Us By Force ✔

By Nadineat2

518K 20.9K 3K

Holly was a unique fighter, and Mason was a quiet watcher, so how did they end up together? Selfishness brou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Covers and Banners
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Important note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 14

13K 628 85
By Nadineat2


That was so embarrassing and perplexing. The situation was so awkward and I couldn't deny what he said. Why would he say that about me? My angel! For a second there, I thought that I misheard him. But when Mia confirmed it, boy, that was awkward.

I was too stunned by his words that I didn't speak the entire way to the dinner, that he was driving us there. The car ride was so quiet and the tension was rising with every passing second. I hoped that we could move faster to get over this overwhelming feeling. I had never had a boy or anyone at all to say that kind of words to me. And I never thought that I'd be affected by them until an hour ago. It was like that I couldn't know myself anymore. My life was at a turning point, all because of my father's selfishness. Yet, I didn't find it as a terrible thing to live with Mason and Mia.

" Holly, are you listening? " I was brought back to reality by Mia's voice. I turned my head from the window and looked at her.

I shook my head, to get out of my daze that was loaded with thoughts and ideas. " Ha?  Ah, sorry. What did you say? " I asked back, feeling bad that I wasn't listening to her.

" I said, we're here. Let's go " She tugged my shirt then opened the car door and got out with a big smile displaying on her lovely face. Her blonde hair fell down her back making her look more mature for her age. As I was opening the door next to me, a pain shot through my body and mostly my arm and elbow. I was naive thinking that it would heal in such short time. I guess I was wrong.

I hissed at the pain but then counted to ten to calm down. As I reached number seven, Mason opened the door fully and kneeled down in front of me so that he was at the same level with my eyes. I tried to fake a smile and ignore the pain, but it didn't work. Mason was able to see through me without saying any word.

His beautiful eyes were staring into my soul. His eyes said that he was searching for things and answers to his questions, and by the small glare that I received from him, he found the missing piece. He found my emotions and he found my pain. " Let me see your injury " he ordered in a soft tone that it almost made him sound like a different person. I averted the eye contact and gazed at Mia who was standing behind Mason with a puzzled expression.

" What injury?  Oh my God, is that why you cried out when the man grabbed your arm?  Let me see it. We have to go to the hospital. Now " She blurted out. She was panicking about the whole thing.

I sighed. " Mia, please breath and calm down. I'm fine, no need for hospitals and all the fuss. Let's just go eat " I waved my hand assuring that I was alright, but Mason had other plans when I arched my eyebrows at the pain. The reflexes that a body shows when it's in pain, can be too revealing to your emotions.

" No, you're not fine. We are going to the hospital to check out your elbow. it's been like three days and you're still getting hurt at the slightest movement. Stay in the car, and it will be a waste of time if you ever think of saying no. Now let's buckle you up " He announced then bent his head and entered it into the car. He grabbed my seatbelt from the other way and dragged it to his side.

Our eyes were locked and I felt his breath on my lips. He was a couple of inches away from my mouth and any sudden move would cause the contact of our lips to occur, that's why I tried to withdraw from my seat a little but it was for no use. He was caging me without even touching me. He looked at my lips and I did the same. His lips were dry so he licked his bottom lips. His action made me turn my gaze back to his eyes that were still inspecting my lips. As I wanted to clear my throat, Mia chuckled then pushed Mason's back. I quickly turned my head.

But it was almost too late.

His lips kissed the edge of my lips, most of his mouth was on my cheek but a little part of it fell on the end of my lips. His eyes widened then he pulled back at the speed of light. My hand made it's way to the spot that he kissed and brushed it with my fingers. I probably looked like a tomato from the blushing. His eyes flickered with unstable emotions and his cheeks were slightly pink.

He rubbed the back of his neck and coughed. " Um... I'm s-sorry " He whispered while stuttering. He turned his head to be greeted by a very happy and delighted Mia. She was grinning like there was no end.

" You're welcome " She said after a long time of staring at each other. My eyes darted between Mason and her. He looked like he was cursing but I couldn't hear him.

" You are so dead " Mason pointed out then he ruffled her hair which became a total mess. " Let's go " He ordered then got into the driver's seat and switched the engine.

" I love you too, " Mia commented then rolled her eyes and went silent.


" Mia, why? " I asked her after we waited for Mason who was talking to the doctor about my checkup. She raised her face from her phone and smiled. " Why what? " She asked, playing clueless and innocent. If I learned something these past few days, it would be that 15 years old girls are scary and smart. Smart for their own good. That's why I gave her the look that said that I didn't believe her games so I glared and waited for her explanation.

She sighed then ran her hand through her hair. " Because I had to. You know that you wanted to kiss him and he wanted to kiss you, but none of you made a move. I just did my job that must be done " She reasoned and I felt more embarrassed.

" That's not true, no one wants to kiss me or be near me " I defended but then I realized what I said.

She smirked. " Does that mean that you want to be kissed?  "



Hey guys :)

I hope you liked this chapter ♡

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And I'm still updating on inkitt, you can always read a chapter or two ahead of wattpad. Like now chapter 15 and 16 are out on inkitt.  The link is in my profile.

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