The Stories of My Apologies

By RebelliousTeenPoet

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I can say Sorry A billion times But you dont see The pain Behind every word But see, You say things about me... More

They didnt Notice
Mistakes I carry
Never Be over You
My Apologies
That is a Promise
Lost My Life

Your Own Advice

139 3 2
By RebelliousTeenPoet

My friend once told me

That she hated


She hated the way

It made her feel

And the way

She was judged

And labeled

She wrote beautiful things

Inspiring things

Some about life

Some about boys 

Some about friends

But a lot were about society

She told me

How unfair it was

“How can we even live?”

She asked me

I did not reply

I only listened

She told me

That people shouldn’t be 

Judged on;

What they wear

How they look

Their mistakes

Their parents

Or other things

That you can’t control

Or happen accidental

I listened


Considering her ideals

So the next day,

I decided

To sit next to that boy

That isn’t so popular

The first thought,

Was to judge his clothes

But I waved the matter away

We became friends

And I had learned all about him

He wasn’t that guy

That people saw him as

Just because of the way

He dresses

He was so much more

Another day went by

And I ran into

This punk, scary girl

Everyone knew her

For her reputation 

I normally

Would have

Put my head down 

And tried to get out

Of her way

But I remembered

Not to judge

Once I began talking to her

I realized that I had

Nothing to be afraid of

She had made mistakes

She had done some wrongs

But in the end,

She was so much more

I was surprised

At my findings

I didn’t think

That if I stopped

To really get to know 


That I would find out a lot

That if I pushed aside


I would find truth

I came back to my friend

And was inspired

I wanted to know more

She seemed to have so much


I looked up to her

I started to value her words

Then she told me

Not to listen to everyone else

She told me

To be my own person

She told me

If I let them control me

I wouldn’t be happy

Once again

I listened deeply

And thoughtfully

She had became my friend

But a part of me

Was scared

“What will people say?”

I had feared

Judgement by my peers

About making friends with her

They had told me

What she has done

The mistakes she made

The things she said

I was shocked

Could this be the same person?

The same person

That I came to

For advice?

I couldn’t quite

Stop listening

To those voices

Who told me

She was trouble

So I didn’t defend her

When it came time

Still after that, 

I thought about what she told me

I knew

I wouldn’t be happy

If I let them control me

If I cared too much

About what everyone else thought

So I gave up

I threw everything down

I lost a few friends 

On the way

I was talked about


Behind my back

a few people started to

Avoid me

People gave me looks

And I was getting

More and more


Because I stood against

The crowd 

And decided to keep by her side

Instead of everyone else’s

It took a while

But I knew

That the things that she done

Were in the past

And that,

She needed a friend

So I stayed 

And we became close

More and more

I treasured 

Her thoughts

And ideas

We disagreed

On some beliefs

But we were

Pretty much 

On the same page


A storm

Rolled in

And everything was quiet

Her advice stopped coming

And she stopped listening to me

I could sense

The judgement 

In her words

Towards others


Towards me

I could see

The labels

Being stamped 

On my forehead

From something

I had done

I was confused

Was this not

The same girl

Who taught me

Not to label people?

Not to judge people?

What had happened to her?

She of all people

Would know

How much it hurt

Soon after

She had said

She was scared of 

what other people thought 

“I can’t be seen with her.”

But see,

She might have lost friends

Or support 

Or popularity

If she decided

Not to listen to those words

But she did not feel

I was worth it

She knew

That I had lost things

When I choose her side

Every time

She knew of the consequences

But I never told her

The postives

Yes, I lost some friends

And some respect

And I got looks

But a couple of people

Valued my choice

They respected me

Because I knew

Of the things she had said

To others

I knew of the secrets

She spilled

I even heard

First hand stories

From the people

She hurt

But that did not stop me

They told me

They were proud

And also were inspired by my choices

They told me

That it must have been hard

To stand up for someone

And realize you are alone

They gave me credit

For sticking by her side

Even when things were tough

And when things were lost

They told me that

I had true strength 

And integrity 

Because despite

Everything going on

I knew

That she needed a friend

To be there for her

But I couldn’t take credit

I smiled and thanked them

Still, I told them the truth

I told them that

She taught me that

She taught me

To hold my head high

She taught me how to be a friend

But she never knew that

I wonder now 

Where is she?

I don’t mean location

I mean

Where is that girl I met?

That girl with the values

I adored

Was I? 

The only one?

Actually listening to what she said?

But I have also learned

That no one is perfect

Everyone accidentally 

Finds them selfs

Judging someone else

Everyone falls into the trap

Of listening to everyone else

So that is why

I do not condemn her

For what she had done

For the pain

That her words

Have caused me

Everyone falls off track



Just like I have learned

I did not judge her

For putting labels on people

Who made mistakes

And I will not

Care about what others say

About me or her

When they walk by

Because I was listening

To what she said

And I had matured 

A lot

From everything I have learned

I just hope

She listens

To her own advice

Because she still

Gives the best

She just needs

To believe that

For herself

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