His Other One

By starlily1

44.5K 3.1K 315

Follow Taylor as she maneuvers in a new world where vampires inhabit, secret roams and danger is never far be... More

edit notice, check for cast update
1|Blue Eyes And a vist
2| The Blue Pact And A Scare
3|Silent forest And The Encounters
4|Emese And A Revelation
5|Rites And A vision
6|The Fake Queen And A Maid
7|The Portraits And A History
8|Two Seasons And A Kill
9|Lupines And Black Horses
10|Fae Magic And A Dying King
12|The Blossom Key And A Grand Ball
13|The Dead Assasin And A Banquet
14|A Peculiar Memory And A Cause for Alarm
15| Nine days And All Kinds Of Hunger
16|The Charge and A Good Laugh
17|A Hunting and A Prize
18|A clash of answers
19| Olanda And Her Faerie
20|The Request And An Interrogation
21| The Outburst and A Garden
22|Olivia's Plea And The Dungeon
23| An Exchange And A Consumation

11|A Sad love Story And A Cabal

1.7K 128 30
By starlily1

There will be a shift in the narration form. From here henceforth, I won't be narrating in only Taylor's pov anymore. I've been debating it in my head and just decided to go through with it. Its my story to tell in it now?😀

Then she winced.
She didn't mean to. She wanted to look as fierce as her words sounded but she had underestimated the wounds on her back when she jerked away from her captor.

Anghel didn't miss her reaction. He released the maid and watched her, not exactly sure what to do. She confused him, this one.
Then she swayed and without a second thought he rushed to her.

"Are you alright?"
What an idiot he was, to have underestimated the seriousness of her wounds. His words of concern were barely out his lips when she flinched away from him.

"Don't...touch me" she grinded out through closed teeth as he tried to steady her. Anghel almost recoiled at the venom in her tone. He suppressed his impatience and drew back his hand. Wasn't it what he wanted all along, Taylor hating him enough to forfeit?
He really shouldn't be bothered.

"Doctor Diaz, how is the king doing?" He asked the castle's only modern doctor, ignoring the pale woman before him. With a place as ancient as Ardelean, Diaz service was invaluable. Diaz was a thirty something brilliant doctor who had mistakenly stumbled on their kind in the mortal world. He was the type of crazy genius who would forfeit everything just to chase an ambition, which was exactly what he did. He took an oath of secrecy and became Ardelean's resident Doctor. Vampires needed doctors too, they were 'immortal' but not regenerative.

They tolerated him for the past decade because of his priceless service and ignored his exorbitant thinking that vampire genes were the key to mortal immortality. Total bull.

"He is stable your Highness. He escaped an heart attack the injection was supposed to cause. I have given him a sedative to help him sleep away the after effect. When he wakes, he would be alright. He Just needs to be watched"

"Good. Please report to the Scarlett council for interrogation. Its is mandatory, seeing you're the only modern doctor around here" Anghel instructed, referring to the found syringe. Anghel had his doubts though, Diaz wouldn't jeopardize his years of 'research' to pull a stunt like this.

Diaz nodded in understanding.

Then without his better judgement he added;

"But first, See to my wife's wounds."
He caught Marius surprised look and ignored it. Diaz services was seen as high class and meant only for the royals.
"Is she...?" He wanted to know if he was dealing with a vampire as should be usual.

Anghel passed a look to Marius, who had been silent all the while and knew he understood the message he was conveying

"I'll escort you to your quarters, milady" Marius finally broke his silence.

Taylor started at the familiar voice. She hadn't realized it was Marius who had been holding her all the while. She gave him a slightly apologetic smile. She didn't want to come off as difficult or sassy to someone who had been nice to her once.

Taylor and Olivia left the room, trailed by Diaz and Marius.
Anghel watched them leave and closed the door with a sigh he had been wanting to release since he found the syringe.

When he had first heard that cry of help from his father's room, he thought his world shifted.
Then his world did shift when he, and the guards found Taylor at the bed of his ailing father.

He felt guilty now for the scenarios that had ran through his head just then. And the weight of his relief when he saw the syringe could have fell him. It venerated that girl from whatever would be discussed by the Scarlett council tonight.

His father's illness must have gotten out and with his (Anghel's) coronation coming up, the king dying before then would have caused complications. Anghel was certain now that Ardelean had been infiltrated by a spy from one of the many enemies of the kingdom.

Anghel walked to his father's bed and sat on the chair. His face was turned to the other side and his chest rose and fell In an even tempo. He picked a wizened, limp hand and clenched it between his own.

"Everyone thinks you will die any moment and I'll make a great king, Father" Anghel let out a mirthless laugh
"You won the wager you old geezer. In fact, you won every single one of them. I got a mate and I am getting coronated , everything I said wouldn't happen. You can't wait to laugh at me, right?"

He kissed the hand in his grip.

"Hang in there father, I will find the person behind this plot. I promise you"

He released his father's hand and stood up, he would find the spy that was hell bent on destroying Ardelean. The safety of those he loved depended on it.


Taylor thanked the silent doctor again. Although she had an inclination that the presence of a brooding Marius was the root of the silence.

"Get plenty bed rest so your wounds would heal properly. I've dropped a salve, use that to dress your wounds instead. This local ointment seems to be delaying the healing process" The doctor instructed, holding up the tube of ointment Olivia had been using on her wounds.

Taylor's head shut up. Delaying...? She looked at Olivia and the other girl's expression was just as surprised as hers. Did Anghel send a bad ointment on purpose? For what?
What a beast! Taylor thought angrily.

"Thank you Doctor....?"

"Diaz, Cameroon. My mother loved her country" he said in the charming way that suggested he said it a lot. The doctor was a Mexican African mix and it worked out well for him, he had the exotic African features and a creamy brown Mexican complexion.

"Thank you Cameroon" Taylor said, returning his smile.
When he smiled, she didn't see his fangs. Could it be he was mortal?

When she wanted to ask, Marius cleared his throat. It was some kind of secret language to get out because, Cameroon gathered his equipments and left the room without a second glance.

When Marius wanted to slip away too, she called out to him

"Yes my lady?" He asked, turning around.
"Please call me Sam. I have a question for you....make that two....that's if you don't mind?"

"Go on Sam"

"Anghel is a dhampir, mortal mother and vampire father right? and correct me if I am wrong, vampires don't grow old, get sick and die like mortals right?"

"Yes to both questions. Is that all?"

"No, I haven't asked my main question yet" she replied timidly. He gave her a lopsided grin and gestured for her to continue.

"Why is Anghel's father old and sick and why is there an assassin after him?"

"I can only answer the first question Sam. You'd hear the story sooner or later but I'll take the pleasure of being the first to tell you"

Taylor nodded eagerly. She gestured for him to take a seat beside her bed.

"Its a love story that has brought tears to even the coldest of hearts. Are you ready to hear it" Marius informed, then paused with the dramatic flair of someone who enjoyed attention.

"Oh Come on. Its not honourable to put an injured person on suspense " she laughed. His eyes twinkled in leashed laughter.

"OK, since you put my honour into the equation, I'll leave out the suspense. And please feel free to ask for my handkerchief when I am done"

"Now you're just exaggerating " Taylor giggled

"You be the judge of that. It started like this. 25 years ago, King Szilard chose a new mortal bride after his previous one died in childbirth. The king has had three daughters but no male heir to the throne. He was mandated to keep on trying for a male heir since not getting one could be disastrous.
Well, he married his new bride, Celine. Her beauty and grace was unparalleled, such that hasn't been seen in Ardelean till this day

Her presence seemed to light up the castle. I was young then, but I'd never forget queen Celine. She was the type of person that made everything good with just a smile
It was inevitable. The king fell deeply in love with her. It was okay to love your bride, but not to the extent of king Szilard's. That kind of love only destroyed at the end. Which it did.

They had Anghel a year later and you could imagine the joy and celebration. It was a festival, I tell you. And the couple couldn't be any happier. But like every good story, it had an end.

Queen Celine fell Ill 13 years after. It was mysterious, how someone so full of life just ebbed away to nothing ... The kingdom looked for a cure in both worlds but came up with nothing.

When it was obvious She wouldn't make it, king Szilard broke the most crucial rule in Ardelean. He sort the arcane help of the Faes At that time, the Faes had a powerful sorceress called Mirea"

"Mirea?" Taylor interrupted, her breath hitched in her throat. She felt a chill go down her spine just then.

"Yes. Mirea. She agreed to help the king. But her solution came with a price. If he wanted the queen life's force returned, he would have to sacrifice his immortality"

"No!" Taylor exclaimed in a scandalized manner, wide eyed and her hands over her mouth in shock

"He didn't think twice. He accepted his cross. But alas, it was a wicked ploy by a wicked witch.
Mirea took away the King's immortality and pretended to give it to the queen. Queen Celine died that night."

"No" Taylor muttered softly now. For no good enough reason, her heart went out to the desperate king in love and his son. What a terrible way to loose a loved one.

"Mirea was found and executed by the black guards and the Faes were chased out of the forest to the outlands. Forever compensating for their sins in a land that saps away their energy. Since then, they have been banned from Ardelean with instant death if sighted.

So, do you need my 'kerchief now Sam?" Marius asked, his eyeb

Taylor was dried eyed, but troubled deep within. She wasn't exactly sure of the cause of her unease

"Why would Mirea do that?" She asked no one in particular

"There is no reason for wickedness and the Faes have an history of ruthless wickedness. Perhaps she saw an opportunity in wrecking havoc to the throne. Its one of the arts of war, destroying the center of power"

Taylor wasn't convinced. There was more to the story than what met the eye. The sorceress sacrificed her life and her people's own just to be wicked? And she was bothered because of the fact she had been called Mirea twice; by the firefly and in her dream, it was a matter that could concern her. Oh God. She hoped not! Her life shouldn't, really shouldn't get any more complicated than it was already.

"Are you OK?" Marius queried due to her sullen silence

"Yes why?"

"Well apart from being the first to have heard the story without shedding a tear, nothing"
If a grown man could pout, he would have.

Taylor chuckled at his pettiness.

"I watched The Titanic four times without crying. If that doesn't break the dry eyes record, nothing can"

"what's a Titanic?" Marius asked sceptically

"A sunk ship that got everyone crying"

"That's not half as sad as this story" He scoffed.

"Well, the actor painted the actress a really nice nude picture then she lets him die in freezing water. That's sadness, right there"

Marius caught onto her sarcasm and they shared a moment laughing.

"I'll go look through the Archives for it. And Anghel didn't do bad for himself after all" Marius stated, still chuckling.

"What do you mean?"

"He chose a bride from his late Mother's family. There is a small wager around the black guards that you would not be as he expected
I think I'll start rooting for you now. You might just be another Queen Celine Ardelean needs right now" Marius answered with a grin.

To say she was surprised was an understatement. More like sucker punched by lightning

"Queen Celine was a Mc'leory?!"

"You didn't know? Oh that's true, your Izolare wasnt complete, Anghel would have told you"

"He had the opportunity" Taylor replied darkly. How could Anghel withhold such important piece of information from her? The Strikes against him kept piling up. Now more than ever, she wanted to run away, she was not going to compete with a dead woman's memory. Whatever his motive was for choosing her family, she was not going to be a part of it.

"Then I must have spoilt the surprise." He said sheepishly.

"I have taken enough pleasures from your company for today, Sam. The castle would be busy after today's fiasco, I'll make sure you're not disturbed. Till we meet again. Dear me, I hope it wouldn't be long though"

"Please do come visit as much as you like. I am afraid I'd die of boredom sooner or later"

"I'll talk to Angel to let you go for walks. Wasn't that what got you in trouble the first place? Then when you're fully recovered, you can consider horseback riding. Apart from combat training and hunting, that's the only fun thing that'll keep boredom away around here"

"I'll take you on your offer then. Thank you Marius. You're a good person"

He gave her a charming grin "I am glad one person thinks so around here" he winked at her and walked out with a laughter that was contagious

"I like him" she said to Olivia who had been standing silently in a corner

"He is well enough" was Olivia's vague reply. Taylor chuckled

"You don't like him" she stated

"He's charming. Too charming. I'd be weary of him if I were you"

"Oh common Olivia, he was just being friendly. What did you think about the king Szilard story?"

"Sad." Again, a frigid answer.

Taylor narrowed here eyes. It was obvious Olivia was bitter about something.

"Are you angry at me perhaps?"

"Oh I wouldn't dare Sam! I am just a mere maid"

Taylor gestured for her to come closer. When she was close enough, she grabbed Olivia's clasped hands.

"You are my friend first before you're my maid. Where I come from, everyone is equal. That hasn't and won't change for me no matter what world I find myself. It might be hard for you, but I beg you to see me in a different light, not as your mistress, but as your friend. Can you do that?"

"Oh Sam. You are like an unpolished gem in the rough. A heart like yours can't be found in this parts. I wish you wouldn't trust so easily, love so easily. Ardelean could destroy you"
Taylor was surprised to see a tear fall off Olivia's cheeks, her eyes beseeching her about things she didn't understand.

"What's wrong Olivia?" Taylor queried, alarmed and confused.

"I am sorry, I must have scared you with my rambling. Yes. Yes I'll take you as a friend. My one and only friend in the world" she wiped the tear away and bellied it with a bright smile

Taylor smiled,
"Where I come from, its called BFF's. I had one before i came her and Its not bad having one here too. So... Best friends forever?" Taylor asked, her hands outstretched. Olivia smiled,

"Best friend forever" she replied clasping the outstretched hand. Taylor pulled her in for a hug and they both laughed in each others arms.
One with immense guilt filled with pain, the other with pure bliss.

Some where in the forest of Ardelean....

She emerged from the shadows, her face still very much hidden by the face mask of Ardelean's black guards
He knew she was the one he was waiting for from the crest visible upon her breast.

"You failed" the familiar voice growled

"I am sorry mistress. I had everything under control till the girl barged into the room. I know I shouldn't have been startled enough to drop the syringe, please kill me" he bowed his head, mainly to hide the smirk he sported. He enjoyed annoying the woman with that phrase, knowing she wouldn't dare.

"Oh shut up with your drama. You know the only reason a stake isn't imbedded in your chest is because of master Bãlan. Luckily for you, he thinks you're worthy of the cause but one more mistake, I'll disobey my master just to see your blood spill"

"That image is imbedded in my memory now, Mistress. I'll make sure never to displease you again. But at the rate the prince is searching for me, it might not be you who gets to spill my blood first"

The woman eyes flashed at him
"Just like you to joke about everything, Derrick. I am tempted to leave you to your fate but master Bãlan has more use of you. I'll take care of that toothless dog. You just work on plan B"

"What about the girl? She might have seen my face and might recognize me later"

"For someone weak and timid, she was able to break the legs of one of the chupixes I sent. That alone is a red flag. Leave her to me derrick, if she poses any threat...."
The woman paused to roll her tongue around her fangs like just finished feeding. Derrick understood the blood thirsty look in his mistress eyes and was immediately relieved. He trusted her to finish off any loose ends.

The woman was as scary as his ancient master. Alike in every way, only difference was their sex and age. Or how else could she have infiltrated the enemy and won their trust so completely?

A/N 2
I know I know. Taylor is so dumb and oblivious, right? But remember, intelligence is not her best suit, which makes it all the sweeter when she learns her lessons and Grows up. Who else is excited about villains! I love them just as much as I love the leads. Can you guess who the mysterious mistress is? let's have fun commenting our guesses.


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