By abbie_ms

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I have only ever had one meaning in life TO KILL, but that all changed when I turned 18. I met the love of my... More

Chapter 1- New Family
Chapter 2- The Vampire King
Chapter 3- Other Packs Arriving
Chapter 4- Rouges
Chapter 5- The Alpha King
Chapter 6- The Birthday
Chapter 7- The Ball
Chapter 8- MINE !!!!!!
Chapter 9- 'Brothers'
Chapter 10- The Truth
Chapter 11- Leaving Him
Chapter 12- The Vampire Queen
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- Alpha Camp
Chapter 16- 4 Years and I'm Back
Chapter 16- 4 years and I'm Back
Chapter 17- The Meeting
Chapter 18- The Unfinished Punishment
Chapter 19- Taking Back The Throne
Chapter 20- Mason Knows the Truth
Chapter 21- The Announcement and The Challenge
Chapter 22- Hell Is Where He Goes
Chapter 23- I Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 24- The King and Queen
That's it

Chapter 15- Finding Gamma

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By abbie_ms

*Madison Knights Above*

*time skip to about 2 years after Mason Visited Abbie in Beta Castra*

So it has been 2 years since I have seen Mason, I am still in Beta Castra. I am doing amazing here and I am at the top of all my classes, but I still haven't found my Gamma yet. It is hard because you have to find someone you trust, to keep all your secrets and everything else.

So at the moment I am waiting to talk to one of the camp consular because it is compulsory but I don't mind it, she actually has helped me some much. "Abigail Drankov" "yes" "please come in" walked into her office and sat down. "so how are we today " "I am fantastic" "okay and now in reality?" "so fucking confused" "why is that" "well Lunar, I need to have a Gamma before I leave and I cant find her and I just don't know what to do. I don't know where to look it is so fucking stressful. and I know I still have two more years but I need her sooner than that, and I understand that we have to trust them with our lives and all of our secrets, but I just cant see my Gamma in anyone"

"well do you want my opinion or are you just ranting" "I want your help please Lunar help me" she nodded her head and said "okay dear, okay well the way I see it, is that you are looking to hard and not in the right places" "what do you mean"

She shook her head and said "I cant just give you the answers you know that" "I know but just clarify it" she laughed at me. She then said "smart women, okay I cant say who your Gamma is because I am a worker from the moon goddess so it will ruin her plans but what I can say is that maybe your Gamma is right under your nose and you just haven't realized that she would make the perfect Gamma for you. Your Gamma is the person who understands you the most here, has supported you the most, and cares dearly for you. She has helped you through your tough times and will always be by your side. But she has had a hard life growing up as well so she will understand you more and be able to help you through your problems more than other" I was confused. "so you are saying that you are my Gamma?" she shook her head no and said "no dear, someone else, now that is all I can say" "okay thank you Lunar" "that's okay it's what I am here for, so how have you been without Mason" you see lunar knows everything that has happened. The stuff with my father and with Mason so she has tried to help me get through it but I want to push all emotion away, she does not like the idea and she won't let me do it either. Anyway I then said "I'm better than I expected but I don't know if he will take me back after everything" "what do you mean dear" "what happens if he has moved on, or if he doesn't care what my reason for rejecting him was" she got up out of her seat and gave me a hug. She then said "oh dear he will, he loves you so much and he only accepted it because he wants you to be happy" "yeah I suppose your right" "I know I am" I laughed, and said "how haven't I survived without you" she laughed, and said "I don't know, now I think we are done for today yes?" "Yes that you again Lunar" "it's okay dear now take care" I gave her a hug and said goodbye.

I walked out of the building and got into my Shelby Gt 500 buckled up, started the car and drove off. I could not get what Lunar said off my mind 'Gamma is right under your nose and you just haven't realized that she would make the perfect Gamma for you. Your Gamma is the person who understands you the most here and has supported you the most and cares dearly for you' what does she mean. I pulled into mine and Madi's driveway and I could not see her car anywhere so she must be in class. I got out of my car and locked it, I opened the front door, dropped everything, and went to the fridge and pulled out some fruit salad that I made last night for desert, I ate the rest that was in the bowl and put the bowl and fork in the dishwasher. I grabbed my bags and walked up stairs and went to have shower to help relax my muscles and to help clear my mind.

Once I was finished, I put on a black tank top and gray booty shorts and jumped into bed for a nap since it was only 2:27pm. It did not take me long to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.


I cannot believe it has been 2 years since I have seen her, I dream about her every night. I moved back to my castle the day after I saw her, I visit there every second weekend and when I have meetings with Landon, Joshual and Octavia since they are running the vampire kingdom while Abbie is at beta Castra. I miss her so much, I have a photo of us together in my office on my desk and in my bedroom on my beside table so that I can't see her before I got to sleep and when I wake up.

Being the alpha king is hard at times and it does not help that Katie, the pack slut keeps trying to get into my bed all the time. Me and her a fun before I found out that Abbie was my mate and I stopped it 2 months before I left because I thought that I might find my mate and I did. I knew Abbie when we were kids, we were best friends and when her and her parents never returned back from Abbie's birthday picnic I was freaking out because I loved her then, but when they found her parents body and not hers I was heartbroken. The girl that I loved died and we couldn't find her body, I secluded myself away from everyone and my parents took over the throne like they king and queen had wanted if they passed, but if Abbie was still alive she would take it back when she come of age to rule. If she was not alive then they wanted me to take over and rule, then give it to my child. Therefore, that is how my family become royalty, well we sort of were before because my parent were the royal beta's and I had a sister named Madison Knight but she was kidnapped a long time and we searched for years but we just couldn't find her. but the girl named Madi the showed me Abbie looked so much like my sister but I didn't get a proper look because I was too busy worrying about Abbie at the time. But I think that Madi is dead by now, I mean mum and dad had been ruling the kingdom for 2 years and Madi and Abbie were the same age so that means she was 8 and now she would be 20 so that means she had been missing for 12 years. Fuck! I miss both of them, I only become the heartless ruler that I am now because I had given my heart to Abbie years ago and when she died, I just did not get it back I guess.

Abbie's POV

"Abbie, wake up" "mm let me sleep" "you have been asleep for two days straight" I sat up right and said "WHAT!!" "Yeah and Lunar said to let you sleep because you need to sort somethings out, but I was told to wake you up after two days so good morning" I nodded and waved at her in a good morning way. I looked at her and scrunched my eyebrows together, and Madi said, "What wrong?" "You have this powerful...Oh my God you're my Gamma" "what are you talking about Abbie" "Lunar told me that the person that would be my Gamma would be the person who cares about me and helps with my problems and everything else. Madi that is you. YOU ARE MY GAMMA" "Oh my God are you sure" "yes I am One hundred percent sure"

Yes I can't believe that I found my Gamma and I can't believe that I didn't see that it was Madi, now that I have found my Gamma I am another step closer to leaving Beta Castra and get my revenge on the petty excuse of a father, and another step closer to being with Mason.

*1 year later*

So it has been one year since I found out that Madi is my Gamma and we have been at hard work ever since because the castle needs some renovations done to it so my brothers and sister have been giving the orders that I give. Apparently, according to Octavia in letters my father has been making sure that I haven't had any contact with Mason at all which I don't even care about anymore. You are probably wondering why I don't care anymore well I have had to teach myself not to care anymore about anyone other Myself, Madi, Octavia, My mom, Joshual and Landon because they are the only ones that I need to care about and the only ones I can trust with my life without hesitation. "MADI!" "Yes Alpha" "I need you to call my brothers and sister" "yes Alpha"

*phone Call A= Abbie, O= Octavia, J= Joshual and L= Landon*

L-Hello Prince Landon speaking

A-Yes hello Landon nice to see you are fitting your role well brother


A-yes brother it is I, can you get the other two in here to please

L-yeah sure, hang on two seconds. Joshual and Octavia here now please it's our sister

O-Abbie is it really you

A-haha yes O it really is

O-Oh my god I have missed you so much, how much long till you come home

A-ummm. I think about a year until I can come home. I miss you guys so much

J-we miss you too sis

L-So why did you want us all here

A-well, I have the renovation blue prints here so I am going to send them to you guys, I have also written all the orders I want you to give to others. Some I have already written their names down next to them other you guys get to choose who gets to do them okay?

L-sounds good

O-so have you found your Gamma yet

A-yes I have actually and she is so amazing. O you and her will get along so well

O-Oh my god what is her name

A-her name is Madison but we get to call her Madi. Okay guys I have to go now

O-no can we please talk more Abbie i- I mean we miss you

A-guys I wish I could stay and talk more but I am just too busy

J-don't you want to know how Mason is

A-um no why would I

j-oh I thought that you still cared about him

A-no I don't not anymore

O-Abbie he is hurting so bad

A-what am I supposed to do O, you know that I cant be with him again

J-Abbie he doesn't want to be here anymore, but he cant do it because he knows when he dies you die and he wants you to be happy

A-guys I cant do anything about it

L-so you don't care anymore


J-how cant you care


O-Abbie tell us you didn't turn off your emotions to all of us

A-i didn't turn them off all together, I only care about certain people and I don't feel for others anymore

J-why would you do that

A-because I have to if I cant to complete my new mission that ki have set for myself and no you can not know what it is. Only my Beta and Gamma will know and before you try and get it out of Octavia you cant because I have sworn her to royal secrecy so she cant tell you anything not even hints, but you guys will find out soon enough so don't hate O because I told her and its my secret okay

J and L-Yes Abbie

A-good now I have to go, I have work, school work, homework and training so I will talk to you guys later I promise I love you guys so much

O-I love you too

J-i love you too

L-i love you too sis be good and we will talk later bye

A-Bye guys

*end of phone call*

After my phone call I went back to work, after about two hours straight of work I realized that I had completed everything so I yelled "Madi" I could hear footsteps running up the stairs to my office, suddenly the door opens and Madi and says "yo bitch whats up" "you hungry?" "is that even question" we both laughed "okay let me go change and we can go and get something sound good?" "yeah it does" Once I got changed I grabbed my purse, phone and car keys and walked to the car garage and I unlocked the Lamborghini diablo and drove to Maccas to get some dinner.

After we got home and had dinner, I walked up stairs to my room, grabbed my dark blue undies and bras, my dark blue loose singlet and shorts, and went for a shower.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water and let it heat up for 30 seconds before turning on the cold and adjusting it to my temperature, I got in and stood there and let the hot water relax my muscles. After 5 minutes I shampooed and conditioned my hair and washed, my body in a mixed berry body wash and got out and put my clothes on and went to bed and let the darkness consume me into a dreamless sleep.

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