Miss You A Zouis Love Stroy

By onedirectionfan35

684 11 0

Louis tomlison find it hard that is son mother doesn't want anything to with there son anymore and he finding... More

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60 1 0
By onedirectionfan35

Louis POV

It a good thing that I'm heading over to zayn house right now because it where I need to be right now and that. A good thing and it makes me feel happy about everything that is going on know that I have my friends that I can count on and everything when it comes to things like this right now things are going to be a bit hard and everything with the fact that my mother is gone and things like that but I know I have to be there for my siblings and my son it's just I never thought Brianna would actually do this and walk away and not even think about her child

So as I pulled up I saw that Harry and Liam cars where I knew the Naill was already here so I kind of figured that they would call the other two the show up because I know one thing for sure when something is going on like this will one of us the others got to be there to make sure we're okay and daddy direction for sure is not going to let me live this down LOL

As soon as I took Freddie's car seat and stepped out of the car and walk to the door as a good thing I made sure Freddie was bundled up nice and warm cuz I was not about to let my little boy get wet and then soaked and stuff from The rain that's coming down even though it's California you do get to have those rainy days still but they're very firm between

Zayn : hey man you better hurry up and get in here before the little fella catches a death of cool dude they're from the rain

With that I got into Zayn house and it was a good thing because I did not want anything dad happing to my kid and it was much better and went I looked I saw that Cheryl and little mix was here

Cheryl: we thought you might need a little bit of help with the baby you where you guys figured out what you were going to do me and the girls were going to watch him and everything for you and be nice for Freddie to have some time with 🐻

Louis : that would be a good idea thanks girls that way me and the guys can figure everything out what's going on and stuff nice to see you though that everything is good between you and Zayn Perrie

Perrie : well it's been a few years when everything happened so might as well let it go under the bridge and stuff I mean why I let it cause Rift between everybody else I mean you guys bailed and close to the girls before I left I mean you would think it was not right for you guys to have to pick sides because you want to share your friendships and not have to deal with it so we can least be civil and get along as friends besides if I remember I think half of it was my fault now which I shouldn't have done that

Zayn : it's not that I didn't care and love you at first and everything I did you know that it's just after a while things start to change with me and I tried to explain that to you but you weren't paying heat to it first couple times I tried to break up with you and then I had to do it over text message but after a while I was out to explain everything to you and you figured it out after a while when you cool down even though it took a couple years lol

after that is good to see that we're getting along civilly and everything but it's nice to know that we're able to be there when we needed it

Perrie : yeah and can you believe it and everything else that's going on stuff is the fact that me and Gigi are even friends now because we figured it out that we might as well put stuff behind us as well

Harry : at least something symbols coming out of everything that and you guys have figured out what to do and stuff but it seems like Brianna is definitely off her f****** rocker

Zayn: of her f****** rocker is not a word I would use she's f****** carzy  her is very she's cracker she's lost her mind

With that we just laughed and grils took Freddie to another room so he can hang out and play with bear which was a good thing because to tell you the truth this is really crazy we need to get to the bottom of things so me and the boys all set around and start talking to figure this all out it's a good thing they said the Simon was on the way because there's going to be a lot for me to deal with.


Simon's POV

When I had gotten a call from Zayn and I all telling me about everything that's going on with Luis right now anyway I have to get over to Zayn's to help the boys figure out what to do I tell you Brianna really needs to get her s*** together

Simon : rings the doorbell

Harry: opens the door ) hay simon come on in mate there in the kitchen the guys and little mix and Cheryl are watching Freddie why is playing with bear and things like that to keep him out of trouble you know

Simon : good thing ever a little Eric to play with them as well so that would be more for the kids to keep their mind occupied and everything cuz I'm going through a similar thing right now yeah Eric's mother at walked on me the other day never told that to nobody and she signed her rights over so I'm pretty much understands exactly what Lewis is going through with the same reasons

Ya never thought I'd say that to anybody but yeah so I'm sewing up similar in the same boat well that trying to figure  help Louis I mean it's different for me and everything in that case because I have buch of nannies that Eric loves he really like one of them and her name is Ellen and she pertty and she form Canada but she knows what she's doing and she's which is sweet and all but I still  think that Louis as alot going on

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