By MayMayuu_

61K 1.8K 48

He always walk in front of me. The scent of his body make me happy. His smile and his voice are my favorite... More

The way we met ❤
You give me a warm hug ❤
Graduated ❤
Jealousy ❤
Give me a chances ❤
Be mine ❤
The past ❤
i love you ❤
Dont leave❤
Let me go ❤
Trouble ❤
bad at love ❤
come back ❤
come back (2) ❤
the truth ❤
Its fine ❤
A goodbye ❤
Author's notes ❤
A goodbye (2)
mine ❤
Thank you ♥
the cast ;

Heartbroken ❤

2.4K 82 5
By MayMayuu_

After what happening. Hari² pn biasa² sja. Cuma sy sllu sakit hati nih. Si darrel sllu jln dgn satu perempuan ntah dari mna ? Sy ckp gf pn darrel ckp bukn. Yalaa I trust him ba. Kalau dia blg bukan, bukan la tuh. Idk mcm sy kna bg sesuatu sja kn yg buat sy angau sma si darrel haha.

"Babe not going to class today?" Sara.
Im laying on my bed.
"Hmm no. I got somthing to do" me.
Sara take her back pack and wear her flat shoes.
"Hm anything ? Just call me. I kick darrel first if something happen to u" sara. With her no feelings face.
"Okayy he he" me.

Haaaa im alone. Hmm wht should I do now ? I cant believe it darrel wanna take me to his home. Should i wear a dress or a blouse ? But its his parents house ! Im so excited !

5pm 💕

"Wow I look really good with this white blouse. Good job dear self" me. As I got a message from darrel, I keep smiling and looking at the mirror again. You will be his queen Jasmine !

I'm walking to darrel car. Dri jauh lg sy nmpk si darrel. He's wear a simple T-shirt too. Wait a minute .. We're matching ! Look at us. He wear a white t-shirt. Dia lipat tangan baju dia. Oh my god. Looks really hot ! Like very hot !

He looking at me with his beautiful smile. Ah I love his scent.

"Hello princess. You look pretty today" darrel.
"As you see. Its me jasmine. And you too boy, you look hot" me.
"Awh thank you ! Should we go now ?" Ask darrel.
I just give him a sweet smiles and darrel like 'okay got it' and open the car door.

As we reach darrel parents house. Wow never know that darrel is a rich too..
American house style. Wew. Oh ya forgot ody. Darrel is mixed blood. His dad is Canadian and his mother is a kadazan. Here you know how handsome darrel is.

"Are you ready?" Darrel.
"Yes ! I'm so ready hehe" me.
Darrel looking at me with a sad face. He take my hand and kiss it gently.
"I hope we can through it all together jas. I love you. Will you be mine ?" Darrel.
Oh my goddddddddddd !
I'm so happy ! I cried.
"Yes ! Ofcourse darrel. I want to be yours." Me.
Darrel kiss my forehead and my cheek .
"I love you" darrel.
"Me too" me.

But don't u guys feels it weird like its so fast to be happy. Yet there's something their have keep a secrets from me ?

But its too good for me ! Yeay !

We walked in to the house and the maid welcoming us.
"Good afternoon sir" maid.
"Yea. Wheres my father n mother ?" Darrel. I just hug his hand aww. I really close to him ! So close so close. I'm cannot wait to meet his parents. Its my chance !.

Suddenly ..
" oh my ! My son !" Darrel father. Look really a foreigner haha.
Darrel n his father got a bro hug.
His father a little shocked to see me. I say hai n we shake hand.
"Father, this is jasmine my girlfriend" darrel. Aduhhh gf ba sy suda nih hehe malu kijap 😳
"Oh gf hm come we take a dinner first. Its 6pm already. Your mother really happy to see you both." Darrel father.

So we walk to the kitchen. Theres a big table and full of food already oh my, im so hungry !

"My bby boy !" Darrel mother. His mother look muda lagi oh.
"Hi mom I miss you" darrel. He hug his mother with a loving kiss he give to his mother cheek.
His mother pun tekejut nmpk sy.
"Ai siapa kunun ni anak?" Nahh sabahan habis ba 😂
"Sumandak sy ba nih mmy. Nma dia si jasmine." Darrel.
His mother looking at darrel face and pat darrel head.
"You're really brave anak." His mother. I pun blank² mcm ada something sja bah berlaku. Tp malas sy mau tau jg.

So we eat and cerita² la ba sikit² pasal latar belakang sy. Siok ba mau cerita ngan parents si darrel. Sporting habissss.

So masa kmi mau balik sda, mama c darrel bawa sy p bilik dia. Sy pn apalg,mna2 jk.

"Jasmine" darrel mother.
"Do you really love him?" She ask.
"Yes unty. Of course !" Me.

She smiles. And give me something.

A gold ring ..

"What ? Why unty ? Its yours." Sy Cuba tolak but his mother kasi pkai sy lg d jari.

"Keep this. I want you to be the part of our family. You're good jasmine. So good to be with him. We don't have to worry anymore if you yang jd bini anak sy" his mother.

Sy masi inda percaya nih. Smua brlaku bigini cepat.

"Keep that ok? I've give u my wedding ring so I trust u. Okay ? Just call me mom." Darrel mom.

Sy tarik nafas dlm2

"Oky mom. Thank you so much" me.

So lepas kmi balik. Darrel terus hantar sy p hostel balik.

Baru sy mau kluar dri kereta dia tarik sy masuk balik.
"Why bbe ?" I ask him. He smirks.
"Wht ?" I ask again.
He grab my shoulder and kiss my forehead down to the nose and he said "don't leave me" he smiles and kiss my mouth gently. Oh my gosh my first kisssss.
Its become rough. I just follow what he did but it seems like I'm a professional already with this kissing part. Hahaha joking.

Smpai bepeluh peluh ah. Its takes 30-40minutes juga la . as you all imagine of course he did touch my body . my body like my body la 😂 paham2 la klau yg tenaik suda tu gaya bantaton  😂

"Darrel stop" Me. With my heavy breath .
Darrel look at my eyes and smiles.
"You look hot" darrel.
"Its because of you dumb." Me.
He start to laughing, and back to looking at me.
"Im thankfull to have u in my life." Darrel
"Me too" me.

Final exam .

"Where are you going?" Sara.
"Looking for my boyfriend" me.
She roll her eyes.
"Dont love him so much !" Sara.
"Hm wht you know oh. Go la you to ngorat sir jemmy." Me.
She just laughing and going to his new boyfriend. Hm our lecturer.

Sara leave her note book. So I ambil n try to catch sara but I see wht I don't wanna see. I hear what I don't wanna to hear.

"Darrel whts wrong with you bby ? I'm your fiance ! Why you have to cheat on me!" Bitch(sorry kasar hahah) she cries.
Darrel just keep silents.
"If you choose her then leave me ! We built our love for 8y already do you thinks its easy ? I give my whole life to you. My first. You jg deluan rasa kan ! Fuck ! We getting married next month too. How can I face your parents and mine ?!" bitch.

I just can't say anything like my half soul being taken off. He's lie to me.
He said I'm the first girl who met his parents no he's lie.
He said I'm the girl what he want to be his first.
He want the first is only me ? But he lied.
Why im so dumb !
I already give my virginity to him. My precious things . but as I look at that bitch. I see a reflection of my self. What if I'm in that bitch place. I should leave them but i love him so much. I hate him.

I run to the bathroom and try to say to my self.
"What you see and hear is a lie." I slap my face three times.
"Come on !!!! Sedar ! Sedar !" I cried . I'm broke. I'm gone on my hope. I should do somethng.

Its been 3months after that heart breaking. I act like nothing happen. I act like i will get this man no matter what.

We walking together in the garden full of flowers. I noticed something.

"Bbe what's this ?" Ask me to the ring he wore . its a gold ring.
He pulls his hand from my hand.  I knew it.
"Its just hmm its my old ring. I just try it." Darrel.
"Its look like a wedding ring right?" Me.
Darrel shocked.
"Wht the fuck do you know about it. You're just worried right ? And expecting something you shouldn't." Darrel.
I smiles and hug his hand. I should stop pretending. I stop my step n he did.
"Why?" He ask.
"You become different" me.
"You nih pasal nih ring ja ka kau pikir bgitu. Prcaya ja sma sy." Darrel.
"No. I'm become dumb here. You used me. I read it. All of it. Conversation you with bibiana aka your wifey." Me.
Darrel look at me with a smiles.
Im Shocked. Did he ever love me all this time ?
"What do you mean 'so' ?" Me.
"Jasmine im glad to have you. But also bad to have you. I just play ba with you. Bibiana jauh ba dia bljr. He say whenever i need a company just call her nahh wasting. Bgus main dgn you sj kn. Dekat,seksi,cutie and have a dumb dumb love towards me. I got many of gf leh. But u sja yg hm boleh tahan. But i wanna trully say is im .." Darrel.


I slapped him.
"You should stop for breaking my heart! You fuck boy ! I love you so much like so damn much ! I give you everything. But you ... " me. Im crying so hard. Glad that it just the two of us there.

He tried to touch my hand. But i pull my hand. Im being to hate.  his voice and scent.

"Ja.. Jasmine listen first thats not what I really wanna say I'm.." Darrel

I slap his face again.
"You shut up piece of shit. I hate you ! So much !" I got so many to talk but i cant say it. 😭

I run to take a taxi. But still in hope that he will run to catch me. But false hope. He not do that.

It's hurt like hell ! God help me ! I can't do this ! So much memories.

Everyday everyhours at the college and class. I saw him with his wife (bitch) well they played it huh. I always walk behind him. I still in hope he'll be back for me. See ? How stupid i am.
I still love him .

But oneday ..

"You dont deserve him. I am his wife. So better go fuck with other guys. Please jgn jdi perampas. Soon i will have his child. So please go f-u-c-k FUCK your self. Whore.." Bitch.

Its got me so much 💔
Until one day im trying to kill my self but glad sara and emy there to help me. Im become fragile.

Their happy there im fading here. Thts not fair !

Im going to take a revenge 🎉

Wait and see baby ✌

Love become hate ❤ would it turn to be love again ?

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