Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x...

By Skilg4nnon

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For as long as you can remember, you've been in anteiku. Your mother was a member before you, since she'd bee... More

The Scorpion and the Centipeid
Three years earlier...
Always room for one more
Back off!
Stay close to me
First Date
The zodiac
Border patrols
Dangerous thoughts
Revenge is a dish best served...
It's not about me, its never been about me
The SS rated Scorpio
Filthy Bindging Gourmet
If i die tomorrow...
One way or another...
...this war ends today

It was raining that day...

5K 109 56
By Skilg4nnon

It was raining that day, you remembered sombrely in the years to come. It had been pouring all day when it happened, that was always something that stuck with you. For some reason that's all that mattered to you at the time, but then again rain does full a ghouls senses and your paranoia drove you to be on full alert. Having said that though you wished you'd relaxed though, but as usual you were focused on unnecessary security and since Toukas human friend was staying over you were constantly on guard for anything that you might let slip. Had you'd known what was to happen though would you have acted differently, you wished you would have just relaxed and the enjoyed the time you'd had that night. After all, it was the last time you'd ever sit down together...

Hinami had been overly excited for the release of some new book by her favourite author and wanted to go, so her parents had decided to take her out and treat her for a day. She had also asked for you and Shinsetsu to come too which you'd agreed since you wanted to give Hinami, who was somewhere between being a younger sister and a niece, a good day to remember. Touka and Ayato came along too since you were going out for a meal after going to see a movie first, you were sceptical it would go alright since spending the day with so many people would irritate you.

It turned out to be one of those days where everything turns out right, where nothing goes wrong and everyone enjoys themselves. The film turned out to be great despite being aimed at a younger audience since Hinami was only young, there was also plenty of popcorn and drinks that you all loved. Afterwards you had a lovely meal where lovely conversation was had by all, most it was of course talking to Hinami. But you and Asaki had a deep conversation about more intellectual things, Shinsetsu and Ryoko got to discuss motherhood and catch up, Touka and Hinami became friends and Ayato switched between everyone.

Later Hinami got tired and after getting her new book, went home with her parents. Shinsetsu decided to join them for drinks with her old friend, while you promised to get the Kirishimas home safe. It was late in the year so it was dark pretty soon, instead of going home straight away you were pulled away by Touka as she wanted to show you and Ayato something.

"Where you going Touka?" Ayato asked.

"You'll see." She responded.

"Your not going to quietly murder us are you?" You asked her.

"Not today no, but don't push your luck." She lead you to a large park where the lamp posts had all gone out, leaving it mostly dark. Climbing up to a small hill where a billboard covered most of the lights of the city, there was very little light in the area and it was difficult to see.

"This is definitely quietly murder us territory." You noticed. You also noticed that Touka sat down on the hill and lay down, beckoning you both to join her. Ayato and you shared a look of questioning suspicion, but both of you compiled of course and lay down beside her. It was only then that you realised what it was you were being shown, with the lights out from the billboard and the parks lights my working it was finally revealed what Touka wanted to show you.

Stars! They were brighter and more numerous then you'd ever seen! So many bright, magnificent stars lighting the heavens. "Of course." You gasped. "With so much brightness at night they were always drown out by the light pollution, I've never seen them like this before." Ayato was also spellbound as he lay there open jawed, drinking in the beauty and majesty of the sky. Touka meanwhile seemed to be taking joy in the happiness that you and Ayato felt in gazing at the stars. You stayed out for another hour trying to form patterns and maybe create some new consolations, the conversation was light hearted and cheerful. Or at least it was, until things suddenly became more serious.

"You know..." Touka mentioned. "When I first came to Anteiku, I hated every minute of it. Sure Shinsetsu was nice but it wasn't home, you weren't family. I always wished that pa would come back to take us home, but while I still wish he'd comeback I would prefer him to stay at Anteiku. Mr. Yoshimura, Shinsetsu and of course you (Y/N), made this place my home. Thank you."

"I always thought i was nothing more then a burden." Ayato told you just as serious as Touka. "I felt like everything I did was just someone else's problem, like I could never be my own person. I thought everyone saw me like some helpless weak child that needed babysitting, especially after the incident with the four doves. But you showed me that even in defeat, when your bruised, bloodied and broken, you can still hold your head high. You never gave in to the pain (Y/N), even though the worst of it you were determined to return to full strength. You showed me that strength comes from inside, that if we want to achieve something you have to take steps to make it happen, not just wait around in self pity."

You just lay there listening to them talk from their hearts, their sincerity and loyalty in their voices struck a cord in one of your heart strings. Tears swelled in your eyes and you began, for the first time in your life, to cry. You want to make a grand speech to them, about how much you loved them dearly and how they had changed your life for the better. Your heart longed to confess everything to them, but you could only bring yourself to utter one small sentence. "You guys, are the best..."

You sat home at the table, watching the rain pour against the window as the two siblings tore at each other's throats. You wished you'd paid more attention and maybe settle it before things got out of hand, but your nature was really only to react once things had gotten out of control. Perhaps if you had talked to Ayato? Or protested against Toukas friend? Or maybe...? You had so many "what ifs" and "maybes" that day, it was your only regret to sit back and watch.

Touka had been happy to have Yoriko staying over and Shinsetsu found it no bother having her adopted daughters friend over, in fact she'd made something of a celebration out of it and cooking a full meal with the humans culinary skills. Of course it was all going to be mostly wasted as you'd have to throw it up later before it poisoned you, but after years of your determination to be totally alone Shinsetsu seemed all to eager to encourage guests.

The men of the household however weren't as enthusiastic, you couldn't care less she was human and more irritated at someone you didn't know much about being invited over to your house. Ayato however was out of control and needed to be reined in as he'd become particularly aggressive at the notion of anyone associating themselves with a human, between the managers attempt to calm him and your ability to keep him under control Ayato has managed to remain calm and put on the same fake smile you did when working at the café. At the thought of a human coming to the house thought, he lost his temper.

"There is no way a filthy human is stepping foot in our house!" He raged.

"Oh yeah?! That human happens to be my friend!" Touka snapped back.

"It's no trouble Ayato." Shinsetsu assured him, concerned that the argument was going to get real ugly before long. "Well cook some human food for her, you can stay upstairs with (Y/N) and not have to eat anything."

"It's not that! They're beneath us! Filthy! Disgusting! Pathetic Monkeys!" He roared, getting close to crossing the line. "You should be ashamed of yourself Touka!"

"Well excuse me for having friends! It's none of your business who I have over! No one asked your permission anyway! What's your problem!?"

"My problem is you talking to filthy humans!"

"There not all bad you know!"

"They're monsters! They just want to see each one of us dead!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Just like it's ridiculous that's pa's dead!?" The question was harsh and struck deep within Touka, wether or not it was meant too. A tense sense of dread sat heavily and uncomfortably in the room, no one knew what to say in fear or triggering something massive. Touka stared at him for a second silently, then smacked him across the face.

"Don't say that! Don't you ever say that!" She yelled as she stared down her younger brother who was totally stunned, the shock of the blow seemed to wear off though as he retaliated violently. It all happened in a second or so as Ayato punched Toukas jaw with unrestrained force, knocking her down since she wasn't expecting it. You jumped to your feet and lunges for Ayato, grabbing his shirt and forcing him to the ground onto his front. You grabbed one of his hands and brought it up behind his back in a police hold, bringing his arm to the point of breaking while using your forearm to hold his head down and resting your weight on your knee which was pinning down Ayatos other arm. Shinsetsu meanwhile ran to Touka to make sure she was ok, taken back by the violence.

"Get off me (Y/N)!" He growled furiously.

"Not until you pack it in!"

"I'm serious!"

"So am I! Your not going anywhere until you calm the fuck down!" You warned him twisting his arm some more.

"I! Said...!" Ayato stormed before his eyes suddenly changed to the ghoulish black and red and his Kagune suddenly erupted out, before you could react it changed to crystal and fired into you. You lost grip on Ayato and fell back onto the hardened RC cells, feeling them push into your flesh even deeper. You didn't cry out, didn't scream as the total shock of the situation paralysed you. Touka and Shinsetsu rushed over to you and stared to pull out some of the crystals, as they panicked over you Ayato stood equally shocked. You didn't think he meant it, it was just something that happened in your eyes, a totally reactionary response to being pinned down. Yet it clearly was regretful to him, you watched him turn and run out the door.

That was the last time you ever saw Ayato, he never returned home. You had to stop your mind from going through every possibility, did he get "bagged" by the CCG? Did he get cannibalised by other ghouls? Or did he simply starve to death? The possibilities of him surviving on his own were slim to none but you still held out hope, despite your brain telling you to forget about it. None of you talked about him afterwards, it never felt right too.

But you'd always think of him whenever it rained...

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