The Stories of My Apologies

By RebelliousTeenPoet

307 15 6

I can say Sorry A billion times But you dont see The pain Behind every word But see, You say things about me... More

Your Own Advice
They didnt Notice
Mistakes I carry
Never Be over You
My Apologies
That is a Promise

Lost My Life

26 1 0
By RebelliousTeenPoet

“you are 

everyone’s favorite poem

you have been hidden 

in the crevices of my words 

since the first time we’ve spoken

No one knows

Who the poem

Is about

They just love 

The poem itself

They say

I told stories

With each stanza

They always wondered

“Who are they about?”

But they never asked

They just wanted

To read our adventures

I hear you in 

my mispronunciations

and I hope you are 

not laughing at me

when I stumble over words 

I have not yet learned

you are the love song 

I never got over

the only person 

I have ever cared about

still forgot 

what walking feels like

when I lay awake in my bed

I have long forgotten your voice

I have tried to convince 

myself that 

you were more narcissistic than me

I am trying to convince myself

I shouldn’t have thought 

of if as a competition

I always lost 

because I cared more

you are the neck

I break 

in my nightmares

fearing my own hands

you were the only person 

who has ever taught me

I am not my mistakes

you are the 

biggest chapter of my book

I have never made room 

for anyone

before you

or after you

I do not know 

how to create space 

in my empty

you are the wind 

knocked out of me

I never meant to stop loving you

I never thought it was possible

I’m sorry 

I did not believe 

in my own evolution

you are still in 

every one of my nightmares

but you are not always 

the one who saves me


You are the one

To pull the trigger

you were stupid enough 

to become friends with a poet

I have heard writers 

do not have to 

experience anything past twenty

because we already 

have enough to write

for ages with minds 

and hands

that string déjà vu together

maybe this is why 

it went wrong

I tried to write you into 

what I needed

into the daydreams 

During class

That make me

fail assignments over

And over

but my mind is not a notebook

you once said 

I would be the one to hurt you

and I said


not possible

I am so


Because I know

That I can be wrong

In a lot of things

But I would have bet my life

On the fact that

I would never hurt you

But I did

And so

That’s how I lost my life

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