Host Cafe

By SakuraiS

3.8K 279 116

《Completed》 Pairing: YamaJima / Side Pairs... Genre: Romance / Fluff... Summary: It's a normal cafe, but it's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Last Chapter 15
Special Chapter

Chapter 13

185 13 7
By SakuraiS

It was a fine day and we were doing our work in the cafe happily, the other day Inoo-san finished Keito's new clothes and it was so DAMN Handsome that the cafe was full with girls just to look at him and asking him to go out, but well.... Keito know how to deal with them.

"Not interested, Sorry".

He bow and leave, that's it, nothing more or less, he is really a gentleman, recently, he and Yaotome-san are so close, they go out together a lot, I am not saying that it is bad, it is better than seeing them fighting, but.......

"Ne Keito let's go to buy some stuff".

"Ok, tell me when you finish ".


"Keito when I saw this I remember you hahaha".

"Looks Like nothing inside your head but me huh??".

"Yeah I can't help it".


"Keito did you sleep well last night?? ".

"Un! It was so comfo-----".


I can't Take it!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!

"Yaotome-san, Keito, Please No Lovey-Dovey Act in The Cafe". I said and they blinked their eyes at me.

"Lovey-Dovey??? I was asking about the new pillow that we bought yesterday only?". Yaotome-san said and I sighed.

"Anyway, return to your work". I said and they walk away, man they are really close that makes me jealous.

I take out my phone when it vibrant for a message, it was from Ryoko saying she and Arioka-san will come for a meal, before I reply her a customer enter and I welcome her in.

"Welcome to our cafe, here is the menu for today's dishes". I give the girl the menu and she take it silently.

"3 gyuza dishes and one big cup of Ice tea". She said and I blinked my eyes.

"Your order will take a some time, hope you will wait for it".

"Ok". She said coldly and open her bag to take out her laptop, I bowed and walk away.

"What's wrong Yuto?? ". Keito asked me and I look at him.

"That short lady have high appetite, she ordered 3 dishes of gyuza, one dish of gyuza have 10 pieces, Woow~". Keito whack my head.

"Go and bring it fast then". I pouted but run to bring for her at least the ice tea until the gyuza finish.

I serve the ice tea for her and she thanks me, I walk away to serve another group of girls were there sitting and having a chat.

"Do you wish for another meal ladies?? ". I said with a smile and they look at me.

"She wish for you". One of them said as she point on her shy friend.

"Sorry this is not on our cafe list". I said and they laughed, I heard the door bell when it ring and I turn to see who, I smile just when my eyes meet Ryoko's, she blushed and smile a little before they take a seat on the usual table, I look back to the girls who were looking at me.

"So? Your Meal? ". I asked.

"You?? ". They said and laughed, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Then Please If You Finish Leave The Cafe Because You Are Taking The Table From The Others Who----".

"Wait Wait We Still Didn't Finish Ne?? ". One of them said and the others take the menu and nodded, I sighed and wait for them.

"We will have 3 noodles with you". They laughed and I cover my face with my balm.

"Excuse me, you are bothering me, I am trying to solve a problem here". I turn and see the high level of appetite yet short lady and apologize.

"See? You are bothering our customers, I will give you your order but as a takeaway, Now Please wait outside".

"We can wait here~".

"If you are bothering the other customers I will kick you out". I warn them and walk away, I saw Takaki-san with his girlfriend and Ryoko taking their orders, our eyes meet again and I bowed a little before going to the kitchen and give the order.

"Knock It Off!!". I Heard Keito's loud shout and I leave the kitchen to see what happened.

"Haa! She Should Be The One Who Should Knock It Off!! Who Think She is??". One of the girls that I warn shouts, I shake my head and walk to them.

"What's wrong Keito?? ".

"They were laughing and talking loudly so this lady ask them to keep it down yet they make it even louder". I look at them and sighed.

"Didn't I Warn You To Not Bother The Other Customers?? ". I said firmly.

"B-But She Was----".

"Asking Politely To Be Quiet, But You Didn't, So.... ". I said as I point at the door.

"What About Our Order?? ". A girl asked and I smile.

"I Will Cancel it, You already eat 2 meals and I think you are full, so thank you for coming to our cafe, have a nice day". I said and they take their things and leave but one of them stop and look at me. 

"Can... Can I have a moment with you?? ". She said and I smile to her.

"Sorry, I am still on my working hours".

"Then I will wait for you until you finish".

"Sorry I have plans". I bowed to her and she leave the cafe.

I sighed and turn to see Keito was talking to the girl and apologizing to her, I went with him and apologize to her, she said it's fine and continue her work on the laptop, but before I walk away Keito stopped me.

"Yuto, is this table have a switch? Because she didn't use the charge for her laptop yet, maybe she need it". Oh, I didn't notice that. I walk back to the girl and bowed to her.

"Sorry to disturb your work, if you can please use that table there so you can use the charge for your laptop". I said and she look at the laptop and gasp.

"I Didn't Notice That! Thank You So Much!". She take her laptop with the charge to save her laptop on time, I take her food and put it next to her.

"If you like it you can keep coming here, this will be your place". I smile to her and she look at me.

"Sure I will, Thank You".

I bowed to her and walk away, I saw Keito looking at her and I go to him.

"Keito~ She took your attention huh~". I said and he look at me with a pout.

"Is that wrong?? ". Wow!! I was right.

"No, but be careful, you know the rules".

"Un, I will".

"Oh! Go and refill for her the ice tea, I see it almost finished". I said and he nodded.

I can see him talking to her and she smile to him for a thanks, she seems a good girl, it will be nice if he start a new good relationship with someone.

"Why do I look like a mother???". I shake my head and continue my work.

Just for a few hours and we ended our work, I go to change and leave the dressing room to meet up with Ryoko who was waiting for me outside.

"Otsukaresama~". She said shyly and I smile to her.

"Thanks, let's go". Just when I wanted to hold her hand someone pull me away from my shoulders and.... WAIT WAIT WAIT!!

"STOP IT!! ". I Shout as I push the girl away from me harshly, she... She just kissed me in front of Ryoko!! Oh My God Is She Stupid!!

"I Love You!! ". She shouted and I cover my mouth in shock, she is the girl from this afternoon, she waited for me too!!

"Go Out With Me! ". She said and I looked at Ryoko who was looking at me blankly.

"R-Ryoko are you ok?? ". I asked her and she blinked her eyes and take a breath.

"I-I.... No". She said as she start shaking.


"You seems busy, I will talk to you another time". She said and walk away.

"RYOKO!!". The girl hold my arm and stop me from following her.

"You Didn't Answer Me!! ". I take my arm away and look at her angrily.

"Knock It Off!! I Said I Am Busy! And I Already Have Someone!! She Is My Girlfriend You IDIOT!". I said firmly and run after Ryoko.

"Ryoko Wait!". I shout and she stopped.

"W-Why did you follow me??". She said and I stand in front of her, she was crying and her face looks so red.

"Because I have something to tell you". She look at me.

"You still busy, you have to return to her". She said as she pass me but I stop her with a hug from behind.

"Yes I am Busy....With You". I whisper to her and she hold my hands to release the hug and turn to look at me.

"Then.... Am I Allowed To Enter Your Place anytime I want?? ". She asked and I hold her cheeks with a smile.

"Sure you are, aren't we going there now? ". I said and she nodded.

"Let's hurry and go then". I said and she smile, we start walking and holding each other's hand.

"I will forgive you if you did what I want".

"And what do you want??". She stopped and I look at her.

"A kiss.... And more".


P.S: Last chapter will be Ch 15, I Will Try To Make it The Last LoL...XD

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