The Ruivin Fantasy

By dingdongxiaoman

12.9K 187 68

Rui En and Elvin Ng has always been deemed as the perfect on-screen couple. But what happens when reel life b... More



1.2K 22 6
By dingdongxiaoman




* Rui En's POV *

" Good morning, this is your automated morning wake up call. You are not obliged to reply back. We hope you will continue to enjoy your time here! Thank you! " The annoying wake up call for me rang at exactly 6 sharp and the sharp tunes of a fake rooster call filled the room. " Can't a girl get some decent sleep around here? " I groaned out loud, removing the covers from my head as I peeked out from beneath the blankets, surveying the room. Blinking my eyes rapidly while stretching my arms and legs a bit, I headed into the bathroom to wash up. I had an <iweekly> shoot scheduled for today and had to wake up earlier so as to get ready for the special Code of Honor cover page. It would be with Elvin...but I wasn't exactly looking forward to it this time after what happened yesterday. I couldn't imagine how awkward it would be, especially after how harsh I was to him last night. I really hope he wouldn't bear a grudge towards me, although I would be quite curious of what it would be like if that ever happens. Despite my cold attitude towards him over the years, Elvin had never once lost his temper or felt annoyed, but instead managed to take it into his stride and learnt not to do a particular thing or action when I got really angry after his pranks backfired. Like that time I caught him in a particular prank he was going to pull on me...

The very first time the best onscreen couple award was given and it was awarded to me and Elvin already. I remembered that day was something I would treasure and remember forever. It was solid proof that my beliefs about being able to portray a sweet and loving couple without having to do intimate scenes was respected by others. It symbolized that people had acknowledged the fact that I was able to stick to my guts and still pull through even though I stood alone amongst many others in this industry. The feeling that someone could have been inspired by this truly meant a lot to me. Even though it was not good to take what everyone says to heart, I still do take note of what my fans' comments about me are. After the celebration, which was show 1, Elvin decided to surprise me with a whole makeup basket full of my favourite brands. Since my skin was slightly more sensitive as compared to others, I could not use the makeup that was provided by the makeup unit at mediacorp and instead had to buy my own. When I use products that did not agree with my skin, I'll start to have large red rashes appearing on my skin. That is why I'm always very careful on what kind of makeup I use, despite me being a makeup junkie that likes to rummage through drugstores now and then for new and different makeup products, experimenting with them and finding the one that suited me the most. . So upon receiving Elvin's gift, I was really delighted as my makeup supplies was running low but yet I still didn't have time to buy new ones. I remembered that I even gave Elvin a hug as I muttered my thanks to him time and time again. However as I was saying my thanks, I remembered Elvin's body starting to stiffen and I just dismissed it as pure nervousness that he finally got one hug from me after working together so long ."Perhaps he thinks I might start beating him, that's why he's like this " I remembered, the exact thoughts I was thinking at that moment. Just as he was about to say something to me though, my manager suddenly came forward, saying he had possibly found the ' The One ' perfect outfit for me to wear for show 2 of Star Awards 2010. I was really excited then, as I been trying on outfit after outfit for about a past week or so but had yet to find ' The One '. And how do I know that outfit is ' The One '? Well, that would be when I felt confident in the outfit, basically it was based on my intuition. What I felt would fit my personality and was comfortable yet still 'me'. And most of the time so far, I managed to hit the bulleye on my fashion choices so far. Looking back at Elvin apologetically, I shrugged towards him and started to follow my manager back. However, I never knew what a disastrous decision that was. Until now, I would still think back to this incident from time to time and blame myself for not listening to Elvin on what he was going to tell me.

The day of show 2 was drawing closer and on the day of the rehersal, I just realised that I had ran out of makeup. Remembering the makeup that Elvin gave to me, I decided to use them and asked the makeup lady in charge to help me while I went through the script. Don't laugh, but even the Star Awards was something scripted. They always say that it's live broadcast but all artistes know that that's not the truth. We had to memorise the cues of what to do and remember any games they were going to have us play or if we were 'lucky' enough, what to say when we went on stage for the awards or even the spoof they had every year. However, all of us really did not know who was the real winner of a particular award till the real night. So as I was going through my script, I suddenly got startled by the sudden shrill scream that had escaped from the makeup lady. " Your face.." She said, her voice shaking from fear. " Its getting all red and has rashes all over it. " while her trembling finger was pointed at my face. Feeling slightly worried now, I took a glance in the mirrors, only to find out what she said was true. " Oh my godness, how am I supposed to go out like this? Everybody will probably run away, screaming that the Loch Ness Monster has arrived. " I said in a hysterical tone, with each word getting a tone higher each time I spoke. " I don't know, I did nothing. I know you have sensitive skin so I would only use the makeup you asked me to use. The makeup on your skin came from the basket you just handed me. " the makeup lady said, her voice shaking. " Don't worry, I'm not angry. Can you please just help me get my manager and ask him for solutions to help solve this problem? I said, trying to keep calm. This had happened before so I wasn't that worried. And anyways, the after effects was only having to live with rashes, nothing else. But I soon realised I spoke too soon. After a few minutes, I realised that my face started to itch really badly. That was then I realised this was no simple prank of just switching my makeup. Elvin must have had planed this for a long time. But couldn't he have picked a more suitable time to pull this kind of prank? After all, Star Awards 2010 was just tommorow and if I didn't fix this problem soon, I might have to forgo the whole ceremony. But I couldn't disappoint my fans by not appearing for the show, which was what I felt like doing right then and there. Seething with anger and trying my best to stop gnashing my teeth together, I released my hands which were tightly coiled together in a fist shape, getting ready to punch that silly boy black and blue. He really did not have a single inch of common sense in that dimwitted brain of his.

Only after visiting the doctor and getting some medicine that helped with the rashes and the itch was I slightly appeased. Elvin had decided to make peace with me by giving me a basket full of the real and genuine makeup
that I really used. And how did I know? That was because I made Elvin use it before I did. That may seem a little mean but if he really dared to pull such a insensitive prank a second time, then he really deserves it. I had no idea why, but Elvin also had very sensitive skin, which was highly unusual with his gender. But still, I was not bought over so easily with just a basket of makeup and rejected his apology until he forced me to accept it. But that would be a whole other story altogether. One reason Elvin wanted me to forgive him at all odds may be because I actually gave Elvin the cold shoulder that entire time after he pulled the prank on me and I didn't want to forgive him, ignoring him when he spoke, plugging in my earphones to ignore him when he spoke incessantly without stopping despite my silence. That was my first time doing that to him so I was pretty sure that made him draw a line where his pranks were considered. And that was also probably when I started to have a little more trust in him when he didn't give up on me despite me being extremely difficult to him...

Taking a break from my memories. I tried to exhale some fresh clean air to think better. At least through this, I finally managed to sort out my feelings towards him. I made it clear with myself that I had feelings for him and that he probably did had feelings for me too. At least that's what I hoped. After all, he was equally nice to all other artists apparently. What if I thought he had a crush on me when actually that's just the way he behaved around everybody. And if I suddenly just confess to him that I might have developed some feelings for him when he didn't reciprocate them, wouldn't I be placing my trust in the wrong person? I just can't bear the thought of having to be disappointed and rejected all over again. I simply didn't have the courage to speak to him about it. But what if he confessed that he had feelings for me? What was I supposed to do? I still have yet to figure our whether or not to accept his feelings straightaway or not if that really happens. Should I confess to him too? Or maybe I could run away? What if I asked him to be my boyfriend? No, definitely not the last one. Maybe he could ask me..though of course that was stereotyping, of the guys asking the girls out. But truthfully I wouldn't know how to speak to him about this matter. How weird would it be during the photoshoot later are we supposed to act all couple-like when I didn't even dare to face up to him. No, I must not run away from my problems. If he wasn't going to confess to me, then I will not stop myself from confessing to him. But then again, I would much rather hide my true feelings rather than initiating everything. After all, there were only two complications to this solution. The first one would be having to live with the awkwardness of acting all couple like with Elvin even when I fully know that I now like him. Another would be bottling up the feelings that I had for him. And I just hate not being able to be true to my feelings but when it comes to love, though I guess it's always better to be safe than sorry.

I changed into a comfortable white shirt with a simple design and a loose and baggy pair of shorts, allowing my shoulder length hair to hang down loosely. It was casual, comfortable and still me, without looking sloppy, but instead managed to strike a balance in making me look presentable. However, that was also a look that would not attract too much attention which was great. I started on my makeup, first patting on a thin layer of foundation on my skin. I always tried to put on minimal makeup during my personal time, but always made sure to put on just a little bit of foundation so that it would be easier for the makeup artists. Straight afterwards, I applied my must have sunscreen lotion. There were three different types that I used, one for the body, one for the face and one last one for the undereye. Ever since I was 14, my mother would force me to apply sunblock as she insisted that it was one thing all girls should do to protect themselves from the UV rays. Afterwards, I picked out a long pair of boots that went with my shorts and took my bag hanging on the wall, locking the door behind me as I made my way to breakfast.

A soft clip-clopping of my boots could be heard in the hallway, even though the floor was fully carpetered and muffled out most noises. I reached my hand out and clicked the button at the lift lobby whilst using my phone to check my schedule for the day. I was deeply engrossed in the packed and seemingly breakless shoots lined up for me today and was slightly disappointed as I thought I would be able to get a little more sleep and rest. The lift arrived and I slowly stepped in, not looking up from my phone once. Just as the lift door was about to close, an arm stuck out through the doors, causing the lift to open once more and resulting in me starting my day off with a piercing scream since I didn't expect anyone to stop the lift like that. For a moment, I thought that the person'a hand had gotten stuck or something. It was really only afterwards when I realised that it was Elvin who had actually stopped the lift door.... We were suddenly standing face to face and it was like I had suddenly lost my voice. The tension in the air was so 'thick' that you could slice it multiple times and it still wouldn't be gone. I've never heard silence quite so loud. Elvin was the first one to break the silence though. "Hey. Did you sleep well last night?" Elvin asked, hand brushing through his already messier and ruffled hair which still somewhat suited his outfit that day -- white shirt and brown pants. I didn't know if I should reply or not so I just glanced at him and went back to using my phone, acting as though I didn't hear him. He placed his hands in his pockets as he stood next to me. I somehow felt a little shy and awkward with his sudden appearance. After all, less than 30 minutes ago, I was thinking about him. Wait, I was thinking about whether did I love him. That was actually a pretty frightening thought. In order to avoid even more awkward situations, I decided to nod my head or shake it whenever he asked a question. This way, I wouldn't need to face him and look at him straight in the eyes then.

"So, uh, many schedules lined up today, huh?" He half laughed and half mumbled. He was extremely nervous which I could tell when he stumbled on his speech.


"Did you rest enough?" He continued.


"Oh, okay. Great!" He said, a terse smile on his face.

Cue a minute of awkward sudden silence.

He stopped for a second before saying, "Uhm, erhm, sorry...well sorry about last night. But I meant it all. I mean I meant the apology." He paused and truthfully I was slightly disappointed. For a moment I thought he had actually kissed me accidentally and as I did not want to give myself high hopes, I continued staring at my phone screen which had already shut down on its own. "And it doesn't mean I regretted giving you the kiss....Do you get what I mean?" He said, his last few words a soft whisper.

I...I did. At least I think I did. I hope I haven't heard it wrongly, but at that moment, I was totally brain dead and didn't know what to do at all. Just then, the lift door opened, saving me from answering this question. I hurriedly walked out, cheeks flushing red, and went to put my bag down at a corner, carefully choosing a window seat that overlooked the view below. I left my phone on the table and went to queue up for the buffet breakfast. It was a hectic and busy day ahead thus I had to make sure that I had enough food in the morning to ensure that I would have sufficient energy for the rest of the day. After all, if the photoshoot doesn't go well,there was no telling when we could stop for a break to have lunch. I picked up a bowl of porridge, some slices of chicken ham, an egg, as well as a bowl of fruits for that extra nutrition and proteins. As I made my way to the table, I realised that the seat opposite me was occupied --- by Elvin's haversack. I bit my lip and placed my handful of food down. As I turned around to get a drink, I bumped into Elvin. He was carrying two cups of milo dinosaur, which was just what I was about to make for myself as it was way too early for a hot cup of coffee. He ended up losing his balance and first thing I thought of doing was to grab him. I grabbed his elbows and pulled tight as his hands were occupied. Though my gesture did prevent him from falling, it cause the hot piping milo to spill down his white T-shirt. I looked at the stain, horrified by the mess I made. Truthfully the T-shirt was quite thin, so even a stain like this made it slightly see through, thus revealing his skin. The shirt stuck to his stomach, fitting the shape of his well-toned abs. I glanced at it for a second and looked away again. What am I doing! Stop oogling at him, it's just abs. Nothing to ' fangirl ' over. But those abs were really hot though... Stop it ruien. This isn't normal. You're acting like a pervert to someone you've known for years. How embarrassing is that? Shaking my head to clear my improper thoughts, I started to focus on the bigger problems. Such as the huge stain that had appeared on Elvin's shirt.

"Oh. My. Gosh. What have I done. I must have bad luck whenever I'm with you, like yesterday when you nearly fell and it ended up with me falling instead, or now with you ending up with a wardrobe malfunction just because of me..." I rambled on and on before I stopped myself from continuing, shaking my head, as if getting away those thoughts I had just mumbled out loud. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Oh no, your white shirt is stained really badly. It may not come off if you don't soak it off immediately ! You should go and rinse it off quick! Go to the toilet." I said, my nerves getting all frazzled up. "Oh dear, and this is a branded shirt . I will get you a nice new one back I promise. I...." I looked up to him and realised that he was actually smirking. "Uh...what's wrong? Do you think this is funny? It really must have hurt isn't it right? Don't act strong in front of me, I know you are a weakling, especially against me." I laughed, taking out a packet of tissue from my bag which contained everything I may need for an emergency, be it a make up one, a wardrobe malfunction or even one like this. "I see somebody finally found something again, isn't that right?" Elvin finally spoke. For a split second, I thought he was angry with me. Yet I was confused by his sentence. Did he mean the tissue paper? I knew it was in my bag all along. "I see that somebody has finally found her voice." He laughed, looking at my unamused reaction. I raised my eyebrows and handed the tissue over to him, fingertips touching slightly, sending goosebumps throughout my body. The whole time since last night, we haven't had a proper conversation, so this was counted as one I suppose. " Since you can make a joke, it must mean that you are alright already. Go clean up by yourself." I sat down, drinking the milo dinosaur. He really did know what I needed in the morning and was even thoughtful enough to make it for me. He probably didn't know how much I appreciated his small gestures. Even something small like this could be the thing that brightens up and allows me to start my day better. Elvin never realised, but these were the things he did that caused my heart to waver. " Oh yeah, just admit it. You were totally checking me out just now. " Elvin said, with a huge smirk on his face. " No I wasn't, I was just... I was just assessing the best way to clear up the mess I made." I said, trying to make my lie sound plausible. I thought I had been discreet when I looked at him but I guess I wasn't discreet enough. Urgh, I would never be able to live this down if I admitted to him I was checking him out so I just kept my mouth shut, hoping my flushed checks won't be a huge tellaway sign. Sometimes I do wonder if having fair skin was a good or bad thing. My pale skin made the redness in my cheeks more obvious and noticeable straightaway. I looked away from him and started on my breakfast instead.

Elvin started to raise his eyebrows disbelieving, but he didn't pursue the matter any longer. I let out a sigh of relief as I tucked in to the scrumptious spread I had taken. I was in pure bliss for the next few minutes, munching on my food happily, oblivious to my surroundings. Just then, I realised that Elvin was eating a salad but the point was that he had gotten the salad dressing all over the corners of his mouth. I couldn't stand seeing the mess so I told him to wipe it, using my face as a mirror image for him. He wiped it once but he just couldn't seem to clear the one on his cheek no matter what. Feeling slightly impatient, I decided to do it for him. Taking out a piece of leftover tissue paper from the same packet just now, I tenderly started to clean his stain on his mouth. Until I realised Elvin was staring at me, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt little electric sparks erupting, and just as I was about to lean forward slightly, my phone started to buzz with message. It read that today's photoshoot was postponed due to weather conditions and we could have a day off today. Squealing happily, I showed it to Elvin. I realised I could have a chance today to possibly catch the martial arts movie I wanted to catch. It was to enhance my background knowledge of martial arts, something that I always do in order to get to know a character better. I would try to watch things that are more "her" than me, read up on information that would be useful to "her" etc. I was recently addicted to these martial arts movies at that time and thus tried to finish as many as possible so as to understand what it really was like. I decided to ask Elvin if he wanted to catch the movie but he declined since he had no interest in that genre of movies and partially because he had already watched it. I shrugged, as this was his lost and not mine. I then started to ignored him and continued to shower my food with attention as I ate it dutifully. I started to take a huge slip of my Milo after finishing my food, slurping up the remains of what was left, only to leave bits of milo powder and froth stuck all around especially at the region above my mouth. I reached out for a tissue to clean it, only to realize I ran out of it after helping Elvin to wipe his stain. Frowning, I started to use my hands to wipe it off, only to be stopped by Elvin. " Let me help. " he said, and with that, his hand made its way to my chin, slightly and gently lifting it, as he started to lean forward towards me. And I stared at him, star struck as well as shocked by what just happened. However deep inside my heart, I could hear the rapid beating of my fragile heart, it's beating rate spiking up each time Elvin got closer.

And that was when I took a deep breath, trying my best to stop breathing, trying my best to prolong this moment. This perfect, heart stopping moment.

-4205 words-

----- End of Chapter 5-----

Hey hey,
So how did you all find this chapter? XD We had loads of fun writing this~ Hope you enjoyed it ;D So RUIVIN have finally figured out their feelings for each other huh! Wonder what will happen next, then read on! (Though, spoiler alert, they won't be GF and BF so soon cause we feel it should be something that will build up after time~) Both of us will be quite busy tomorrow so depending on whether we can write! Apologies for not being able to update daily and thanks so much for being patient :) Sometimes we really have other things on too so we hope you will understand!

REMEMBER TO LEAVE A COMMENT, VOTE AND GIVE THIS A STAR or do anything actually :D We truly appreciate each and every one of you for supporting us! We will take into consideration any idea provided as well as any constructive feedback we receive! Thanks so, so much ~ <3
Lots of luff,
KX and YT :P

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