I Told You, I'm A Monster

By SpringDayEnthusiast

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Kim Namjoon was an ordinary man. Incredibly smart. Bright future all laid out for him. Until that fateful day... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Eighteen

143 9 3
By SpringDayEnthusiast

Namjoon jolts awake after having a nightmare. In it, he slit Seokjin's throat and then raped him until he died. Just like what he used to do to his female victims. Shocked, he looks down to see his dick standing full and hard underneath his thin blanket. “What the hell? No, this can't be happening.” He clenches his eyes shut and calls to mind the images of the day before, of Seokjin's warm, smooth skin, the sexually alive look on his face, the way he moved and writhed underneath him. After a few moments, the images of killing and raping his doctor fade away, and he cautiously opens his eyes to see that the faintest rays of light are beginning to stream in through the window and his dick is still painfully hard.

He has at least an hour before anyone will come to check on him, so he decides to lie back and take care of his little (or rather, not so little) problem. The second he closes his eyes again though, he sees Seokjin in front of him, and blood is pouring from his throat. Namjoon immediately opens his eyes again and groans in frustration.

He doesn't want to be having these images. He doesn't want Seokjin to die, especially by his hand. He only has female victims, and he's never killed a man before.

Not only that, but he has feelings for Seokjin that he's never had for anyone else before. He feels an urge to protect the older, which should be the other way around, considering Seokjin is his doctor.

'Could I be trying to protect him from myself?'

'No, if I were doing that then I wouldn't have fucked him.

'Why did I fuck him anyway?'

'Because he's a beautiful human being, inside and out. He cares about me, and he actually wanted me to fuck him.'

'And there lies the difference. I've never had sex with anyone who wanted me before.'

'So what? He's caring, but why shouldn't he die just like all those women?'

'Because he's just special!'

Namjoon growls in frustration and firmly grasps his head between his hands to shut out the inner voices. He doesn't have to explain himself to anyone. Seokjin is his, and Seokjin is special. He doesn't want to kill him. He will not kill him.

If he's so settled in his resolve, though, why do images of a dead Seokjin keep flashing through his mind? And furthermore, why does Namjoon not try as hard to make them go away?

'Just admit it. You want him dead, just like you wanted all the others dead.'

'No, I don't! The images are just too strong.'

'There's a reason for that, Namjoon.'

“Damn it shut up!” He growls softly. He needs to see Seokjin again so he can talk to him about this. Glancing at the clock, he sees that he has two more hours to wait. He can do this. He has to.


When Jimin finally regains consciousness, he's in his own bed, fully clothed, and lying on his back with almost no recollection of what had happened the day before. Jungkook is staring out the window at the sparrows building their nest. “Jungkook?” Jimin rasps out, frowning at the sound of his voice. “What happened?”

Slowly, Jungkook turns and wheels himself to the side of Jimin's bed, the corners of his mouth twitching a little. “I fucked you, and I choked you so hard you passed out. You came really hard, and when I came, I was too enraptured to notice I was completely cutting off your air supply. Sorry, hyung.”

Jimin's eyes widen, and his hand subconsciously rubs at his tender throat, sending a shiver down his spine. “I-it's okay, Jungkook-ah. I guess you redressed me and put me in bed too?” Jungkook nods, and Jimin reaches out to squeeze his hand. “Thank you.”

“You're not mad at me?” Jungkook asks, his face registering total shock. “I've never made you pass out before.”

Jimin shrugs and climbs off of the bed to straddle Jungkook's hips. “It's not any worse than the time you made me bleed for an hour when we tried knife play.”

“That's true.” Jungkook's fingertips graze the hem of Jimin's shirt and slide underneath it to lightly scratch his back. Just when he's about to lean in, there's a knock on the door, and Jimin springs back into his bed before Jungkook can even blink.

The door opens, revealing a young female nurse. “Jimin, Dr. Zhang needs to speak with you. It's about Hoseok's test results.” Jimin nods and, after exchanging a glance with Jungkook, follows the nurse out of the room and down the hallway, staying quiet and polite the whole time, even on the elevator ride to another floor. When they reach Dr. Zhang's office, the man is pacing back and forth and frowning over his chart. He puts it down though when he sees the nurse and Jimin standing there.

“Ah, thank you Ming-Yu for bringing Jimin.” Ming-Yu bows and leaves the two men to talk. “Jimin, I'm sure you're aware of just how serious Hoseok's condition has been.”

“Yes, Dr. Zhang. Is he okay?”

“Actually, he's better than we could have expected.” The doctor smiles. Jimin searches for a hint of fakeness or hesitation in his smile but finds none. “Being his doctor, that's all I can tell you.”

“So, why am I here?” Jimin settles into one of the chairs in front of his desk.

The smile is gone from Dr. Zhang's lips in an instant. “He told us that he never wants to see you again, and he wants you to stay away from him if you see him anywhere.”

“What?” Jimin's entire being floods with anger, but he forcefully pushes it down. “But he's one of my closest friends!”

“Jimin, you have to understand, this is for his benefit and for him to get better. Don't you want that for him?”

Jimin forces tears from his eyes (they're tears of anger, but the doctor doesn't have to know that) and bows his head. “Of course I do.” After a few minutes of silence, he lifts his head. “Did you need anything else? Or can I maybe help somehow?”

“Thank you for understanding.” Dr. Zhang walks to the door and places his hand on the handle, hesitating a moment and looking back at Jimin as he stands up. “That's all, Jimin. Just remember what I told you.” He opens the door and Jimin walks out, being met with Ming-Yu again so she can escort him back to his room. He sees Hoseok passing by, and the two lock eyes for a split second before Hoseok whips his head around to pay attention to whatever the patient next to him is telling him.

Jimin looks after him longingly, and he sighs with longing as he gets back to his room and leans against the door. Jungkook is in front of him in an instant. “Hyung? What happened?”

“Hoseok-hyung said he doesn't want to see me anymore, and I'm not allowed to talk to him.” He starts pacing back and forth, his hands tangling in his hair. “This won't do. This just will not fucking work. I had plans, Jungkook-ah!”

Jungkook thinks he knows what the older is talking about, but he tilts his head to the side anyway and asks “What kind of plans, hyung?”

“I was going to have him kill himself, and then I was going to kill myself so we could be together forever.” A soft, choppy laugh. “But I can't do that now.” He stops in his tracks when he sees the stricken, hurt look on Jungkook's face. “That was before you got here, and before they took my knives away.” Jimin settles in Jungkook's lap, and presses close to him. “As long as I have you Jungkookie, I don't need him.”

"You're damn right.” Jungkook's look of shock turns to one of anger. “And I'm going to show you exactly what happens when a naughty boy like you tries to escape his Daddy.” Clothes are removed and soon, Jungkook is fucking Jimin more roughly than he ever has before. He takes no mercy on the older, using every trick he has up his sleeve to bring Jimin the most pain he can possibly give while being temporarily confined to a wheelchair. (Yet, as always, Jimin also feels maximum pleasure and bites Jungkook's shoulder so hard it nearly breaks his skin, just to keep himself from screaming.) It ends in Jimin being unconscious again, but this time, Jungkook barely finds it in him to care. He redresses Jimin and places him back on his bed, and then he turns away to look out the window at the sparrows' nest, which now has five small, beautiful eggs in it. Despite himself and his anger at Jimin, Jungkook finds himself smiling and wishing protection over this beautiful work of nature that somehow decided to happen right outside his window.


Seokjin has no idea what's in store for him when he walks in to Namjoon's room for their daily appointment. He expects his patient to be as relaxed and happy as he is after what had transpired the day before, but instead, when he looks through the window on the door, he's greeted with a wild-haired, wide-eyed, restless man, whose clothes and hair are disheveled as he walks around the room, muttering to himself and seemingly not seeing Seokjin at first. The doctor takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, resisting the urge to flinch when Namjoon trains his eyes on him.

The two men look into each other's eyes for a moment before Seokjin opens the door and enters the room, waiting to see what Namjoon will do before he makes a move. “Good morning, Namjoon-ah,” he says quietly.

“Hi hyung.” Namjoon's voice is raspy, either from screaming or crying, Seokjin can't tell. “You can sit down. I'm not going to hurt you.” He sits on his bed, and Seokjin pulls out the metal chair and sits down, perching his notepad on his knee as he crosses his legs.

He records the date and time before looking up at his patient. “What happened, Namjoon? I won't judge you for whatever you say.”

“Do you promise?” Namjoon looks at his doctor imploringly, as if his very life depends on Seokjin saying yes.

“Yes, Namjoon-ah, I promise.” Namjoon visibly relaxes and proceeds to tell his doctor about the dream he'd had, the thoughts he's having, the voices in his head that keep convincing him to kill Seokjin.

“They won't stop.” Namjoon's voice cracks and he rests his face in his hands as his shoulders shake with quiet sobs. “The voices won't stop. I don't want to kill you, hyung. I love you.” The last three words are out of his mouth before he can stop them, and in the next instant, he feels Seokjin's weight pressing into the mattress next to him and his arms wrapping around his shoulders.

“What do you need me to do?” Seokjin asks softly.

Namjoon looks up at him with tear-stained cheeks and wide eyes. “Y-you're not scared of me?”

“Of course not.” Seokjin moves them so that they're facing each other. “I love you too, Namjoon. I'm not scared because I know that in your heart, you want to protect me. Tell me what I can do, and I'll do it. No matter what it is. I am going to see about changing your medications, because there are a couple that are specially made to stop your inner voices from attacking you.”

“Just love me. Save me.” Namjoon's body bows forward, and Seokjin catches him in his strong arms and lets him cry, quietly soothing him and running his hands up and down his back as he kisses the top of his head.

“Shh, Namjoon-ah, it's okay. You're going to be okay.”

“I don't want to kill you, hyung. I don't want you to die. I want to be with you.” Namjoon speaks between broken sobs. He pulls away to look into Seokjin's eyes again. “But my nature and what I did for so many years is ingrained in my psyche and my very being. Hell, you knew that when you met me.” He pauses, looks down at his hands. “Am I too far gone to be saved?”

“No, you're not.” Seokjin gently takes his patient's face in his hands, gently willing him to look into his eyes. “I'm going to make sure of it.” With that, he leans forward to kiss Namjoon, searchingly, longingly, lovingly. When they pull away, Seokjin speaks again. “You can get past this.”

“Are you sure?” Namjoon sniffles and wipes his nose on his sleeve.

Before Seokjin can answer, there's a knock on the door. Both men look up to see Dr. Lee. “Good morning. What's going on here?” Namjoon hurriedly wipes his tears away, his fingers brushing against Seokjin's, and the doctor quickly drops his hands.

“Namjoon is struggling with the voices in his head,” Seokjin says, choosing his words carefully. “My hands on his face were a gesture of comfort. I'm sorry if it was unprofessional.” He stands and bows to the older doctor.

“I see. Just don't let it happen again.” Seokjin nods, and Dr. Lee pulls out a chart and then pulls Seokjin out into the hallway. “It seems that Jimin is unconscious in his room. Jungkook is saying he has no idea what happened. I'm just warning you so you can be fully alert when you have your appointment with him later.”

Since Seokjin has been meeting him every day for a good chunk of time now, he's pretty sure that Jungkook is lying and he did have something to do with Jimin's unconsciousness, but he can't very well tell Dr. lee that because that would be violating doctor-patient confidentiality. So, he simply nods and jots something down in his notepad. “Thank you, sunbae-nim. May I get back to Namjoon now?”

“Yes, of course. Do you need more time with him? I can let Jungkook know if you do.”

Thinking back on yesterday and how there might be a possibility of Namjoon fucking him again, Seokjin keeps a professional demeanor as he nods. “Yes, and can we have the window on the door covered as well? He feels more comfortable that way.”

Dr. Lee nods, and then he tilts his head to the side. “Why does he feel more comfortable with the window being covered?”

Seokjin comes up with a quick lie that won't sound too far-fetched. “The voices in his head have convinced him that he can't talk if anyone can see in through that window.”

“I see.” Dr. Lee's eyebrows knit together. “I'll put something over the window. I'm giving you an extra hour, Seokjin. Be careful, okay?”

“I will, sunbae-nim. Thank you.” The two exchange a bow and Seokjin heads back into Namjoon's room to find the younger sitting back on his bed, his hard cock straining against his pants.

“Come here, hyung. Please.” Namjoon bites his lip and watches Seokjin approach him slowly. “While you were talking to Dr. Lee, I thought of how badly I wanted to fuck you again. But we might not have enough time now.” He gasps when Seokjin palms his crotch.

“I got him to give us an extra hour.” With those words, Namjoon has Seokjin naked and prepped within minutes, and he fucks him at an animalistic, frenzied pace, Seokjin having to stuff a pillow in his mouth to muffle his moans and cries of pleasure with each sharp thrust directly to his prostate. He cums all over Namjoon's stomach, and Namjoon drives him to another powerful orgasm before releasing deep inside him. “Namjoon, I think I'm addicted to your cock.” Seokjin giggles cutely as he bends to retrieve his pants and boxers, and Namjoon chuckles in a deep voice.

“Then it's a damn good thing we see each other every day.” The two finish dressing and, after Seokjin makes sure his hair looks like he didn't just get fucked into oblivion, exchange a kiss as the doctor leaves the room, trying not to wince at the pain that shoots through his legs, as he exchanges Namjoon's chart for Jungkook's and heads to his room.

Little does Seokjin know that Namjoon fucked him so hard with the images of his doctor covered in his own blood.

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