Zone Zero: Vengeance (Book 3...

By krystal-44

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**** This is part 3 of the Zone Zero series. Do not read this first**** ***Highest Ranking #13 in Vampire*** ... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2
Bonus Chapter: Cail
Bonus Chapter: Leif
Bonus Chapter: Evie
Part 4 - Coming Soon but first....I need your help!!!

Chapter 2

3.5K 254 15
By krystal-44

"We move out at sunrise. We should arrive at the castle come nightfall." Alex informs the large group of vampires in front of us.

The group has more than quadrupled in the past few days with every person ready and willing. Not one face looks blank or unsure as they receive their orders. They are all ready.

"Now is your last chance if you want out. I won't force anyone to fight for me." Alex states as we both look around the crowded room expecting a few worried faces but find none.

"Let's take the fucker down!" One vampire calls from the crowd as the room erupts into cheers.

It is clear that no one is backing down or leaving today.

"Ok then. Well, are there any questions before we start loading up?" Alex asks the supportive crowd.

"I have a question." A deep baritone voice sounds through the crowd forcing heads to turn his way.

Everyone is struggling to find where the voice came from, even Alex and I struggle from our elevated stage that we stand united on.

"And what is your question?" I ask still searching for the face that matches the voice.

Suddenly I notice movement through the mass of people as vampires begin parting to let someone through to the front of the crowd. Closer toward Alex and I.

"Can anyone join your militia here or are you no longer accepting conscripts?"

Finally, the face in the crowd comes into view and I feel a smirk grow on my lips. Standing before us is Leif along with his white wolf, Odin.

To say that both Alex and I are surprised to see him would be an understatement. He is surely the last person I expected to offer support here today. Especially given the nature of his affections towards Alex.

"If you are willing to stand with us against Cail then you are more than welcome." Alex extends his offer as Leif smiles on approvingly.

His hair has been left to hang around his shoulders as they remain covered by a large fur cloak that he no doubt, made himself. He looks broad and menacing with his oversized frame and pale hair and features. His gaze never faltering and never giving away what he is thinking.

"Well, I am here to stand with you, Aodhan. But I do hope that it's ok that I bought someone along."

Our eyes collectively follow behind Leif where another figure is stepping closer toward the stage. The figure is covered by a large black cloak with a hood obstructing the view of their face. The figure is slimmer than Leif and not as tall but still holds a sense of importance.

When the figure is standing directly beside Leif, they finally remove the forboding hood to reveal a head of long golden locks that spiral down.

Her face is familiar straight away and I have to hide my shocked expression even though Alex does not. He was definitely not expecting to see this face amongst the crowd.

"Hello, Aodhan." The velvet soft voice sounds as whispers of confusion echo around us.

"Hello, Sabina."

The whispers grow louder and a few gasps sound as every vampire here has obviously heard the name Sabina before. Whether they know this woman for being Cail and Alex's maker or in some other way is unsure but they all know her none the less.

"It seems that you have quite a lot of support my son." Her voice is hypnotic and is just as beautiful as she is.

Her golden hair shines even in the dull light and is second only to her golden orbs. They sit perfectly positioned on her face surrounded by thick lashes as they see right through everyone in this room. Her lips are full and slightly pouted as she surveys those around her, assessing their worth before letting her gaze rest solely on me.

Anxiety begins to grow in my being at her scrutinizing glare but I feel myself take a breath when I hear Alex speak to my mind.

Don't be afraid of her. You are far better than her in every way.

I don't hide the smile that fills my lips and I raise my chin higher in defiance.

"Have you come to side with us and show your support? Or are you here for some other reason?" Alex almost commands toward Sabina and I notice her shift her weight uncomfortable before raising a brow.

"I have come to talk." She says perfectly before moving her gaze from Alex to me and back again. "Alone."


We enter the conference room that Alex and our most trusted people occupied not even an hour ago and I watch Sabina intently. She strides inward and glances around the room before clasping her hands in front of her and holding her head high. Leif follows suit and stands protectively next to her as his white wolf Odin stays at the doorway, resting but on alert.

Alex and I steal a quick glance before we both stand united and ready to hear what Sabina has to say.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Alex asks with his arms crossed against his strong chest.

"I was hoping that we could speak a little more privately." Her eyes do not fall on me as she speaks but instead stare only at Alex.

"Evie is my partner in this war and in this life so there is not a chance she is leaving my side, ever."

I feel pride rise in my throat as I try to hide the wide grin that wants to be prominently displayed on my face right now. He is not only 100% right but it would also take a small army to remove me from this spot.

Sabina lets out a puff of air and her gaze falls to Leif with uncertainty.

"I think you are making a mistake with this war. Cailen is strong and his followers are many. I don't believe that either of you will make it out alive. Especially you." Her eyes direct their attention to me as she speaks her last words and I can tell that has already underestimated me. Everyone usually does.

I listen in on Alex hoping to get a readout of what he might say but am met with nothing. He has had no reaction at all to her words and seems a bit bored right now.

"If that is what you came here to say then feel free to leave." Alex's voice is cold, and his stance is even colder. He holds no candle for his maker and clearly wishes she were somewhere else.

"Aodhan, please- "she starts but is immediately cut off.

"My name is Alex. It has been for centuries and you would know that if you stuck around like a maker should." Alex spits in an angered tone.

Sabina takes a visual gulp but lets a small smile fill her face.

"You had Cailen and Keavy. I didn't think my presence was necessary anymore."

"So, you decided to leave three new vampires to the world by themselves? What sentiment you must have."

Alex's eyes roam up and down Sabina's frame causing her to shift her weight uncomfortably for a moment before he turns his eyes to me. He then sets his hand on my lower back and begins to usher us both toward the door.

"Aodhan please, you cannot win this war easily. You must know that." Her voice sounds desperate as she pleads with us to understand.

A wave of anger rushes through Alex and sends a shiver down my spine as he turns his violent stare toward Leif.

"Is this why you brought her here? To reason with me?" Leif's gaze doesn't waver nor does his stance. Alex then turns his attention back to Sabina. "I don't know why I even bothered to find you. You never even wanted to turn me into a vampire so why would you hold any remnants of love for me."

I want to tell Leif and Sabina to leave. I want them gone so that I can reach out and touch the man that I love. Comfort him without the scrutiny of their gaze. I want him to tell me everything about when he was first turned and Sabina himself so that I can pass judgement on her just like she has passed judgement on me. Most of all, I want to be there for Alex in any way he needs.

"I love every single vampire that I have made in my own ways." Her voice is so soft that I almost miss it. "Yes, it's true. I did not want to turn you. Your brother begged me to when he almost killed you by accident. I did it for him. Just like I turned Keavy for you when you brought her to me. But I have always had a place for you in my heart. Always."

Alex's rage begins to dissipate as Sabina speaks until he lets out an audible sigh.

Sabina slowly takes a step forward until she is close enough to rest her hand gently on Alex's shoulder.

"I would not have come to you if I did not care about you. I don't want to see any of my children die a needless death but if you feel this war is essential then I won't stop you. But I cannot participate either."

"Then why come at all?" Alex whispers.

"To see for myself. I have always had eyes on you over the years to see how you and your brother have evolved but I didn't believe it when I heard that a woman has helped bring back the humanity that you lost after the ordeals in Zone Zero. I wanted to see her for myself."

Her gaze then falls to me as I stop myself from having my reaction show.

Sabina's gaze at me softens until a small smile tugs her lips upwards.

"Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you can win this war."

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