The Sidemen Baby

By dramalizgirl

36.8K 361 153

When Ethan finds a tiny baby girl, he decides to adopt her and raise her as his own with the other sidemen. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

1K 7 2
By dramalizgirl

Cat's POV:


All I could hear was ringing.

I tried as hard as I could to focus. The ringing melted into beeping and the whirring of machines.

Everything burned. I could feel my heart pounding while it was forcing the blood through my veins, and my fingers twitched.

Somebody was stroking my head and saying something. I'm not sure who or what, but they sounded like the adults talking from Charlie Brown.

I decided the beeping was most likely a heart monitor, and the groggyness I was feeling was probably from whatever they were pumping into me.

Of course my mind jumped to the worst, and I made myself wiggle all of my toes and fingers to make sure I still had all of my limbs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.   6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.     6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

10 fingers and 10 toes. Nothing was cut off, from what I could tell.

I heard a clicking noise beside my head and the water that seemed to be in my ears soon, I guess, came trickling out, because I could all of a sudden hear ten times better than before. The throbbing also got ten times worse.

"Can you hear me now kitten?"

Josh's voice pushed through the foggyness of my mind.

"Whatever. You turned. Off. Turn it back on. Right. Now." I struggled to warn and forced my eyes open.

He laughed and unfortunately didn't obey my wishes, seeming set on making me suffer.

"Just breathe. I'm here now kitten. Don't try to move." He put his hand over my eyes to make me close them.

"You're in the hospital." He continued. "JJ dropped a shelf on you. Your arm was basically remade. Don't worry though, it looks kinda cool. Like a Frankenstein arm."

"How sexy." I grumbled.

He chuckled and threw my hair up in a messy ponytail for me before kissing my non Frankenstein fingers.
"I already gave him hell for it. He feels really bad though. I suspect you'll be hearing him apologize for the rest of his natural life, and probably most of his ghost life too."

Hearing him joke around brought a small smile to my face. He wouldn't be trying to make me laugh if it was that serious.

There was a small knock on the door and Josh told whoever it was that they could come in. It turned out to be a nurse, wanting us to fill in the missing paperwork. And by Us, I mean Josh filling it out and Me grumbling answers that he didn't know. Thankfully, there were few he had to ask about.

Until one.

"Any chance that you are pregnant?" The nurse chirped and stared at us expectantly.

Josh had sat my bed up so we could look at her when we answered, and now we were just looking at her in shock.

The silence hung in the air, heavy as smoke. My eyes travelled to Josh's face, and he was staring right back at me.

I noticed for the first time that he bites his lips too much, to the point of them becoming dry and chapped. The bags under his eyes were as dark as his hair, and he had looked like he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in about 20 years. His hands were tapping on his knees or the bedside rail, always looking for something to do, and his leg was bouncing as if he needed to let off energy.

What an old man. I thought to myself and chuckled. But aged like fine wine. Or cheese. Or books. He was timeless, No matter how old he looked.

"Josh. I love you."

He looked surprised and studied my face.

"I love you too, Babe. Are. Um. Is. Is there any chance....?" He trailed off and his eyes darted away, searching the room for something else to focus on.

The nurse looked awkward. "Of course there is no contraceptive with %100 accuracy. Are you sexually active?"

Josh laughed. He fucking laughed.
"Dear Lord. Yes. All the time. And everywhere. In various positions and several times at once."


My cheeks flushed and I couldn't believe him. How was he being so chill about this?!

He looked at me with a grin of a scolded child with no remorse. "What? It's true."

"You do not need to tell the nurse every detail of our sex lives!!" I batted at his hand, making him laugh harder.

"Why be so secretive? It's not like we're ashamed of it.... Are We?"

"Well...... No.... but that doesn't mean everybody has to know!!"

The nurse cleared her throat. "Alright. Do you want a pregnancy test?"

I blew air up towards my forehead in frustration. "Welp. Couldn't hurt now."

The nurse ordered one for us and I let her take whatever liquid she needed to complete it, but not before making a fuss. Josh got a good kick out of it though, and he made sure my embarrassment turned my cheeks red.

And then we were waiting.

"You should've seen your face!" Josh was laughing beside me.
"I have never seen you so freaked out in my life. Was the blanket over my head really necessary? It was just pee!!" He started laughing again as I glared and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Would you prefer it be blood? Then I'd be screaming and crying and make everyone think I was murdered because you made me do a blood test." I hissed as he wiped the laughter tears out of his eyes.

"Sorry sorry. Just... that face you made!" He started cracking up again before the nurse popped her head into the room again, 15 minutes later.

"Hey guys! It should be ready. Just go on and take a look now. I'll give you two some privacy." She slipped back out after pointing out the test sitting on the night stand between Josh and I.

With a breath I picked it up. On the count of three we both looked.





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