You're Mine

By PierceVeilSirens1

188 4 0

"The whole thing sounds like something from a soap opera. Your mom bringing in some stranger to live with you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

8 0 0
By PierceVeilSirens1

I stirred around in bed feeling hot. No way I would be getting any sleep. I pulled the covers off realizing how sweaty I was. My eyes slowly opened feeling heavy. I let out a scream immediately putting my covers back ontop of me. My hand peeked out to grab my phone and turned the flash on. I looked back up and let out a sigh of relief. Damn clothes had looked like a scary shadow. I put my phone away again and glared at the shadow. You won't scare me now.

I groaned and got out of bed trying not to trip. I knew those scary movies weren't going to let me sleep tonight. As I opened my bedroom door I looked to my left. Could I give it a shot? What did I have to lose?

I quietly opened the door and saw a sleeping James slowly start to wake up. "Everything ok?" his voice was raspy as he was still half asleep.

"Can I sleep in here with you? I can't sleep alone," I bit my lip. Gosh I sounded like a scared child waking up their parents because they had a nightmare.

"Sure, just close the door," he shuffled around and pulled the covers back. I smiled happy that he didn't reject me and shut the door. I walked over to his bed and got in next to him. His arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer. He was so warm and I felt safe. As I placed my head against his bare chest I noticed he smelled like beer and cologne. Now I could easily fall asleep.

It always had to be that loud door closing that woke me up. I groaned and reached out for my phone. It was only an empty bed. My eyes opened as I got confused and saw I was in James's room. The door was opened just a crack yet James was no where in sight.

The door slowly opened and I saw James walk in. I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. He had just gotten out of the shower. Drawers opened and shut meaning hopefully he was getting dressed. I counted to ten in my head before opening my eyes to see the man in front of me. He let out a sigh before walking out of the room, closing the door quietly.

Maybe I should get up now. I went to my room, grabbing my phone from my messy bed. A text from Nate appeared putting a smile on my face. He was going to pick me up at 5 for our second date. Maybe I could hang out with the girls beforehand.

My stomach growled loudly leading me down to the kitchen. James was on his phone while sitting back on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table.

"Sleep good?," he asked as I reached up for a pancake mix.

"Better than ever," I never knew sleeping next to someone could be so comforting. I began making my pancakes as I felt his stare on me. My breakfast was ready and I grabbed a cup of milk. I walked to my regular couch spot which was directly besides James and changed the channel from the obvious horror film he was watching. No more of those.

"You do realize I was watching that right?"

"Well I'd rather sleep good tonight plus, it's on everyday, get over it," I began eating as I focused my attention to the cartoon on TV. His hand reached over and took the fork from my hand. He ate the piece of food and placed the fork back on my plate. I looked at him with my mouth open. "Hey, I was eating that!"

"You have more, get over it," he smirked back mocking me. I huffed and continued eating with a tight grip on the silver utensil.

"So rude," I muttered.

"Actually I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't realize your mom would begin an intervention," he sighed.

"It's fine but I can take care of myself," I shrugged just wanting to eat. I noticed a gum wrapper on the floor and bent over to pick it up. What was it with wrappers on the floor? "Mind picking up after yourself?" I could see a small smirk play on his face.

"What makes you think it was mine?"

"I don't chew gum and my mom is a neat freak, you're not that smart," I softly chuckled. "Or is there a reason why you don't pick the wrappers up?" There was that small chance he was with my mom but the thought still came to mind.

"And what makes you think that?" He asked.

"Well first time was you being a slob but seeing how red you got yesterday after I picked it up and then a smirk on your face today, it's suggestive " I shrugged. Saying it made me a bit uncomfortable but I was hoping he'd say something to debunk my theory.

"Is it now?"

"Very much."

"I'll stop being such a slob then," he got up and went upstairs. Not exactly what I was hoping for. I slouched back on the couch feeling rejected. I let out a groan and went upstairs to my room defeated. I should've just stayed asleep, begged him not to leave me so I could be wrapped in his arms for longer.

My phone rang and I answered to a laughing Brandi.

"What's up?"

"Hey babe, we're going to the mall in a bit, be ready in ten."

"Alright," I hung up and went to my drawers. I grabbed a simple outfit and changed. It didn't take me long to get ready so I went back downstairs where James was back sitting.

"You okay?" He chuckled.

"Why?" I felt hurt seeing him.

"You just look, upset," he shrugged. I sat back on the couch, further away this time. I turned on my phone and started at the home screen to avoid looking at him.

"I'm good," I shrugged.

"Really? You're sitting far away now" he noted.

"Can't I just sit where I want," I sighed trying to not look so upset.

"C'mon, I was playing around earlier. But admitting to making the wrapper thing suggestive after the whole Coach thing would make me a hypocrite." Maybe it was just an age thing. Maybe the twenty year difference between adults was better than a ten year difference with a minor involved. It made no sense.

"Is it suggestive or not then?" I asked looking at him with a small amount of hope.

"It's something," he winked. He did like me!

My phone buzzed causing me to jump and get up. I put my shoes on a opened the door. "I'll be back later then," I walked out and Brandi pulled up with the two other girls in the car.

"Whats with you being all smiley?" Brandi giggled. I blushed and shook my head to say it was nothing.

"Did something happen with you and Mr. James?" Faith smirked.

"Oh, who's James?" Kat asked turning over to me with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Nothing happened, my moms like in love with him and that's just awkward," I mean I wasn't going to admit to liking him either. That would give them free access to tease me even more.

"Whatever we know something happened. Anyways, James is this hot guy that started living with Bella and her mom. You should seriously see him," Faith swooned.

"You all suck," I laughed.

"Anyways, when's your second date with Nate?" Brandi asked.

"At five, I need clothes actually. He just doesn't tell me where he's taking me," I said smiling at the thought of another perfect date.

"Aw, he texted me where he was taking you," Kat said.

"Did you seriously ask him?" I laughed. Oh these girls do the most. Kat passed the phone to the others who awed but didn't let me see.

"You two are so damn cute together if something doesn't finally happen tonight then I'll officially be disappointed in you," Brandi said.

"You do realize I still haven't kissed anyone yet?" They were already wanting me to sleep with someone when I haven't even had a first kiss. I was the one to sit back waiting for the perfect someone but they were quick to enjoy that time and move on.

"Well I support you finding love," Kat smiled.

"Thank you for being normal," I joked.

"Oh whatever, let's go," Brandi finally found a spot to park the car after a few minutes and we got out. The mall was our favorite spot to hang out and I just enjoyed being with the girls. Today could be a good day.

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