Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

By hugmeharryx

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Louisa is the new girl in town, very shy and closed up due to her last relasionship. The school bad boy Harry... More

Oh Harry You Bad Boy (Harry Styles)
This Boy
my history partner....
dont get involved with me
I wont hurt you
only love
first date
Dont Look
hold me
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 30

49 0 0
By hugmeharryx


It was hard to get over what had happened last week but with Harry's help I did. I love him so much. Me and my mum had a awkward conversation about how she was convinced Harry had stayed over, I tried to lie but she found out. She wasnt ok with it but she didn't freak out. Mum and Shannon read their letters from dad and is was really emotionally hard for all of us. We really miss him, but he is coming home soon.

School was shit but its summer now, we had our last day on Friday and the brits are comming up so I have been practicing loads. Me and Harry have not been toghther as much this week because last week he didnt work at all so he has needed to make time up for it. 

I am lying in my bed on this Saturday morning and realize, its my birthday! Yay I am 18, I can buy booze leagally. I guess I am now an offical adult. I should get a job and I've secretly been viewing flats to move into buy the time summer is up with Lia. Maybe Taylor as well. 

I had a interview at topshop yesterday and they havent gotten back to me yet so I dont know, it would only be part time so I could save some money and be more independent. 

The door creeks open and Harry slides in with a cute t shirt on and some black jeans.

"Happy Birthday Babe" He says as he climbs on my bed and presses his lips onto mine. 

"What time is it?" I ask breaking the hot kiss.

"7:30am" He answers.

"Was anyone up when you came in?" I breathe heavily.


I kiss him straight away pressing my mouth to his and letting the passion do the work


"Wow" He says.

"That was good" I sigh,

"I know" Harry repiles laughing.

"We better put some clothes on before they wake up"  I giggle.


"I am going to shower see you in 10" I blow him a kiss and run to the bathroom in my room. 

When I shut the door I hear him laugh at my childishness of him seeing me naked even though I will have sex with him. 

20minutes after

I find a vest top in my bathroom along with some track suits, I also spot clean underwear and throw them on after I have dried myself. All without leaving the room! I brush my hair teeth and wash my face. 

I then leave the bathroom to find Harry without his top on in my bed, I hope he still isnt naked.

"Hey" He practically moans.

"Are you naked?" I question.

"No, I found some of my tracksuit bottoms here" He raises his eyebrows.

"We should stay here until my mum wakes up" 

"I wanna show you your present" He smiled.

"Now?" I blushed.

"Yeah let me just run down stairs" He said getting up.

"Wait!" I shouted throwing him a shirt "Just in case you run into anyone"

7Minutes Later.

 I hear Harry climb up the stairs and soon enough he enters the room with a box that has been wrapped.

"Did you wrap this?" I ask rasing an eyebrow.

"No Gemma did" He laughed. "Shut up and open it" 

"Okay! Okay!" 

I took the medium sized box into my hands. I then gently took the wrapping paper off it. I was met with a blue box with daisys on it. 

"Open that box" Harry said with bright eyes.

And I did. I opened it to find a white polariod camera instax mini 8. There was also lots of film for the camrea in the box. I was in love with it.

"The box is for all the pictures as they are going to be lose. But you havent emptyied the box yet" Harry said.

He was right I had no seen everything in the box yet. I poored it out and a envolope fell out of it. 'Open Me' was writtten on it in Harry's scribbly handwriting. So I opened the envolope and their was an letter.

Happy Birthday Babe! 

We are going to DisneyLand Paris ( That is what the camrea is for) All the documents and rubbish are in this envolope but you dont really have to look at them. Our flight is at 10pm tonight and we are there for 3nights. I know how into Disney you are so I thought this would be a good idea. I asked your mum enough though you are 18 but yeah. 

I love you x

I was stunned, how could Harry be so thoughtfu l. He had picked up on my love for Disney and acted on it. This trip must of cost him so much! We are leaving tonight.

I turned around to see his face, his eyebrows were narrowed and he was staring at me intently. I jumped on top of him and kissed him so hard. 

"Happy Birthda- Oh shit" I heard as the door opened.

"Hi Mum" I blushed as I climb of Harry.

"I just told her about Disney" Harry beamed.

"Oh right" She smiled awkwardly. "Anyway Happy Birthday Petal, you better get up and get ready you are going to paris tonight!" 

"Will do will do" I say standing up to kiss her, trying to get her to go away in the nicest way ever.

"Harry babe can I speak to you?" My mum asked.

"Um sure" Harry said obviously worried and he got off my bed.


I followed Carol out of the room very nervous as to what she wanted. 

"Dont mean this to be awkward for you or anything, but I really dont want to be a grandmother" She sighed.

I choked and tried to cover it up with a cough however it was very obvious.

"Yeah, I dont think that will happen for a good good while"  I smiled.

"Alright awkward conversation over, but I just want to let you know how good you have been for Lou. After Justin she was sad and so sensetive and wasn't very social at all. Its not just you but all of your friends. She wouldnt know many of them if it wasnt for you. Please take care of her this weekend and remember no babys" Carol said and brought me in for a hug.


text message! 

I clicked on the alert on my phone to see who it was.

From: Justin 

Happy birthday Babe, have fun in Paris with loverboy ;) I remember you said you wanted to wait until you were 18? Well well well. Be safe tonight with Harry.X

I gasped loudly as Harry walked into the room.

"Whats wrong?" He asked concered.

"Erm nothing" I faked smiled.

"Lies, Lou I know you just tell me" His eyes narrowed.

I handed him the phone as my heart beated fast. His eyebrows raised he looked angry.

"What the fuck?" He looked at me unhappy. " Have you been texting him?" His eyebrows narrowed.

"Of course not you can go and look at our last chat 8months ago!" I said angrily.

"How does he know about this and us?" He said putting the phone on the bed.

"What Airline did you book with?" I asked.

"British Airlines, why?" Harry said curiously.

"His dad works for them quite high up. He probaby snuck on to the acsess of the airlines searched my name and found out this information" I sighed.

"Fuck me man, what a slimy bastard" Harry whispered.

"Forgot about him" I breathed deeply.

"Okay, you will probably have a lot of visistors today. I told them you would probably want to spend the day relaxing because you know all the traveling and shizz tonight but I can assume that a lot of them wont let you go without saying goodbye. I know for a fact Mum and Gemma have intentions of comming round, they want to meet your mum and sissy" He smiled.

"Shit, I better go get ready" I say and begin to get up. 

Harry pulls my hand down.

"Wait come here!" He says excitedly causing me to smile giggle and blush like a little girl.

I turn around and I am instantly faced with a flash from a camrea.

"Beautiful!" Harry shouted.

"Ugh you prick!" I giggled as Harry waved the picture in his hands waiting for it to devlop. I went to pick out some clothes. 

I picked out black deniem shorts a grey lose tank and a oddly coloured flannel (outfit on polyvore). I then put some eyeliner on and brushed my hair out of my plaits that were now dry. 

Me and Harry made our way downstairs too the kitchen where I could instantly smell bacon. I sat down at the table and Harry offered to help my mum so he plated up the food. I had a bacon sandwhich in my mouth when Shannon came down the stairs with a present in her hand. 

She came over and said Happy birthday and gave me the present. I opened it too see new black boots but as I lifted them up a small little present fell out of it. It was adressed to Lou&Harry. I passed it to Harry as I was too busy investagating the shoes. 

Harry gasped and put whatever was in the package in his pocket, and passed me a note that came with it.

heard your birthday sex this morning thought I would give you this to stay safe over the weekend. 

p.s keep it down x 

I choked with laughter as I was used to her sense of humour and I looked over to Harry to see him attempting to hold it in as much as I was. My phone buzzed to see a text from Lou.

from:Lou Teasdale

Happy Birthday babe! I thought as your present I will do something not permendent to your hair lol hit me up hehe x

Thats really cool I'd like to not semi dye my hair so that it doesnt stay for school. Maybe pastel blue. I dont know. 

to:lou teasdale.

thanks!! maybe pastel blue? Idk you can come over if you want x 

from;lou teasdale. 

okay babe gimme a couple of hours hope harrys is up for looking after lux.x 

I laughed at the text and showed Harry.

"You're going to look really hot, and of course ill mind little luxy" He smiled.

Before I could say anything the doorbell rang, I ran over to the door and said goodbye to my mum as she left for her shorter Saturday shift.  I opened the door to be met with Lia Liam and Niall. I hugged them all as they entered. Liam's hug seemed to be a little snug as he whispered in my ear "I hope you're okay" I guess he knows about the whole rape thing. 

 "Yeah I guess" I weakly smiled and brought them through.


Me and Harry were on the plane, it was really sad leaving my mum she is really emotional. I now had faint dyed blue hair Lou did it for me, Harry really liked it. 

"Harry did you really have to go first class?" I ask as I snuggle into his arms while we sit on our crazy big bed seat thing.

"I dont know I dont really do anything with my money and its our first trip toghether" He whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Everyone is asleep" He smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked curious.

"9:30pm" He said peering at his watch.

"I love you so much" I said staring at his plum lips thanking who ever was up their with everything I had that Harry was mine.

"I love you to babe" He said staring straight at me.

I kiss him softly kick my legs out across the two huge seats and rest my head on him lap. I slowly drift of into a deep sleep.


Me and Harry are in our hotel room settling in I am unpacking and he is sitting on the bed. 

"Babe do you want to go down to the bar?" He asks.

"No, I just want to settle in. You can go down and check it out though" I suggested.

"No I wouldnt want to go without you" He fake pouts.

"Shut up and go" I said laughing. 

"Okay, Ill be back soon!" He said kissing me on the cheek grabbing a key card and heading out.


Where is he? He said he would be back soon. I know Harry's version of soon is like 20minutes. He might be drunk and like talking to a wall in the bar or something. I better head down and rescue him. I grab a jumper and pull it over my t shirt and leggings, and make my way down the hall. 

I cant seem to find him as I peer across the bars and resturants in the small place. 

A girl approched me.

"Hey are you looking for a boy with curly hair green eyes about 5'11 really hot" She smiles.

"Um yeah" I say confused.

She digs in her purse and brings out a key card and hands it too me.

"I am so sorry hunny" She says to me and walks away.


Why is she saying sorry? What is going on? Why has she given me her key card? 

I peer down to the number on the card and head towards the room. Every step I take my heart beats faster. All these thoughts are filling my head as I get closer to the room. I cant do this I cant do this. 

I scan the card in to the door and prepare my self to be able to see that that girl was being crazy im going to go back to the room to see Harry waiting for me for our hoilday. I put my hands on the door knob and open it.

I hear breathing coming from a room.

He has done it, he has cheated on me I can tell. Do I need to open this door? 

I want to feel bad I want to feel like shit. 

I open the door.

I see it Harry's bare back on top of a girl in and out in and out in and out.

The girl screams Harry turns around and looks at me dead in the eyes. 

"Bye" I say dropping the key card and walking out of the room.

Tears are streaming down my eyes as I make my way to the room. I run as fast as I can I gather my stuff in messy piles and shove them in my case and bolt it down stairs to reception. Thankfully it is still open.

I go to the woman who is serving and speak.

"Hi have you got any single rooms for tonight and could you possibly help me book a flight first thing out of here tomorrow?" I say as she nods.


omg its done, this book is done. i am going to do an epligoue and yesss there will be a sequeal but it will be very different from this but I have soooo many ideass! 

thank you for the support and i hope you all read the sequel.

follow me insta for updates hugmeharryxx 

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