
By serpentinial

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"Is that me? In my sweatshirt and my sweatpants and my ugly hair- and Isaac!" "What? It's got tons of reblogs... More

two: anons

one: promotions

710 74 51
By serpentinial

[ reblogged ]

one: promotions

"Haha, ok, I imagined some dragons, now what" – tumblr user flapwagon


holland's blog entry for the day

Maybe I shouldn't have made a Tumblr account.

Well for starters, I have made more friends on that site than in real life, and if that is not sad and pathetic, then I don't know what is. Second, I spend too much time getting to know HTML coding than actually getting to know Shakespeare (which reminds me of my homework that I ironically haven't done yet due to my excessive use of Tumblr). Third, my standards are now set pretty high when it comes to guys. But you can't blame me because Tumblr has some of the hottest people around.

It's not like I don't have any other passion besides Tumblr. I do like to eat, sleep and write, and I guess those actually count.

But Tumblr is like this little hub with amazing people, some just right across your house, and some that actually live across your side of the Earth! It's a place where you can rant all you want and no one would actually give a shit. It's a place where you can find other fangirls and just go all "OHMYGOD JENNIFER LAWRENCE, I CAN'T EVEN".

If you're saying that Tumblr is boring and overall unsatisfying, frankly, I will just slap you in the face.

Because you deserve it.

- holland


I am aware that I, Holland Arden, am horribly anti-social.

But when it comes to the internet, I am seriously the coolest kid around. I mean, I go by the name Holly (because Holland is nice and all, but Holly is cute too), I actually get to fangirl shamelessly, and oh — I actually get to compliment cute boys (anonymously).

But that does not change the fact that I am outrageously anti-social.

What can I say? I'm just cooler on the internet.

It would be nice if you can just introduce yourself on the first day of school as 'HarryPotter4Ever911' and just tell everyone that no — you do not do follow-backs, and yes — if you seem interesting enough, I will check your blog.

Wouldn't things be less complicated? If everyone just stated their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) then wouldn't you have less people to piss off and more people to talk to? But unfortunately, reality doesn't go on that way. This is why I absolutely detest having to introduce myself during the first day of classes — which, by the way — was happening right now.

"Miss Arden?"

I turned to look at Mrs. Prior's face and I couldn't help but wonder if she had a daughter named Beatrice. I shot her a shy smile. Her lips, painted blood red, stretched wide as she smiled back. "Please, introduce yourself," she said, her voice oozing sweet honey. She sounded like a preschool teacher talking to a four year old.

The rest of the class looked at me expectantly, although some just dropped their heads on their desks and fell asleep. I smoothed down the floral printed dress I was wearing and stood up from my seat, not knowing what to say. I guess I could just tell 'em the basics and once again have no one interested in me. It's better this way anyway. It's better to just stay out of sight.

"Hi," I began, my voice slightly quivering, "I'm Holland. Holland Arden. But you guys obviously know that. We've known each other for two years now. This'll be the third."

The class looked impassive and bored out of their minds. Except for one.

He sat at the last row, his back straight and his eyes fixed on me. I've never seen him before, actually. He had messy, wavy brown hair, and bright jade-green eyes. He looked so interested to hear from me that I had to fight the urge to actually blush.

"Um," I continued awkwardly, forcing my eyes off the boy at the last row, "I love to read poetry and my favourite subject is English."

Then I sat down — quickly and with my cheeks tinged red. Mrs. Prior smiled at me once more before moving on to her next target. One by one, I learned absolutely nothing interesting from everyone, and I can see why people have fallen asleep. Why should we introduce ourselves again, anyway? We're high school juniors; we know who slept with whom during freshman year or who has the most cash in the batch. No one cares what your favourite colour is or that you've seen One Direction live. No one cares — that's how it's always been.

My head dropped to my desk, just like the others.

"Ah, let's see here... The one at the back."

I slowly raised my head.

"Welcome!" Mrs. Prior greeted warmly, pushing up her bright pink glasses. "Please —introduce yourselves to everyone!"

Don't look at him — don't, Holland, be strong.

"Hi, I'm Isaac Brussel—"

"Brussel..." I said before I can stop myself. I spun around in my seat to face him. His bright green eyes went wide and his lip twitched in amusement. "Brussel," I said again, "Like the brussels sprouts?"

The rest of the class was now transfixed on the both of us.

Isaac grinned and cocked his head to the left. "I suppose so," he answered, and I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment, "Quite interesting how you just feel the need to point that out."

Sudden impulses are quite the deadly buggers, aren't they?

I didn't make another sound. I slowly faced forward again, trying to block the murmurs and the whispers that suddenly broke out, trying to look as calm and nonchalant as possible. Mrs. Prior gave me a sharp glance then returned to Isaac. He cleared his throat, and I could just see everyone listening to him and paying interest in him because wow, wasn't he a clever little git.

"As that girl — Holland, pointed out, my last name is Brussel, just kinda like the Brussels sprouts," he continued. "I like to swim because it calms me. I hate tarantulas. I'd like to catch people's attention and make a mark on them. I love photography and I bring my camera everywhere, even inside school, because taking pictures is what I live for. They're mostly pictures of the scenery, but I prefer taking pictures of people because you find both emotion and a story in photos of human beings."

I didn't want to admit that I was even slightly amazed with his introduction. I didn't want to admit that his voice was soothing and rich and had the ability to give you an eargasm. I didn't want to admit that he had the best introduction in the room. I didn't want to admit that he had me at 'Brussel.' I didn't want to admit that I hate tarantulas too. I just didn't.

Katarina Bell, who sat just right next to me, gave me a little nudge and whispered, "Hot damn, he's cute. But Christ, what kind of guy actually thinks that deep?"

Being the anti-social person I am, I simply shrugged.

"He's gay," Katarina stated firmly. "I'll bet on it. Damn it — all the good ones are either taken or not interested."

Amen to that.

Except that for me, they're either taken, not interested, living right in another continent or not aware of my existence.

Mrs. Prior beamed at Isaac, visibly ecstatic that someone had decided to exert a little more effort to their introduction. "Is that all, Isaac?"

"No, actually."

Katarina sighed.

"I'm just going to do a little promoting, if you don't mind, Mrs. Prior," said Isaac. I wasn't looking at him, but I could almost hear him grinning. I rolled my eyes and decided that Isaac was definitely not afraid to express himself in the boldest way imaginable. No one ever chooses to go on about themselves during an introduction. No one. He's practically asking for it.

Mrs. Prior now had her eyes set on Isaac — I can just feel it. He's probably the student she's been waiting for her whole life. "You may go on, Mr. Brussel."

"I'd just like to invite everyone to check out my Tumblr blog—"

Chuckles erupted everywhere and I froze in my seat. Did he just say 'Tumblr'? Did this exasperating boy just say 'Tumblr'?

The thing is, there are just some things in life that you just can't let go of.

Be it your dog, your cat, your diary, your car, your love for Dylan O'Brien, your parents, your lover, your ex-lover – you just can't seem to let go of it. No matter how hard you try. But that's exactly why rehabilitation centres are put up — to help people let go and move on.

Another thing is — I'm not exactly sure if there's a Tumblr rehabilitation centre.

My expression laced with disbelief, I quickly turned to face him and God — he wasn't even ashamed! He looked so cool and collected about it, about people laughing at him at his first day in a new school. This guy — irritable or not — definitely has some balls.

Isaac had a slight grin on his face. He threw up his hands in the air, as if from frustration. "I'm just saying, you know, you guys can head over and check it out!"

"And what?" sneered Levi Sanders, facing his friends with a look of incredulity, "Check out your pointless pictures, fall in love with them, then print them out to frame 'em above our beds?"

He shrugged. "You could do that. Or you could just reblog it so it'd appear on your blogs. That'll save more time."

Was this kid for real?

There's a sudden uproar and everyone's just laughing in their seats, hardly believing this new kid — this boy who is oblivious to the hellhole that is called high school. I didn't feel like laughing, partly because I love Tumblr and I am slightly offended that everyone else thinks it's outrageous, and partly because I actually pitied Isaac.

But Isaac didn't look like he'd liked to be pitied at all. That prick was still miraculously standing up, smiling at everyone who found him entertaining. Then he said, "It's, by the way."

And everyone just started dying of laughter that even Mrs. Prior found herself joining in, much to her chagrin. Isaac sat back down on his seat, not looking bothered with the response he had just received. Clearing her throat, Mrs. Prior straightened out her glasses in an effort to calm herself down.

"Isaac, huh?" Katarina giggled. "What a riot."

"Everyone!" Mrs. Prior shouted out, trying to return the class to its usual bore and order. "Everyone, please settle down!"

I could just hear Levi Sanders whispering 'loser' to all his friends, who nodded and agreed, giving each other slaps on the back. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, gazing again at Isaac, who still looked pretty oblivious to his surroundings.

"Settle down!"

And once again, the room was attacked with silence, but everyone was still thinking about Isaac Brussel and his Tumblr blog. And I realized just then that Isaac Brussel had done it.

He had finally made his mark.


"You don't know how much I wish I was in your Homeroom class," my best friend and confidante, Crystal Oakwood groaned once she got to my locker.

Although I am considerably anti-social, I have managed to snag a few acquaintances here and there, and Crystal was one of them. The only difference was she decided to hang out with me for the heck of it, not because I was her English project partner or because I was in the same club she was in. Crystal had worked hard to earn my trust, and frankly, she deserved it.

I placed my books in the locker and took out my wallet. "Why? I guess you've heard about The-Boy-Who-Defied-All-Rules-Of-High-School-Introductions?"

Crystal sniffed. "Practically everyone's heard of him by now, probably. He's basically a legend."


"Jesus," Crystal muttered, pointing to my locker walls. "You've still got pictures of him?"

I looked to where her finger pointed and found the pictures I've taped of Tumblr user epiicquesting's face on the corners of my locker. I turned to face Crystal and fought the urge to roll my eyes. She shot me a dubious look.

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed, flipping her auburn hair back and holding me in her gaze.

I shrugged. "He's hot."

"Yes, I know," Crystal rolled her eyes. "But there are tons of other hot people on the planet and there are also hot people in this school — but no, you just have to use this epic quester guy's face."

I viewed the pictures and heaved a sigh. Tumblr user epiicquesting is probably my biggest crush — the man who appears in my dreams every night and graces it with his wonderful face. I closed my locker. "It's epiicquesting, by the way. Double 'i' and no spaces."

Crystal walked right next to me, pulling on the sleeves of her magenta sweater. "I really don't care what his Tumblr URL is, Holland."

"His name's Drew."

"I don't care what his name is either."

I came to an abrupt stop and Crystal raised an eyebrow. "Why are you so against me liking Drew?"

She blinked twice. "Now you're on a first name basis with the dude?" she said incredulously, her warm brown eyes searching mine. Crystal tugged harder on her sweater. "You barely know the guy, Holland," she hissed, "Yet you worship him. You think he's perfect."

"I don't think he's perfect!" I exclaimed in defense.

"Oh yes you do."

"No — I do not, I only think he's hot, I never said anything about him being—"


Crystal suddenly froze and I followed suit, not making another sound. Her wide chocolate brown eyes locked on mine, and her lip twitched. She leaned in a little closer, her face just inches from mine and whispered, "Did you hear that?"

I gave her a small nod. It was a slight camera noise. I was just sure of it. I don't even know why the other people didn't even bother to stop and wonder about the sound, but I'm sure it was a camera. Maybe someone was taking pictures of the hallway? Crystal narrowed her eyes at me and snorted. She looked just right over my shoulder. "The new kid's a creeper," she mouthed, taking me by the shoulders to twist me around.

It was indeed the new kid, Isaac Brussel of the interesting introductions.

He was huddled in the corner with a DSLR camera just right around his neck, looking sheepish with that grin once again plastered on his face. He adjusted his hoodie and looked around the hallway, toying with his camera, probably looking for a good shot. Crystal painfully nudged me with her elbow.

"He's fucking cute," she breathed out.

"Whatever," I murmured, struggling to get a move on, trying to drag Crystal along with me. But Crystal wouldn't budge. "C'mon, Crystal, I'm hungry and I need a chocolate bar, preferably Snickers and—"

Crystal placed a hand over my mouth and glared at me. "Now hush, and let's go and make friends."

What even...!

"Hey!" Crystal called out to Isaac, who was still oblivious to Crystal's desperate cries.

She removed her hand and narrowed her eyes at me. "What was his name again?"


"Yo, Isaac!"

Isaac's eyes finally located Crystal's waving hands. Crystal beamed at him with her perfect teeth (her braces were worth it) and gave him another friendly wave, trying to lure him into her trap. I watched closely as his lips quirked into a hesitant smile. He waved back, one hand still supporting his precious camera.

Crystal quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me with her.

"Be nice," she muttered, her perfect smile still showing.

"No," I said under my breath, hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"I heard that."

When we finally got to where he was, Isaac looked at the both of us in surprise, taking in the sight of Crystal — who is a gorgeous girl with great boobs. Of course I just stood awkwardly to their side and casually tried to avoid too much attention — I had enough of that during Homeroom.

"Hey," Crystal greeted, her voice laced with sunshine and the promise of unicorns dancing on rainbows. She shook his hand. "Isaac, right?"

Isaac nodded. "Yeah," he replied, "And you are?"

And there goes the Crystal Grin.

"Crystal Oakwood," she answered calmly, a practiced and calculated grin on her face. Then she jerked her head to my direction. "And she's Holland Arden. She's in your Homeroom, so you should probably know her. Mrs. Prior always does intros."

Isaac's lips slowly quirked into a sweet smile. "Holland," he said. "Brussels Sprouts Holland."

"That's me," I said with fake cheer.

Crystal nudged me in the ribs.

"Ow! What the—"

"We just saw you and you looked pretty lonely so we were wondering if you'd like to eat with us," Crystal explained, not bothering to apologize for her elbow nudging. I rubbed my side ruefully, hoping that I didn't look too annoyed.

Isaac rubbed the back of his neck. "That'd be great, I guess."

"Awesome!" Crystal said, taking my wrist. "Follow us; we have so much to talk about."

Which probably wasn't true at all.

Crystal was forgetting the fact that I am anti-social. And I was not talking to Isaac — even if he had more than five thousand followers on Tumblr.


Holland's Tumblr text post that night:

Crystal was a big bitch today.

She didn't mean to be one, but she obviously didn't care about how I felt.

Does that make her a good friend?


oh wow, someone give me  high five for actually putting up a chapter for this already- someone pls

a big thanks to my Bei (hihi, hi bei) and dedicated to luIlaby as a congratulations for getting Author of The Week c:

so yeah what's up mabubs?? i'm about to watch maleficent and errything i am eXCITED

anyways, tell me what you guys think! byebye my little muffin cakes!


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