Tough Love

Od melissalynn88

532K 23.5K 2.6K

I wanted a baby. I really, wanted to have a baby.. Actually it wasn't an option right now, considering my sup... Více

Coming Soon


20.8K 939 84
Od melissalynn88


We arrived at the house, and I was anxious, not that I was letting that on. But, to be honest, I was worried about how things would go once Jenna and Isabelle were in the same room again. It could go either way, and I wasn't expecting it be a good way.

I took her bags, carrying them up our stairs and towards our bedroom. The room where I was so relieved she was going to be sleeping again. I turned to pull her against me, and she wasn't there. "Isabelle?" I called out, going to find her just as she was walking up the stairs. "You ok?"

"Nice artwork, fist holes in the wall have added some raw touches." She smiled, raising a brow. "I would have thought Mr OCD builder would have covered them in."

Wrapping my arms around her waist, as I took a sharp breath in. "Yeah well let's just say, I was more worried about how to get my girl back, than working." My mood had been far from energetic. "And, it was either the wall or someone's face."

Laughing, an angelic sound which I loved. "I also noticed you have taken the door of Jenna's room. That won't go down well."

"Well after what I found on her computer, she's lucky she's even has a bed to sleep in. I'm still reeling for what I found in her

"Did you nail her windows shut too? I don't think she's game enough to sneak out through the top floor window and risk breaking her legs or neck" she smiled, leaning back and staring up at me. "She will hate that you gave the room a makeover, it's all white."

I had taken all her posters down, unmounted the wall tv, picked up the clothes tossed into the cupboard and placed them all back on her bed for her to fold and put away. Her desk was even empty with the computer gone. "Do you think I went too far?" I wondered, maybe I had taken it to the extreme.

"I think you're being a father who's finally showing some authority in the house." She said. "It should have happened a long time ago, but its better than never so just remember that. Look for the positive in this, that you're changing your ways and hopefully she will too."

It still puzzled me how calm and positive she could be. "Hopefully. Anything to show her how she has behaved is wrong, and if she's living in this house, then she wont be acting the way she has done before."

She broke away, and glanced down at the bed. "It feels strange, being here after I walked out." Walking further, she sat down and sighed. "I don't know what to do, I know that I want to be here and make this work, but part of me is terrified."

I knelt before her, and took both hands. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to fix this."

"I love you, Ash."

Standing, but still holding her hand, I went to pull her up, but she pulled me down on top of her. "What are you doing? My dad will be here soon." I moaned as her hand went inside my jeans cupping a handful of my wakening cock.

"Really?" she pushed me from her, and down beside me as she started unzipping my jeans and dragging them down. "Your girl wants to fuck, and you're worrying about your dad?"

She had a point. "Continue." I grabbed her by the waist and slapped her ass.

Clothes thrown in a rush to get naked, I was being pushed back down and straddled, her grinding against my shaft before she sat up, holding my cock in her hand and easing down. Christ. I thrusted up inside her, unable to wait as I held her and began sliding in and out.

"I love you." I whispered huskily against her breast as I sat up, holding her and helping her to get where she needed, which didn't take long once my fingers were circling her clit.

Brushing my fingers over her skin, I was starting to fall asleep when Belle spoke up. "I still haven't gone through her phone. I don't know if I can do it, I feel bad."

I kept my eyes shut. "Please just do it. It'll give me a heart attack if I have to and find what I found on her desktop." I wanted to erase all the emails and group chats from my mind.

"Fine, but you owe me something big for this."

Smirking, I opened my eyes and grinned pinning her down, leaning over her. "I'm pretty sure I just gave you something big."

"You should give it to me again, before you dad turns up." She wiggled her brows.

We both heard the car pull up, and for a moment I had forgotten the blinds were still open. "Fuck." Balls deep inside her, I went to pull out but she gripped my hips and looked at me.

"Don't you dare stop."

"Sorry." I apologised, and made this a lot quicker than either of us would have liked. She was left without an orgasm, and mine was purely just to cum.
She called me selfish as I dressed before her, making my way down to the from the bedroom, I ran a hand through my hair and geared myself up to face my daughter for the first time since a couple days ago.

"Daddy!!" Jenna had her arms wrapping around me tightly.

I hugged her back, and I hate to admit it but it wasn't a usual hug I'd normally give her. "Hey." I smiled, kissing her on the top of the head.

Dad walked in with her backpack, and dropped it down on the floor. By the look of things, mum had told him about our news. "Congratulation son, so pleased for the both of you. Your mother and I couldn't be happier."

Jenna looked up with confusion as she took her shoes off. "Huh?"

"Thanks dad, means a lot." I grinned back. "We're very excited."

Dad left, and I stood there with Jenna. Not sure how to word this. "I need to talk to you." I said as calm as I could. I felt nervous, sick even. "In the living room please."

"Why did pop say congratulations for?" she asked, still pursuing the confusion of not knowing.

"Living room." I said clearly, and walked in before her.

"Jenna walked in, as I noticed Belle on the couch already with a cold drink. "Why the hell does she have my phone for?" she gritted out, clearly unimpressed as she stood with both arms crossed over. She began to storm over and snatch the phone from her hands.

"No." Isabelle, moved her hand aside and kept the phone out of reach.

"It's mine." She shot back.

"Sit down." I glared back at her. "Now." I waited until she was sitting, before joining Isabelle on the couch and taking her hand. "Look, I know things were left up in the air, but we have some news." I started, Christ this was harder than I thought. "We're having a baby, and getting married."

"What?" She looed at both of us, no emotion in her face whatsoever.

"I asked Isabelle to marry me, unbeknown when she left, she was already pregnant. Now, I know you're not happy about a new sibling, but try look at this from another perspective." I tried getting her to ease into the idea.

Her eyes went to Belle's stomach and then the ring. "I don't want a stupid brother or sister."

"Well stiff shit." I couldn't hold back from saying that. "You don't get to decide on these things between us."

"So, you tricked my dad into having a baby." Jenna shot back, her words harsh with sarcasm.

"I would never do such a thing, it was a surprise to me, too." Isabelle squeezed my hand. "You might find this hard to believe Jenna, but me wanting a child of my own isn't coming from a place of selfishness, it's because I love your dad so much that I want to have a family with him, yes I have you as well, but of course I am going to want a child with him. Is it really so bad that we have a baby together?"

Jenna rolled her eyes, shrugging. I didn't see the next part coming from her. "Obviously since my dad's pull out game sucks. Maybe he should have had a vasectomy years ago."

Both Belle and I looked at each other, our eyes wide. My pull-out game was just fine, it was that I rather fill her up. Hearing my daughter say such a thing, caught me off guard. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Jenna." I warned. "Watch your tongue. I will not have you speak that kind of language in this house." She was silent, as I stared at her, saying very calmly. "You lied to me."

As she shook her head, with defence, she yelled at me. "I never lied to you!"

I remained silent as I placed the laptop on the table, along with her printed out messenger conversations. "Lower your voice. I am not up for listening to anymore bullshit, Jenna. You lied to me." I then reached in my back pocket, and pulled out the roll of flavoured condoms I had found in her bedroom. "I would like to know where and how you came to have these in your bedroom."

"They're not mine." She defended, her cheeks turning pink as she looked down at the floor. "Maybe they're Isabelle's, she probably put them in there."

I laughed for a split second, shaking my head. "They're not hers." Considering she was allergic to latex, we hadn't ever used them in the time we had been together. "I'm going to ask you one more time, if I don't get the truth there will be consequences." She remained silent, and I felt the anger brew. "Grounded. Four months." I then moved onto the next thing. "You call Isabelle by your birth mothers name, also a lot of other names as I've come to know. I've read your facebook messages, and I have also deleted and shut down the account."

Her reaction was what I had expected. She stood, hands on her hips with a glare. "Isabelle isn't my mother!"

"Fair enough. But, she has been like a mother to you, and you've done nothing but act like a spoilt brat and throw it back in her face." I then stood, towering over her. "Sit the fuck down and stop shouting at me. You will speak to her with respect, and if you don't then I'll show you how some kids can be punished." I would never hit her, but the threat was there.

"That's not fair. If I had a mother than you and her would be together still!" she sat with a huff. "She's dead and you moved on without caring about her."

I took in a deep breath, running a hand through my hair before sitting. Belle placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed gently. I knew what I had to do, and I never wanted to have to tell her the truth but she has every right to know. "I think it's about time you learnt what happened with the woman who gave birth to you."

"I should leave." Belle went to stand but I took her hand, needing her here for this.

My daughter looked at me, such hatred in her eyes that it made me feel like a bastard of a father. "I knew your mother for no longer than ten minutes. I never loved her, or even liked her. Hell, I didn't know her Jenna and after that night, I never saw her again." It was the biggest regret of my life. "Nine months later, I get a phone call from the hospital to say she's given birth and had told her parents I was the father. She died giving birth, it was due to the amount of drugs she had taken whilst pregnant." Thankfully, those drugs hadn't harmed my child. "I took a DNA test, and all of a sudden I was eighteen and had a newborn to look after. I wasn't ready for kids, hell I still lived with my parents, but I made it work and I put every ounce of myself into making sure I was able to provide you with a good life and upbringing."


"I'm not finished." I continued. "Then I met Isabelle, and she didn't care about the fact that I had a daughter, she treated you like her own from day dot, and how do you repay her? You write hurtful emails about her. You call her names and throw out perfectly good food. Every time you throw food out, you're tossing money in the bin. Why? Just because you wanted to piss her off, to get a reaction? You lie and lie, Jenna. I am so hurt and devastated because you know better than this. I am beyond disappointed in you."

Tears fell down her cheeks, and I wanted to pull her to me but this is where I had to keep strong. "I know about Liam and I know what you're planning to do and what the condoms are for. I'm not stupid, I was a teenage boy once before too."

"It's not like that, Daddy."

Isabelle was silent beside me, I wasn't sure what she was even thinking.

"Then what is it like? Because I'm at a loss. Trying to sneak out? Jenna, this behaviour needs to stop." I looked at her, standing once again. "You're a child. Sex is not something you need to be thinking about, and Liam will be hearing from me about this. So, for now, you're grounded and your access to the computer will be for school work and that is it. No more phone, or social media. You're banned. If you continue to play up, I will have you sent to boarding school."

"That's not fair." She wailed.

"What happens if you ended up pregnant? Did you think about that? No. I bet you didn't. If you ended up pregnant, you wouldn't be living in this house anymore. I wouldn't be raising a child for you." I wanted her to see the severity of these actions that she wasn't taking seriously.

Isabelle cleared her throat, and I caught sight of her. She looked mad. "What's wrong?"

"I just found texts to a man, that Jenna has been sending and using my name, as well as photos of me to him." She looked wild. "You told him that you were eighteen and you used details about me, so of course he sent photos. I just sent him a message back, informing that your father would be going to the police station to report him." She laughed bitterly. "Is this funny to you? Do you hate me this much that you're willing to put my reputation on the line? What if he knew your father and told friends and they told him? It makes me look bad."

"Whatever." She mumbled with a shrug.

Isabelle stared in disbelief. "Do you honestly have nothing to say? Fine." She rolled her eyes, then also picked up the laptop. "If you want a reaction, you can finally have one."

We both watched as she made her way to the sliding doors, walking outside and dropped the laptop onto the grass along with the phone. "Dad no don't let her do it."

I was confused at first, until I caught sight of my hammer in her hand as she swung her arm back and down full force to hit the products. Plastic flew around as she smashed her hand down again. Jenna was screaming as Belle butchered the hell out of the electronics and I was frozen in a trance watching as she destroyed a couple grands worth of things.

She walked inside, gripping the hammer tightly and that's when I walked over and spoke calmly, "how about you go and have a lay down?" this couldn't be good for the pregnancy.

She shot me a glare as I reached for the hammer. "I'm fine."

Jenna was beyond find. "You'll be buying me new ones. You're insane!"

"No Jenna, I'm fed up with you acting like a spoilt little brat, and you know what? I won't be buying you anything anymore. I won't help you, or treat you like I have done. From now on, I will tolerate you but do not expect me to go out of my way to help you. I'm so mad, that I have never regretted something so much." She walked to the door and thrust her arm up. "So get to your room, because you are ground as your father pointed out, and you will stay there cleaning that up until you have finished. Then you may come eat dinner, but it's straight back there afterwards."

"Dad?" Jenna looked shocked.

"Don't go crying to him," and her anger subsided to hurt, the tears evident in her eyes. "The things you have written about me... I'm sorry, but I cannot stand to even look at you. All I tried to do was care and love you, but you don't want that, so you won't have it anymore."

My heart was aching, seeing the woman I love crying, killed me. On the other hand, my daughter crying also, hurt just as much. I had to do this, and it fucking destroyed me, but it was what needed to be done. Walking over to Belle, I stood by her side and place my hand around her, then looked at my daughter. "Jenna, go to your room and do what Isabelle has asked."

It was time to show her, things will be very different in this house.

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