Love, Fights...and Everything...


271K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.

Hang out

3.6K 81 5

I wake up the sun shining into the room and I blink to adjust my eyes. No waking up from Lila which is good. I grab my phone off the side table checking it. I got texts from Lila asking if everything's okay if we're ok or if he's still mad.

I send her a text saying everything's fine and I slide out of bed where Mason is still sound asleep we went to bed late I'm surprised I'm even up right now it's. 11:30 and we went to bed at like 5:30. I grab my toiletries and go to take a nice hot shower.

I get to the place taking my clothes off and getting into the shower thankfully no one else was in there. I know they're all separate but it's still weird.

After my shower I went back to the room and Mason was still asleep so I changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt. I put my socks on then text Lila.

Me: whatcha up to? And where you at?

Lila: currently at the hotel jar done my shower and texting you.

Me: I'm doing the same thing what do you wanna do today?

Lila: idk whatever is fine

Me: we can get lunch then maybe go walking around I need to get some pics for school

Lila: yeah sure just us?

Me: yup some girl time!

Lila: great I'll be there in an hour and a half

Me: k see ya

I put my phone down and grab some makeup putting it on and putting my hair into a high ponytail. I lay sit on the opposite bed going on my phone while I waited for Lila to come and Mason's light snores fill the room. I took a couple photos of him cause why not and he looks so cute.

After about an hour Lila came in.

"He's still asleep?" She was shocked.

"Went to bed late" I shrugged.

"Were you guys talking about things?" She asked looking between Mason and I. I hold my laugh.

"Yeah" I lie cause she doesn't need to know.

"Things are all good?" She asked.

"Definitely" I said.

"Good cause not gonna lie, I was even a little pissed at you" she says.

"What why??" I asked giving her a look.

"Well you were being obnoxious and doing what you did wasn't the right thing" she says. I guess she's right.

"You're right" I sighed. She sat next to me.

"So I was searching up places to have lunch and there's this one place-" she's cut off.

"Can you guys shut up" Mason groans his head in the pillow.

"No, idiot it's pretty much 1:30 get your lazy ass up" she tells him while I laugh.

"Lila you don't get to tell me what to do in my dorm room, so either get out or shut your yapping mouth" he says.

"Bitch, I will cut you" she says and I laugh."I'm not shutting up" she adds in.

"Maddie tell her" he whines.

"Were making plans she leaves tomorrow" I stayed she nods.

"Exactly and I know you'll miss me" she points out.

"No, I do not think I'll miss you waking me up" he says.

"What happened to the waking Maddie up every morning thing?" She asked.

"She has earlier classes and I don't have to wake up as early" he mutters. "Now you two can make plans else where" he waves his hand gesturing we leave.

"Uh, this is my dorm too" I said.

"Yeah, plus mark sh-" she's cut off by the door opening and mark jumping onto Mason. "Should be here" she finished with a grin.

"Her the hell of Mark or I swear you and Lila won't be able to make mini devils" Mason groans.

"What's up with you this lovely afternoon?" Mark asks.

"I had a long night leave me alone" he says. "And now I won't be able to sleep because of you guys."

"Well Lila and I are having a day see ya" I said Lila kisses Mark. We're about to leave Lila's out the door when Mason calls me back in. I turn.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow mark on his phone. H weaves me over. I walk over to him bending low. "What?" I asked.

"First of all, you totally forgot something, not let Lila corrupt you I think she's changed and is now the devil" he says I roll my eyes. "Now kiss me" he demands I roll my eyes pecking his lips.

"I'll see you guys later" I said walking out. Lila looked confused. "Mason needed me for a second" I shrugged she nods and we leave to the restaurant she later told me about as we drove there.


"It's so nice here and I'm gonna be so sad when I leave you guys ughh, you have to visit me" she nudges me.

"Yes obviously" I nodded as we walked down the busy sidewalk the sound of the cars and people all over.

"Ugh, why can't we just be together still, like back home" she groaned and I laughed at that.

"We have lives to pursue" I shrugged.

"God I already miss you" she sighed.

"Me too" I nodded in agreement. "But like what 3 months till we all get to be together again?" I said she nods.

"Yeah!" She nods. "We should get back to the dorms and see what those two losers have been up to" she tells me walking the direction of their car I nod in agreement.

We walk into the dorm to see Mason crushing a bottle trying to sip it in one gulp but failing and it falls all over his bare chest and down his chin and the sheets and mark and Mason both burst out laughing. Lila and I look at each other and shake our heads.

"I don't understand what goes through your guys mind, you have the brain capacity of a 3 year old" Lila said. They look at us.

"Don't judge us, you chose this life" they said.

"Which can change easily" she mutters and I laugh at that. I sit on the bed across from them leaning against the wall.

"Where did you guys even go?" Mason asked wiping his chest with the blanket and it annoys me because...who would actually do that.

"To lunch, then we walked around" I replied.

"Sounds boring" mark said.

"Fuck off mark" I said.

"I love you too Maddie" he says. Lila sits next to me. I lean on her shoulder and she leans her cheek on my head.

"Awe how cute, the two besties who are probably sad that they won't see each other in 3 months" Mason cooed. I flip him off.

"Can you guys just leave" Lila groaned.

"So you can have sex with my girlfriend no way, I see tat way you look at her Lila" he tells her and I laugh at that.

"Shut up Mason, you know she'd pick me over you any day" Lila said with squinted eyes to him.

"Pfft, she's lived a month without you and went to school with me, I doubt it" he said and she glares at him. They do this a lot. And it's annoying.

"Just wait until she gets sick of you Mason" she sing songs.

"Impossible, known her my whole life in pretty sure she can't get sick of me now" he said.

"I do at times" I join and Lila bursts out laughing.

"Maddison, whose side are you on?" He asked.

"I'm on marks side right now, not in this...just stating down facts" I said.

"I feel betrayed" he said I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"You're fine" I said. "Now I think I'm gonna take a nap" I said turning and laying on the pillow stretching my legs across Lila's lap she jus doesn't care obviously. "You guys are coming by before you leave right?" I asked.

"Well we're leaving early, mark needs to get to Rhode Island which will take him another hour" she said.

"Whatever, you have to wake me up" I said.

"We will, well probably be here by 6:30-7:00" she tells me I nod.

"But I'm actually gonna take a nap, so if you guys leave tonight before I wake up see ya and love ya" I said.

"Yeah you too" she said I put my head into the pillow and drift off.


Mason's POV

It's been another hour and Lila and mark left back to the hotel. Maddie still sound asleep under the covers. I look around the room bored with nothing to do. Maybe I should just take a nap with her even though I've slept quite a lot today. Whatever. I get up from this bed and moving next to her on the small bed but making it work like always. We were close but who would mind I wrap my arm around her pulling her close to me. She smells like shampoo and body lotion mixed right now. I kiss her cheek while she stays sound asleep.

"Love you" I whisper closing my eyes and falling asleep as well.


Maddie's POV

I wake up to wrapped in Mason's arms and I turn to face him and he's asleep. I seep into his warmth. His bare chest pressed against me I lean my head on his it with a sigh. I could stay like this literally forever. I look up him once again his chest rising and falling slowly. I struggle to grab my phone without falling on top of him and wake him. But I get it and check the time. 7:12. I put it down and stare at Mason for a little while longer since he looks really good all the time. I smirk as an idea comes to mind and I lean up kissing his neck slowly he doesn't move at all. He's either awake or not I kiss going up my hands pressed against his bare chest. I make my way up closer to his lips when I'm there I kiss him gently and slowly. No response until I feel his lips curl up into a smirk and he kisses me back his hand that was on my waist lowered to my thigh pulling me on top of him.

We pull away after a minute.

"Can that be a usual thing?" He asked grabbing my hands intertwining them with his.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "Maybe if I don't forget yeah" I laughed.

"You better not Maddie" he tells me.

"We'll see how my mind works" I shrugged. He moves our hands around together staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing" he mutters grinning.

"You're staring" I stated.

"Why wouldn't I when my girlfriend is so fucking hot?" He asked and I feel myself blush.

"You see me everyday" I remark.

"Doesn't change your looks" he remarks back. I take away one of my hands from his and touch his extremely soft and fluffy hair. He drops his hand to my thigh.

"How does your hair stay like this all the time. Fluffy and soft does it ever get greasy?" I asked.

"Not unless I don't wash it for like a week" he laughs.

"Mine gets greasy in 2 days" I said.

"That's a you problem" he tells me I roll my eyes. He grabs my wrist pulling my hand away from his hair and intertwining our fingers again. He pulls me down taking a hand and cupping my cheek, he turns my face and kisses my jaw.

"That whole kissing my neck thing was hot Maddie" he says kissing down my neck. I lift his face and kiss his lips. "Maddie I think you're more eager than I am for once" he mumbles against my lips I roll my eyes.

"Shut up" I said.

"Make me" he smirked and I kiss him.





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