Never Thawed: Frozen Fanfic

By leahkpreston

24.7K 765 340

What if Anna's heart was never melted? What would happen to Elsa? Olaf? Everyone? Who would rule Arendale now... More

Never Thawed: Frozen Fanfic
Elsa's Trial
Prisoner visit
The Execution
Author's Q&A
A note from the other side
Suprises suprises
Wait, What?
Quick note
Into the woods
Plan from the other side

Cecilia's Lament

1.1K 47 27
By leahkpreston

At dawn I'm still cradling the happy child I'm my arms. The girl is not as skinny as she was when she first got here.

Good! Her and Cecilia must be getting some nourishment!

I look towards Cecilia.

Sleeping, she looks more relaxed than I've ever seen her. When awake, she's just overcome by stress; she's like a bomb that can blow at any moment.

The little one stirs in my arms.

"Hello there." I whisper to her.

"Your mama is sleeping right now. She's been really busy trying to keep you safe." I smile.

Cecilia is a good mother.

Her daughter puts a knuckle in her mouth and rolls over to nap some more.

All is peaceful for six more hours.



I sigh happily as I sit on my throne.

It sounds nice. My throne. Not Elsa's, not, any of my brothers', but mine.

My days have been busy with making my changes to the kingdom.

A few slave laws here, a public execution there; some say I am a cruel king but I'm just the opposite. I'm giving them the discipline they need.

Elsa and her family were always too easy on the villagers. All they did if somebody stole was make them pay a fine. If you murder someone, (which rarely even happened here in their "perfect little palace") the culprit only got forty years in the dungeon and then was shipped to a reformatory base/mental hospital to be examined.

Oh what pitiful rulers they were.

Pitiful indeed.

"Your Majesty!" My head guard says rushing up to me.

I roll my eyes. "What? Can't you see I'm busy with my kingly duties?"

He sighs. "Yes your highness but I believe this is urgent!"

"Is the orphanage on fire again? If so just let it burn. We don't want to give the orphanage owner a big water bill right after all of the orphans die. It would be too stressful. What kind of a king would I be if I put my villagers under stress?"

"No my king! It's that woman we locked up a few days ago."

"Elsa? What about her?"

"No! Not the blondie the-"

"You know, I really think her hair is more of a platinum col-"


...... I'm sorry to raise my voice at you sire but no! It's the other lady! The short, dark-haired, French lady! What's her name? Cecilia Bauden! Apparently she's done more than steal bread! I heard from a villager that a young woman matching her description, is also a spy for another country!"

"What country?"

" I don't know sire... I'm pretty sure America! Apparently they want to know the secret behind our country's internationally famous music. "

"I thought that accent sounded a bit off! They can't know that! Our beautiful music and singers are all we have for income! It's like our music is their....

iPhones and Medicare taxes!" I scream in shock.

"This is treason! What should be her punishment sire?"

"Hmmmmm...... " I ponder for a moment and then it comes to me.

"Well...." I say with a devious smile.

"I was saving this for Elsa but...."



We were all sleeping soundly at 6:00am. I was the first up.

I had the sudden urge to wrap Cecilia's baby back up in her blanket. I didn't know why, but I did it anyways.

Motherly instincts probably.

I think.

She must be cold or something and I can sense it. Mother said that would happen sometimes when I'm with a child.

That baby could sleep through anything. She slept through her mom being shouted at, two storms, and being moved around a lot from me to her mother.

I gently kissed her tiny pink nose, as laughed quietly when she wrinkled it in her sleep.

Then I shift myself so I can face the window and watch the sunrise.


I jump. The baby makes a startled cry.

"No... No no honey... Shhhh... Quiet."

I crook my arm and with my free hand I carefully freeze the doors hinges.

Cecilia's child won't quit making sounds.


The voice is louder.

It's loud enough to wake the peacefully sleeping French woman.

"E-Elsa?! What's going on?!"


We both quickly look at her daughter with wide-eyes.

Cecilia gets as close as she can to me with her chains being bound and whispers.

"Listen, Elsa, whatever happens, don't worry about me. Just....make sure she is okay. She's..... all I have left. You have to protect her. Please! You're her only hope."

I nod frantically and wrap the child as tight as I can in the blanket. This baby will not be seen- not over my dead body.

I sit in complete shock as silence as the door is broken down.

A guard breaks Cecilia's chains and strikes her across the cheek.

She whimpers in pain and turns her head away.

"How dare you make an act of treason against the good king's country!"

Treason?! What the heck is this guy talking about?

Cecilia gives him the darkest, dirtiest look I've ever seen in my life. She suddenly stands up to the surprise of the gaurd.

"He is no good King." She hisses.

"HE PUT MY FAMILY IN TO SLAVERY AND WHEN HE WORKED THEM UNTIL THEY WERE SICK HE EXECUTED THEM! My father died right in front of me! Is that a good king?


The gaurd brought down his fist in her head. She crumbled to the flor in a heap.

"NOO!! I scream. I want to use my powers but I'm afraid to move in spite of the child I'm holding. I can't break my promise to my only friend.

"How dare you slander King Han's name! You should be burned at the stake! But I have a feeling our king has something much worse than that in store for you." He smiles evilly and yanks her up roughly.

Cecilia lifts her head up and weakly smiles at me.

Her last words to me are barely audible

"I'm free....Good luck my queen. Take care. Do good with my little......



Okay.... Yeah I know that got a bit dark but I wanted there to be some action!

So.... You're welcome!

Oh and don't worry. Cecilia isn't dead.


So excited to continue this, my most popular book!

Thank you all for voting, reading, sharing, just... Being a fan!

Keep on sharing and voting and stuff!

Love you my Muffins!


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