everyone glance at her. When you're Tony Stark's daughter it wasn't out of the ordinary for workers to look at her like she had a hold of their jobs. As if she was a cat playing with the mouse on the thread. One swipe and they could be gone, but that wasn't true in the slightest. Too bad for a couple of interns along the way though that thought if they flirted with her enough they could be Stark's new employee of the month. Boy, were they sadly mistaken and thrown out of their internship so quickly by her father.

Becca finally pulled the sunglasses away from her face as the two entered the conference room which held Pepper and Obadiah, Obi, Stane. Obi stood by the windows that stretched across the entire wall, looking out into California scenery that was still apart of Stark Industries. His hands were placed against his hips, a dark look present across his face. What really took her back was Pepper who sat at the table, elbows pressed against the glass so she could rest her hands against her mouth; eyes filled with fear.

At the sound of the door shutting behind her, the two immediately straightened up to look at Happy, but more importantly her. "What's going on?" The question left Becca's throat for what seemed the thousandth time in the last hour. "Where's my dad?" This wasn't right, whenever she was in this office her dad would be there. There is no other point for her to be there.

"Becca...please take a seat." Obi spoke to the young woman, turning towards her with soft eyes. She had known the older man her entire life, and he had always been easy-going with her despite his hard exterior.

"Why won't anyone tell me what's happening!" Her voice bellowed through the stiff room, no doubt being heard out in the hallway. Her calm demeanor that she had all morning practicing was slipping away and replaced by pure irritation. "Someone needs to tell me right now what's going on! Where's my dad?"

Pepper stood up, smoothing out of the wrinkles in her skirt. "Becca, sweetie...come here." She walked over to her, holding a hand out for her to take. The young Stark cautiously took her hand, letting the woman lead her to a seat at the head of the long stable. "I need you to remember to breath. Okay?"

Becca gave a little nod, anxiety in her eyes as she looked up at Pepper. Obi grabbed one of the remotes at the table, while Happy continued to stand at guard by the door. She felt her heart drop to her stomach at the sight that came across the TV screen placed on the wall across from her. Her father sat in the middle of the screen, strapped to the chair and being held at gunpoint by heavily armed men who wore layers upon layers to disguise their identity.

Her tear welling eyes glanced over her father's body seeing blood and dirt across his face. The most prominent thing was the giant white bandage spread over his chest where she could see what she assumed was blood seeping through the folds. Tony merely sat there, staring past the camera as the one man in the front continued to read off the parchment in his hands. It wasn't English so she couldn't understand it, but she assumed whatever it read wasn't good.

"Who are they?" Becca's voice was scratchy, eyes not leaving the screen.

"They're called Ten Rings." Obi explained, pausing the video so they could talk without the noise in the background. "And...and they're holding your father hostage for ransom."

"Terrorists?" She glanced from Obi to Pepper.

Pepper nodded her head, letting her hand gently rub her shoulders. "They attacked the convoy he was in during the equipment presentation."

"Well what do they want?" Her lip shook, trying to hold the tears back. "Just give them what they want. I don't care. Get him back!"

"It's not that easy, Rebecca." Obi spoke over her, hands coming to rest against his hips. "We have no idea where they even are."

"What about Uncle Rhodey?" Becca's mind was working overload. "Wasn't he with him? Is he okay?"

"He's okay, sweetie." Pepper answered. "He is searching as we speak for your dad."

"So what do we do? How do we get him back?" She felt like she was about to have an panic attack.

Obi grunted out a sigh of aggravation of the situation, a hand coming to scrub across his forehead. "Look, Rebecca I know how upset you are-"

"No you don't." She shook her head, looking at the older man crossly. "You have no idea what I'm feeling right now." The room became quiet, no one knowing how to move along. "Excuse me." Becca whispered, jumping up in her chair. She ignored all their calls from behind her and stalked out of the room. She kept her head down, trying to ignore everyone's glances. But as soon as the door of her father's office closed behind her the tears streamed down her face. She barely caught the lock as her body slid to the floor. She felt like she was going to be sick as the desperation, worry, and even guilt washed over her body.

All that continued to run through her head as she sobbed on the carpet was that she didn't give him a real goodbye before he had left the day before. She was stupidly holding a grudge over the senseless reporter, and now she had no idea if she would ever be able to speak to him again. He was all she had. The only family that she had to love.

Despite their differences, and there were many, she loved her father and all she ever wanted was to make him proud. She wanted to hug him and tell him she loved him. She wanted so many things that she might never get back to her. It was selfish at best, something of the Stark blood that definitely ran through her veins.

Becca looked around the room, tears still spilling from her eyes, trying to find something to settle her nerves in the large office. Her eyes settled on the pictures he had framed on his hutch on the right side of the room. The whole second row was completely devoted to her. Some of her dancing, other were school pictures, but the one in the middle was the two of them at her 10th birthday party. Say what you want about Tony Stark, but he certainly loved his daughter to death.


May 2008  

She took her final curtsy, the lights shining bright down on her and the crowd cheering loudly in the background. But to Becca, everything was on autopilot. Her ears were ringing with static as her eyes attempted to look out into the darkened faces in front of her. All she wished was for him to stand up. He would stand there obnoxiously clapping the loudest with his voice booming over everyone, announcing "That's my girl!" But he wasn't there. And she didn't know if she'd ever hear him again.

Becca exited the stage, following the other dancers back to their prep area. There were congratulations and smiles with hugs thrown all around. She had to admit the performance did go exceptionally well. And everyone was ready for summer break after the insanity that had been the last two months.

"You've got quite the praise over at your station." A blonde girl made her way to Becca's side. Her name was Eve and had become the closet person to Becca after her now two years together at Julliard.

"What are you talking about?" she questioned her friend.

Eve took a hold of the shorter girl's arm and drug her across the room. To Becca's defense, everyone was short compared to the long legged blonde beauty. Becca's eyes widened at the sight of multiple bouquets of different flowers displayed on her vanity.

"Someone's got a few admirers." Eve leaned down, smelling one vase of red roses. "Who are they from?"

The young Stark pulled out the cards seeing Pepper, Obi, Happy, and other Stark employees. All of them said something congratulatory with a deep sadness underlining their messages. "Family." But her favorite was the bouquet in the back that held multi-colored hydrangeas. She didn't need to read the card to know who this one was from, but a real soft smile fell against her lips.

'Proud is an understatement.' – R

She knew it was from her Uncle Rhodey and what took her even by more surprised that he had remembered. She hadn't seen him in months but was able to have a few phone calls with him periodically. But all his focus has been on finding her father and his best friend.

"Your fam here?" Becca asked, finally sitting down in her seat to take her shoes off.

Eve nodded, pulling her own off. "Little bro is probably running around trying to see a naked girl."

Becca chuckled. "He's going to grow up as such a ladies' man."

"God, I hope not. He's always going to be too young to date." The Blonde pulled the millions of bobby pins out of her hair.

"Rebecca! Just the girl I wanted to see." Their instructor, Ms. Gabbert, appeared beside the girls. "Amazing job tonight, ladies!"

"Thanks, Ms. G. Couldn't have done it without a great teacher though." Eve buttered up.

The older women rolled her eyes. "Stop sucking up, Evelyn. You passed with flying colors."

The blonde clapped happily. "Welp, my job is done here." Eve jumped off the chair and walked over to her vanity.

"That girl is quite the handful." Ms. Gabbert smirked at the retreating girl.

"Yeah, but no one can do it like Eve." Becca started pulling her own hair out of the up-do.

Ms. Gabbert could hear the dejection in the girl's voice as she looked back over at her. "You really did do an amazing job tonight." She looked over all the flowers. "Other's clearly thought so as well. Any of your family around here so I could gush about you too?"

Becca laughed at the comment, but shook her head. "No, I didn't invite anyone."

"Why not?" The teacher took a seat in the chair Eve had left. "This was a big moment for you."

The brunette looked down, playing with the pins. "I didn't want any of them to see it before my dad could."

Ms. Gabbert nodded her head as it all clicked into place now why one of her best students wasn't celebrating like the rest of them. The whole world new about the kidnapping of Tony Stark, but she was very surprised at how in control Becca had acted during the past few months. The young Stark was never a person to slouch through rehearsals, but now she had stepped up ever further. She didn't know if that was healthy or making her worse. "Well he is going to be so proud of you when he does finally get to see it."

Becca looked back up to her with a soft smile. She was happy that for once someone didn't try to make her sit through their sorry's. "Thanks, Ms. G."

"So, I really did come over her for a reason, not just to hype you up." She joked, happy to see her student laughing. "I actually have an opportunity for you this summer. That is, if you're interested."

"What is it?"

"So, I'm in charge of the summer student program this year. You might have heard talks about it around the school." She continued as she watched the girl nod in understanding. "Well I have the option of a part-time student helper with my classes and I was wondering if you wanted to spend the summer in NYC and get some experience under your belt."

"Seriously!?" Becca's brown eyes widened in bliss.

"Seriously. It would start in June and go through August. It's part-time so I would only need you a few hours during the day with weekends off. You'll get paid and you'll get to spend a full summer in the city when you are young and 21."

She couldn't believe the offer. It was honestly something out of a dream. And it was a vision of hers. She had grown up in New York, but her father had moved them to the west coast not long after he was given over the Stark business. It made sense for him to be where the headquarters were located. She always wanted to go back to New York, California never feeling like home to her. When she was accepted into Juilliard it felt like her own dreams were finally becoming reality.

But now as her instructor and an idol to her was giving her more opportunities, she was hesitating. California might not have been her home, New York didn't hold that full title yet, but her father...her father had held home with him her entire life. And right now her home was taken from her.

Ms. Gabbert must have noticed the hesitation written in her eyes. "Becca, you don't have to answer me right now. I know it's a big step and you should definitely take your time to think about it. But also, just remember to not hold yourself back...anything could happen at any minute. Don't stop living."

The young girl nodded, letting those words sink into her thoughts. "Thank you, Ms. G. I'll let you know soon."

The teacher stood up, giving her one last soft smile. "I know you will, Becca. Great job again tonight. You were a star up there." She squeezed Becca's shoulder before heading off to mingle with other students and faculty.

Becca quickly changed back into her street clothes and gathered as much of her items as she could. She pulled her bag over her shoulder and grabbed the vase of hydrangeas, it would be easier to get the rest of her items the next day when she cleared out for the semester. Waving goodbye to some of the friends she had made, Becca shouldered her way out of the stage door to finally leave. She was quickly stopped though by a middle aged gentlemen decked out in a black suit.

"Rebecca Stark?" He stopped in front of her, halting her movements.

"Can I help you?" She rose an eyebrow in question. There were other people walking about so she wasn't too worried about the strange fellow, but it was still abnormal.

"I'm Agent Phil Coulson and I'm with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." He smiled at her softly at the dumbfounded expression she held at the words that rambled out of his mouth. But he was use to people's reactions by now. "We go by S.H.I.E.L.D. for short."

"That might be better for everyone involved." She mused. "But look if this has anything to do with my father, no comment. It was nice to meet you Agent Coulson, but I don't know anything. Sorry." Becca started to walk past him, but he was present by her side again.

"I'm assuming you never heard of us before."

"You assumed correctly."

"That's not completely surprising, but given who you are..."

She stopped suddenly, turning to him in question. "Should I know who you are? Because I'm sorry I don't know what I could possibly have to help you with, sir."

"No, my apologies, miss." Agent Coulson held a hand to his chest in sincerity. "We are just another organization that is trying to find the place of your father."

"Look, sir, I'm sure you are who you say you are, but I have to be cautious of myself right now and my family." She switched the place of the vase in her arms. "I've had plenty of people come up to me the past few months and saying they are trying to help find my father, but in reality they just want a great story they can blasts across the news. So you have to understand where I'm coming from right now."

"I understand, Rebecca. And you have every right to be guarded." Agent Coulson pulled a small white rectangle out of his pocket. "Here's my card. Do your research, whatever you would like to do, but know we are here to help."

"Well, thank you." She accepted the card and continued walking away, this time he didn't follow after her. She was simply exhausted; mentally and physically. She thought once this performance was over that she would feel a weight released from her shoulders, but it was still there.

As if the world knew her hands were full and she didn't feel like talking to anyone else for the evening, her phone began ringing obnoxiously loud in her pocket. With a heavy groan, Becca set her flowers down on one of the tables that was stationed around the school and pulled the device from her pocket. She wanted to ignore it so badly, but seeing Pepper's name across the screen answering it was a must.

"Hey, Pepper." Her voice came out as a soft sigh, hoping to sound a little enthusiastic. "Perfect timing, the performance just ended."

And just like that, with the statement flowing through her end of the phone, Becca almost felt her knees drop out from under her.

"Becca...they found him."


Please Review:Follow:Favorite: All that Jazz!


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