Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson

By NaomiTheWriterr

349K 8.4K 2.3K

NOT EDITED This is a girlxgirl story. If your not cool with that then leave.... please (I realize that seeme... More



6.4K 143 11
By NaomiTheWriterr

Mania's Pov

I woke up and turned to my side. I smiled feeling Rebekah next to me. She snuggled into me and I opened my eyes. I looked down and realized it wasn't Rebekah. I quickly got up and moved away. I magically put on a pair of clothes and stood at the edge of the room.

The woman chuckled. I carefully watched her she sat up back facing me, completely naked.

"You never used to run out of bed like that. In fact you always begged me to fuck you in it." She said. My eyes widened at her voice. She stood up and turned around. I gasped and she smirked at.

"What's wrong Mania? Cat got your tongue?" She asked. I gulped and looked down at her naked figure.

"I don't think your girlfriend would like the way your looking at me baby." Her smooth voice made me look back up to her eyes.

"You're supposed to be dead. You were killed-"

"I faked my death darling. But you look just as sexy as you did years and years ago." She said checking me out. I crossed my arms over myself. I didn't want her to look at me.

"Aw, come on Mania, I'm sure cute little Rebekah won't mind a round of hot sex." She said. I glared at her intensely. Her smirk didn't move.

"Leave her alone, and leave me alone." I said going to the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Oh please Mania-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at her. She looked surprised at my outburst.

"You should have came back a long time ago if you wanted me. It is to late for you Eos." I said to her. I saw a small but of hurt cross her face. She cleared her throat and shook it off.

"Had to get rid of you somehow, you were like a pet dog, followed me wherever I went." She said, she didn't bother covering herself up as she walked towards me.

"Why now? Of all times why come back now, and to Earth?" I asked her. She smirked and was really close now. She tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"For you my love. You and I can finally take over like we planned, with that Bennett witch on our side we'll be unstoppable." She said. I pulled away from her.

"No, no what you want is to kill my girlfriend. Maybe you should learn to cut the tongues of your minions Apollo and Artemis." I said making her face drop. She chuckled and shook her head.

"I'm only doing it so you can come back to me my darling. Trust me without this stupid blonde your life with me will be so much better." She said. I tried at the door again. She touched my shoulder and I tensed up.

"You won't be going anywhere until she is dead my love." Eos said.

3rd Person Pov

Rebekah rolled over in her bed sleepily. She hoped to feel the warmth of her beautiful girlfriend. But what she actually felt was cold emptiness. Mania wasn't there.

She opened her eyes and looked around searching for her. Her heart started to beat quickly. She got up and put on some clothes and went downstairs to see her brothers.

"Have any of you seen Mania?" She asked. They looked up at her and shook there heads, this scared her more.

"You look like you wanna have a heart attack. I'm sure she just went out and will be back." Klaus said. Rebekah shook her head.

"No she wouldn't go anywhere without telling me. I think somethings wrong." Rebekah said. She quickly grabbed her purse and sped to mania's house hoping to find her there. She went inside and tried to listen for anything. No one was here.

"Jerome!" She called out. Out of nowhere Mania's most trusted demon showed up. He looked at her confused.

"You aren't being attacked why-"

"I can't find Mania. I might be paranoid but she's just gone. Please help me find her." She just about begged the demon. He nodded immediately at the sound of his queen missing.

"I'll check Olympus, if you still can't find her call for me, we can try to track her if she's still not found." He said and disappeared. Rebekah nodded and tried to shake off the fact that she might be missing. She didn't want to think that.

A horrible, cruel thought made it's way into Rebekah's mind. What if Mania has left her to go to Olympus again? The thought brought tears to her eyes. What did she do to drive Mania away? Did she not love her anymore?

Rebekah wiped her eyes of the tears and sprinted back to her home waiting for Jerome to get back.


Mania's Pov

"Are you really going to stand in the corner the whole time?" Eos asked me. I rolled my eyes and glanced at her. She was still naked and trying to seduce me.

"Yes, and put some damn clothes on. I am not going to have sex with you, ever." I said and looked back at the ground. I hope Rebekah was ok.

I then heard a staticky sound. I looked around. Where was that coming from. I glanced at Eos, she didn't seem to here it. I then heard a voice. The connection was bad but I could tell it was Jerome. My eyes widened and I tried to keep myself from fidgeting.

"Mania....can.. you.." it cut out. I pushed the signal and then it became somewhat clear.

"Mania? Can you hear me?" He asked. I smirked.

"Yes Jerome, I'm here." I said.

"Rebekah is freaking the hell out where are you?" He asked. Eos's head snapped up and looked at me. Her face turned to a glare.

"Eos-" it cut out and Eos smirked.

"Trying to talk to those pathetic demons of yours? I don't think so sweet cheeks. You are mine, and there is nothing you can do about it." She said hanging on me. She pushed her body up against mine and I used my arms to push her away.

"Get. Off. Me." I growled at her. She just giggled and let go.

"I like this new dominance vibe you got going on. Does Rebekah like it to? Or are you her bitch as well?" I glared at her and quickly grabbed her throat squeezing it tightly.

"Be careful Eos, remember you are stuck in here with me, not the other way around." I growled at her threateningly.

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